A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 172: Demon Hunting Appointment


Green, who was flying in the sky, looked at a new neighbor on the other side of his demon-hunting castle. He was slightly startled and stopped, floating in the air with a surprised expression.


It's her!

On the green lawn, her silver-white silk hair flew in the wind, revealing a little crystal light on her forehead. Her ice-white robe was spotless, and her flawless eyes looked up at Green in surprise.

This demon hunting wizard turned out to be Milly, who had the title of Ice Age during her apprenticeship as a wizard.

The neighbors on both sides of the Green Demon Hunting Castle are the famous demon hunter Angile on one side, but the other side has always been idle and no demon hunter has moved in. Now he did not expect that Milly would become his neighbor.

After thinking about it, Green stopped thinking about returning to the Demon Hunting Castle and flew towards Milly.

"Milly, congratulations on your promotion to the official wizard." Green said as he floated in front of Milly, looking at her with his eyes under his golden silk hair.

The two were more than ten meters apart, and a breeze blew by.

Milly's eyes flickered, looking at Green's increasingly deep, indifferent, and wise eyes under the gray joyride mask, recalling the battle between the Holy Tower Qualifications and Wizard Apprentices decades ago, as if she could still remember it vividly.

Has the once-famous demon hunter curbed his edge again? Milly took the initiative to perform wizard etiquette towards Green and whispered: "Next to it, is Lord Green's demon-hunting castle?"

"Well, it's been more than thirty years." Green nodded.

In appearance, Millie seems to have not changed at all, and she still has the same appearance. It seems that when she was promoted to an official wizard, she did not choose to leverage too many levers between physical vitality and mental power. But judging from the breath and feelings, this sorceress should have undergone some internal changes at this time.

"Oh? To be able to be lucky enough to be neighbors with Mr. Green is due to some inexplicable fate and destiny." Milly gently lifted her hair, and at the same time dispersed some of the white hazy ice on her face, revealing her complete true appearance. , seems to be out of some etiquette respect.

Green nodded, indeed sighing at the coincidence of fate.

"Where's Mina? Haven't you been promoted to an official wizard yet?" Green asked casually.

Green still vividly remembers the tough woman during his apprenticeship as a wizard.

Milly shook her head and said in a gentle and cold voice: "My sister has to be promoted to an official wizard before me, but what my father arranged for her is that she can become a guardian of the wizarding world. With her characteristics Her talent is indeed very suitable for the path her father has chosen for her." After a pause, Milly added: "Thousands of years later, if Mina is qualified to become a wizard guardian, not only will I fall behind her, but maybe Mr. Green also..."

Hum hum…

Green laughed silently and said: "With her character, she has been able to selflessly dedicate herself to the wizarding world as a slave for thousands of years. I want to see what she will be like in the future."

After saying this, Green seemed to suddenly think of something. With a mental movement, the space on his shoulders was distorted, and a starling with bright feathers suddenly appeared.

"Huh? This is..."

Starling opened his wings and flapped twice before maintaining his balance. Of course, he was a little confused when he was suddenly summoned to a strange place by Greene. It took him a while to gradually adapt to the surrounding situation. When he found that he was actually in the neighbor's yard of Ringer's Demon Hunting Castle. . He couldn't help but scream angrily: "Damn it, why don't you just say hello at such a short distance? Master Ba, I... ah? Hahaha, hahahaha, Master Green. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding... "

With a snort, Green looked away, looked at Milly and said, "Are you familiar?"

"Is this the parrot sealed in the handkerchief?" Milly asked with wide eyes and slight surprise after seeing Myna.

"Asshole! Your eighth brother is not that lowly and stupid lower-level creature. Your eighth brother is the noble and great steel emblem of the wizarding world!" The eighth brother is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, blowing up its feathers like a fighting cock, and shouting shouted at Milly.

obviously. When Starling was in the dimensional gap, he didn't know that the clues to his only real existence in the wizarding world had been kept by the wizard in front of him.


Milly stared blankly at the vivid myna on Green's shoulder, and was really surprised. What magical abilities does this magical little creature that was 'sealed' into the interdimensional gap in ancient times have


Suddenly, a deafening sound like thunder exploded from the dense clouds overhead. Under the dull depression, a bloody crescent moon slowly descended. This made Milly, who saw the original space fortress of the wizarding world for the first time, not only completely stunned. , dumbfounded as he watched the sky cover the sky and the sun. The shadow slowly spread over him, blocking the sky and the sun.

The vision gradually darkens.

In the sky, all mechanical flying objects stopped one after another, countless wizards scattered like swarms of locusts, and the crown of the Tree of Life slowly opened like a bud...

Green frowned and murmured: "Sure enough, as the steward of Sandu Peak said, wars in the wizarding world have become more and more frequent in the past hundred years. The once long foreign war cycle is now every seven to ten years in the Seven Rings Holy Tower. It will be launched once, and if you think about other elemental wizard holy towers in the wizarding world, it is about the same. As for the holy tower institutions other than elemental wizards, there should be fewer, but in general, foreign wars in the wizarding world are indeed becoming more and more frequent. ”

Glancing at Milly who was still in shock next to him, Green had seen the scene of the space fortress traveling through the cracks in time and space several times. Although he was still shocked, he was no longer surprised.


After coughing twice, Green brought Milly back to consciousness from the overwhelming shock, and said calmly: "This is the process of leveraging the regulations of the wizarding world's original space fortress to travel through the cracks in time and space. You will get used to it in the future. Okay, Now if we go to the top of the Demon Hunting Castle and deliver more than 1,000 degrees of magic power to the Demon Hunting Altar, we will receive a witch spirit as a contribution reward."

"Witch spirit!"

Milly seemed a little in disbelief and repeated, does a demon hunter still have such a welfare arrangement

She knew how difficult it was for her father, a mysterious wizard, to earn witch spirits.

He nodded and manipulated the power of nature to levitate his body and fly towards the castle. The bug on his shoulder had an unhappy look on his face, and his small eyes glared at Milly fiercely under Dara's eyelids.


"Green!" Milly suddenly called Green.

Green in the air looked at Milly doubtfully.

"Are you interested in completing some monster hunting development tasks in another world together in the future? Although we are not friends at all, we may be able to support each other in the future." Milly looked at Green, her clear and bright eyes filled with a trace of Looking forward to it seriously.

Complete some tasks together

Green has gradually become clearer about the exotic development mission of ANBU Demon Hunters over the years. It can be said that apart from the first full-scale battle of the invasion of the foreign world, most of the tasks of the ANBU demon hunters are to fight in teams of three or two elites to carry out mobile destruction and killing, which is used to clean up the large number of indigenous guerrilla combat troops in the foreign world.

Therefore, for ANBU demon hunters, war tends to be more individualized and small-scale combat, and it does not matter whether there are close teammates around.

Almost every dark wizard has a complete combat system to deal with most combat situations to ensure his chance of survival, unlike the clear division of labor that becomes a group operation like the bright wizard.

As far as Green is concerned, the idea is actually to fight alone, which will make it easier for Green to fully plunder various resources for the demon hunting mission.

However, if you take into account the vacuum period of elemental magic power during the period of research on annihilation energy...

Green turned around and said: "In less than one hundred and seventy years, my mandatory mission period is coming, and you still have two hundred years left."…

Milly shook her head: "I'm not like you and your sister. Because my apprenticeship as a wizard was too short, I needed to be promoted to a formal wizard to digest a lot of relatively advanced wizard knowledge. As early as during the wizard academy, I stayed in the wizard's apprenticeship. Sixty years at the peak of my apprenticeship, plus the previous thirty years in the Seven Rings Holy Tower, I have been well prepared to advance to a formal wizard, and one hundred and seventy years is enough for me to complete the initial digestion and adaptation of the knowledge of a formal wizard."

After Milly finished speaking, the breeze blew by, and the rhombus-shaped ice crystals on her forehead flashed with cold luster.

After Green thought seriously for a while, as an ancient and sad war horn sounded from the direction of the Tree of Life, he no longer hesitated and said seriously: "Then, let's make some specific arrangements at that time. In these years, I still need to concentrate on completing some long-term tasks." Precision experiment.”

Milly looked happy and nodded silently.

Seeing Milly nodding in agreement, Green flew directly to the top of his demon-hunting castle without hesitation.

After half an hourglass time.

Rumbling, another blood-moon-like original space fortress with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters entered the space-time rift from the tree of life, carrying countless demon hunters into a new journey. (.)

(End of chapter)