A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 181: The world of Amunro


The world of Amunro, ruled by Amunro can only be traced back to recent history.

This is a relatively closed small world. From ancient times to the present, this world has only experienced one large-scale disaster.

That was in ancient times. The current world of Amunro was actually called the Fire Crystal World in ancient times, and Amunro was just livestock raised by the lava giant, the ruler of this world in ancient times. The so-called 'Great Amunro Tribe' There are no rights at all, they are just food for the lava giants to raise in their caves.

Until one day, the powerful lava giant discovered a world crack leading to the Shura world.

After hundreds of years of fighting, in order to prevent the powerful Shura tribe from counterattacking and invading the Shura world, the Lava Legion, which failed in its expedition, had to expend the strength of its entire defeated army and use the power of many molten pools in the holy mountains to seal that unstable world. Cracks to ensure the safety of the Fire Crystal World.

However, after excessively stimulating the power of the molten pools of many holy mountains, it triggered the original rules of the Fire Crystal World. The numerous molten pool volcanoes in the Fire Crystal World began to emit thick black smoke, condensing into the sky.

Shadow clouds covered the red sun in the sky, and a catastrophe for the lava giants came.

In just a few decades, all the young lava giants living under the shadow clouds in the sky began to disintegrate and die, turning into piles of broken corpses.

On the contrary, the Pioneer of Amunro, who was originally raised in the cave of the Zhangma Tree, gradually began to awaken and gradually understood a powerful sealing ability called the Mystery.

This is a battle for world dominance that lasts for thousands of years.

The Amunro clan relies on its unparalleled and powerful reproductive ability. The lava giant clan, which has gradually weakened due to the defeat of the expedition and the world catastrophe, will be completely overthrown by the Amunro clan in the next thousand years. The name of the Fire Crystal World will be abolished and the Amun Lo will be established. New world order.

Continuing to this day…

This is an underground palace under camphor trees, with hot springs bubbling up and filled with steam.

In the hot spring, a fat female Amunro with white skin closed her eyes comfortably, letting the two male golden Amunro next to her rub her with their flexible tails, enjoying herself immensely.

White skin is the symbol of the nobles of the world of Amunro and the great mystery of Amunro.

call out!

A golden Amunluo flew over and said in a loud voice: "Great Lord Archimonde, the undercurrent river found at the flat rock has been completely occupied by us, Kalehiwuvaldijunni" Your Excellency has sent an envoy to negotiate."

The female Mystery Amunro in the hot spring sneered "hum hum hum" and said: "That weak surface flint and stone bastard, still want to fight with me?"

In Amunro culture, anything related to lava giants is insulting.

Words like fire crystal, flint, lava, red sun, and magma are derogatory and ominous words in Amunluo culture. Zhangma trees, water sources, and rivers are sacred things of Amunluo.

After a series of commands, with the bored expression of the mysterious Amunro in the hot spring, the golden Amunro left.

"What programs are planned before Ye Yan goes to sleep?" Mystery Amunro grabbed the Yale grass behind him and stuffed it into his mouth, and asked.

There is no distinction between day and night in the world of Amunro.

However, every time a certain period of time passes, the lava volcanoes in the entire world of Amunro will collectively erupt a large-scale smoke. This is the so-called night smoke sleep.

In other words, when the demon hunter comes to this world of Amunro, the method of counting a day will no longer be a visual day and night, but a standard twelve-hour glass measuring one day.

A male Amunro next to him whispered: "Sir, before Ye Yan falls into sleep, the warrior 'Sekiyadislo Dasmi' will compete with the high-level Flame Shell Dragon to add to the fun."

"Well, the High Flame Shell Dragon... is this the fair fight I mentioned last time?" the female Mystery Amunro asked as she stretched her body.

"Absolutely fair! In the past three days, both the Flame Shell Dragon and the 'Sekiya Disloda Simi' warrior have absolutely not eaten any food, so that today's winner can enjoy each other."

Very interesting lifestyle.

These worlds ruled by small half-meter-long creatures seem to have mature social systems and class divisions, and have evolved some unique cultures.

Three days later.

Hum hum hum…

The mysterious Amonro, who was in the midst of a sacred sexual intercourse, opened his eyes, grabbed the camphor tree bark handed over by the servant next to him with a tail, opened his mouth and the power of the mystery filled it.

"Huh? The sun in the second lesson of the sky? What's going on? Is it something created by the remaining lava giants in the dead volcano?" Since the world of Amunro has eternal daylight, there is no real concept of the moon.

The female Mystery Amunro kicked off the male Amunro, stood up and shouted: "Call the Amunro Guards Corps and go to the surface."

Boom boom boom…

In the complex and huge underground passage system, tens of thousands of Amunro troops rushed towards the surface along the Zhangma tree underground passage.

Above the sky.

In the sky that is not covered by shadow clouds, a blood-colored 'sun' hangs high, but the blood-colored sun does not emit blazing light. Instead, it is endlessly cold and sharp, and a strange evil and ominous meaning permeates the sky.

Under the shadow clouds, countless groups of camphor trees and amunro saw the bloody sun hanging high in the sky. They didn't know why, and they all speculated about what this second bloody sun that suddenly appeared was and what it had. significance.

However, almost out of instinct, all Amunro felt a little bit of resistance, disgust, and panic towards this bloody sun.

Three months later.

'Archimund Dufu' was sitting in a remote corner of the magnificent underground palace, looking at the hundreds of mysterious nobles and the high-ranking King of Mysteries around him. He knew about the 'Blood Cold Sun Change' three months ago. , there must be some latest news.

The King of Mysteries is also divided into three levels: high, medium and low.

The land of shadows commanded by the most powerful King of Mysteries is hundreds of millions of kilometers wide, and there are countless people of Amunro.

Of course, there are only three such high-level mystery kings in the entire world of Amunro. These three kings of mystery respectively command the three largest continents under the shadow clouds in the world of Amunro.

Although the 'Dredek' King of Mysteries in front of me is only a second-class intermediate King of Mysteries, he is also one of the few strong men in the world of Amunro. He has ruled this shadow continent for thousands of years and controls the low-level Amon. Luo's unimaginable power.

"My king, is it because of the sudden cold sun in the sky that you summoned us this time?" Amon Luo, a mysterious person, asked.

"My king, the shadow army has been stationed in the shadow clouds in the sky, and no trace of the lava giant has been found." Another mystery, Amon Luo, said loudly.

"My king..."

After a long while, the King of Mysteries, who was aloft, saw that the Mystery nobles below were quiet, and then he said loudly and somewhat puzzledly: "Some time ago... the great Mystery Prophet came and ordered us to go to the Shadow Realm of the 'Anma Ryu' We must gather all the elite soldiers of Amunluo and the Shadow Army within the next three months and gather them in the ancient land of Saba."

The prophet of mystery!

Many Mysteries Amunro was startled when he heard the words 'Prophet of Mysteries'.

The so-called prophet of mystery is the guardian of the world who has been protected by the will of the world in the world of Amunro. There may be some powerful Mystery Amunro who are not afraid of these prophets through force, but in terms of status, basically every Mystery Prophet in this world is the highest-level Mystery King who patrols the entire world.

Moreover, Shaba Ancient Land, this is no ordinary place!

"My king, is there any news?" 'Archimund Dufuwu' in a remote corner couldn't help but ask.

The King of Mysteries glanced at Archimonde and said slowly: "The Prophet only said two words, 'Wizard'. And based on my guess that I went to the shadow clouds many times to explore and guess, that bloody The cold sun may be a special sign before the formation of some kind of crack in another world."

After a pause, the King of Mysteries continued: "From this, I judge that the prophet means that opposite the crack in the world that will be born, there should be an exotic world called the Wizarding World."

A foreign world! Wizarding World!

Take a breath...

When all the mysteries in the palace, Amunro, heard the King of Mysteries' speculation about the cracks in the foreign world, they all screamed in disbelief, and then they all flew up with excitement!

About the legend of the lava giant's expedition to the Shura world in ancient times, almost every Amunluo heard it vividly.

It was precisely because of the failure of the lava giant's expedition to a foreign world that Amunro became the new master of this world.

But, now...

The world of Amunro has been without enemies for too long. Although some of the once powerful lava giants still remain in some volcanoes, this is only the result of the great prophet of Amunro's deliberate efforts to protect these endangered species. Zeng Jingba provided educational materials to future generations of Amunro.

Although the lava giant has become history, the terror of the lava giant is imprinted in the deepest heart and soul of every Amunro.

The only way for Amunro to get rid of this fear of the lava giants is to do what those ancient lava giants never did, and that is to conquer foreign worlds.

In this way, it can be proved that the Amunluo clan has become the new master of the world through natural selection.

To conquer foreign worlds, for inferior worlds, a natural world crack connecting the two worlds is indispensable.

In this small world that has been peaceful for too long and has too few resources for the huge demand of the Amunro race, Amunro has naturally developed to its limit. Therefore, it has to frequently consume the increasingly large number of ethnic groups in violent civil wars, and at the same time select More elite soldiers of Amunro.

And now, a world rift connecting foreign worlds is about to be born

This... is simply wonderful! This is great news!

The wizarding world? Hum, you poor foreign world, prepare to be conquered by the great Amunro clan.

Half a day later, many great Amunro nobles returned to their territories with excitement, and summoned many low-level Amunro noble lords and elite troops, and headed towards the ancient land of Saba, with countless millions and tens of thousands of troops. There are tens of millions of them, including nearly 100,000 shadow legions with the ability to fly!

This is the entire elite Amunro legion under this intermediate shadow cloud that all the Mystery Amunro temporarily assembled within three months.

The mountains and plains are endless, and everything that comes into view is this little golden creature that is less than half a meter long.


When one mysterious prophet after another leads many shadow legions from other shadow cloud realms to speed up, when millions of shadow legions with the ability to fly gather together, when many Amunro clan When a powerful strategic trump card appears...

All this has made many middle-level and low-level mystery nobles completely ignorant, arrogant, and crazy to the extreme.

Such a powerful force...

It can only be described as arrogant!

What kind of power can resist such a powerful Amunluo clan? This is a shadow army numbering in the millions, the most elite super army of Amunro with the ability to fly.

All the mysteries of the Amunro nobles are excited about the powerful Amunro clan at this moment. This must be the largest gathering of racial legion power of the Amunro clan after the ancient war.

Wizarding world

There, you must fight for your own territory and see what the creatures that rule there look like, and whether they will tremble because of the powerful power of the great Amunro clan.

In fact, every day in the world of Amunro at this time, more Amunro are gathering from all corners of the world, just because the world is too vast and time is too little, and they are on the way forward.

At this moment, all Amunro firmly believed that as soon as the crack in the world connecting the wizarding world opened, the powerful Amunro family would instantly rush through the crack in the world and conquer the poor wizarding world.

… …


The king of mysteries and the prophets of mysteries who were high above looked at the increasingly clear and bloody cold sun in the sky, but they fell into deep anxiety and worry.

What kind of powerful and evil world is this wizarding world

The world of Amunro knows too little about foreign worlds. So few that only the most powerful prophet and the ancestor of Amunro, who eternally guards the 'Endless Mystery Seal', can briefly communicate with several powerful people from other worlds through some special means.

In this way, they knew that even the great King of Amunro was only a fourth-level biological standard in the endless world.

In the endless world, every world must have some powerful creatures. The King of Amunro is too ordinary for the endless world.

A few months ago, when those powerful creatures from foreign worlds who had interacted with each other heard the description of "bloody moon and sun", they said the word "wizard" in fear, and then completely cut off any contact with the world of Amunro. connect.

However, from the fear of those powerful rulers, one thing is certain for the Mysterious Lords of Amunro.

This wizarding world is very powerful and extremely aggressive. Their evil will inevitably plunge the entire world of Amunro into a nightmare world war.

This is something that the great Amunro family will never allow!


Perhaps, it is time to show the true power of the great Amunro clan. Even the current Amunro clan is no different from the lava giant clan that flourished in ancient times. It just lacks a chance to prove itself.

In the seventh month when the cold moonlight appeared, this strange, ominous, and evil blood-colored object became as clear as reality.

All Amunluo in the ancient land of Saba have entered the stage of perfect preparation for war.

A few days later.

On this day, as a pitch-black crack in the sky suddenly opened in the world of Amunro, a giant blood-colored metal ball with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters squeezed out of the crack in time and space. At the moment, countless Amunro covered the sky and covered the sun.

The stormy sea, like a tidal wave, seemed to completely submerge the sudden appearance of the giant metal ball, crushing it into pieces, creating a scene in front of Green's eyes: "under the shadow clouds, the endless biomass covering the sky and covering the sky were surging and pressing."

The first decisive battle to conquer the Shadow Mystery World, the original space fortress of the Wizarding World, breaks out! R1152

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