A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 121: Sweeping across five realms five


call out! call out!

The two figures passed through the black land, came to a new strange stone pillar forest, and landed on a stone pillar platform at the edge of the stone pillar forest.

With her eyes closed, Cretia sensed it for a moment, then said to Green: "There are no wizard apprentices with more than 300 sensed points in this area nearby. We should explore deeper."


Under the pale mask, Green responded, then led Credia toward the center of the pillar forest. At this time, Green had a giant ax on his back. It was also the top magic weapon of the wizard apprentice. Although Green was not very comfortable in using it, he could only make do with it first.

After seeing some wizard apprentices sporadically, and after confirming that this was the territory of wizard apprentices in District 13, Green frowned and said: "After flying for so long, haven't you sensed the wizard apprentices with more points?"

Credia shook her head with an ugly expression.

Feeling a little surprised, Green simply flew towards a few wizard apprentices in the distance who had less than 100 points. Everyone on the other side was on alert. A wizard apprentice was the only one among them with a mark of more than fifty. Wearing a beautiful wreath, her skin is somewhat dark, and she is holding an old wooden magic wand.

"Another strong man from the outer area!"

The witch apprentice screamed after seeing the mark on Credia's forehead. He held the badge tightly with one hand and activated the magic wand with the other hand. However, this hand was shaking a little, as if he recalled something scary.

Green kept his distance and waved his hand, trying his best to show that he was not hostile, and then asked: "Where are the strong men in your area?"

Hearing what Green said, several wizard apprentices in District 13 relaxed slightly. The wizard apprentices stared at Green cautiously and said bitterly: "How can there be any strong ones? Originally, after the first day of the secret realm, District 13 was the strongest. The wizard apprentices have gathered together and divided into two groups to start a decisive battle as agreed upon to settle the fateful grievances of those years. But... "

Speaking of this, the sorcerer apprentice seemed to remember something frightening, and trembled: "However, just the second day after entering the secret realm, a sorcerer apprentice from the 15th district appeared here, and the decisive battle was about to enter. All the wizard apprentices in the stalemate stage were wiped out in one fell swoop. Except for the nine strongest unsealers, many other wizard apprentices didn't even have time to crush the badges, and they turned into blood mist... "

The nine strongest wizard apprentices

It is absolutely impossible to have nine legendary wizard apprentices. From this point of view, there should be no legendary wizard apprentices born in this area in the past hundred years, and the overall strength is also weak, far weaker than that of District 12.

Cretia said in shock: "Your Excellency Green, is this wizard apprentice from District 15 the same as you speculated before..."

Green nodded and affirmed: "Who else could it be besides Hill Woods? No wonder it was only the third day, when the points of the wizard apprentices were still so scattered, that guy was able to plunder so many points. It turned out that the second God has wiped out all the strong men in the entire thirteenth district."

The witch apprentice in District 13 on the opposite side quickly explained: "It's not what you think. Our District 13 is not without any resistance. It's just because those strong people have fought successive battles..."

Green certainly knows what the other person means.

However, for a District 13 that does not have legendary wizard apprentices like Ice Age Millie and Primordial Curse Aldiolo, even if there were no reasons such as exhaustion of magic power at the time, as long as there was enough time, all of them would be expelled from the secret realm by Hill Woods or even It was only a matter of time before he was killed.

After all, Hillwoods is a stronger guy than the average legendary wizard apprentice, and he is a monster in the mouth of the Son of the Sun.

Cretia sighed and murmured: "I really regret that I didn't go to see the grace of Hill Woods because of fear. The entire Holy Tower Qualification Tournament actually trembled in fear because of him in both areas."

As he said that, Credia looked at Green with a teasing look and said, "But... to be able to suppress or even kill that kind of monster, Lord Green's strength is really unfathomable. Then again, these two The regional points will soon be in the hands of Mr. Green, and the twelve districts will also be added. I am afraid that the peak reward of the entire Holy Tower Secret Realm Qualification Competition must be Mr. Green, right?"

Faced with Credia's flattery, Green just glanced at him under the pale mask and said coldly: "It's better to be absolutely sure. As my mentor said, if you want to strive for the highest reward, The safest and most assured way is to drive all competitors out of the secret realm!”

Cretia opened her mouth, obviously knowing that Green was going to completely sweep all the competitors in the five areas, and sighed: "Hey, then we have to work hard in this area for two days, because there are no high-level wizard apprentices to clean it." "Tidy up", the points are still scattered now. You see, such a weak wizard apprentice has not left the secret realm."

Green glanced at the nervous wizard apprentices opposite him, shook his head, showed no interest in these points, and flew directly into the distance.

Credia smiled at several wizard apprentices. The charming and alluring charm immediately made several of the male wizard apprentices change their expressions slightly, and they immediately covered it up, but they felt that Credia's words kept lingering in their ears. Laughter, that graceful and graceful figure always comes back to my eyes.

Three hourglass hours later.

After Green and Credia were bored and expelled nine wizard apprentices with only three to four hundred points, Credia pointed in one direction and said: "Hey, there is a mark four thousand meters over there worth about six hundred. The wizard's apprentice."


Green said in surprise: "Is it a fish that slipped through the net under Hill Woods? The strongest of the wizard apprentices we just solved is only at the lower level of the top ten masters in District 12. If they were in District 12, maybe now they I didn’t even collect three hundred points.”

Cretia said: "It's very possible. There are no decent strong men in this area now, and wizard apprentices similar to the second level of the top ten masters are enough to dominate this thirteenth district. By the way, once I heard that The instructor said that decades ago, two wizard colleges in District 13 had a war with wizard colleges in other areas. As a result, the two wizard colleges in District 13 were defeated and even the wizard tower was razed to the ground. "

The wizard's tower was razed to the ground!

A look of surprise appeared in Green's eyes. Other wizard apprentices may not know this, but Green knows that the Wizard Tower is one of the main sources of power for level 4 or above Stigma Wizards! Without the increase of the Wizard Tower, a level 6 Stigma Wizard would probably be no match for a Level 4 Holy Tower Wizard.

Of course, Green doesn't know the specific degree of energy increase, but through the research of mentor Peranos, it should be a lot.

From this point of view, there is a reason for the decline of District 13.

It is very likely that the stigma wizards in that area had conflicts with the stigma wizards in other areas, which triggered a real academy war in the wizard world. Then, with the defeat of the two wizard academies in District 13 and the complete destruction of the wizard tower After being razed to the ground, this generation of wizard apprentices declined as a whole.

If there is no guidance from a mentor, a wizard apprentice wants to rely on his own wisdom to become a legendary wizard apprentice

too difficult…

With a sigh, it seems that even the great wizards of Stigmata are by no means harmonious. The competitive relationship between wizards is definitely guided by a higher level of consciousness. And these guiding classes are most likely the real masters of the wizarding world, the Holy Tower True Spirit Wizards.

As for the reason…

In Green's mind, he had vaguely guessed at the secret of the wizarding world through Peranos. He had vaguely guessed the true meaning and determination of such guidance. While he was determined to win the peak reward of this Holy Tower Qualification Tournament, he felt an indescribable pain. also resurfaced.

Will the wizarding world really be like the mentor said one day in the future...

"What's wrong with you?" Credia asked in surprise.

Green said calmly: "Nothing. Let's go to the target location."

As Green flew away, Credia didn't know what Green was thinking, but she didn't care too much. Anyway, her points have exceeded two thousand. According to Credia's calculation, even one thousand points after leaving the secret realm is enough to qualify as a preparatory demon hunter.

What's more... the situation in this year's Holy Tower Qualification Competition seems to be a little different!

If Green continues to sweep through like this and expel so many powerful wizard apprentices from the secret realm, I am afraid that while the points will be concentrated on Green, the scores of other wizard apprentices who become demon hunting wizards will be pitiful. This is also As a result, the qualification points for being selected as a demon hunter may be lower than in previous years.

After two consecutive days of sweeping, Green and Cretia also left District 13 and flew towards the next Stone Pillar Forest again.

The remaining two areas should be areas of normal development...

Now that five days have passed, according to normal circumstances, if there are legendary wizard apprentices in those two areas, they should have collected the basic mark points in their own areas, and then the next step is to prepare to explore other areas.

Green must seize the time to go to the next area, otherwise if he is separated from the legendary wizard apprentice in that area, he will have to spend a lot of effort.

As for the legendary wizard apprentice in the last area, it is very likely that he will separate from Green and go to a different area.


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