A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 182: Monster legion



The 'shadow tide' composed of endless bodies of Amunro rushed over like a stormy wave. The number was unknown, including seven million, eight million, nine million, or tens of millions...

Covering the sky, endlessly, wherever you can see, there is a group of these small golden creatures with long tails, crowding each other and roaring.

On the original space fortress of the wizarding world.

One moment, the wizarding world was calmly preparing for war, and the next moment it was about to face such a doomsday-like scene of a shocking battle. Newcomers like Green and Milly were almost out of breath due to the drastic changes, and they really couldn't adapt.

However, for the old demon hunters who have fought many foreign wars, this scene is almost as expected. There is no change in expression at all. They calmly look around quickly to collect all the combat information in this world.

Listening to the secret words, the stigmata wizard floated on top of the protective shield of the original space fortress, raised his magic wand and shouted loudly.

"All demon hunting wizards obey the order and gather the soul slave army to resist this group of barbaric and ignorant native creatures. The fortress must not be damaged in any way!"


Hoo, ho, ho, ho...

Following the command of the Whispering Stigma Wizard, the defensive shield of the origin space fortress disappeared with a "wave", and all kinds of soul slaves in the fortress square who were almost squeezing into a ball suddenly roared in unison, Dragging his body and rushing in all directions, he faced the Amunro Shadow Army rushing towards him like a tidal wave.

The whole scene was like the huge 'flame fusion bead' of the original space fortress exploding in the shadow world. The torrent of flesh and blood of the soul slaves was like exploding flames, violently, brutally and ferociously pounced on the ferocious and shocking Endless Ah. Munro's Army of Shadows.

At this moment, the most elite Amunro Shadow Army in the world of Amunro was completely shocked by the wizard slave monster army in front of them.

Unlike the main body of the Amunro Shadow Legion, which is composed of countless Amunroes who are only about half a meter in size, the composition of the wizard's soul slave army system is very different and diverse. And there are wizards singled out for their personal preferences and brutal internal struggles. The huge soul slaves in these monster legions have a body length of nearly a hundred meters, while the relatively small ones are only a dozen centimeters in size.

But without exception. All soul slaves must be real monsters with extremely vicious looks.

In Amunro's eyes, a soul slave army like a demon hunter is simply an army of extremely evil monsters representing destruction.

This is definitely an apocalyptic scenario out of Amunro's nightmares. This is an army of doomsday monsters that is even more evil and terrifying than the ancient lava giants!


The vanguard of the Shadow Legion of Amunro collides with the Demon Hunter Soul Slave Monster Legion!

Bang, bang, puff, puff, puff…

Almost instantly, the vanguard armies of both sides exploded into an endless mist of blood in the sky, and the falling corpses were like raindrops from the sky. Among the corpses were countless amounts of golden Amunro, as well as all kinds of strange soul slave monsters.

In the cruel blood mist battle group in the sky.

The densely packed Amunro Shadow Legion erupted into many screams. A six-winged violent bear beast with a size of more than thirty meters spread its wings and pounced over. Under the violent force, the tiny Amunro was crushed. It is difficult for the Legion to withstand the impact of this flesh and blood monster.

Many Amunro shadow soldiers hurriedly avoided, and a dozen golden Amunro who had no time to avoid fell to the ground. Completely stop breathing.

The six-winged violent bear rushed into the battle group and swept sideways, like a crazy meat ball monster. Several Amunro who wandered around the six-winged violent bear trying to find opportunities were shot into pieces of blood mist.


A cry of grief.

Higher up in the sky above the six-winged violent bear, a two-headed giant bird corpse of more than 20 meters passed by it and fell to the ground. On the back of the giant bird corpse, there were still several scorpion creatures and a larger number of Amunro. They were fighting each other and it was extremely cruel.

Buzz buzz…

Hundreds of black-and-white mosquito monsters about one meter in size flew to the side of the six-winged violent bear. In the blink of an eye, those Amunro who were wandering around the six-winged violent bear, waiting for opportunities to move, were surrounded and killed one after another.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

It seemed that the unparalleled power of the six-winged violent bear attracted the attention of the Amunro Shadow Army. Several elite Amunro whose momentum was obviously much more powerful than the ordinary golden Amunro Shadow Soldiers rushed over, followed by several more. Amonro, the ten-headed leader who controls the unique winged creatures of the mysterious world of shadows. Then there are thousands of ordinary Amunro shadow soldiers.


While roaring, the six-winged violent bear with red eyes gathered hundreds of giant crows around it, and rushed towards the elite Amunro Legion...

Another battle group dozens of kilometers away.

In the blood mist in the sky. The giant mud monster with mud flowing all over its body is slowly advancing towards the Amunro Legion in the melee.

The body of the mud monster is like a large amount of soft jelly, with a height and length of seventy or eighty meters. Although its flying speed is very slow, any Amunro who comes close to it at a certain distance will scream and disappear out of thin air for no reason.

Of course, this so-called disappeared out of thin air for no reason. It was just pulled directly into the body by the giant mud monster with its extremely fast mud tentacles, and was devoured and digested.

Several gnawing ghosts transformed by Green also joined the battle group.

The Gnawing Ghost has an attack power of up to 150 degrees and a strong defense power, as well as strong vitality and toxicity, even compared to the average strength of Amunro who formed the Shadow Army at this time. It also needs to be much stronger.

After the five gnawing ghosts brutally killed several Amunro in front of them, their whole bodies were stained with blood. The mouth full of fangs chewed the meat. Spreading its bat wings, it quickly flew through the sky and rushed towards the several ten-meter-tall giant-armed baboon kings who were surrounded in front of them.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

Several Amunro officers, who were obviously much stronger than the average Amunro soldiers of the Shadow Legion, came up to them. Fighting together.

After a while.

The last gnawing ghost was stabbed by the afterimage of Amunro and his long tail was inserted into the heart. Then, the powerful Amunro roared ferociously, and the gnawing ghost was torn into pieces.

"Damn it! These evil wizards are so powerful that even so many shadow legions can only resist them for the time being. It seems that the only way is to ask the great Mystery Amunro, or even the King of Mystery and the Prophet of Mystery to take action... Well!"

The powerful Amunro, who had just killed the Gnawing Ghost, suddenly changed his expression and turned around to look at his body that was scratched by the Gnawing Ghost and trembled slightly.

In the world of shadow mystery, few creatures are poisonous. Therefore, Amunro's resistance to poison is surprisingly low.

"Akako Yislomod, why did you..."

Halfway through the question, Amunro also shook his body. Falling from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the elite Amunro, who had just finished killing the four eating ghosts, was half poisoned to death. The remaining two Amunluo, with deep hatred and incomparable fear, turned back to the army of besieging several giant-armed baboon kings that were more than ten meters tall.

However, the entire battle situation.

The Demon Hunter's Soul Slave Legion not only withstood the impact of the Shadow Legion of Amunro, but even fought back!

Although the shadow army gathered by Amunro is several times that of the demon hunter's soul slave army, in terms of the quality of individual creatures, the overall level of the demon hunter's soul slave army is much stronger than that of Amunro's shadow army.

And because of the diversity of species, the fearlessness of death as soul slaves, and the ferocity tempered by war, the soul slave monster army has completely overwhelmed these Amunro shadow army with single combat capabilities, and overall presents a quite The advantages. Mass killing.

One day later.

The fighting between the monster army and the shadow army has calmed down.

The original space fortress, as one after another, group after group of soul slaves left the space fortress, the huge square platform finally became empty again. Many dark wizards looked at the fierce battle group in the distance while waiting for the sky to listen to the secret words. Wizard War Orders.

Green and Milly floated in space, their bodies trembling with excitement.

New demon hunters who are fighting in a foreign land for the first time will do this after seeing the magnificent war scenes.

On the other side, under the base of the space fortress, three hundred-meter-long space airships floated neatly in the air one after another, with hundreds of them in total.

According to standard combat strength classification. The combat capability of these space airships exceeds that of ordinary third-level wizards. The main magic disintegration cannon can even threaten the super terrifying mechanical technology of fourth-level stigma wizards!

In the sky above and behind these terrifying mechanical clusters, a wizard army consisting of more than 200,000 Ming wizards appeared. The central commander of such a huge legion of Ming wizards is the Tomb Word Stigmata wizard.

This is the power of the regularized legions of Mingbu demon hunters fighting in other worlds.

Such a large cluster of light wizards cannot be imagined by dark wizards who rely on individual strength. This is the absolute strategic force that can turn the tide of the war on the front battlefield in a foreign world.


Suddenly, amidst the friction of metal machinery in the origin space fortress, two metal doors slowly opened with a rumble, and then a terrifying magic gun barrel with a diameter of more than ten meters stretched out from the black door little by little. Aiming at an area behind the Shadow Army of Amunro.

This is the Origin Space Fortress Destruction Cannon!

The rear headquarters of the Shadow Legion of Amunro.

Many Kings of Amunro and Prophets of Amunro. Looking at the shadow army in the distant sky, which was already at a considerable disadvantage, they all showed unbelievable anger and fear.

Although the time is too short. Not all the elite forces in the world of Amunro were able to be mobilized, but the shadow army gathered here at this time. There is definitely more than one-fifth of the elite power in the entire Amunro world.

This battle must not fail!

Because the Amunro family simply cannot afford the consequences of failure in battle.

If it fails, it will be impossible for the world of Amunro to once again gather forces of today's scale to counterattack for several years, or even more than ten years.

But just think about it, let these "monster-like wizards" wreak havoc in the "beautiful" world of Amunro for several years or more than ten years. What kind of disaster will this be for the world of Amunro...

Since the first decisive battle failed, it is difficult to imagine how the second counterattack will lead to victory.

And even if the second chance of victory is achieved, the world of Amunro will inevitably be left with huge trauma, and the great Amunro family will suffer an indelible disaster.

As for the so-called third counterattack

It is absolutely impossible. If the second counterattack still fails, the world of Amunro at that time will never be able to gather the legion strength to truly fight the wizard monster group in front of it.

So far, all Amunro still naively believed that the soul slave monsters fighting against the shadow army in front of them were so-called wizards.

I have to say, there is some irony in this.

Although these soul slave monster legions are terrifying, they are far from making Amunro despair. At least compared to their trump cards, they still have a chance to win the final victory in this war.

Amon Luo, the highest-ranking mystery man present, looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that the power of these wizards has reached this level. Even such a large number of shadow legions are difficult to resist. They are indeed a group that scares the powerful people from other worlds. Well, it seems that the only way to let the mysterious commanders go first is to temporarily Go and suppress it." A king of mystery said solemnly.

A mystery prophet said anxiously: "It's time for our big and small orphans of mystery to show their power. The power of these big and small orphans of mystery is enough to change the current war situation and eliminate these despicable, evil, and barbaric people." , dirty wizards turned into flint. There are seventeen mysterious and orphaned treasures gathered here, even the supreme beings of the same level as the great ancestors of Amunro, and... "

The so-called mysterious treasure is something in the seventeen hundreds of meters high peaks on the ground. It seems to be some powerful strategic means in the world of Amunro.

The King of Mystery Prophets remained silent.

His somewhat bloated body is as big as the two Amunro next to him, but he represents the strongest power of the world guardian in the shadow world of mystery. In the world of mystery, he is the strongest force on par with the great ancestor of Amunro. , is a powerful creature that can rival the fourth-level Stigmata Wizard! (To be continued)R580

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