A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 166: One-eighteenth of a second


readx(); Spring comes and autumn comes, and the four seasons reincarnate.

Thirty years have passed!

Thirty years may be too long for a wizard apprentice, but for the Seven Rings Holy Tower and even the entire wizarding world, it is just a blink of an eye.

It only took a total of twenty years from the time Green entered the Black Sotha Wizarding Academy to the Holy Tower Qualification Tournament to become the pinnacle wizard apprentice.

Now thirty years have passed, and even though Green seems to be doing the same thing every day and night, unknowingly, some psychological accumulation has begun to become like dust on the ground, gradually covering Green's mind.

Of course, just like a child's own height growth, Green himself will not notice the change.

After shaving off the beard that had begun to grow sparsely, and cutting off a section of the long blond hair that was already in the way. Looking at the clean and energetic face in the mirror, Green gently touched his smooth chin and continued to start a new day. Day after day of boring experimental research.

The most basic price that wizards pay in order to explore more profound and mysterious truths is the boredom and persistence day after day. However, even if they know this, only a handful of the most elite wizards can endure the loneliness and loneliness.

Green came to the Annihilation Energy Research Laboratory.

The annihilation energy reaction recorder was produced by Green thirteen years ago. Over the past 13 years, Green has gradually collected some of the most basic data on annihilation energy through this instrument with a relatively simple principle, although these data may seem insignificant to outsiders. Useless.

Taking out the cured capacity glue from the annihilation energy recorder, Green began to put some new liquid high-density capacity glue into it, and then began to use repulsion and attraction to continue stirring evenly until he confirmed that there were no more bubbles in the capacity glue. Gently close the instrument cover.

In a sealed environment, volumetric glue takes half an hour to transform its properties, transforming its liquefied structure into a solid glue block, and the internal structure tends to be stable. Only then can the next experimental recording be started.

Taking advantage of this time, Green sat on the experimental table and began to summarize the experimental data recorded and summarized by Zeng Jing.


Through more than ten years of recording data, the Annihilation Energy Recorder has recorded the energy reaction results of thousands of times with different proportions of water and fire elements, which gradually evolved from 'exploding flame' to 'exploding water vapor', and even in the end there was no trace at all. A series of experimental results of annihilation energy reactions.

In the end, Green was able to determine that the utilization rate of annihilation energy by explosive flame witchcraft was between 19% and 23%.

Metaphorically speaking, the wizard's bursting flame witchcraft uses the annihilation energy obtained by hedging the water and fire elements and then uses the energy. The energy utilization efficiency is just like the first experiment of instructor Elaine in the first class of Black Sol Tower Wizard Academy. The wizard directly After throwing the magic stone, it explodes.

This energy utilization efficiency has not even reached its due energy level.

This is true for wizards who leverage the rules through subtle control of energy. What a shame!

In other words, even if Green is simply able to make perfect use of this wonderful energy, even if he no longer makes any changes in properties, the energy multiplied by it is one hundred and fifty times thirty times five!

And if it can be developed into a fire bat witchcraft similar to the fireball technique, or even conduct research on sublimated energy again...


The nature of annihilation energy should be a high-level energy that can be annihilated and balanced with the degree of conservation of energy produced by any known matter or energy.

The nature of this higher energy is very wonderful. Any energy and matter that undergoes an annihilation reaction with it will not leave any traces in the material world. Just like the creatures in the void entering the material world will inevitably be continuously annihilated, or the creatures in the material world entering the void will continue to be destroyed. Like disappearing.

With such energy properties, Green's thinking on how to collect annihilation energy and then use it was almost collapsed.

Because theoretically. As long as Greene does not find a collection "vessel" that can prevent annihilation energy from being annihilated, Greene will never be able to surpass the ancient wizard's research on the power of annihilation. He can only use the annihilation energy like the ancient wizard to stop at the explosive flame. level.

at last.

The time for the annihilation reaction between annihilation energy and material energy is one eighteenth of a second. In other words, if Green wants to obtain a beam of annihilation energy that is similar to elemental energy, he must conduct water and fire elemental confrontations at a frequency of more than 18 times per second, and form a perfect cycle, in order to obtain a truly pure beam of annihilation energy.

This is the transient nature of annihilation energy.

And the instantaneous nature of annihilation energy determines. If Green wanted to conduct further research on annihilation energy, he would have to stack the two bases of the annihilation energy reaction property recorder 18 layers each, and at the same time form an energy system with perfect alternating cyclic reactions within one second.

Eighteen bases are stacked. The two sides of the water and fire elements are thirty-six. Each base has six energy reaction nodes, so it would have taken Green more than 216 years just to burn these energy nodes.

If coupled with the perfect energy circulation design, the magical energy reaction between the bases, and the uniform frequency reaction of one-eighteenth of a second, Green would have no hope of realizing the "eternal annihilation energy properties reaction" in this concept without three hundred years. Recorder" was produced.

On the other hand, it also means that even if Green masters the use of the properties of annihilation energy in the future, he must solve the problem of continuous hedging of water and fire energy in order to truly utilize annihilation energy.

After drawing a circuit diagram and a ratio analysis diagram for this experimental form, and recording yesterday's research records on the properties of annihilation energy, half an hourglass time passed.

The high-density liquid capacity glue in the annihilation energy property reaction recorder has turned into a solid solid.

Walking to the annihilation energy reaction recorder, Green adjusted the energy ratio of the water and fire elements to 51.35% to 48.65%, and then adjusted the two ends of the annihilation energy reaction recorder. The base is embedded with energy crystals. After a series of complex operations, the energy of different elements in the bases at both ends begins to penetrate into the high-density capacity glue.

Gradually, a dark red area began to appear in the center of the transparent volumetric glue.


There was a burst of energy fluctuations inside the Annihilation Energy Reaction Recorder. The energy conservation seal runes on the crystal glass flashed crazily and wandered around, completely sealing some of the energy spread by the Annihilation Energy in this small container.

After a few breaths, the inside of the Annihilation Energy Nature Response Recorder completely calmed down.

At this time, the solid capacity rubber block inside the annihilation energy property reaction recorder has undergone great changes. In the center area, a gathering point of numerous bubble stripes has been born. This is the point where energy is annihilated inside the instrument in an instant of one-eighteenth of a second.

Green began to record the attack speed and annihilating energy response of this annihilation energy reaction in his notebook.

There is an obvious difference. In the water-fire annihilation energy reaction, once the proportion of fire element exceeds 50%, the explosive flame witchcraft will explode in a diffuse manner, and the volumetric bubbles in the annihilation energy reaction recorder will appear radially. It explodes from the center in all directions.

If the water element exceeds 50%, the bubbles left by the bursting water vapor in the solid volume glue will shrink like a spiral ball, and all the bubbles will condense into a ball and solidify towards an origin.

but. The energy consumed by the crystal glass sealing runes around the annihilation energy response recorder exceeds the witchcraft based on the bursting flame principle.

Among them, there seems to be some energy knowledge about higher annihilation reactions.

After Green used a crystal ball to record the shape of the bubbles in the volumetric glue, he carefully opened the seal of the instrument, poured a formula called Amutilin into the solid volumetric glue, and then quickly sealed it and destroyed it. Energy response recorder.

After a while.

The volumetric glue became more transparent, but the extinguished bubbles in the volumetric glue were blood red and seemed to be filled with some reaction gases.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... two hundred and thirty-four, two hundred and thirty-five, two hundred and thirty-six... one thousand and twenty-one, one thousand and twenty-two, one One thousand and twenty-three, one thousand and twenty-four. It is still one thousand and twenty-four filament-like annihilation energy reactions. Is it still the number of reactions of two to the tenth power..." Green murmured in his notebook. Record it.

Later. Green put away the notes, then sat quietly in front of the microscope on the test bench without saying a word, and silently began to carve basic reaction runes on the lava spar.

This is a boring and boring thing.

It seems that Green has completely decided to spend hundreds of years making an enhanced version of the annihilation energy reaction recorder. Eternal annihilation energy response recorder.

Perhaps, this 'eternal annihilation energy reaction recorder' still cannot help Green realize the understanding and control of annihilation energy, but if Green does not do it, there is no possibility of achieving it.

Three hourglass hours later.

Green came out of the voodoo laboratory and sat on the dining table bench. Mechanically chewing the 'delicious feast' that had no taste at all. Xiaoba on the other side had no desire to use the tableware. He looked at Green in boredom and said, "Huh? My great and dear young master Green. . You don’t look good today. Are you taking drugs again?”

Green had just inoculated his body with a new type of voodoo for mixed poison body training. His body was in a weak stage, and his face certainly didn't look good.

Glancing at Xiaoba, Green said calmly: "I rarely see you going to Angelina recently. What's wrong?"

"Hey, that guy went to develop in a different world called Potbiwa a year ago." Myna sighed and said unhappily.

"Huh? He left so soon. Didn't you say that he still has decades to go before he reaches the mandatory mission period?" Green asked in surprise while cutting a steak.

Bage spread his wings, made an anthropomorphic shrug gesture, and said: "I don't know what that guy is thinking. It seems that he plans to go to a very strange world of the Wizards Alliance, but he is missing some witch spirits."

Green nodded, confirming Myna's guess.

For most wizards who do not have a self-research system, the easiest way to obtain knowledge inspiration is to plunder and learn from foreign worlds.

Often the different rules between foreign worlds and wizarding worlds make it easy for wizards to acquire some relatively simple and practical witchcraft knowledge.

There was silence at the dining table for a while, and the old man stood respectfully behind Green.

Suddenly, Green frowned during the meal. After taking out the crystal ball, the image of an old green-eyed wizard appeared on the crystal ball. The old wizard over there smiled and said: "Black Tower Green, I have successfully advanced. Official wizard. How about it, is your mecha heart still there?"

Well, this is Guilini, has she also been promoted to an official wizard

However, it seems that she must have chosen to use the living body to leverage her spiritual power, which is why she became so old.

Green was not too surprised. This kind of thing could no longer cause many emotional fluctuations in Green. Green wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, nodded to the crystal ball, and said with interest: "Of course it's still there." (To be continued...) u