A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 178: Set out to conquer the mysterious world


call out! call out!

Green and Milly landed together at the dark wizard's headquarters. .

This time, Green and Milly did not land on the ground in front of the Dark Wizards' headquarters, but flew directly to the open-air square on the top of the Hexagonal Building. At this time, the square was already crowded, with about 20,000 Dark Witch Hunters gathered here. look.

Further away, scattered dark wizards were still gathering in an endless stream.

Green and Milly stood in a relatively sparse area of wizards in the hexagonal square of the dark wizard headquarters building, quietly looking at the many demon-hunting dark wizards in the surrounding squares.

As far as Green's visual perception is concerned, the number of first-level wizards and second-level wizards in the square at this time should be twelve to fifteen to one. In other words, among the 20,000 to 30,000 dark wizards in the square at this time, there are There are less than two thousand level two wizards with elemental abilities.

As for the third-level wizard

It is difficult to see third-level wizards under the seven-ring defensive shield, and even during demon hunting expeditions, the proportion of third-level wizards is surprisingly low.

The main reason is that most dark wizards have been conducting experimental research and insights for many years with the support of the wizarding world's policies, in order to break through the Holy Mark Wizards and strengthen the wizarding world. In addition, third-level wizards are too busy, and many special tasks must be completed by third-level wizards.

For example, the dean of the wizard academy, the order inspection of the enslaved world, the redress of riots and enslaved world, the world coordinate positioning and monster hunting information collection before the demon hunting expedition, the Holy Tower Order System...

If the first and second level elemental wizards are ordinary soldiers and elite soldiers in the wizarding world, then the third level wizards are high-level soldiers who are expected to become commanders.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz…

Dozens of extremely fast afterimages of Dodge fell from the sky. When they stopped in front of everyone, they turned out to be huge mechanical bee aircraft. Green had seen this before when he was riding the Tiandu Peak Giant Turtle on the Black Sea to the Heart of the World. The peak wizard apprentice of the Sky Holy Tower rode this aircraft for a short time.

Milly had obviously never seen such a high-speed aircraft, and she looked slightly surprised at this moment.

Green was thinking.

I wonder if these mechanical honey aircraft are also part of the original space fortress of the wizarding world. It was the Holy Tower that arranged a special aircraft to carry dark wizards into the space fortress.

If it is part of the original space fortress, then this rapid mechanical bee aircraft should be the 'car' of those elite combat wizards.

The so-called elite combat wizards refer to those demon hunting wizards who have received the Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is divided into third class, second class, first class, and special class. They represent the elite of the demon hunting wizards. Not only do they have resources and policy support, His status is not comparable to that of ordinary demon hunters.

This kind of mechanical bee seemed to be able to carry only ten people at its maximum. After it was loaded with dark wizards, it buzzed and turned into afterimages and shot into the sky, passing through the defensive cover and clouds without any hindrance. The whole process took less than a minute, which was really fast.

Just a moment later.

Dozens of mechanical bees with empty cockpits flew back again, and then another group of dark wizards took off.

Green and Milly sat next to each other. The mechanical bee flew at high speed to escape the gravity of the earth's veins, which made the weaker wizard feel uncomfortable and activated their own defense methods. Because of his powerful system, Green is activating the Nether Eyes of the Face of Truth, staring out the window at the ultra-fast mechanical gears on the wings of the mechanical bee.

"This... is really an ingenious and fantastic mechanical design."

Even if he is not proficient in mechanical knowledge, he can observe the rapidly rotating complex machinery through the eyes of the dead. Green still couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The function of the Eye of Netherworld is not to slow down the time within the field of vision, but to flatten the relative speed within the field of vision. Therefore, the Eye of Netherworld must have a movement frequency and relatively fast energy movement within the field of vision in order to excitation.


The mechanical bee passed behind the defensive cover without any hindrance. After plunging into the thick white clouds above our heads, the foggy clouds around us lasted for a few breaths, and then a magical space of sudden calm appeared.

This is the void space unique to the wizarding world, beneath the water curtain, the sky, and above the clouds. A vacuum layer of elemental energy.

Buzz buzz…

Amidst the buzzing sound of rapidly vibrating wings, the mechanical bee adjusted its flight angle, and the wizards in the cockpit that were originally tilted upward returned to a horizontal angle. Then the mechanical bee turned into an afterimage with a "whoosh" sound and rushed towards a behemoth made of blood-red cold metal in the distance.

A sound wave passed through, and the clouds under the mechanical bee rippled.

From a distance, Green, Milly and the other dark wizards in the mechanical bee cockpit saw the blood-colored moon hanging in the sky directly in front of them, and there were three moons in the distance. At this time, the clouds of the Seven-ring Holy Tower There are four blood moons above.

As the mechanical bee gets closer and closer to the original space fortress, although Green can no longer see the entire space fortress, he can see the local details of the space fortress clearly.

The war machine, the crystallization of the wisdom of the mechanical wizards in the wizarding world, the space fortress, is generally a metal aircraft in the shape of a hemisphere.

The diameter of the metal aircraft in front of me is about twelve thousand meters. The base of the hemispheric platform is made up of pieces of dark red and cold metal plates. Each metal plate is hundreds of meters long and wide. The thickness of the cracks at the joints between the plates was enough to fit the mechanical bee aircraft Green was riding in.

According to visual inspection, the thickness of these dark red metal plates on the base is at least five meters!

Several rows of neatly arranged metal doors are open on the metal plate of the base. Three hundred-meter-long shark-shaped space airships are slowly flying into them. They are then fixed by mechanical arms and pulled into the base of the space fortress. internal.

There are about twenty of these metal gates throughout the base.

The snail messengers floating in the sky were constantly escorting huge flying creatures approaching the original space fortress. These flying creatures seemed to be carrying many Mingbu demon-hunting wizards.


On the energy ring of the Tree of Life, the Heart of the Seven Rings stopped at the void layer. Several space airships were transported up by the Heart of the Seven Rings, and then slowly drove towards the original space fortress.

Above the clouds, there was an extremely busy scene. The mechanical bee aircraft that Green and Milly were riding landed on the flat square of the space fortress.

In addition to a low wizard tower, there are only a few passage entrances to the base of the original space fortress in the huge flat square of the space fortress. Many bright wizards and dark wizards stand clearly in two camps, communicating with each other internally. .

The number of Ming wizards was obviously much greater than that of the Fog and Dark wizards. The wizards communicated with each other in an orderly manner, and then they stood in a formation with only one shoulder distance between each wizard, and then entered the space fortress one after another. Inside the base, it seems to be arranging some tasks.

On the other hand, the dark wizards had a small number of people, so everyone kept a relative distance and were very calm. The dark wizards rarely communicated with each other, and mostly looked at everything around them coldly.

Three hourglass hours later.

No bright wizard could be found in the huge space fortress square. They all entered the space fortress base in an orderly manner. The dark wizards occupied the entire fortress square and waited quietly at their positions.

The mechanical bee aircraft completed their missions and entered the interior of the fortress from the base of the original space fortress.

A black crack opened in the sky. The crack was dozens of meters long.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

After nearly a hundred figures flew out of the black crack, they quickly landed on the original space fortress square. Most of them entered the base of the space fortress directly, while a small half stayed on the flat square.

Green felt the breath of these demon hunters who suddenly came from the black cracks, and determined that these demon hunters were all true third-level wizards.

However, many demon hunters still looked up at the black crack in the sky that had not dissipated. This made Green and Milly beside him realize something, and they continued to look at the black crack in the sky expectantly.

Slowly, the figures of three human wizards appeared in the dark crack.

Almost instantly, all the demon hunting wizards in the space fortress breathed faster, staring closely at the three wizards who appeared, with incomparable longing and yearning deep in their eyes.

These three wizards are the great stigma wizards in the wizarding world!

Click, click, click.

Suddenly, these three stigmata wizards, who were less than two meters tall, seemed to be "stuck" on the other side of the black crack that was dozens of meters long. They were unable to truly come to the wizarding world and instead came to the space fortress. This kind of The situation is really difficult for many low-level wizards to understand.

Green is also making some guesses in his mind: "Is it the energy system? Or the rules and regulations? Or is it the distortion of relative space? Is it an error in time and space?"

At this time, dozens of seven-ringed snail messengers appeared around the black crack.

These snail messengers are like spring silkworms eating mulberry leaves, constantly swimming around the black cracks. The black cracks are getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, they no longer appear in the shape of a vertical line, but form a perfect circle with a full diameter.

A full quarter of an hour later.

A black circular hole with a diameter of more than a hundred meters appeared in the sky above the space fortress.

Then, three stigmata wizards slowly walked out from the center of the black circular hole, walking so cautiously, as if they were afraid of breaking something.

After the three stigmata wizards finally arrived in the wizarding world, dozens of seven-ring snail messengers spit out some energy fluctuations, and the round black holes healed quickly.

Unable to see their figures clearly, in the sky, the three Stigmata wizards looked down at everything in the square of the original space fortress with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters!

At this moment, the many demon hunting wizards who were looking up felt that their hearts had been severely beaten and their breaths were suffocated. Behind the three Stigmata wizards, who seemed to be ordinary human beings, were three huge shadows that were over a hundred meters tall. The specific shapes could not be seen clearly.

A sense of life-level oppression appears in the heart of every demon hunter. (To be continued...) u