A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 183: Mystery strikes back


readx(); The King of Mystery Prophets issued two relatively cautious combat orders. This article was first published by ..xstxt..

"Low-level and mid-level mystery nobles, go to assist the Shadow Army in fighting. Three of the seventeen large mystery castles are temporarily activated within the best range, and the 8,800 small orphans are officially activated to coordinate with the Sky Shadow Army on the ground. Fight." The Mystery Prophet's voice was low and cautious, and his gloomy eyes were like two bright stars.

As the Mystery Prophet commanded, dozens of Amunro rose up into the sky and flew in all directions, conveying the order of the Mystery Prophet King.

After a while, the Mystery Amunro who originally stopped on the ground to watch the battle took to the air one after another, turned into sharp arrows and shot towards the blood mist of the battle group under the shadow clouds in the sky, stirring up the Amunro Shadow Army and the wizard soul slaves. Monster legion battle situation.

These white-skinned mysterious Amunro's bodies are all surrounded by a layer of hazy gray energy. At the same time, their physical strength seems to be beyond that of ordinary golden Amunro, and they all have their own war beast mounts. Their number in the tens of thousands is enough to change the situation of the battle. Towards.

A wizard slave legion of four-headed snakes is opening its big mouth, spitting out four poisons with different properties and attacking all around. The fat and huge body of more than fifty meters long often sweeps its tail, and those swimming around are trying to sneak attack. A piece of Amunro was knocked away.

The four-headed snake's scales are its strongest armor. Except for the non-fatal scratches caused by a few elite Amunro's desperate blows and the stab wounds of a few Amunro's tails that happened to be inserted into the gaps between the scales, the four-headed snake has no He didn't suffer any fatal injuries.

On the other hand, as long as the Amunro Legion is contaminated with the poison of the four-headed snake, or is swept by its tail, few can survive.

If you scratch it, you will be injured; if you touch it, you will die.

From the beginning of the battle to now, this extremely powerful four-headed snake has killed at least more than two hundred heads of the Shadow Legion Amunro.


Amidst the roar of the four-headed snake flying forward, more than a hundred smaller wizard slave monsters around it roared and rushed forward following the huge body of the four-headed snake.

Thousands of meters away, many golden Amunluos crowded together in the sky. The red eyes looked at the surging monster army with anger and terror, and their tails were raised high like a scorpion, seeming to be organizing the next wave of defense.

The battlefield around this four-headed snake is a microcosm of the meat grinder battle between the entire wizard monster army and the Shadow Army of Amunro.

After a while.

Surrounding the violent and powerful four-headed snake, first of all, there were many supporting small monsters and the Amunro Shadow Legion fought together again. Amidst the screams and roars, the small monster shadows chased each other.

However, those Amunro who fought with the soul slaves would often be hit by the poisonous four-headed snakes in the middle of the fierce battle and fall from the sky. The ferocious monster slaves sometimes even dismember the dead Amunro and devour them directly.

And all Amunro who want to rush directly to the four-headed snakes will be blocked by the small wizard soul slave monsters supported by the four-headed snakes, and are forced to chase and kill. Even a very small number of Amunroes rush to the four-headed snakes. It is difficult to cause fatal damage to snakes.

After all, this is a second-level creature in the wizarding world's hierarchy.

Seeing that this group of Amunro's shadow army with many casualties was about to be defeated again, intending to retreat and organize the next group of defenses, a large number of mysterious Amunro suddenly flew up from the ground behind Amunro. Amunro threw himself into the sky battle. These Mysteries Amunro are the many Mystery nobles who came to support in compliance with the orders of the Mystery Prophet King.

Among them, more than ten mysterious Amun Luo flew here. Stop Amunro's defeat and snipe the four giant snakes.

An evil-eyed monster covered in pale bone armor held a metal fork and rushed towards a mysterious Amunro with an inarticulate scream.

call out!

Mystery Amunro just glanced at this low-level squinting monster. He randomly spit out two flame balls and flew over.

This pale-white bone-armored evil-eyed monster swam around, and after nimbly dodging one fireball, another fireball was poked by a long fork, and the fire wave scattered with a "boom".

In the fire wave. The bone armor monster rushed out and continued to pounce on the white mystery Amunro.

This mysterious Amunro is only half a meter long, but it is riding on a three-meter-long flaming rhinoceros. Red flames and black smoke are coming out from between the layers of the thickly wrinkled leather armor. Wandering.


The Fire Rhino let out a low roar and opened its mouth to spit out a pillar of fire. However, the target was not the skull-armored evil-eyed monster, but a stream of black poisonous liquid that followed closely behind it.


The pillar of fire evaporated the poisonous black liquid, exuding a disgusting pungent smell. Many monsters and Amunro in the surrounding area couldn't help but swayed when they smelled the smell, and quickly left the area.

At the same time, the bone-armored evil-eyed monster that rushed over stabbed the fire rhinoceros and the Mystery Amunro on it with the long fork in its hand. Sticky liquid dripped from the sharp fangs in the bone-armored evil-eyed monster's mouth. Green eyes, one eye filled with incomparable bloodthirsty and excitement.

An afterimage flashed away. The evil-eyed monster in bone armor lowered his head and looked at the tail inserted into his chest in disbelief. The long fork fell from his hand.


With a fierce stroke, Mystery Amunro's long tail suddenly exerted force. The skull-armored monster was torn in half, and green blood was printed in Mystery Amunro's cold eyes.

However, this mystery Amonro thought he had easily solved a low-level monster. When he was about to rush towards other monsters, the evil-eyed monster with bone armor that had just been torn in half actually flew out a small ball of flesh. It jumped directly onto Amunro's face and got into his mouth, extremely fast.

In the chaotic battle situation in the sky, no one noticed this at all.

After a few tight breaths, the body of the struggling and trembling Amunro suddenly shook, and its tail was violently inserted into the beast under him. He ignored the howling and roaring of the fire rhinoceros, and the mysterious Amunro's voice was sinister. He said in a low voice: "Jie Jie, let's live in this body first and get in. This time... see what secrets this race has and get the first-level honor badge."

call out.

As soon as the figure flashed, this mysterious Amunro, like other Amunro, began to join the battle to besiege the four-headed snakes, and even became more ferocious and cruel.

… …

Several giant-armed king baboons, more than ten meters tall, twirled their arms. Their cruel eyes were no longer as ferocious as before, and a trace of fear had begun to show in the depths of their pupils.

These mysterious Amunro that suddenly appeared are not at the same level of combat power as the ordinary golden Amunro.

Several giant-armed baboon kings glanced at the surrounding legions of wizard slave monsters that were already engaged in a bitter battle, and knew that they were unlikely to receive other support in a short time. They all opened their huge mouths to reveal their fangs, and passively defended each other's chairs.

They cannot retreat because this is an absolute command from the wizard in the soul!

Half an hour later, amid the deafening roar of pain, a giant-armed baboon king covered in blood fell from the sky, his hands tightly covering the bleeding wound on his chest, his stiff face full of fear.

In mid-air, the skin of the corpse of the giant-armed baboon king stirred, and with a pop, a small and mysterious Amunro rushed out of the corpse. Covered in dark red blood, it cruelly watched the huge body of the giant-armed baboon king fall to the ground.


This giant-armed baboon king was torn apart on the ground, splattering a large amount of blood, water and broken flesh. In the blink of an eye, it was submerged by a tide of low-level Amunro without the ability to fly.

After half an hourglass time.

A mysterious Amunluo spit out gray mystery energy, wrapping up the last scarred giant-armed baboon king. This mysterious energy seems to have some overlapping space characteristics, and it actually makes this one, which was originally more than ten meters tall, The giant-armed baboon king has shrunk to about two meters, and is still shrinking.

After more than a dozen breaths, the giant-armed baboon king, only a few centimeters tall, was wrapped in layers of mysterious energy and struggled feebly to enter the mouth of Amunro. Swallow it in one gulp.

This is the mystery sealing ability mastered by Mystery Amunro.

If the shadow clouds here were not temporarily mobilized by many mystery prophets, the energy of this mystery would be even stronger.

on the ground.

In the densely packed and endless low-level Amunro legion, flower bones of different colors, more than ten meters high, slowly opened, and they were constantly stirring and twisting. There was a bubbling sound of "gurgling" and an unbearable pungent sour smell permeated the air, but the Amuros still kept putting some mysterious things into the flower bones.

These flower bones are scattered across the vast land with no pattern. At a rough glance, the number seems to be nearly ten thousand.

Sudden. These flowers and bones seemed to have received a unified command. After a period of crazy squirming, they "pop, pop, pop" sprayed out many dazzling blood-colored light balls into the sky.

A bloody ball of light pierced the sky. With a long trail of air waves, he rushed towards the monster legion under the shadow clouds.

And in the three seemingly ordinary peaks, three similar light balls were also sprayed out, but these three blood-colored light balls were much larger than the light balls sprayed out from the giant flowers.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The bloody mist and flames all over the sky exploded in the slave monster legion. These bloody mist and mist did not seem to be some kind of energy witchcraft, and the shrouded monster legion did not react at all.

However, just a moment later...

Countless screams and howls, the sky was like raindrops, and tens of thousands of monster corpses fell down one after another, including some huge high-level creatures and a small number of unfortunate Amunro Shadow Army.

I saw that a kind of red moss was growing crazily on the bodies of these creatures. The moss seemed to be constantly sucking the flesh and blood vitality of these creatures, and they all looked like skin and bones.

In the blink of an eye, the wizard's soul slave monster army suffered a major blow. There was a period of chaos and the advantage was no longer there.

On the ground, countless low-level Amunro began to fill those giant flower bones with something, preparing for the second round of offensive.

If such weird attacks are carried out for a few more rounds, I am afraid that the soul slave army of the demon hunting wizards on this expedition will really be unable to resist the Shadow Army of Amunro.

Amunro's rear command post.

Many kings of mystery and prophets of mystery looked at the battle situation in the sky where the 'victory' was gradually tilting towards the world of Amunro, and they all showed crazy and excited expressions. Some of them were even eager to try, as if they were ready to rush into the battlefield and fight. .

"Well, this voice is..."

However, the face of the bloated Mystery Prophet King suddenly changed and he shouted: "Stop! The sacred heart of the world of Amunro tells me that this is not the end of the evil wizard world, but..."

The King of Mystery Prophets was only halfway through his words when suddenly, all the Mystery Prophets’ expressions changed at the same time.

At this moment, an ominous meaning, like a tidal wave of invisible evil tentacles, suddenly appeared in the sky, which had long been diffused by the bloody cold sun of the Amunro people...

The prophets of mystery closed their eyes one after another, quietly feeling the evil rules and order belonging to the foreign world around them permeating the surroundings, disrupting the original order of the world of Amunro.

Order and order are intertwined, spread and intertwined, arguing, influencing and intertwining with each other, creating chaos.

At this moment, all the guardians of the world of Amunro were trembling, horrified, and terrified!

Is this the original rules of another world invading the world of Amunro

This, this, this, this... how is this possible!

At the same time, many kings of mystery also changed their expressions. They raised their heads and felt the evil bloody sun coming from a foreign world outside the blood mist battlefield in the sky and in the shadow clouds.

Although it was too far away for all Amunro to see clearly the specific situation there, from the faint instinctive feeling of his body, at this moment, a kind of frightening and incredible energy was gathering crazily there.

The intensity of this energy, even though it was hundreds or thousands of kilometers away, still completely silenced the king of all mysteries. In the suppressed tremor, there was a sense that the end of the world was about to come.

What happened there. (To be continued...)