A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 185: Meteor community


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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

Tens of thousands of demon-hunting dark wizards cut through the sky, passed over the Amunro Shadow Legion that was fighting against the Ming Wizard Legion, and rushed straight towards the almost endless tide of low-level Amunro gathering places on the ground.

Such a scene was like a sudden meteorite rain, and the shadowy land suddenly exploded into fire pits one after another. Fireballs with long tail flames fell to the ground one after another.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Numerous meteorite fireballs fell from the sky and hit the ground. Amidst the continuous explosions of elements one after another, the entire ground defense facility base behind Amunro suddenly seemed to have fallen into a terrifying scene like a mythical purgatory.

Countless low-level Amunro were directly killed by the huge impact of the fire meteor. The surviving Amunro in the surrounding area were surrounded by anger, hatred, fear, and despair. They started a life-threatening battle in trembling and despair. .

Amidst the numerous Amunluo pushing and roaring, countless golden tails lifted and swung, and occasionally the power of flames erupted.


Dust and elemental energy filled the air around the small craters. The 'evil' dark wizards opened their mysterious and cruel eyes one after another, stood up straight and glanced at the low-level Amunro who was densely surrounded by the craters. Suddenly, amidst the fluctuations of magic power, eerie laughter echoed lowly, like devils emerging from nightmares.

Changfeng Literature.cfwx Boom!

Elemental giants in various strange forms stood up beside the dark demon-hunting wizard, and Yang Tian roared and killed fiercely.

Since Green and Milly were newcomers to demon hunting, they were among the last group of dark wizards who fell from the sky.

Like the dark wizard with long tail flames falling in front, the two of them also slid out of a light red wave behind them.

Holding the wizard's hood that looked like a burning egg shell, Green, who was falling rapidly, looked at the elemental pits where the pioneer dark wizards fell on the ground. At this time, he found a second-level dark wizard in the sky, still a thousand meters away from the ground. The tail flame streaking across the sky immediately adjusted its direction with Milly, and fell towards the area around the second-level dark wizard.

Even the dark wizard. It is also an inevitable choice during the demon hunting war for low-level wizards to move towards high-level wizards.

If a low-level demon hunter encounters a powerful enemy that he cannot resist, the most effective way to save his life is to move towards a second-level demon hunter.

Even because the enemy is too powerful, the second-level demon hunting wizard is still defeated. With the demon hunting request for help in the hands of the second-level wizard, he may be able to contact some nearby support troops.

These quick supports include other second-level wizards who also hold demon hunting calls for help, third-level great wizards, demon hunting wizards who have won the Medal of Honor, small-scale Ming wizard patrol groups, and space airships!

Of course, in such a chaotic battlefield at this time, the only support that can be contacted is other demon hunters around you.

Gradually, the distance to the ground was getting closer and closer, and Green even saw the frightened eyes of some golden Amunro below looking up.


A violent elemental shock wave passed by.

on the ground. More than a dozen Amonro who had no time to dodge were instantly killed by Green's falling elemental power and firestone. In the huge pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters, blazing flames burned unbridled in the huge pit. Green slowly stood up.


Mobilizing the power of nature, Green extinguished some of the surrounding flames that were scattered due to his fall. Under the gray-white face of truth, Green's pair of red and blue eyes with completely different colors looked at the dozens of animals surrounding the crater. Golden Amunro, a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


He silently recited the witchcraft incantation and waved the magic wand under the aroused magic power. Behind Green, a five-meter-tall flame-greedy giant appeared.77Nt/23488/. However, as some negative emotional energy in the air was absorbed, this black flame monster, which was originally only five meters tall and clad in a thunder suit, had a huge mouth on its abdomen. Suddenly there was a roar and it grew to a size of seven meters.


The flame-greedy giant violently pressed down. Rubbles were flying all around. He waved the four-meter-long giant sword with water and thunder elements. Under the unparalleled power, more than a dozen Amunro in the surrounding area were directly turned into minced meat, and their souls were swallowed by the wailing mouth of the flame-grey giant's belly.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

More than ten Amunluo attacked the Flame Greedy Giant from all directions. However, as the Flame-Greeting Giant roared, the power of rolling thunder exploded in all directions, and a thunder area with a radius of more than ten meters was formed with the Flame-Greeting Giant as the center. All Amunro's bodies within the range of the thunder were charred and completely dead.

However, the flame-greedy giant's talent for devouring souls must be accumulated and digested for sufficient time before it can be activated again, so the flame-greedy giant did not devour these souls again.

In just a few breaths, dozens of low-level Amunro were wiped out around the crater.

Holding his magic wand, Green slowly walked out of the crater behind the flame-greeding giant. The immortal flames surrounding his body had begun to vaguely form the image of wailing Amunro's heads.

"The Flame Greedy Giant should have killed seventy-three Amunro just now, because the knowledge of despair he collected was only in the entry-level stage, and the conversion rate was low, so it only increased the Amunro's despair attack power by about 2 to 4 degrees."

While muttering to himself, Green turned his head and looked up at the flame-greeding giant behind him.

"Strange, there is no basic negative emotional energy required by the flame-greedy giant to devour the hatred talent. Why would the flame-greedy giant activate the talent? Could it be... that the negative energy emotions of hatred and anger can be mixed into 'pseudo-hatred' negative emotional energy? This Generally speaking, the highest energy level of the Greedy Flame Giant in the previous test was indeed stronger than it is now, so this judgment makes sense."

call out!

Suddenly, an extremely fast afterimage shot towards Green from behind, but Green waved his magic wand back without even looking. With a scream, the afterimage that came towards him stopped abruptly.

Turning his head slowly, Green glanced at the golden Amunro who had the tip of his magic wand inserted into his body. The fire attribute energy in this Amunro's mouth had not had time to erupt, and the long tail piercing was very harmful to his wizard's mask. So powerless and unable to pose a threat at all.

The combat power of this golden Amunro that sneaked over is equivalent to that of a legendary knight who has not undergone bloodline transformation, but it is already an elite for these low-level Amunro on the ground.

It was really boring, Green shook his head indifferently.


After a surge of fire elements from the tip of the magic wand, this barely elite golden Amunro was completely blown into pieces and burned to ashes, and a smell of burnt bacon spread out.

The starling in the sleeves quietly stretched out his head, happened to see this scene, and immediately shrank in again and shouted: "Damn it, it affects the appetite. I'd better go to the dimension gap to quiet down for a while. The situation here is better. Call me again..."

Green's sleeves became empty.

I didn't pay too much attention to Myna's complaints. This guy's combat ability was basically completely ignored. Green's physical attack ability was just a harmless creature that could cause slight damage to nuts and delicacies.

After Green recited the spell silently again, the bloody doll appeared that had not been seen for a long time.

With a sneer, Green drove the Blood Terror Doll holding the radioactive stone into a low mushroom-shaped building not far away with a howl. It was perfect to use the Blood Terror Doll's characteristics to collect despair here. .

On the other side, a golden pupil slowly opened on the face of truth, and a small group of Amunro who were fleeing dozens of meters away screamed in agony, and their bodies shed moisture and turned into mummies.

In this way, Green launched a wild and unscrupulous killing spree, gathering despair.

after awhile.


An ice crystal phoenix more than ten meters long spread its wings and flew over from the sky. The breath of ice was lingering. Milly, who was holding an ice crystal feather fan on the body of the crystal clear ice phoenix, looked at Green beside the violent flame-greeding giant and said loudly: "Go and execute it quickly." Let’s destroy the ‘railgun launcher’ mission, I remember there should be an Amunro railgun launcher a few thousand meters away in this direction.”

The railgun launcher Milly mentioned was the giant flower bone of the Amunro clan that sprayed blood and evil moss, also known as the mysterious little orphan treasure.

According to the level of strategic weapons of wizard civilization, this should be the lowest level strategic weapon. It is one level lower than the space airship's disintegrating main gun, and three levels lower than the original space fortress's destroying cannon.

As for the so-called mysterious treasures in those mountains, they are only strategic weapons similar to the space airship's main cannon. They are not considered high-level strategic weapons for the wizard civilization.

After the Holy Tower Qualification Battle, although Green knew some information about Millie, he had never actually fought with Millie. At this time, he looked at the huge ice crystal phoenix above his head and couldn't help but feel some admiration.

This ice crystal phoenix whose elements activate witchcraft has some mysteries that are even stronger than its own flame-greeding giant.

In addition, the ice sculpture following the ice crystal phoenix and the vigorous snow leopard on the ground also have some unique features.


After Green agreed, several desperate blood-scary dolls from the distance flew to Green's side. At this moment, 'cannonballs' bursting with blood-colored light from the distance traced long trajectories and shot towards the bright sky. Legion of wizards.

Looking at it this way, if we want to completely defeat these Amunro resistance forces, destroying these railgun devices is indispensable.

Looking at the far distant sky where the Ming Wizard Group was massacring the Shadow Legion of Amunro, Green withdrew his gaze in the face of truth, pointed at the 'rail cannon red flame mark' closest to himself and Milly, and said in a deep voice: " This is it.”


After Milly agreed, the ice crystal phoenix let out a loud cry, spread its wings and flew over with the ice sculpture behind it, with large ice flowers landing along the way. The snow leopard on the ground also used its strong and wild body to fly with the power of nature, and followed it without any delay.

Green and the Flame Greedy Giant also mobilized the power of nature, and accelerated to catch up under the control of the two forces of repulsion and attraction. The unparalleled magic power was everywhere. Occasionally, with a casual blow, the low-level Amunro who was looking up in fear on the ground was wiped away. .

The blood-terrible doll sat on the shoulders of the Flame-Greeting Giant, half-crying, half-laughing in a weird shape while holding the radioactive stone.

Nowadays, the blood horror doll's combat assistance to Green can be basically ignored. (To be continued...) Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.