A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 180: Set out to conquer the mysterious world


In half a month, the three stigmata wizards above the space fortress never moved. . . Read the latest and most complete novels

Green and Milly are the last group of dark wizards who have finished analyzing the specimens of Amunro in the Fortress Square of the Origin Space. As the last group of dark wizards packed up their experimental equipment and simulated the despair collection, the three stigma wizards Finally landed slowly.

After the collection of despair was completed, there were some subtle changes in the natural power inspired by the soul.

This feeling…

In the future, if Green performs a witchcraft attack on the Amunro clan, he will automatically carry an additional basic attack degree of 0.1~0.1 degrees of despair.

For Amunro, these demon hunters who collect despair are the dark wizards of the world of shadows and mysteries.

In the original space fortress square, since there were only tens of thousands of dark wizards, the huge space was quite free. All the dark wizards raised their heads and looked at the three great stigmata wizards above their heads with pairs of bright eyes.

The three stigmata wizards are all women.

The dominant female Stigmata wizard in the middle wears a white high-cornered hat with a pair of illusory green light wings behind her. She holds a magic wand that emits light blue light. Her bright eyes under short black hair scan the many wizards in the square. , a breath of wisdom that controls the truth emerges.

In the square, all the dark wizards held their breath, waiting for the leader of the stigmata wizard to give his orders.

The voice of the dominant Stigmata wizard was like water waves, entering the ears of every dark wizard present. It was graceful and elegant yet calm and wise.

"Honorable and lofty demon-hunting wizards, I welcome you to follow my footsteps and embark on a glorious journey to spread the civilization and wisdom of wizards to the backward world of shadows and mysteries. I am the Wizard of Listening to the Whispering Stigmata. These two He is my ally, the great Tomb Word Stigma Wizard, the great Tomb Word Stigma Wizard.”

Listening to the secret words, the stigmata wizard waved his magic wand, and dots of light descended from the sky. A round of soothing ripples spread out, as if the clear "tick-tock" sound of water droplets sounded in the ears of every demon hunter.

The wizarding world's foreign aggression and conquests have always been based on some upright slogans of justice. This is also one of the differences between intelligent races and barbaric races.

What is the ideal of spreading wisdom, spreading civilization, igniting hope, rescuing the fate of suffering creatures, promoting reason and morality, and opening up a world community of wizards, civilization, and co-prosperity...

Although I don't know the war situation in other civilized worlds, if it were a racial invasion war in other big or small worlds, there would never be any unnecessary nonsense, just killing and plundering.

The name of the Stigma Wizard is derived from the wizard tower inherited or developed.

For example, the master of Black Sol Tower is the Black Sol Stigmata Wizard.

Tomb Word, Tomb Word Stigmata Wizard, although the names of the wizard tower are similar. But they are two stigma wizards with completely different styles.

The Tomb Word Stigma wizard wears a ring of colorful bells on his head, his eyes are covered by a red ribbon, his long green hair reaches his waist, his ears look like slender elf ears, and his entire body is covered in white. The mist is like a veil of illusion.

On the other hand, the Tomb Whisper Stigmata Wizard has a pair of cold eyes under his metal helmet, four long swords stuck on his back, and hundreds of dark red energy bars that resemble the life of strings wandering around his body. A suit of armor and a graceful body inside were faintly revealed.

The Tomb Word Stigma Wizard and the Tomb Word Stigma Wizard nodded ceremonially to the many dark wizards in the square, and then flew directly into the base of the space fortress without saying anything else.

In this way, there was only one person left in the sky who was listening to the secret words and the stigmata wizard.

"The flames of the great wizarding world civilization need to be lit up by each of us inheritors of wizarding civilization! The evil, cruel, and dark abyss civilization will one day be purified by the flames of wizarding civilization. Distinguished demon-hunting wizards , use your wisdom, your reason, and your power to ignite the glory of wizard civilization in the world of shadows and mysteries. That vast world needs us... "

Listening to the inflammatory words of the Whispering Stigmata wizard, the huge space fortress suddenly shook with a "rumbling", as if this sleeping metal beast had gradually awakened.

Bright eyes scanned all the demon-hunting dark wizards in the square. The Whispering Stigma Wizard said solemnly: "I, the Whispering Stigma Wizard who belongs to the Seven Rings Holy Tower in the Wizarding World, announce here that the Whispering Wizard Tower officially declares war on the world of shadow mystery! This war is in line with the joint development of wizard civilization. The guidelines are in line with the guidelines of the Seven-ring Holy Tower of the Wizarding Continent. I hereby swear to the heart of the wizarding world to do my best to promote wizarding civilization while ensuring the survival of every distinguished demon-hunting wizard."

Suddenly, the rules of the wizarding world changed...


Green clearly sensed that at this moment, the original space fortress came to life as if it were an installed soul as he listened to the oath of the whispering stigma wizard.

This feeling is like the feeling Green felt when he was enveloped in the heart of the world when he was promoted to an official wizard.


A low whistle passed.

Above the square of the origin space fortress, a transparent defensive cover slowly lifted up, forming a hemisphere above the fortress. The defensive cover was combined with the metal base under the fortress, and a complete round ball appeared.

At this moment, the Origin Space Fortress seemed to be guided by some kind of will, and began to rumble down to the ground of the Wizarding World. The thick clouds below were pushed away by the Origin Space Fortress, and dozens of seven-ring snail messengers surrounded it. Escort the space fortress from all directions.

Like 'water and milk - blending' into one body, the space fortress fell into the seven-ring defense shield and did not receive any repulsive defense.

Under the defense shield of the origin space fortress, I listened to the whispering stigma wizard shouting loudly.

"All light wizards and dark wizards on the space fortress listen to the order and summon all your soul slaves to participate in the war!" As she listened to the secret words of the stigmata wizard's order, her own magic surged and she waved her magic wand, a hundred meters long. A black crack suddenly opened above its head.


Strange creatures of witchcraft began to surge out of the cracks, like an endless tide. All kinds of roars came and went, and creatures that flew in the sky, ran on the ground, and even crawled out.

A two-headed giant bird with a length of more than 20 meters long and blue and purple bones and feathers slowly fell down, crawling beside Green and roaring, with a few enlarged scorpion-like species on its body.

Next to the giant bird, a group of strange two-meter-long bat-like creatures crowded with each other.

Tens of thousands of one-meter-long black and white mosquito-like creatures flew across the sky, and these creatures lined up neatly. It's like becoming one body.

At the same time, two torrents of soul slaves also spewed out from the base of the space fortress and rushed to the top of the square. They must be the soul slave legions of the two Tomb Word and Tomb Word Stigmata wizards just now.

As countless torrents of soul slaves converged on each other, the originally empty space fortress square suddenly became overcrowded, and even the space under the protective shield was occupied by various flying creatures.

After the torrent of soul slave creatures continued for a full quarter of an hour, some extremely large and powerful life forms began to squeeze out of the black cracks.

Green raised his head, and a giant mud beast flowed out of the crack. However, for its huge size, it could only squeeze through the 100-meter space crack little by little. Behind the mud beast, there are many huge creatures crowding each other. Revealed that he kept looking towards the space fortress.

Green's shoulder flashed, and Xiaoba appeared.

"Oh, damn, move your dirty wings away from Ba Ye, damn two-headed bird!" As soon as Ba Ge appeared, he covered his nose with his wings and roared at the prostrate two-headed giant bird next to Green. With.

Of course, in this chaotic and noisy environment, Xiaoba's screams were instantly drowned out. There were no waves at all.


One of the heads of the two-headed strange bird turned towards the myna and roared loudly. The myna's voice was instantly drowned out by the opponent, and the giant bird's head suddenly showed a proud look.

This giant two-headed bird actually heard the myna's complaints.

Hiss, hiss, hiss…

Dozens of giant scorpion monsters standing on the back of the two-headed giant bird followed the giant bird and screamed at the starling, looking like they were mocking.

The myna, who was suddenly trembling with anger, pointed at the two-headed giant bird and scorpion creature with trembling wings. Shouting: "You, you despicable little guys, how dare you treat your Ba Ye like this, I, I, I... Ba Ye, I will fight with you!"


Green grabbed Myna, and then snorted coldly at the two-headed giant bird and the group of scorpion beasts. The expressions of the group of soul slaves suddenly changed, and they pushed to one side, while other soul slaves crowded over.

Anyway. There is no free space at all in this fortress square, whether it is in the sky or on the ground.

Glancing at Ba Ge, Green said calmly: "You have also seen the situation here. Be honest, the war will start soon. Be more excited when the time comes. If it doesn't work, just go into the interdimensional gap and hide for a while."

After the Eighth Brother snorted, he took out a nut from the dimension gap and stood on Green's shoulder and started to eat it "crunching".

Glancing at Millie, who had already summoned two gnawing ghosts and three mantis-headed and snake-body soul slaves, Green slowly opened the world fragments and summoned all five gnawing ghosts. The gnawing ghosts surrounded them. Green's side showed his teeth and claws, and his bat wings were flapping.

There are five gnawing ghosts, one of which takes the place of the old gnawing ghost.

The entire Origin Space Fortress seems to have become a huge saturated sealed ball. As long as this sealed ball is opened in a foreign world, the whole world will tremble!


Green looked at the endless demon hunting castle below the space fortress slowly lighting up, forming a vast magic array that could not be seen at a glance. The majestic towering tree of life crown slowly opened, followed by a desolate and melodious horn sound. Swinging under a fantasy defensive cover.

At this moment, Green is no longer the demon hunter who once looked up, guessed, and longed for on the ground. Instead, he is one of the protagonists, going to develop and conquer an exotic world with rich resources, and plunder everything there, including biological specimens and Soul slave.

As the origin space fortress landed on the seven-ring heart of the Life Canopy Square, the huge energy beam pushed up the space fortress and pried open the cracks in time and space...

In an instant, many demon hunters in the space fortress saw a blazing volcanic world and... an endless swarm of creatures covering the sky and the sun under the shadow clouds, surging over them!

This is the world of shadow mystery!

For the space fortress that traveled through the rift in time and space and the demon hunter above, the entire process of traveling through time and space seemed to take only the blink of an eye.

But for Amunro of the Shadow Mystery, the bloody moon has been hanging high in the sky for seven months.

Excitement and fear exist in the hearts of every low-level Amunro and high-level Amunro.

For the ignorant lower-class Amonro, they are excited because the development of a foreign world is a great opportunity for them, so that they can obtain a wider living space, obtain more abundant food, and raise more offspring. No more worries about hunger and harsh living conditions.


For those top-level mysteries, Amunro, through communicating with some great beings from other lands, they know that the Blood Moon represents a sign of the invasion of an evil, powerful foreign world called the Wizarding World.

That distant, powerful, and evil wizarding world will plunge the entire world of Amunro into a nightmare of war until it is completely conquered.

The great Amunro clan must prevent this from happening!

Note: The world of shadow mystery is the name and title of wizards, and the world of Amunro is the self-name of local creatures. (To be continued...) R752

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