A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 14: Coming


Many wizard apprentices who had escaped gathered on the deck, and everyone looked unhappy. It is said that those ferocious sea monsters were killed all the way to the second floor before being intercepted by the sailors who rushed to the rescue. Most of the wizard apprentices on the fourth and fifth floors were killed or injured, but the wizard apprentices living in the bottom cabin barely escaped with their lives.

When Johnson saw Green and others on the deck, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's great that you are all right! I'll kill you. Those sea monsters scared me to death. I also said, I'm a great Tambu." How could the great magic apprentice of Rosen City be eaten by a sea monster before he even arrived at the Wizarding Academy? I don’t want to become that guy’s excrement..."

Green couldn't help but lament this guy's good luck. Originally, this guy lived in the second-floor cabin, which was damp and humid, and was only slightly better than the bottom cabin. But this time, this guy's life was saved.

Shaking his head, Green also couldn't help lamenting that his luck was extremely bad. He sighed: "At that time, I was just going to go to the deck to get some air, and then I went up to the fifth floor, and this happened. You know, I usually don't go out for a few days. It’s normal, hey…”

However, no matter how Green and the others searched on the deck, Wade was not seen. It was assumed that he had probably become one of the many victims.

Kilum, on the other hand, was standing on the other side of the deck intact at this time, with no intention of talking to Green and the others. He was looking at the sea in the distance indifferently. When Bin Johnson saw this, he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Humph, you know how to curry favor with Wizard Arrowworth, you are a born slave."

It's no wonder that Johnson was unhappy with Kilum. On the previous journey, Kilum followed Wizard Arrowworth back and forth, smiling broadly and making the wizard feel comfortable. As a result, after being separated from the wizard, this guy simply didn't pay attention to the Greens. He even had a conflict with Chris and another strange wizard apprentice in the cabin, and this guy just said "it's none of my business" and walked away.

As a result, Green and others no longer bothered to talk to this guy.

Yorkis had no time to care about these trivial things. He just hugged his sister with an anxious look on his face, looked at the holes in his sister's eyes, and comforted: "It doesn't matter. When we get to the Wizarding Continent, my brother will definitely ask the most powerful wizard to perform witchcraft. , heal your eyes."

After listening to her brother's words, Yokeriana forced a smile on her pale face: "Brother, there's no need to lie to me. Although I'm stupid, I'm not stupid. Are those powerful wizards so easy to meet? And... It's okay, brother. , look at Wizard Dilla, doesn’t he also have one eye?”

Everyone looked at Wizard Dilla who was busy counting the number of wizard apprentices on the deck. One of his eyes was replaced by a continuously rotating gear. It was extremely strange. Could it be that Yokeliana would become like this in the future

Everyone shuddered.

Yorkis hurriedly said: "No, no, I will definitely cure your eyes! I swear!"

Not to mention the Yokris brothers and sisters, as for Green and Lafite, one of these two guys injured his left leg and the other injured his right shoulder, but they had a tacit understanding and rested together on the mast. Green felt embarrassed and confused because of what happened before, so he ignored Lafite next to him. Lafite was also a little upset, a little shy about his gaffe just now, and also had no intention of speaking.

For a moment, there was only silence between the two, as if the brief intimacy was just an illusion, and no one mentioned it again.

Later, someone on the deck brought the news. In this sea monster attack, 32 sailors died and 177 wizard apprentices died. Most of the deceased wizard apprentices lived in the fourth and fifth floor cabins.

On the other side, two legendary knights, Boatswain and Balon, stood beside Dilla. The boatswain was fine, but there was a rather shallow scar on Balon's back, but he didn't pay any attention to it.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Balon asked Wizard Dilla in surprise. Logically speaking, since the sea monster has been driven away and killed, the wizard should be happy. Why is his face even more sad

Most people can't see Dilla's sad face at all. Firstly, wizards generally don't show their emotions on their faces. Secondly, Dilla's body has undergone some modifications and many subtle facial expressions have been lost. In this case, it can only be followed for decades. Balon was able to detect something on his master's mind.

"This time the sea monster attacked the ship, something is wrong..." Dilla glanced at Baron with his only remaining eye and said in a deep voice.

Balon was startled, and immediately thought of something, and said in horror: "Are we being targeted by other wizards?"

"If I feel right, it's very possible."

Balon's dark face turned white at this moment. As a legendary knight living in the Wizarding Continent, he knew very well how terrifying it was to be stared at by a wizard hiding in the dark, especially in the vast vastness. At sea, I can't get any support at all!

"Are they enemies of the academy? Or are they here for you, sir?" Baron asked bravely. If it's Dilla's own enemy, then it's okay, but if it's the college's enemy, I'm afraid the lives of his group will be in danger.

Dilla shook her head: "It's all possible, but... there is another possibility, it's for them."

Baron followed Dilla's gaze, and what he was pointing at was Yunli and Bibiliona! After Balon was stunned for a moment, he said bitterly: "For them?"

Two mere wizard apprentices, even though they were geniuses, actually took the risk of fighting Lord Dila

"It's just possible. You don't understand some of the secrets involved." Dilla paused, then sighed: "Now that the sea monster has been repelled, my magic power is empty. If there is any change, it will come later. Let’s wait and see what happens. However, if there is an enemy coming towards them soon, Balon, I want you to do one thing.”

Baron knelt down and said, "Sir, please speak."

Dilla leaned into Baron's ear and said gloomily: "Kill them two! These two are rare geniuses in the wizarding world in a hundred years. They possess extremely precious innate witchcraft. In the future, they are likely to not only successfully advance to wizards, but also become more powerful wizards." It is possible to reach a higher level! We, Lilith Wizard Academy, cannot get such a genius, nor can we let the Magic Academy, which may be our enemy, get it!"

… …

The sea breeze was blowing wantonly, the sun was gradually rising, and waves of heat were coming. Everyone finally couldn't bear the hot temperature and began to return to the cabin. Only a small number of people continued to rest on the deck, including Green and Bingham. Less than two people. As for Lafite, Yokeris, and Yokeliana, they have returned to the cabin.

"Hey, Green, do you think that since the wizard's room has been destroyed, where will he stay today? Well, by the way, there are those two guys." The two guys that Bin Johnson mentioned naturally refer to the meteorite. Li and Bibi Liona.

"I don't know, it's probably a fifth-floor cabin." Green said nonchalantly.

Yorkis chuckled: "It's just as I guessed. However, we have three people here, Yorkis, Yorkliana, and Lafite, who all live on the fifth floor. I don't know which unlucky room will be requisitioned."

Green curled his lips and said: "There are so many people dead on the fifth floor, any room can't do it, why do we have to use the three of them?"

"That's not necessarily true! A lot of people died, and a lot of rooms were damaged..."

While Green and Bin Johnson were having a boring quarrel, a shadow covered the two of them. They thought it was a cloud flying in the sky and didn't pay attention to it. However, after many flapping wings and irritating croaking sounds, The two of them came back to their senses and looked at the sky in shock.

Above the head, it was completely unclear whether it was composed of thousands or tens of thousands of pure black crows, covering the sky and dark clouds. A vague figure looked at the sea ship. Although it was difficult to see clearly because of the distance, the magical aura emanating from the figure made everyone feel as if they were immersed in an unknown fear, as if the ship was about to hit an iceberg.

For a moment, everyone on the deck could only see darkness composed of endless crows.

"Wizard on board, come out." The plain voice, like Arrowworth, was a little hoarse, making it impossible to tell the gender.

Dilla walked out of the cabin, holding a magic wand. As the gray wide magic robe trembled, he flew to the sky with an ugly face, looking straight at the mysterious wizard on the clouds composed of millions of crows in the distant sky.

Suddenly, after seeing the true appearance of the visitor, Dila's face changed drastically and said: "Second... Level 2 wizard!?"

"Hmph, I haven't seen you before. Old Lilith has quite a few good prospects under his command. Huh, this ship has been commandeered by me... Seeing that you still have some future, I will spare your life if you leave immediately." Without leaving any face for Dilla, the terrifying wizard on the dark cloud spoke in a commanding tone, as if he didn't bother to fight with Dilla.

Dilla's face was extremely ugly, so gloomy that she was almost dripping with water.

As the leader of this generation in the wizarding world in the past hundred years, Dila is recognized by many people as a wizard who is very likely to be promoted to a higher level. And after nearly a hundred years of accumulation of magic power, he is the long-time old guy Dila in many legends. La was able to fight, but he didn't expect that today's enemy would be a great second-level wizard!

You must know that level two wizards are the level of the general dean of wizarding colleges. They are the core of the grassroots level of the wizarding world. Almost every dean of wizarding colleges is inextricably linked to the great beings at the top of the wizarding world. .

Moreover, there is a huge gap between different levels of wizards. The reason is very simple, because every time a wizard rises to a higher level, it will bring a new level of ability. This kind of ability cannot be offset by ordinary witchcraft or talent.

Dilla hesitated.

Abandoning the Hailun of the Wizarding Academy for no reason. If it were an ordinary Hailan, although the responsibility would be heavy, with Dila's identity as a first-level wizard and the talent of being highly likely to be promoted to a second-level wizard, there wouldn't be many problems, but the key point is this On the second ship were those two wizard geniuses who were rare to see in a century, and they caught up with this critical period of the Wizarding Continent...

Dilla said solemnly: "The sea ship can be given to you, sir. I wonder if I can take the two of you away?"

"Hmph! I told you to get out right away..." After a cold snort, Yun Zhi's cold voice suddenly turned into an angry shout: "Seeking death!"

No one could have imagined that Dilla would take the lead in a sneak attack! A sneak attack on a great wizard who is one level higher than yourself!

An ice gun that braved the astonishing cold air was like an arrow from a bow, sliding out a white trail in the sky, erupting with a harsh scream, shooting directly into the heart of the second-level wizard above the dark clouds.

However, as the second-level wizard on the dark cloud shouted angrily, a shocking magic power that even a wizard apprentice without any meditation training could detect suddenly exploded. The terrifying magic power even blew away some clouds in the sky, and the violent The sea breeze radiated around this second-level wizard, rolling up waves.


With a soft cry, the ice gun turned into countless ice crystals, and almost at the same moment when the second-level wizard broke out, Dilla rode the magic staff and turned into a stream of light and fled to the distant sky, but followed closely behind was a huge Dark clouds, stubborn to let go...

"You can't escape..." the wizard in the dark cloud roared.

The two gradually disappeared into the horizon

Until this moment, Green and Bin Johnson were gasping for air as if they were drowning. When the second-level wizard's magic burst out just now, all the wizard apprentices on the deck almost felt as if they were doomed and couldn't breathe at all.

"It scared me to death! Just now I thought I was dead!" Bin Johnson covered his chest. I don't know if it was because he was too horrified, but he added: "Damn, I have never been crazy these days. I died twice a day." Escape, we haven’t even reached the Wizarding Continent yet! Is this Wizarding Continent still a place where people live?”

Green also took a deep breath of air, his face turned ugly, and he murmured: "It seems there are going to be big changes."