A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 147: regular space



As the whirlpool barrier in the distance made a roaring sound, the sorcerer guardian stopped and turned around with several sorcerer apprentices to look sideways. ..xstxt..

The surrounding black sea water is separated by a mysterious energy magnetic field. Viewed from the center of the vortex, the surrounding sea water seems to be some kind of black latex jelly. A sense of oppression that may come from all directions at any time arises. Just look at it for a while. Due to the distortion of inertial thinking, the body will automatically feel a feeling of breathless fear and want to escape from the center of this vortex.

If the Tiandu Peak Vein Giant Turtle flying in the center of the whirlpool is like a fly falling on a plate, then Green and these wizard apprentices are like light grains of sand in the sandbox, even more insignificant.


At this moment, the water barrier of the surrounding Black Sea whirlpool suddenly erupted with a deafening sound of "rumbling". In the stunned and shocked expressions of several wizard apprentices, a giant head that looked like a mountain slowly squeezed out from the whirlpool barrier. The black skin outer armor is wrapped with countless seaweed vines, and there are even some anchors from sea ships as hanging decorations!

The whole scene was like a spoon appearing on the dinner plate where flies had fallen.

This is…

If Green had seen this scene before becoming a wizard's apprentice, he would have muttered "Poseidon".

Every sailor who wanders the sea all year round will have his own set of legends about sea monsters and sea monsters, but no matter which sailor in his fantasy legend about unknown ocean creatures, the most powerful and top-level marine creature will be a The giant monster of Neptune known as the moving island.

According to legend, the Neptune monster would often sleep on the sea with its back exposed. When long-distance seagoing ships saw the Neptune monster's back, they would often think it was an island, and would anchor to rest.

However, when the ocean monster wakes up, the huge waves rolling around it will easily pull the small sea wheel around it into the seabed. All the sailors also disappeared completely, leaving no trace.

However, these are just monsters that belong to the imagination of sailors who have no cognitive knowledge.

As Green studied at Black Sotha Academy, his knowledge horizon broadened. Creatures that were once almost legendary novels have begun to be recorded in detail in books. He even uses the wisdom of a wizard to analyze and explain the habits of these creatures. , characteristics and origin history, etc.

It is these seemingly unimportant knowledge explanations, but they are the greatest gain for wizard apprentices besides witchcraft knowledge.

This is the enlightenment of intelligent analysis of unknown mysteries.

Green looked at the mountain-like head slowly protruding from the whirlpool barrier, and for a moment he felt that the giant tortoise of Tiandu Peak was only as insignificant.

"The King of Right Whales!" Green murmured.

This is one of the largest beings in the wizarding world, the overlord whale known as the leader of the three giant monsters under the sea. The super-large creature known as the tree of life under the sea, the right whale!


Gradually, the Overlord Right Whale stretched out its entire head from the whirlpool barrier of the Black Sea. After making a thick echo, it opened its mouth and five small black dots flew out.

call out!

In the dark and unknown depths of the whirlpool of the Black Sea, a ray of light shot up to meet the five small black dots. This was a sea creature standing on a huge hexagonal starfish.

The wizard on the flying carpet withdrew his gaze and looked at the wizard apprentice who still stretched out his mountain head towards the vortex barrier and said in shock: "Those are the undersea warriors selected by the Sea King Altar. As one of the guardians of the wizard world, the Sea King Altar also Have the right to share the fragments of the Heart of the World. Well, since even the Sea Tribes from the Sea King Altar are here, we should be the last batch of wizard apprentices this time. Let’s go down.”

Regardless of the reactions of several wizard apprentices, the wizard suddenly withdrew the magic power from the flying carpet.


The wizard and five wizard apprentices fell into the depths of the dark vortex.


Green, who was falling freely, instinctively wanted to use magic to fly. However, what made Green unbelievable was that his magic had no effect at this moment. The body is still falling freely.

Relying on the ability of the body-refining wizard, after stiffly adjusting his falling posture, Green, under the pale mask, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all the other wizard apprentices were doing the same. It seems. This should be affected by some kind of rule change, or it could be an advanced sublimation of the rules of the wizarding world.

In short, at this moment, the surrounding natural power is completely different from the usual natural power properties in the wizarding world.

call out! call out! call out…

Extremely dark.

The free fall lasted for nearly an hour. If it were not for the light on the high-cornered hat of the guardian wizard as a reference, several wizard apprentices would have felt an unspeakable fear of entering the dark realm of the ruined tower.

After falling freely for more than an hour, Green has begun to get used to the feeling of weightless body and strong wind blowing by him. His long golden hair is floating vertically, and his appearance is somewhat more inspiring than that of Leona and Son of the Sun. The feeling of reaching the limit of your natural ability.

"Well, we are about to arrive at the regular space of the Heart of the World." The wizard at the bottom suddenly said this.

Green lowered his head and looked down. Gradually, a warm glow began to appear in his field of vision.

At this moment, Green actually had a warm and tolerant feeling that he was about to fall into his mother's arms. Although... Green had never had such a great 'creature' as his mother in his memory, but at this moment, from that warm light, Green truly felt I really felt the feeling of warmth, tolerance, care and concern.

This feeling is a wonderful feeling that Green has never experienced before!

Green's memory began from that cold winter. Green only remembered that that winter was very cold. However, facing the desire to survive, Green became stronger than the coldness of the cold winter. Therefore, Green stepped over the stiff companion next to him and put on his clothes. Wearing a linen cloth, he left the sheltered corner.

Green has never experienced the selfless care, love and tolerance of his mother, so Green has never shown cowardice, escape and love. Faced with life and death prematurely, Green has become realistic and "numb", as if I always see myself as an outsider, a struggling person who lacks emotions.

It seems that this is fate, the fate of Green.

However. At this moment, I feel as if I am being embraced by my mother’s warm embrace...


After the sorcerer suddenly murmured something low, several sorcerer apprentices felt a hard object suddenly appear under their feet. Except for Nairo and Green, all the sorcerer apprentices lay limply on the flying carpet.

The long-term weightless free fall really made these wizard apprentices feel like they couldn't use their legs the moment they came into contact with the flying carpet.

The reason why Green was able to be fine was, on the one hand, because of his extremely high physique, and on the other hand, Green was in a state of subconscious self-defense almost all the time. This was caused by the memory of Green's childhood. Green's subconscious mind was always in a state of self-defense. They all regard themselves as a person who is constantly struggling.

The embarrassed prison growl glanced at Nairo and Green with a groan, and quickly stood up to cover up his embarrassment.

Nairo, who was in the chain ball, also glanced at Green. Seeing that Green didn't look at him at all, he didn't pay too much attention. Like Green, he looked at the colorful and mysterious space at his feet!

The self-light that seems to belong to the wizarding world flows warmly, illuminating every inch of this mysterious space; countless chains that change light and dark shine from the light sources in this space.

The wizard on the flying carpet turned off the magic lamp on the high-cornered hat, opened his arms with a "happy" look, and said softly: "These lights are the source of light in the wizarding world! And these chains are the rules and will of the wizarding world!"

Source of light? Rule will

Think about it. The original will of the Heart of the World can only be conveyed to every corner of the wizarding world through these thousands and thousands of chains of rules and wills.

In this way, the wizarding world has its own world rules of the alternation of seasons, the cycle of the sun and the moon, the rise and fall of tides, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, landslides and tsunamis!

As for the source of light.

What if the light of the wizarding world reaches a distant and unknown foreign world. Could it be a ray of lost light that carries the memory of the rise and fall of the wizarding world

Moreover, in that unknown world, will there also be a group of small "rainbow"-like biological groups, devouring these gifts and favors from the distant and exotic wizarding world

… …

In the far, unknown center of space. Countless interlocking chains between the real and the imaginary extend outside. Above the heads of the Greens and others is a dark whirlpool hole. Neither the light of the source nor the regular chains can penetrate even half of it.

And the stone walls surrounding the whirlpool space. But it was penetrated by countless chains and gradually evolved into an illusion.

These rule chains range from big to small.

Each link of the large chain is hundreds or thousands of meters long. The chains are interlocked with each other, making them solid, heavy, and unshakable! The small chain is like a crystalline thread of infinite length, and the lock ring can not even be seen, showing dexterity, exquisiteness and delicacy.

These regular chains come in different shapes.

Some chain links are in the shape of rectangles, squares, triangles, and polygons with sharp angles, as if they are stern law enforcement officers who are unyielding and cannot be surpassed! Some are smooth and smooth without any water chestnuts, just like a clear water in Moon Lake, showing the softness of a mother who nurtures life.

These chains of rules come in various colors.

Some are like the transparency and lightness of the blue sky, others are like the heavy mystery of the dark wizard's black and gray robes; some are like the colorful colors of flying butterflies, and some are the monotony of the desert ice fields.

These rule chains have very different charms.

Some are mysterious and some are innocent; some are evil and some are kind; some are cold and some are warm...

… …

After passing through the chains of rules that seemed to be solid but were actually illusory, amidst everyone's different feelings, suddenly, a rushing golden river of light appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The golden river of light is like the boundless sea. It looks majestic and unstoppable on the outside, but on the inside it nurtures hope and tolerates all living beings.

This river of light is like the dazzling river of stars in the starry sky at night.

It seems to be dazzling and dazzling, right in front of you, but in fact, it is a mirror of water, moonflowers, far away in the horizon.

"This is the lever of destiny!" Suddenly, the wizard on the flying carpet turned around and solemnly whispered to the five wizard apprentices behind him. (To be continued...)