A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 136: Water curtain sky


Peranos gave a strong lift, and Green rushed vertically high into the sky, driven by the traction of Peranos.

"Teacher, the wind becomes more intense as we go higher. Are we going to fly over the mountains from the chaotic realm above the clouds?" Green asked in surprise. Although at this time, Green is still calm under the defense and protection of Peranos, but if the power of the void above the clouds begins to erode, it will be a big drain even for Peranos. .

(The void has no distance from the space cracks between the material worlds. It is a shadow of the material world and a non-traditional three-dimensional system concept. That is, the material world can directly pass through other material worlds through space cracks, and there is a void world between the material worlds. The void realm is infinitely vast.)

Peranos shook his head slightly.

While continuing to pull Green to fly upward, Peranos sneered and said: "You will know when you reach the top. The wizarding world is not a simple original ecological world. In ancient times, in order to eradicate the human race, marine creatures certainly would not You can’t take into account the mountain range that separates the sea from the mainland like a natural chasm.”

Under the pale mask, Green's eyes twinkled.

After half an hourglass, after passing through the thick clouds, a strangely calm space appeared.

"Huh? How is that possible?" Green exclaimed.

According to the common sense of wizard knowledge, most of the rules of the endless world recorded in wizard books are compared to the normal world. The clouds must be a chaotic world filled with elemental turbulence and void turbulence. In this chaotic world, the unique rules of each world will be eroded by the power of the void in the void world, thus forming a wonderful place that is "chaotic" but relatively "stable".

(The rules of each world in the Endless World are different, but the chaotic world above the clouds is all the same chaos, and the energy is in a state of irritability, so it has become a common feature of the Endless World, which is a "relatively stable" area. "space.)

Peranos pointed to the distant sky at the top and said: "Look above."

Under the pale mask, Green looked up with his eyes, and vaguely, a ray of bright light shone in the calm higher space of tens of thousands of meters, as if countless cross-flowing rivers were rushing and roaring.

Feel the majesty and vastness of the ocean water!

This is…

Green's body trembled and he murmured: "Is this the river in the sky where the rainbow fish lives mentioned in "Hunting Nose Transformation and Scent Atlas"?"

Peranos said lightly: "In ancient times, in order for marine creatures to climb over this mountain of human will, the powerful Sea King Altar used its ability to control sea water, turning an indescribable huge amount of sea water to the top of the chaotic world above the clouds of the Wizarding World. Space blocked the void turbulence in the void world, and then completely changed the foundation of the rules of the wizarding world, forming the void layer above the wizarding continent today."

"Turn the ocean over!" Green couldn't understand this ability. This ability to change the rules of the world was indeed beyond the understanding of low-level wizards.

In fact, Green couldn't even imagine how he could obtain such an ability.

If Green had not previously known about the Second Civilization War in the Wizarding World, that civilization had the ability to completely change the rules of the world, Green would not have been able to imagine that creatures could actually change the rules of a world.

To be able to achieve such a level of world change, one can imagine the horror of marine life in ancient times.

Green thought for a while, sensing the empty void space around him. Elemental energy was pitifully scarce. It was not difficult to understand why the elemental wizard could not stay in this stratosphere for a long time.

Of course, even three-level wizards like Peranos can fly to such a height. It seems that ordinary first-level wizards cannot even fly to such a height.

"Get out of here quickly. Elemental wizards in the void layer of the wizarding world consume many times more magic power than usual. On the contrary, those body-refining wizards can save a lot of energy." Peranos and Green quickly passed by the human race inserted into the cloud. The summit of Will Mountain.

Looking at the mountaintops passing through the clouds below, Green suddenly thought of something.

"Teacher, you said that in ancient times, the Human Will Mountain was the dividing line between the Wizarding Continent and the ocean, but now the ocean line has dropped so much, even all the way to the Black Shackles Mountains of the Wizarding Academy in Black Sota. Could it be that? Because of those rushing rivers of the sky?”

While taking Green flying quickly, Peranos pondered: "It should have something to do with it. However, the current wizarding world prefers to call this flipped ocean the water curtain sky."

Water curtain sky

After the void had been flying for about half an hourglass, Peranos used the force of repulsion and attraction to pull Green down into the thick clouds.

After falling rapidly for a moment, as the strong wind and cold current gradually disappeared, and the warm sunshine shone on the two of them, Peranos breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now, we have arrived at the human hinterland of the Seven Rings Holy Tower in the Wizarding Continent. , the prosperity here is far from comparable to the outer areas of regional colleges.”

"Yeah." Green nodded.

Not far from the two of them, a group of giant birds lined up in the shape of a "human" flew by. The giant birds carried cargo on their backs. They seemed to be "livestock" domesticated by the wizard and became a vehicle responsible for transporting cargo.

Green was a little surprised. Such a scene would never be seen in the human area of Black Sota Wizard Academy. It would be rare to have one or two occasionally.

It seems that for these seven-ring Holy Tower human hinterland, the outer areas of the regional colleges are indeed considered desolate places.

As for Green’s hometown of East Coral…

"Huh? You're lucky. Let's go over there and take a rest on the way." Peranos suddenly said with joy, and before Green could react, he quickly flew away with Green.

A moment later, a huge balloon airship more than a hundred meters long appeared in Green's field of vision.

There is a huge shark-shaped balloon on the top, and a seventy-eight-meter-long wooden boat is suspended from the bottom with a metal cable. It is slowly floating and flying in the sky. There is even a wizard apprentice holding a folding telescope on the bow of the boat who is looking at it in surprise. With Peranos and Green.

Boom, boom.

Peranos and Green stepped on the wooden floor. The wizard apprentice holding a folding telescope ran over in a panic and said respectfully: "Is there anything I can do for you, sir?"

From time to time, the wizard apprentice secretly turned his eyes towards Green.

Green knew that the other party was looking at the halo above his head.

Peranos threw two intermediate magic stones casually and said calmly: "Your balloon airship should pass by the area near Moon Lake, right? Call me when you get there. Now we need two clean rooms with hot water."

The wizard apprentice caught the magic stone and said with a smile on his face: "Of course I will pass by. There are just a few rooms on the airship. Hot water is always ready. Master Wizard, please come with me."


Peranos nodded and walked casually behind the wizard apprentice, while Green followed behind and remained silent.

Suddenly, Peranos seemed to sense something, and suddenly stopped and looked at a wooden door on the airship next to him. As the wooden door opened with a creak, a trembling old wizard holding a black magic wand walked out. His wrinkled face exuded the last characteristics of human women, and his face became sticky.

The old wizard's eyes lit up after sensing the fluctuations in Peranos' magic power.

"Huh? Are you also a wizard from the regional college?" The old wizard said to Peranossos after seeing the halo above Green's head. And judging from Green's rough induction, the opponent is most likely to be one of the three great wizards.

Peranos smiled politely on his ferocious face, but this smile made him look even more ferocious.

"Peranos, Black Sotha Wizarding Academy, District 12." Peranos simply introduced himself.

"Um... Are you from District 12?" The old witch's voice was a little slurred, as if she had lost all her teeth. She said regretfully, "I am Bai Lian from the Ailan Garden Wizard Academy in District 19."

"From District 19?" Peranos also murmured regretfully.

It turns out that the two sides are wizards from different camps. In this case, there will generally be no in-depth communication. Otherwise, conflicts may arise due to different ideas between the two sides.

Just when Green thought that this unexpected encounter was about to end, suddenly a green-eyed witch apprentice with a wreath on his head stood out behind the old witch. When the witch apprentice saw Green, he instinctively screamed: "It's you!"


Green looked at the witch apprentice in surprise. Wasn't this the witch apprentice who exposed him when he tried to sneak into the enemy's resource point through alienation disguise for the second time during the Regional Academy War


I was able to meet her here, and she actually had a transparent halo on her head, so she obviously had the qualification to be a preparatory demon hunter.

After the green-eyed wizard apprentice stared at Green for a while, he suddenly said: "Humph, you are so strong, how far did you rank in the Holy Tower Ranking Tournament in your regional camp?"

Holy Tower Ranking Arena? What it is? Isn't it a competition

Green looked at the other party in surprise and asked doubtfully: "Apart from first place, are other rankings useful?"

"Quilini, don't talk too much. The rules of the dark wizard camp are different from those of us light wizards." The old witch suddenly interrupted what the green-eyed wizard wanted to say, and nodded ceremoniously towards Peranos. He returned to the room with the green-eyed wizard apprentice.

Peranos looked at Green's confused look and said calmly: "The Ming wizards have different rules from ours. In addition to the official demon hunting wizards, there will also be a large number of peripheral demon hunting wizards. Otherwise, you would think that the huge Who does the Ming Wizard Legion rely on? A mere two hundred Ming Wizards from one camp after each qualification war?"

After Green was stunned for a while, his doubts were finally resolved.

Dark hunter wizards are easy to say, and they pursue powerful individual entities to carry out the task of cleaning up scattered resistance forces during the conquest of other worlds. However, the Ming Demon Hunters are the real main force in the Wizarding World after the massive amount of soul slave cannon fodder in the Wizarding World. If we only rely on two hundred Ming Demon Hunters per session, how can we form a large-scale group operation

It seems that this peripheral wizard is a supplementary force in addition to the core power of the Ming wizard.

Moreover, it seems that these arcane wizard families in the central region should also have some selection system to join the "technical department" and peripheral demon hunting wizards of the enlightened wizard camp? RS