A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 179: Set off into a world of mystery


The three stigmata wizards did not descend on the Space Origin Fortress.

There were about thirty or so three-pole dark wizards descending on the square. At this time, these dark wizards stimulated amazing magic power fluctuations, prompting many first-level and second-level dark wizards to look at them.

Subsequently, biological specimens about the mysterious world of shadows and crystal balls recording images of the world's overall rules were distributed.

After a quarter hourglass.

Green and Milly respectively received a crystal ball and a non-human living biological specimen that was only more than half a meter long and resembled a piglet. With their eyes flashing, the two of them ignored the biological specimens that were paralyzed and sealed by the thunder chains in their hands, but first looked at the crystal ball.

Input magic power, and a light screen image appeared in the crystal ball.

As far as the eye can see, there is no grass growing. The red earth is filled with hot sand, rocks and volcanoes emitting thick smoke. The blazing sunshine seems to have put a layer of charcoal on the earth. This is a world without distinction between day and night.

Green was surprised and named the world 'Shadow Mystery'. Why are the rules of the world like this

Eternal daylight

Patiently, Green began to wait for the continued introduction of the crystal ball light curtain image.

In the world of shadow mystery, more than 70% is a blazing, barren continent like the one in the image. It is like the endless ocean in the wizarding world. Although it occupies the main body of the world, it is not suitable for the survival of the race that rules this world.

However, the black smoke from the endless volcanoes in the blazing continent gathered into a large number of black shadow clouds of different sizes under the rules of this world. The clouds covered the eternal scorching light of the red sun in the sky, forming a A place of shadow unique to this world.

The land of shadows, due to the lack of year-round scorching sunlight, can barely be regarded as an "oasis" treasure land suitable for the survival of flesh and blood creatures.

According to the light curtain, the world of shadow mystery has three major shadow places, twelve medium shadow places, one hundred and sixty-four small shadow places, and countless miniature shadows.

And in these shadow lands, a species of creatures called Amunro thrive and rule the entire world of shadow mystery.

According to skin color, Amunro is divided into two types: Golden Amunro and Mysterious Amunro.

Among them, the number of golden Amunro accounts for more than 99% of the total number of the entire Amunro group, but it is ruled by the mysterious Amunro whose number is less than 1%.

Golden Amunro, like most biological groups in foreign worlds, relies on the passive evolution and growth of the body. A very small number of elite Golden Amunro can understand the use of energy. In the world of shadow mystery, these elite Golden Amunro understand Most of the energy usage is flame energy usage.

Mystery Amunro is a noble member of the Amunro tribe.

Regarding the knowledge of the Mystery Amunro, the introduction of the crystal balls is limited to their innate physical strength and a powerful ability called the Mystery Seal, and the description is very vague. It seems that the wizard who recorded the information of this crystal ball has no Being able to have too much exposure to this mystery Amunro.

Following this, it is time to introduce the precious resources of the mysterious world of shadows.

These precious resources are some strange resources discovered by special positioning wizards who have sneaked into this world, and they are ranked according to the wizard's use and rarity.

The first one on the list is a wonderful flame called Liuli Flame. The wonderful characteristic of this flame is that it can transform creatures with a physique of less than 100 within a hundred years into a kind of fire called Liuli Flame. If you have a fire constitution, your resistance to flame energy will be super enhanced.

According to simple experiments, flame elements below a thousand degrees pose no threat to this system at all.

When Green saw this piece of information, his eyes almost popped out!

Green has never heard of this precious high-grade material that directly makes creatures immune to damage caused by fire elements below a thousand degrees. However, according to the balance rules of the endless world, there is definitely a huge flaw behind this immunity to fire elemental damage.

At the same time, there should be some rare resources.

Moreover, Green's own physique has already exceeded 100 points, and he is unable to form such a glazed-as-fire physique.

Ranked second is the knowledge system related to the Mystery Stone and the Mystery Seal Energy.

However, according to the wizard's preliminary experiments, if the wizard wants to perform the mystery sealing technique, he must have some unique physical information of the mystery Amunro. Moreover, there are many restrictions on the energy of the mystery seal, the most important of which is that it must have the mystery stone and the rules of the shadow cloud world.

Ranked third is a plant called the camphor tree. The characteristic of this plant is to extend underground passages. It seems to be very large in scale and can be regarded as a strategic plant.

The fourth ranked one is called Mars Stone.

Mars stones are very easy to obtain in the world of shadow mystery. Basically every crater has a lot of reserves. However, the Amunro clan has never paid attention to this high-grade energy stone with extremely strong fire attribute energy.

Ranked fifth…

There was a list of dozens of precious resources, many of which Green was excited about. Even if he didn't need them, he would definitely be able to sell them at a good price in the wizarding world.

However, what is happening now...

Green looked down at the biological specimen of Amunro that was paralyzed and sealed by the thunder chain in his hand.

This is a golden Amunro, with a body length of only about half a meter, and a golden body. Its overall shape is like a spherical piglet, but its tough and flexible tail that is two meters long is very unique.

Green first made a rational analysis of the golden Amunro from its appearance.

Judging from the body organs, this Amunro should be a mature body. The main body is 62 centimeters, of which the head is only 10 centimeters. The brain capacity is small, the nose and ears are very developed, and the skin is very resistant and active. The specific perception system of the eyes and the specific perception system of the ears require some experiments to judge.

As for this tail that is disproportionate to the body, it has amazing toughness and flexibility. The role of Amunro may be a combination of human hands and mantis forelimbs, with two characteristics: flexibility and aggression.

Observation **** confirmed that it is sexual reproduction, and the reproduction system appears to be extremely excellent.

Judging from the crystal ball, this golden Amunro should be an ordinary Amunro of low status, with a physical constitution of around 23. Although it is far stronger than the average level of ordinary humans in the wizarding world, it is still compared to the average level of the foreign world where the demon-hunting wizards fight. , but it’s just below average.

in addition…

As for the mysterious sealing energy, it should not be an advanced sealing technique that uses the principle of time and space. Then, Green and Xiaoba's time and space communication talents can form a good restraint.

After Green finished the general analysis, he looked to the side. Milly was still carefully observing the biological specimens he had obtained.

Later, Green and Milly exchanged biological specimens. After summarizing, they finally obtained a summary of the golden Amunro tribe. Most of the other dark wizards in the square also exchanged biological specimens with each other in order to achieve a relatively generalized information. Data summary.

After the external observation of the experimental specimen is completed, the internal biological structure begins to be observed.

This includes five parts: anatomy of biological structural characteristics, analysis of internal organ functions, exploration of perceptual systems, judgment of growth system potential, and simulated despair collection.

Of course, some wizards will also conduct other observations on biological specimens based on the needs of their own witchcraft system.

In terms of the anatomy of biological structural characteristics, the most distinctive feature of the golden Amunro in front of him is of course its extremely tough and flexible long tail. This tail deserves Green's careful study.

As for internal organ analysis, this is a basic course that wizard apprentices start learning, so there is no need to say more.

Perceptual system exploration is one of Green's strongest projects.

The growth potential system is based on each wizard's own knowledge system. Green uses cell characteristics identification. There are also many wizards who like soul insight or energy test analysis.

Collecting despair is a matter of last time.

Half a month later.

After Green and Milly exchanged the anatomical information of biological specimens they had obtained, they both fell into deep thought.

Green didn't have much idea. He mainly used this information to judge the status of the biological chain in the world of shadow mystery, as well as the evolutionary history of the Amunro race, the weaknesses of energy elements, etc.

There is no doubt that wizards who are good at ice attributes, water attributes, and poisonous abilities will inevitably cause greater harm to the Amunro family in this world, because Amunro is resistant to ice, water, and poison. Ability is completely negligible compared to fire attribute energy.

It is worth noting that Amunro has the ability to regenerate limbs and become violent, which Green came to the conclusion through judging the characteristics of cells and analyzing the functions of internal organs.

In addition, Amunro's sensory system is divided into vision, hearing, smell, and taste. The light, vision, and sound senses are basically the same as those of humans. However, due to physical evolution and brain capacity, Amunro's sensory system is only flexible. It has a tail, but no sensory system at all in its other limbs and body.

Judging from Amunro's stomach, this race is more omnivorous than humans. In addition to meat and grass-leaf vegetarians, Amunro can even use some energy ores as food and absorbent.

From this perspective, the passive adaptability of this species is much stronger than that of humans.

In addition, the reproductive capacity of this species should be three times that of humans. It takes about ten years to grow into a mature body, and life will be adjusted according to physical changes.

Judging from this, as long as there is enough food and living environment, the population of this species will definitely increase dramatically in a short period of time.

Judging from the evolution of her skin, her living habits should be dark and requires water...

Milly secretly glanced at Green, who was in deep thought, and couldn't help feeling ashamed and amazed in her heart.

What is shameful is that the so-called exchange of information between me and Green just now was simply that I was listening to the biological specimen information obtained by Green. The comprehensiveness, generality, and theoretical nature of the other party's information have completely surpassed Milly's information from her father's laboratory. Understand the thinking limitations of knowledge.

Therefore, Millie had to marvel at Green's wisdom.

He is worthy of being the nightmare-level peak wizard apprentice in the holy tower qualification competition during the wizard apprenticeship period!

Millie firmly believes that as long as Green does not die unexpectedly within a thousand years, then this wizard will surely shine with the light of his wisdom and become a dazzling new star among the seven-ring holy tower demon-hunting wizards.

"At the beginning, my sister was indeed right. He was indeed a genius wizard with wisdom beyond the reach of ordinary people, but..."

Milly sighed in her heart and continued: "It's just because of this that maybe we and he will never be able to truly walk together on a parallel straight line. We will only be ruthlessly surpassed by him and left far behind, and he will definitely I won’t look back.” R1152

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