A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 153: Please call me Xiaoba


Two months later, Sandufeng Garden Castle


After Green shouted coldly, he threw the bones in his hand and threw them into the corner.

"Woof woof woof!"

The red and green steel emblem on Green's shoulder spread out his wings and flew out, barking like a puppy. He picked up the bone that fell on the ground in one gulp, flew to Green's shoulder, and gently placed the bone on Green's hand. on the palm of your hand.

Green gave a satisfied "hmm" and looked sideways at the steel-emblem starling on his shoulder who had a flattering look on his shoulder and kept sticking out his tongue like a puppy. He was still wagging his tail!

After two months of patient repairs under Green's various tortures, a mere broken bird that had no ability to resist finally succumbed to Green's 'power'. Thinking about the previous attitude and current performance of this myna, it's simply... It feels like a world apart, like two different birds.

With a satisfied smile, Green threw the bone out again without saying a word.

"Woof woof woof!"

Gang Hui Bago once again took the bone back, but this time Green did not pick up the bone again. Instead, he walked out of the room and said calmly: "Okay, I will give you a day off today. Be honest."

After speaking, Green left the room.

After returning for a while, there was no movement outside the room. Brother Ba threw the bones in his mouth out and screamed but did not dare to cry loudly: "Shame! This is a shame! Wuwuwu! I am a boy, Brother Ba." A great Steel Emblem Starling, not a three-headed dog. This is a shame to the Steel Emblem Starling! I want, I want..."


The door to the room opened again, and Green said calmly: "What's going on? What are you mumbling like a bird here?"


Ba Ge was stunned for a moment, and his expression immediately changed. He put on the flattering expression of a puppy sticking out his tongue, and said flatteringly: "Ah... Great Master Green, I just suddenly feel that the name Xiao Ba is perfect for me. What Ba Ye, it doesn’t fit my personality at all. There is no artistry at all. On the contrary, the new name Xiaoba, the ancient wizard script is composed of twenty-six strokes, which is exactly the same as the twenty-six basic symbols of the element wizard. The artistic conception of the article is consistent with it, as well as the profound connotation and literary philosophy contained in it... "

Green recognized his own smile and said lightly: "Well, it is commendable that you can find the artistic conception of twelve-six strokes and twenty-six runes. However, as for the literary philosophy..."

"Oh, no, no, you must not say that modestly! The name Xiaoba is doubly glorious because of your greatness. It is Xiaoba's honor..."

After a while, Green left the room again.

The Steel Emblem Starling slapped his head hard with his wings, and cried in a low voice: "What kind of stupid day is this? The great Steel Emblem Starling's face is so shameless because of me! No, I want revenge, I want revenge, I must take crazy revenge!"

Saying this, Myna looked left and right, looking at a green frog in Green's experimental vessel. He walked over with a sinister smile on his face.

After a while…

"Tell your master to bully me, ask your master to bully me, tell you... I will trample you to death! Master Ba will not only trample to death your poor little frog, but also all the soul slaves of that bastard in the future... ugh Woo hoo. You bastard, you should whine and beg for mercy. Don't be unresponsive. Don't point your butt at me... "

… …

the other side. Green was meditating on the grass in the flower garden outside the castle.

The Tiandu Peak Vein Giant Turtle did not fly at full speed, but it was still very fast, and the strong wind slid past Green. The sea in the distance is no longer black, but blue, and occasionally some uninhabited islands can be seen.

At this time, Green's mental power is only 12 points, but the upper limit of the first-level wizard's mental power is 100 points. According to Green's first year and a half of meditation, he will gain 1 point of mental power, and if he will gain 1 point of mental power in the next two and a half years, it will take two hundred years. Before the mandatory mission, it was enough for Green to increase his mental power to the upper limit of 100 points for a first-level wizard.

Of course, this is all while Green meditates non-stop every day.

In the long years to come, in addition to continuing to study the deeper wizard knowledge that was unresolved during his apprenticeship, Green also had two other things in different directions waiting for Green to solve.

One is to prepare for the development of another world war two hundred years later.

Although demon hunters can participate in wars in other worlds at any time, if a demon hunter stays in the wizarding world for a long time, there will be a mandatory mission after two hundred years. This is a rule stipulated to prevent the "worms" of demon hunters.

As a demon hunter in the Dark Department, Greene needs to learn not only the wizard hood and curse techniques common to demon hunters, but also the dark wizard's knowledge of negative energy collection, and he can even try to study synthetic beasts and the mysteries of life and death.

Although the dark wizard's ability to collect negative energy is somewhat similar to the Green Flame Giant's devouring abomination, it is fundamentally different.

After Green's understanding.

Generally speaking, all the negative energy collected by the dark wizard is a negative emotion called despair. After this negative emotion is collected, it will permanently increase the basic energy attack power of the dark wizard!

In other words, after a dark wizard collects a large amount of this negative energy emotion and then performs other witchcraft, the basic energy level of the despair he collects will be attached to this witchcraft. In this way, this will make the dark wizard's seemingly ordinary little witchcraft have unimaginably powerful attack power, and will make the dark wizard's already powerful synthetic beast turn into a terrible nightmare after some strengthening.


This base point attack speed bonus called the negative emotion of despair will only work on the same race as the black wizard who collects energy.

In other words, after a dark wizard collects despair using human test subjects, the witchcraft performed by this dark wizard will only have a basic attack speed bonus when attacking humans, and will have no effect on other creatures.

This is the fundamental reason why the Wizarding Continent strictly prohibits the appearance of dark wizards but keeps banning them repeatedly!

Compared with dark wizards, ANBU demon hunters have undergone fundamental changes.

Although they also collect despair, demon hunters never collect experimental products from humans in the wizarding world, but only collect them from creatures fighting in other worlds. Even when conquering other worlds, only a small number of ANBU demon hunters adopted the collection method of repeatedly using experimental specimens. Most of them fought on the battlefield and then used war to support the war. The more they fought, the stronger they became to complete the desperate collection.

Because for the dark wizard, the most essential pursuit is to strengthen the knowledge of elements and leverage the rules, not the dark wizard's targeted graduate studies and the secrets of death.

In a certain respect, the dark wizard is like a kind of terrifying wizard who is constantly studying the essential weaknesses of other races of creatures, trying to dominate the life and death of creatures, and then stand at the top of the food chain in the endless world; while the elemental wizard is in Constantly pursue self-active evolution, explore the rule knowledge of the endless world, and constantly try to leverage the more powerful rules and secrets of the endless world.

The above is the first thing Green did when he was promoted to the Wizards.

Secondly, Green has been promoted to an official wizard at this time. Compared with the wizard apprentice, a formal wizard does not only have the fundamental change of controlling the power of nature and leveraging the rules of the world.

First of all, the most fundamental thing is the qualitative change of the official wizard's soul, which allows the official wizard to split the soul seeds and cultivate soul slaves of his own exclusive power.

You must know that when a demon hunter participates in the development war of another world, in addition to the countless soul slave cannon fodder of the Stigmata wizard at the beginning, each demon hunter's own soul slaves are also considered part of their own strength, and will generally follow the demon hunter. The wizard went to fight together.

Secondly, you can choose the legendary knight followers to sign a support treaty.

However, rather than saying that the wizard selects the legendary knights, it is actually better to say that the wizard draws out certain contracts that he can accept, and uses the blood transformation witchcraft as a bait to let those legendary knights who have mastered their own blood abilities choose.

Generally speaking, wizards will mark all the conditions they can offer on their contracts, including the style and degree of transformation of the legendary knight's body and blood, enjoyment of benefits, and the duration of the contract...

At this time.

From the perspective of a demon hunter, Green has not yet planned to find supporting knights who are part of his private force, because in Green's opinion at this time, the investment and expenditure are completely out of proportion, and it is better to collect soul slaves.

If it were a mystical wizard, it would be another matter.

After an hourglass hour, Green stood up after meditating on the lawn, took out the crystal ball, and explored it with his mental energy.

Mental power: 12, magic power: 119~133

Physical strength: 139, physical strength: 90~122, strength: 88~212, activity: 79~101.

(Note: The mental power calculation method remains unchanged. After reading the previous article, I found that the 'physical power' calculation method is a bit confusing and has some errors. In order to facilitate understanding, in the future, the strength and activity of the physical power calculation method will be intuitively referenced according to the attack and defense degrees. The protagonist of the following article on physical strength It will be involved, not a useless setting.)

Green put away the crystal ball, and suddenly a line dividing land and sea appeared in the distant sea.

"Well, have you finally returned to the Wizarding Continent?" After muttering, Green walked towards the castle.

While walking, Green seemed to think of something and suddenly stopped. He casually opened a crack in the dimensional gap and looked inside. After a while, he shook his head in disappointment and closed the crack.

The 'Green Elements 1.0** Staff Official Version' copied in the Heart of the World disappeared. (To be continued...)

ps: From October 27th to November 20th at an uncertain time, Egret will have to graduate and create, so it can only keep one update. If there is any interruption, it will be replaced later. u