A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 125: Sweeping five realms nine


after one day.

Green stood calmly on the ground, his eyes extremely calm under the pale mask, and he did not panic at all because he was trapped in a large magic restriction.

The golden light in the gap between the towering twin peaks of Credia's chest floated up, forming a pink defensive shield, with more than a hundred flaming flying scorpions flying around.

Feeling the terrifying restraint pressure around him, Cretia said with an extremely pale expression on his face: "There are so many strong men in this area? Not to mention the few troublesome guys before, two of them actually escaped from you. , this restriction is definitely not something that ordinary wizard apprentices can arrange, no wonder the three wizard apprentices each have nearly two thousand mark points!"

Green said calmly: "This magic restriction is indeed wonderful, but the one who covers up the fluctuations of the restriction should be a wizard apprentice who is good at manipulating mental illusions."

Yes, Green and Cretia could be trapped in this restriction unknowingly. The first thing Green thought of was a mental illusion similar to that in the ruined tower. Only this explanation can explain why Green's nose hunting and ultrasonic positioning were successfully concealed by the three wizard apprentices sensed by Credia.


The reason Green didn't panic at all was because the Eternal Flame restrained the restrictions and defensive shields.

As long as Green finds the energy node that restricts more than half of it, and then covers it with the eternal flame, the eternal flame will quickly consume all the energy in the energy node, and this restriction will be meaningless.

Outside the restriction, there is a three-person team.

The three of them were all female wizard apprentices with similar looks, just like Milly and Mina, except that their hair colors were different, purple, blue, and green respectively.

"Sister, look at the woman in the forbidden area. The mark on her forehead is actually a wizard apprentice from District 15!" The blue-haired wizard apprentice said in surprise.

The purple-haired sorcerer apprentice was probably the oldest among the three. After glancing at the panic-stricken Credia, he turned his gaze to Green, who was wearing a pale mask, feeling the instinctive fear in his body. , the sorcerer apprentice looked at the green-haired girl: "Third sister, haven't you sensed the ripples of the badge on the sorcerer apprentice with the white mask?"

The green-haired third sister was sitting on a small temporary altar three meters high. In addition to a monster head dripping with blood, there were two candles burning with green flames, a bent incense and a bunch of A wonderful magic circle formed by intermediate magic stones.

The green-haired girl was holding a crystal ball that emitted strong spatial fluctuations, and said anxiously: "The witch apprentice's badge can be triggered at any time, allowing her to leave the secret realm, but the masked witch apprentice cannot sense the location of the badge. Either he was stupid and threw away the badge, or he had a space object on him and stored the badge in it."

This wizard apprentice called Sanmei turned out to be a wizard apprentice who studies space power and mysticism!

Judging from their conversation, this girl actually has the ability to actively trigger the badges on other wizard apprentices, causing other wizard apprentices to be "expelled" from the secret realm of the Holy Tower Qualification Battle!

This kind of wisdom…

This kind of wisdom is simply as clever as Credia's in a new way!

The green-haired girl known as the third sister looked at the purple-haired eldest sister in embarrassment and asked: "There are still six chances for the zero boundary stone. Should we expel the sorceress apprentice from the secret realm first?"

The purple-haired witch apprentice gritted his teeth and said: "We'll talk about it later. The witch apprentice is not a big problem. The key is the wizard apprentice wearing a white mask. I always feel frightened when I see him. After a while, I will push with all my strength. Restriction, the second sister used a mental barrier to hide our position... "

Obviously, this witchcraft ability to actively trigger the badges of other wizard apprentices has great limitations. It requires an altar, in-depth application of mysticism and space knowledge, sacrifices, the passive cooperation of the person being cast, and a method called zero. Prop material for boundary stones.

Within the prohibition.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from the sky. Credia was frightened. He was about to use some witchcraft to block the thunder, but Green grabbed Credia first, and the space was distorted and the thunderbolt fell into the air.

With a bang, a large area of black soil splashed out on the ground, and thunder flowers scattered in all directions.

"One." Green, who appeared in the distance, muttered to himself.

After remembering an energy node with his eyes under the pale mask, Green turned his attention to another trembling ground. More than a dozen two-meter-tall earth giants were slowly standing up from the ground, all of them fiercely After shaking his head, a large amount of dust fell, and then "boom, boom" he rushed towards the place where Green and Credia were staying.

"Two." Green muttered again.

At this time, suddenly there was a violent fluctuation of magic power in the left space, and the violent wind element and fire element appeared at the same time. Then they gradually combined under the pull of some mysterious force, and a hurricane flame seven or eight meters high was formed!

Even Green couldn't help his eyelids twitching when he saw this high-intensity boosting witchcraft, but he still muttered to himself: "Four, that's enough."

The moment the hurricane flames appeared, Credia held the badge tightly and looked at Green in fear and asked: "What should we do now? This magic restriction is not something that ordinary wizard apprentices can arrange. It is a super ban specially prepared by wizard apprentices who specialize in bans for this holy tower qualification battle. There are actually four elemental attribute changes, as well as this high-intensity boosting mixed witchcraft. Maybe you can only try that trick once Sex opens up inhibitions…”

Green shook his head slightly: "The bursting flame witchcraft also consumes a lot of money on me. I have an easier way to destroy the restriction."

Saying this, Green suddenly distorted the space and disappeared with Credia. After several space distortions, he placed the eternal flames at four energy nodes.

Wizards' magic restrictions are divided into war magic restrictions and personal magic restrictions.

The biggest difference between the war magic ban and the personal magic ban lies in the energy nodes.

Although the energy nodes of the two magic bans are based on the six-star ray, and both seem to have only six energy nodes, each energy node of the war magic ban is supplied by six more basic magic arrays. In other words, the war energy restriction has at least thirty-six basic energy nodes.

However, the energy attack of personal magic restriction only has six energy nodes. The difference is that the energy contained in the magic stone is different.

The reason why there are so many differences in magic restrictions is because if Green wants to use the eternal flame characteristic to destroy the supply of energy nodes, he must arrange immortal flames on half of the energy nodes at the same time in order to achieve the function of disrupting and absorbing the magic circle restrictions, and The elemental power that is not restricted by the magic circle is destroyed.

boom! boom! boom!

Lightning strikes chased Green and Cretia one after another. The bulky earth giant Green didn't bother to pay attention. Although the hurricane flame has strong attack speed, it is not suitable for individual battle needs. It is obviously some kind of group combat witchcraft.

Suddenly, Credia said in surprise: "It worked, your earth element giants and the hurricane flames are dissipating!"


Green just looked at the eternal flames that were raging and burning everywhere, emitting light reaching into the sky, and knew that the magic circle was broken only by the remaining magic power of the opponent's magic stone.

"ah… "

Credia was pleasantly surprised and was about to say something when her expression suddenly changed. She only had time to shout before the space distorted and disappeared into the Holy Tower Qualification Battle Secret Realm.


Green's face suddenly changed, and he said in disbelief: "Forcibly activating the mark badges on others? This! This kind of witchcraft that is specifically designed to 'cheat' in the Holy Tower Qualification Competition actually exists? But, why only let Cretia …”

Green remembered that his badge was currently in a disposable space pocket. Could it be that the other party couldn't sense what was in the space pocket

After breathing a sigh of relief, Green couldn't help but sigh in his heart, wisdom is indeed extremely important to a wizard!

Of course, there’s also luck…

If Green had not thrown the badge into the space pocket but had worn it on his body, he might have been "leaved" from the secret realm with Credia at this time. Even so, Green's terror points could still guarantee that Green would become a preparatory demon hunter. The wizard is likely to miss out on the top reward.

Because, as long as Green loses half of his points, the wizard apprentice who gets half of Green's points will inevitably have more points than Green.

In this case, if Green wants to obtain the peak reward, he can only pray that the wizard apprentice who obtained his points will be expelled to the secret realm by others.

After a moment, the magic restriction dissipated in the eternal flames, and the three sisters, who were not strong in combat ability, crushed the badges without hesitation and left the secret realm.

In some ways, they are actually more suitable for arcane wizards!

But if it is combined cleverly...

Green looked at the empty place behind him, and there was no trace of Credia anymore.

Shaking his head, Green no longer cared about three hundred points, because all wizard apprentices with more than one hundred points were the same in Green's eyes, and their marks were as dark as ink.

A nightmarish plot happened in the Stone Pillar Forest in Area 11. Green, like a serious and dedicated cleaner, began to carefully clean this area, which was similar to the beginning of civilization in the endless world, making this area seem like a thriving, crouching tiger. District 11 of Hidden Dragon quickly entered the nightmare era and fell into decline.

… … …

PS: The editor said that I will let Egret apply on Wednesday, and "maybe" arrange for "comfort to be put on the shelves" on Friday.


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