A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 122: Sweeping across five realms six


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Cretia, who was familiar with the road and came to the Stone Pillar Forest in District 14, pointed Green in the direction of a wizard apprentice with a mark value of about 400.

After a while.


Credia was surprised and said: "No, the wave of imprints sensed is obviously in the nearby area, how come there is no one there? Could it be a wizard apprentice who is good at hiding and disguising?"

Under the pale mask, Green sneered, raised the tomahawk in his hand, and in a flash, he rushed towards an open space a hundred meters away, and dropped the tomahawk.


After the ground shook and a large amount of dust filled the air, Green frowned and took out the tomahawk from the huge crater. His eyes looked at the blood stain that appeared out of thin air more than ten meters away.

"Sure enough, this ax is a bit awkward." Green thought in his mind.

As the air around the blood stain gradually distorted and changed, a chameleon about five meters long appeared. At the same time, a severed tail was bouncing in the open space on its own, and it could no longer remain invisible and transparent.

The chameleon slowly opened its mouth, and a naked female wizard apprentice with a slightly purple face came out of its throat. She looked at Green under the pale mask and Credia further away with some horror, and swallowed. After drooling, he said in a hoarse voice: "The strong man from District 12..."

Obviously, this wizard apprentice also deduced from Cretia that Green was a strong man from across regions.

However, Green did not want to get involved with the wizard apprentice and asked directly: "I want to know the information about the strongest person in your area."

"If you are willing to sign a non-aggression contract with me, I will give his information..."


Green sneered and said lightly: "No need, I just want to make sure there are several legendary wizard apprentices in this area."

The next moment, Green turned into an afterimage and struck down with his axe.

Of course it's not that Green doesn't want to know the information about this legendary wizard apprentice, but generally speaking, which wizard would show his witchcraft skills to others? Therefore, what this wizard apprentice said was probably just nonsense about some identity information.

Six hourglass hours later.

There are many more powerful people in this area compared to the previous two areas, and because of the passage of time, the remaining wizard apprentices have accumulated more points. Green followed Credia's guidance and kept "cleaning up" , frowned and said: "It's strange, there is clearly a legendary wizard apprentice in this area, why are there so many powerful wizard apprentices fearlessly collecting mark points? Could it be that that guy just like Hill Woods, just left across the region? ?”

Credia was shocked when she heard Green's guess, and quickly shook her head and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

After a pause, Credia bit her fingertips with her red lips, and said thoughtfully in a seductive movement: "Those top legendary wizard apprentices can only be taught by their own talents, extremely high wisdom, and senior wizards. Only one or two people will appear in a region within a hundred years, and according to the wizard apprentice you described in Hillwoods, there may not be one in a camp for several Holy Tower Qualification Tournaments, so it is impossible for this 14th District to appear again. Come up with a…”

Speaking of this, Credia looked at Green with a sudden flush on her face, and said awkwardly: "Forget it, pretend I didn't say it, it was Hillwoods who had bad luck and met your "nightmare level" wizard apprentice. .”

Green glanced at Credia and said slowly: "It seems that there is something wrong with the legendary wizard apprentice in this area. Let's talk to a low-level wizard apprentice to check it out."

After a moment, Green looked at the empty stone pillar and shook his head. Credia's mocking voice appeared behind him: "Haha, Mr. Green, you have such momentum to ask those low-level wizard apprentices before they even get there. If you scare the opponent away, and you are unwilling to let go of the wizard apprentice who has many points, how can there be any results? So let me do it."

Under the pale mask, Green curled his lips helplessly and nodded silently.

After a while, the desperate man who had the title of Giant Charm during the rookie trial flew back to Green and said proudly: "Done."

After a pause, Credia said: "There is indeed a legendary wizard apprentice in this area, named Heart of the Earth Wiki. .77Nt/23488/It is said that he is very powerful, but because he is not good at speed, there is no competition at all. Our thoughts on reaching the peak of the Holy Tower Qualification Tournament are now at the very center of the Stone Pillar Forest in District 14, should we go there?"

"Hmph! We have said that we will eliminate all threatening wizard apprentices, let alone this kind of legendary wizard apprentice? Even though... he keeps saying that he is not interested in the peak reward!" Green kicked his feet and moved towards the stone pillar without stopping. Fly past the center of the forest.

Listening to Green's "extreme" words, Cretia said silently: "Do you really have to be so extreme in doing things? With your points now, I'm afraid there is no wizard apprentice in this camp who can surpass you, right?"


One moment, Cretia was still feeling "sad", but the next moment, an "evil" smile flowed from the corner of Cretia's mouth, as if the monster hidden under this alluring skin appeared, and she said gloomily: "Humph. Huh, but... I like it! Come to think of it, this is one of the reasons why you are so powerful, right?"

With random thoughts, Cretia followed Green and flew towards the center of District 14.

After half an hourglass time.


Green's feet landed firmly on the top of a stone pillar that was more than thirty meters high and five meters in diameter. As the central area of the Fourteenth District, basically all the stone pillars are "tall and strong" like this. Of course, there are also sporadic weird stone pillars interspersed in the gaps between these "tall and strong" stone pillars.

Green's eyes under the pale mask looked down at the wizard apprentice on the ground a hundred meters away. The wizard apprentice only wore leather pants on his granite-like body. He had long ears, bulging cheekbones, and a strong chin. He had a stubble, his wise and sharp eyes had a hint of weight and calmness, and he wore a golden crown on his black hair, sitting quietly on the ground.

After sensing Green's gaze, the man slowly stood up. Under his body, which was far burlier than Green, a warhammer that was much larger than himself was exposed from under the wizard apprentice's buttocks. However, it was struck by this man. The wizard apprentice picked it up casually, and the terrifying power reached the point where it was as if he could lift it easily.

The wizard apprentice said calmly: "Strong man from the outer area, please leave. I don't want to fight with you, because this is a meaningless fight."

Green was unmoved and said calmly: "Is there a Wiki for the Heart of the Earth? As such a powerful wizard apprentice, you only have two thousand points at this time. It seems that you really have no intention of competing for the peak reward."

When the wizard apprentice named Vicky heard what Green said, he was about to nod calmly, but Green smiled and said coldly: "But... I have to make sure that I can win the peak reward in this holy tower qualification competition! You Although I have no intention of competing for the top, I don’t want your points to fall into the hands of strong men from other areas. So... you’d better leave the Holy Tower Qualification Battle Secret Realm!"

The pupils of Vicky's golden eyes shrank, and he suddenly laughed "hahaha" and said disdainfully: "It seems that I have to let you see my strength before we can have a fair conversation. Do you think I don't have the strength to compete? Humph, I I just know that no matter how hard I try, I can’t compare to you guys who are like fleas if I collect points slowly and slowly!”

Green turned into an afterimage with a "whoosh" sound, and the next moment he appeared above Wiki's head, and the battle ax fell!


Without moving, Vicky's warhammer, which was even bigger than Green's body, came forward. After a harsh ripple in the air, Vicky's face changed, and the skin on his body "bang, bang, bang" turned into black granite bulges, and there was no movement under his feet. He moved, but Green's eyes widened under his pale mask, and he retreated more than ten meters because he had nowhere to rely on.

This kind of power and that strange relay nature actually lead to some kind of wonderful energy from the ground under your feet

In terms of physical strength alone, even if this wizard apprentice is worse than Green, it is enough to completely eliminate Green's power suppression with other advantages.

However, if his feet were allowed to leave the ground...

Green's heart moved in the air, he stretched out one hand towards Wiki, and shouted "Gravity!"


A soft cry came from the mouth of the black granite wizard apprentice, followed by a dull roar: "Gravity!"

With a "click", the black granite actually condensed into crystalline particles. Wiki did not move at all. Instead, the Green in the air was "sucked" by Wiki, and a giant hammer hit Green!

His pupils shrank, and Green's body twisted and appeared dozens of meters away. Under the stimulation of magic, a torrent of water suddenly appeared, but it was easily intercepted by a black boulder palm, and the spreading power of thunder appeared as if nothing had happened.

boom! boom!

After Green's two consecutive fire bat witchcraft spells were blocked by the opponent's exaggeratedly defensive black granite crystal-like skin armor, Green's expression changed slightly.

The defensive power of this wizard apprentice is a bit too exaggerated!

This situation is simply like Green wearing a pale mask and a defensive shield during the newcomer trial. Normal witchcraft methods are completely ignored by the opponent!

To deal with this person, Green immediately thought of Hill Woods.

If he comes, he will definitely resolve the battle quickly due to witchcraft restraint. Even Ice Age Millie has a considerable advantage. As for Asullo, it is hard to say against this wizard apprentice.

Green has sensed through some inexplicable connection between the dual-power witchcraft and the earth's veins that the other party should be able to resonate with some wonderful energy deep in the earth to achieve such exaggerated defense and power. And if Green can cooperate with Luo Jia, the twin of water and earth, Luo Jia can perform that quagmire witchcraft...


Green's Pale Mask snorted coldly. In his own words, to deal with this wizard apprentice, apart from the Stigmata and Friendship Key, he could only use the powerful witchcraft of Exploding Flame to try to destroy the opponent's defense at once.

However, this must be done only after confirming that the opponent cannot move and dodge the explosive flame witchcraft.

Um? No!

If the opponent leaves the ground and loses the weird witchcraft that relies on some power of the surrounding earth, it doesn't matter even if the bursting flame fails...

… … … …

Ps: Today is the third update. Thank you all for your Sanjiang votes. Although I am not ranked first, Egret is still grateful.

One more thing, this Wednesday, around October 15, 2014, "The Witcher's Journey" was released. Although the editor did not give a good recommendation, so much free text had no source of income for two consecutive months, so it had to be released. .

The content of "Wizard's Journey" is all in Bailu's heart. It may end due to poor grades and pressure from life, but it will never be unfinished. Bailu promised that as long as the performance of "Wizard's Journey" can reach the income from the job arranged by his family, he will finish it.

Because this is a dream, not a spiritual state that can be achieved through a stable job, but a person's lifelong pursuit and the embodiment of the value of existence.

Let’s write a testimonial when the time comes.

In addition, everyone's recommendation votes for "The Witcher Journey" are very needed. After you have not voted for other long-term favorite works every day, don't waste it. Just click a few mouse and vote for "The Witcher Journey".

For a new author's first work, recommendation votes seem extremely important.

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