A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 186: Despair of Amunro 1


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From time to time, low-level Amunro appeared on the ground with scattered suicidal sneak attacks. Green did not even take action. With a casual blow of the flame-greeding giant's violent energy, these low-level Amunro creatures that flew into the flames were turned into corpses.

The same goes for Milly in front. The low-level creatures that sneak up from the ground are often killed by the ice sculpture snow leopards that wander around to protect her before they get close. The ice crystal phoenix doesn't even slow down.

Green did not pay attention to the low-level creatures that sneaked up on him, but took advantage of a moment of quiet time to carefully understand the different rules of this foreign world named Shadow Mystery by the wizarding world.

First of all, the biggest difference in the rules lies in some wonderful derivative rules derived from the shadow of the main body of this world, which are completely different from the day and night and four-season rules of the wizarding world.

Secondly, the degree of gravity of the earth's veins, the proportion of air components, and the density of energy distribution in this world are also very different from the wizarding world.

Finally, the rules of life derivation in this world seem a bit strange. There seem to be some mysterious rules of this world in those volcanoes emitting black smoke. Of course, only Stigmata wizards are qualified to explore the secrets of these rules. For low-level wizards, it is just a matter of understanding the rules and trying to adapt to the environment here.

The distance of several thousand meters is nothing to Green and Mimile, who have been promoted to official wizards.

A short while later, the two people flying at high speed passed through the land covered with corpses and blood, jumped over a [long][wind] literature.cfwx smoke-filled hill, and saw three dark wizards. He is trying hard to attack the scene of a battle between a giant flower bone and the elite Amunro creatures blocking the surroundings.

On the ground, there are crowds of low-level Amunro creatures everywhere, with countless layers on top of each other.

In the middle of these amuros, a squirming flower bone that is more than ten meters high is being slowly transferred by these amuros, and at the same time, it is constantly licking something into it.

boom! boom! boom!

The ground was filled with large pits after the impact of elemental energy. The pits were surrounded by bloody and fleshy fragments of low-level gold Amunro's body, emitting scorched smoke. In the sound of a series of battles in which energy collided with each other, three dark wizards frantically charged dozens of golden Amunro elites and several mysterious Amunro seals.

The bursting elemental energy formed air waves.

on the ground. There is also a series of densely packed auxiliary attacks from Golden Amon Lo, and stone cones attached with fire element energy are like arrows shooting into the sky.

Green had been attacked by these stone cones many times before, and the attack power was estimated to range from 35 to 150 degrees. If they formed a certain scale, they would be quite dangerous to formal wizards.

However, it is obvious.

The attack frequency of hundreds of stone cones in front of him has reached a considerable scale. Even Green, who is wearing a wizard's mask with nearly a thousand degrees of defense, does not dare to really charge forward. Otherwise, it would not be a joke to be surrounded by shocks.

The three dark demon-hunting wizards in the distance saw two more dark demon-hunting wizards coming, and their confidence became much stronger. The witchcraft fluctuated even more violently, and the metal chain attack method of one of the dark demon-hunting wizards suddenly caused Green thought of Nairo who entered the heart of the world with him.

The wizard a hundred meters away, wrapped in metal chains, is definitely her!

Did she actually join this demon hunting expedition

But if you think about it, it's right.

After all, the other party is an official wizard who was promoted at the same time as Green. Under normal circumstances, new demon hunters will choose the extreme welfare time before embarking on their first demon hunting expedition mission. In this case, there is certainly a great chance that the two of them will jointly carry out this expedition to the shadow mystery mission.

Calculating it this way, the Hell Roar on the Erdu Peak on the Giant Turtle in the Tiandu Mountains and the Mechanical Heart Victor during the newcomer trial were all promoted to official wizards at about the same time as Green. Doesn't it mean that they are also very likely to be in the world? Appears in this mission.

In the distance, there is a metal chain ball blooming with teeth and claws. Nairo also seemed to notice Green.

"Ice Roar!"

The magic power of Milly on the ice crystal phoenix stirred up, and she caused the force of nature to dodge the ice crystal feather fan in her hand. Suddenly, the overwhelming power of frost surged out and covered it.

The power of frost was surprisingly effective against the Amunro clan. Several golden Amunro with the ability to fly were completely frozen without .77nt/19181/ any resistance.

As for the normal attacks of the ice sculpture snow leopard and even the ice crystal phoenix. For the lower-level Golden Amunro, which even lacks the ability to fly, it is tantamount to a doomsday disaster. In the blink of an eye, the crystal clear ice snow leopard was dyed blood red.

but. The tens of thousands of Amunro guarding the giant flower bone split into hundreds in the blink of an eye and rushed towards Green and Milly. In addition to more than a dozen golden Amunro burning with flames, there were actually two white ones. The Mystery of Skin Amunro.


Green looked at the two mysterious Amunro rushing towards the large group of Amunro in the distance, with a trace of joy in his eyes under the face of truth.

When he was in the Origin Space Fortress, Green had listed some targets for early combat resource plunder. The two most important species were the bloody moss specimens of orbital artillery shells and the mysterious Amunro biological specimens.

The specimens of Mystery Amunro are of extremely high research value, and these Mystery Amunro are bound to come with Mystery Stone resources, so the importance goes without saying.

As for the lethal bloody moss fired by the Amunro railgun, any wizard with normal thinking ability will understand its value.

Perhaps this deadly moss has no use for high-level wizards, but for low-level wizards, it has considerable development potential.

Coincidentally, Green and Milly faced a mysterious Amunro and several golden Amunro burning with flames.

call out!

The space was distorted. Green and the flame-greedy giant behind him appeared in front of the target Mystery Amunro in a blink of an eye. These Amunro, who were originally charging rapidly, turned around and stopped, swung their long tails behind them urgently, and stabbed at Green. Come over.

The long-tail assassination was as fast as an afterimage, but in the motion capture of the Eye of the End of the Dead, it was relatively slowed down. Green calmly mobilized his magic power to connect to the ground, and shouted: "Lead!"

Mobilizing the gravity of the earth's veins, the unprepared Amunluo around them swayed one after another, and the two weak ones fell headfirst. As the ten fingers of Green's hands moved messily like invisible strings, the power of the two spaces was incomparable. A quick flash.

Poof, poof.

One of the falling golden Amunro twisted ferociously and then exploded into a blood mist. The body of the other falling golden Amunro disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a long golden tail that continued to fall to the ground.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Several fireballs exploded on the wizard's hood. Although it consumed some of Green's magic power, it was unable to pose any threat to the wizard's shield, which had a thousand degrees of defense.

As for the consumed magic power, with the supplement of demon hunting weapons, there is no need to worry about this problem in a short period of time.


The flame-greeding giant roared. On the battlefield, it could enjoy the talent of Devouring Hate for almost unlimited time. At this time, it was seven meters tall and holding a giant sword of elements. It indeed formed an unparalleled power against those Amon Luo who was only about half a meter tall. pressure.

Maybe in the eyes of many Amunro, Green is just a follower of this flame-greeding giant, right

The giant sword of water and thunder passed by. Opening its mouth, another beam of energy light composed entirely of black flames appeared. The Flame-Greeting Giant rampaged towards the Mysterious Amunro and the slightly more powerful Golden Amunro like a wild beast, unable to stop it at all.

As for the low-level Amunro who could not fly at his feet, it seemed that the Flame Greedy Giant had killed quite a few of them without even realizing it.

After killing two golden Amunro elites, Green held the magic wand and glanced gloomily at the densely packed low-level Amunro community in the distance that was crowding each other and assisting the transfer of the giant flower bone.

There are at least 50,000 to 60,000 Amunro over there.

Although they are all low-level creatures, probably comparable to the level of human knights or higher, such a large number is really troublesome.

Gudu, Gudu...

The giant flower bones are still stirring and twisting. It seems that the raw materials thrown in from the surrounding low-level Amunro are squished into a ball in the belly, preparing to be sprayed into the sky.

And every time this strategic level wizard weapon is ejected, it will inevitably bring some losses to the wizard army in the sky.

Therefore it must be stopped as soon as possible.


Suddenly, the ground beneath the numerous crowded low-level Amunro groups tumbled. Seven giant black beetles more than ten meters long emerged from the ground. At the same time, the beetles opened their green fluorescent mouths and spit out three or four fluorescent green-skinned special forms of Amunro!


The new Amunro, the fluorescent green one


When Green pounced on the other troublesome golden Amunro around him. The flower bone flower in the distance, surrounded by many low-level amuros, suddenly exploded with sonic energy, and a blood-red fireball suddenly erupted and rose into the sky. It shot towards the Ming Wizard Legion in the distance, leaving a long bloody trail.

As if reflecting each other, the many low-level orphans of Amunro on the ground started a new round of volley fire again, and thousands of bloody tail marks cut through the sky, but this time the number was significantly less than before.

Boom, boom, boom…

There was an explosion near the Legion of Ming Wizards in the distant sky. Although they had multiple protections such as space airships, wizard shields, and self-defense, dozens of Ming Wizards and thousands of monster slaves still fell from the sky, and their bodies were killed by many low-level Ahs on the ground. Munro buried.

boom! boom! boom! boom…

The space airship disintegration cannons of the Sky Ming Wizard Group fired back at the ground, but they could only kill some unlucky low-level Amonro, and were unable to accurately shoot the mysterious little orphan treasures of strategic level witchcraft.

Fortunately, only two of the powerful strategic-level weapons of the Amunro clan in those mountain peaks could still be fired stably. The other fifteen were all swept away by the origin space fortress's destructive cannon, and the mountains were completely destroyed. Turned into wiped out, turned into dust.

Just when the five dark wizards including Ringer, Milly, and Nello were unable to break through Amunro's defense in a short time, and even had to face the newly appeared fluorescent green Amunro, three more dark wizards appeared in two directions in the distance. The wizard comes to support.

Of the three dark wizards, one acted alone, and although the other two formed a temporary team, they did not look familiar to each other.

If there is support...

First, test the strength of those fluorescent green Amunro, and try to destroy the rail gun before the next launch, so as to reduce the losses of the Sky Expedition Wizard Legion.

Thinking like this, just when Green killed a golden Amunro and breathed a sigh of relief and was about to use his methods to deal with the mysterious Amunro that had been completely suppressed by the flame-grey giant, suddenly thunder rioted in the distance, and in the "Boom, Boom, Boom" "Amidst the thunder, a purple thunder force quickly cut through the sky, and a "bang" exploded above the heads of Green's dark wizards.

The fluorescent green Amunro and giant beetles that were originally preparing to rush towards Green's dark wizards were all stunned due to the sudden change.

The figure of a wizard slowly appeared in the exploding purple thunder. His body was beating and twisting like thunder, as if the figure in front of him was not a real body.

Seeing this sudden figure, all the dark wizards present suddenly showed a surprise in their eyes.

This turned out to be a second-level wizard with the ability to transform his body into elements! (To be continued...)

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