A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 151: Dimension gap



Green looked at the gap between reality and illusion in confusion. Is this his talent for communicating between dimensions

Time seemed to start to slow down, and Green's thinking began to slow down.

As for the parrot that screamed in the illusion to save it, it was just a distorted children's drawing. It seemed familiar, but Green only regarded it as a strange phenomenon when he first tested his mental power. Pay more attention.

Green glanced around at the hut that was almost completely melting. The juice dripping from the furniture was dripping in the air, and the surrounding walls were also twisting and stopping.

The feeling of dizziness became more and more severe, but Green did not see all the strange phenomena when he first tested his mental power. This made Green a little strange, and he once again turned his attention to this place between reality and illusion. Inside the crack, I hope to see something weird again to determine the specific function of my talent for communicating between dimensions.

Green looked beyond the illusory handkerchief and looked deeper into the crack.


After a burst of irregular ripples deep in the twisted and unstable crack, a huge hole appeared from the depth of the crack, and then a majestic bone snake that resembled a mountain chain came out of the crack. According to Green's normal realistic thinking, visual inspection According to calculations, the thickness and diameter of the bone snake in that distant place is definitely no less than that of the King Right Whale, and it is much longer.

What a behemoth this is!

The bone snake suddenly opened its mouth, and countless small green beetles appeared. At the same time, the bone snake itself began to collapse and turned into countless beetles.

Overall, it seemed that the bone snake was composed of countless beetles. It was possible that these beetles ate the bone snake from the inside instantly. Green was not sure.

Even at this moment, Green felt that his thinking was halting and slow, and simple reasoning and guessing seemed to be the most difficult thing at this moment.

Each beetle suddenly let out a cry similar to that of a human child when it was born. It was clear and loud, but they all seemed to be afraid of Green and ran away deeper into the cracks in the dimensional gap.

Green didn't know...

At this moment, in the eyes of these dimensional gap monsters, the sky seemed to suddenly open a dark crack of unknown tens of thousands of kilometers, and a huge eye was 'secretly' looking at everything in the bottle from the cracked bottle mouth.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, a towering, sun-blocking giant twisted handkerchief of a parrot drawn by children appeared at the group of beetles. With a few feet, it trampled the seemingly endless beetles to death, and turned into wisps of green smoke that entered the mouth of the parrot drawn by children. Then the parrot shouted at Green: "Little wizard, give me your original soul fire quickly, don't think of your eighth master as these reptiles from lower dimensions!"

Primordial soul fire, eh

Green was stunned for a moment. How could this parrot be so powerful in the world between dimensions

However, the so-called original soul fire is the original fire of the qualitative transformation of the wizard's soul, and is the source of self-growth and sublimation of the wizard's soul. As for the soul slave subdued by the original soul fire, the relationship between the soul slave and the wizard will become a partnership to a certain extent, just like Peranos and Heiga, Arrowworth and the red-eyed frog.

Once a wizard possesses an original soul slave, as long as the soul slave dies, the wizard will permanently lose the opportunity for soul growth.

Therefore, most wizards will never release their original soul fire.

Of course, releasing the original soul fire also has relative benefits, that is, while acquiring certain abilities of this soul slave, it also has a chance to reincarnate and coexist! In layman's terms, the wizard will share a body with his soul slave until death.

According to Green's guess about Solam's immortality, it is very likely that Solam is symbiotic with a strange creature with such an ability.

And it is very possible that this symbiotic creature is some extremely rare creature in the dimensional gap or mysticism. It may even have some potential relationship with Solam and it is due to some coincidence that this situation was formed.

Don't mention these things.

After being stunned for a moment due to slow thinking, Green immediately looked at the parrot with a sneer.

A creature from the illusory world, a monster that will never interact with the endless world, actually wants the fire of the original soul from me

Green once borrowed an ancient book from Robin. It mentioned that some ancient wizards had already discovered the existence of the dimensional world. Although the wizards at that time did not determine the specific knowledge of the dimensional world, one thing is certain. , two different dimensional worlds, unless they actively enter a mysterious space called the dimensional gap, there will be no intersection at all.

As for what the dimensional gap is, the ancient wizard's knowledge has not been able to answer it.

Therefore, although Green has no understanding of his own talent, one thing is certain, that is, the creatures in a dimensional gap will never have any effect on him, even with those very few dimensional gap creatures that can communicate with each other. The so-called knowledge to communicate is simply not feasible in the rules of the endless world.

Do you expect the crickets in the box to teach you their fighting skills

In this way, Green couldn't help but sneered: "You parrot..."

"Asshole! Your eighth brother is not the inferior, dirty, stupid parrot creature in the wizarding world. You are the most orthodox and noble steel-emblemed myna in the wizarding world!" The children's drawing of 'parrot' on the handkerchief seemed to have been stepped on. The tailed cat screamed.

Uh, the Steel-Emblem Starling from the Wizarding World

It's not a creature from the dimensional gap. What's going on

Green couldn't believe it, but after using his slow thinking to think about it, he suddenly felt that for some reason in this distorted time and space, he always forgot some things in the real world. Instead, he was obsessed with something in the imaginary world. Weird things are easier to accept.

This can be seen from the initial mental strength test.

When you use this innate ability, your reaction will be much slower, and it will be easier to accept some strange things that break the conventional thinking.

At this moment, Green suddenly remembered.

Didn’t he get a handkerchief from Ice Age Millie? I obviously remember this incident all the time in reality, but now I only remember it after seeing this 'parrot' for such a long time.

Why is this

Not to mention Green's confused thinking, the Steel Emblem Star Brother in the gap on the other side was anxious and shouted: "What are you still staring at, little guy! With your experience in the years when you have just been promoted to an official wizard, how much can you have?" Can memory pry open this crack in the dimensional gap? Give me your original soul fire, and I will give you all the dimensional knowledge that old bastard asked me to memorize!"

His body was shaken, but Green asked in a daze: "Memory pries open the cracks in the dimensional gap? What is the dimensional gap?"


Just after Gang Hui Bago screamed out the words 'imagination space', a cluster of soul fire appeared.

Green has no experience in subduing soul slaves, and the strength of Green's split soul fire at this time is far from enough to subdue creatures with too high physical, soul, wisdom, mental power, and energy levels.

However, if an intelligent creature takes the initiative to become Green's soul slave, it is another matter.

"Wow haha! Master Ba, I am finally free. I no longer have to wander in this disgusting illusory world. I can finally, can, can... wuwuwu..." On Green's shoulder, there was a red dog about twenty centimeters long. A beautiful green and white creature appeared.

This creature has indeed become a physical life in the endless world. After screaming excitedly in the human language of the wizarding world for a moment, it actually started crying again.

A standard set of human thoughts and emotions.

Green's face turned pale, and he waved his hand again, and the dimensional gap closed.

Gudu, Gudu...

Everything in the 'Green Cabin' was almost melted. After Green waved his hand to close the crack in the dimension gap, he covered his dizzy head and gasped for breath. He looked at the steel badge on his shoulder and asked: " Just now you said that the dimensional gap is an imaginary space, what's going on?"


Venus, the goddess of love

At this moment, Green certainly would not think that Venus, the goddess of love, mentioned by this steel-emblem starling, was the perfume he invented.

The so-called "Venus, the God of Love" is actually the most widely circulated legendary novel in the wizarding continent. The protagonist is a beautiful female knight who grows up in order to resurrect her lover.

The ending of the story is that Venus becomes the God of Love, breaks away from the paladin rules of that world, breaks through to a higher divine space, and the story ends.

However, at this moment, this steel-emblem starling said that it had found Venus in the gap between dimensions!


Could it be that…

The so-called low-dimensional space is the low-dimensional book world created by the imagination of all creatures in the endless world

And the so-called dimensional gap is the gathering place where the most powerful creatures in the lower dimensional world attempt to escape from the lower dimensional world and travel to the higher dimensional world

Because 'they' were no longer at ease in the low-latitude world in the books and wanted to reach the high-latitude world where the gods who created their world lived, so 'they' surpassed the strongest level that the low-latitude world could bear and successfully broke away from the rules of the books. limit.

And since 'they' have exceeded the limit of book rules, the author of the book will no longer use the rules of his own work to describe any situation of 'them', and then 'they' have reached the limit of imagination of readers like Green

And the imaginary boundary space of readers like Green... is the so-called dimensional gap

Gang Hui Bage's excitement gradually subsided. He turned his head to look at Green and said slowly: "As the little bastard wizard who pulled me out of the dimension gap, the old bastard wizard asked me to tell you something."

Under the pale mask, the corners of Green's eyes twitched. He resisted the urge to disembowel the myna and then use its intestines to strangle him alive. He said gloomily: "What are you talking about?"

"In the endless world, a true ninth-level true spiritual wizard will never appear!" Gang Hui Bago said firmly.

Green's face turned pale, and he gasped quickly and asked, "Why?"

The so-called ninth-level true spirit wizard is the highest dream state in the wizard's concept.

That means that the wizard's philosophy can reach a certain state of qualitative change, and there will be a greater qualitative change than the promotion of wizard apprentices to true spirit wizards combined.

It is said that after the eighth-level true spirit wizard breaks through to the ninth-level true spirit wizard, he can only stay in the endless world for an hourglass time before he sublimates into a higher-level life. From then on, he will never have anything to do with the lower-level beings in the endless world.

It is precisely because there was a ninth-level true spirit wizard in the history of the wizarding world that the wizarding world has an hourglass timer!

An hourglass time is equal to two natural hours. In the wizarding world, the alternation of sun and moon is considered as one day. One day is equal to twenty-four natural hours, and one hour is equal to sixty minutes of one revolution of the mechanical wizard gear clock.

These are also one of the unique basic rules of the wizarding world.

As for why one of the basic rules of the wizarding world is like this, it is not something Green can understand.

Gang Hui Ba Ge said in a low voice: "Because, that old bastard said before he decided to pull the lever of fate that as long as Ba Ye and I find his favorite Venus in the gap between dimensions, he can realize Ba Ye and I's wish."

"Pry the lever of fate!?"

Green's eyes widened under his pale mask, he repeated, and screamed.

Gang Hui Bage ignored Green's exclamation and said calmly: "My wish, Master Ba, is to become the master of that old bastard. But now... Master Ba, I really feel the traces of that old bastard. He has already It has become the communication material for all wizards and occultists, that is, Venus, the goddess of love in the endless world!”

… … …

Must-see notes:

In the biographical novel "Venus, Goddess of Love" in the wizarding world, when Venus became a god and resurrected her lover, she sublimated and broke through to a higher level of divine space. At the end of the theme story, the protagonist Venus no longer appears.

The ending is that her resurrected lover established the Church of Love for her, and became the main priest of the church. Other low-level priests can obtain the protection of God of Love through devout prayers, and turn into the fighting profession of messenger of the gods.

These story rules…

Looking at the so-called gods like Ainas with the wisdom of a wizard, rather than saying that Ainas has sublimated into a so-called god, it is better to say that Ainas has become a higher-level rule and an energy borrowing point for those sacrifices and divine envoys. Understood as some kind of non-level magical material. RS

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