A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 19: Black Tower


The sea-going ship that Green and other wizard apprentices boarded was still very conspicuous in the port, just because it was so broken. No wonder, after enduring a nightmarish battle between a wizard and a giant octopus, it was sheer luck that the ship didn't sink.

As the ship docked, the wizard apprentices almost couldn't wait to rush to the land, breathing in the air, and everyone showed happy expressions.

Finally left this hellish ship!

However, when the happy expressions of these wizard apprentices were seen by other wizard apprentices passing by the port, they couldn't help but ridicule: "They are another group of country bumpkins from a remote island. They think they can become wizards when they arrive on the wizard continent. They are ridiculously ignorant, hum. snort… "

This wizard apprentice mistakenly believed that the reason why the Bloodsail Alliance wizard apprentices were happy was because they arrived in the Wizarding Continent.

"grown ups."

Many wizard apprentices at the port saluted Wizard Wuxiang Mask. Wuxiang Mask ignored them at all and just said calmly to the many wizard apprentices behind him who had just stepped off the ship: "Don't wander around."

At this time, a figure flew from the distant sky. After a moment, an old witch riding a broom floated in front of everyone. She didn't even look at Green and other wizard apprentices, but looked directly at Yunli and Bibi behind Wuxiang Mask. Onna and two people.

"Hey, these two cute little guys are the targets found in Lilith's cabin, right? Sure enough, the soul fluctuations are very special." The wrinkles on the old witch's face were almost wrinkled into a piece of old bark, and as she spoke He laughed happily, revealing a pair of black rotten teeth, and looked disgusted.

Many wizard apprentices in the Blood Sail Alliance subconsciously stayed away from this old witch.

Green couldn't help but wonder, are all wizards weird? If he becomes a wizard in the future, will it be like this

Just thinking about it made Green shudder. At the same time, Green glanced at Lafite, who was tall and tall, with a beautiful face in front of him, and thought maliciously that if this guy turned into the old witch in front of him...

"Am I good-looking?" Suddenly, Lafite turned around and looked at Green expressionlessly, as if he was making a cold joke.

For a moment, Green almost overlapped the old witch's face with Lafite's. Lafite suddenly turned around, and Green, who felt guilty, said quickly: "Uh... it looks good."

Lafite looked at Green with some surprise. Faced with such an obscene question, Green would have turned his head aside coldly and stopped talking. Maybe after getting off the cruise ship, everyone relaxed a little. After all, it was too depressing on the cruise ship.

Even Lafite himself didn't expect that he would ask Green such a question.

After being surprised for a moment, Lafite suddenly smiled and said: "Can I think that you are confessing your love to me? Humph, but considering that you risked your life to save me, I will seriously consider it." After that, he Ignore Green.

Green was stunned for a moment, and then roared in his heart: "Confess to your sister and go find your brother Ailon."

Green clearly remembered that when he was at the Viscount's Mansion in Bissel City, when the young lady threw out the "Nose Hunting Transformation and Scent Atlas", she called out the name Ailon.

On the other side, the Maskless Wizard standing on the crows said: "Okay, don't scare these little guys. After more than a month of baptism, these little guys are probably extremely afraid of the academy."

"Hey, what do they think has nothing to do with me? They can't enter the Holy Tower. Our goal is just these two." As she said that, the old witch riding on the broom motioned for Yunli and Bibi Liona to come to her. , and then said coldly to Wuxiang Mask: "If I had taken over this task, it wouldn't have taken more than a month."

After saying that, the old witch took Yunli and Bibi Liona and left.

"Hmph! In less than a month, can she make the sea ship fly over?" After the old witch disappeared, Yorkis said angrily. Next to him, Yorkliana pulled the corner of his clothes and motioned for him to stop saying a few words. Afraid of his brother getting into trouble.

"Idiot, she means to abandon us, or simply kill us all." Lafite on the side said coldly.

Lafite's explanation immediately made Yokeris, Yokeliana, and Green feel cold, and they felt so lucky that it was not the task that this old witch took over.

At this time, some people even began to miss the Dilla wizard. If these wizard apprentices could reach the Lilith Lodge Wizard Academy safely, it would definitely be a different experience.

About a quarter of an hour later, seven or eight panting wizard apprentices came from a distance. After seeing the phaseless mask wizard, these wizard apprentices ignored their fatigue and saluted respectfully.

Wuxiang Mask said impatiently: "Okay, although there is still half a month until the school officially starts, there will no longer be any other arrangements for this group of wizard apprentices. They will allocate accommodation directly in the college. You guys will be responsible."

"Yes." After several wizard apprentices answered respectfully, the Maskless Mask flew into the distance with Solam. The crows made chaotic croaking sounds, and the sky was filled with a strange and ominous atmosphere.

When all the wizards left, the seven or eight wizard apprentices who came over breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised their heads and looked at the people who had just stepped off the ships. After more than a month of fighting and sea monster attacks, there were less than 300 wizard apprentices left.

"Hey, it seems that you country bumpkins have some knowledge, unlike the idiots of our generation. The great wizard just did a good job." The sarcastic voice reached everyone's ears, which made the people who were originally looking forward to it a little bit. Everyone couldn't help but look cold, knowing that Black Sota Wizard Academy was not a kind place after all.

However, it seems that not every old wizard apprentice in the academy is like this. A wizard apprentice stood up.

"Okay, you newcomers, listen up. Not everyone who enters the Black Sota Wizarding Academy can be called a wizard apprentice. Instead, they must be able to independently perform three witchcrafts before they can be called a wizard apprentice. You Now they can only be called initiates, or newcomers.”

After a pause, the witch apprentice said: "So, from now on, you have two tasks: to continuously improve your mental power and to constantly learn new witchcraft."

"That's enough, Celia, why do you pretend to be a good person?" A wizard apprentice with a better temper interrupted the wizard apprentice. He was a big man with a bald head and a scar on his forehead.

"You newcomers, listen up. Although killing is prohibited within the academy, the rules are strict. As long as you don't get caught killing people or leave evidence, the law enforcement team will not interfere with these nosy matters, so you newcomers want to live as long as you can If you grow up, be more honest with me! Also, don’t think that you can become wizards in the Wizarding Continent. I’ve seen a lot of you arrogant guys in remote sea areas. Huh, let me tell you, in my eyes, you guys are just like little horns. The country bumpkins from the island are scum!”

Many of the sorcerer apprentices in the Blood Sail Alliance did not speak. They allowed this man to insult them and just looked at him coldly.

In the past, after being stimulated by this bald wizard apprentice, there would definitely be many arrogant guys. But after more than a month of baptism, those guys who did not understand the situation had long been thrown into the sea.

It seemed a little surprising that no one stood up to contradict him. The bald wizard apprentice touched his forehead, feeling disappointed and angry, and roared: "Let's go!"

Eight wizard apprentices were in front, and less than 300 Bloodsail Alliance newcomers were behind. After passing through this seemingly unprosperous harbor, the group came to a steep mountain towering into the clouds. This giant mountain is more than 80 degrees vertical, with layers of dark iron chains covering the entire mountain. The entire mountain gives people an oppressive feeling of "living".

It was already dark at this time, and only the vague outline of this huge mountain could be seen vaguely.

With such a steep mountain, seeing the eight wizard apprentices in front of them still showing no intention of stopping, everyone in the Bloodsail Alliance couldn't help but wonder, is Black Sota Wizard Academy built on this giant mountain? However, this huge mountain is so steep, with most of the area covered with jagged rocks and densely packed with strange vegetation that looks hideous and terrifying. How to climb it


An owl flew over the black sky from time to time. At this moment, the bald man leading the team suddenly thought of something and said fiercely: "Listen, any owl that appears in the academy and surrounding areas is not allowed to hinder them by any means, otherwise the academy will enforce the law." The team will be very cruel in pursuing the case."

Everyone was a little surprised. They didn't know why the bald man was kind enough to remind everyone this.

At this time, the seven wizard apprentices finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. On the rugged cliffs, there were giant trees that were forty or fifty meters high. It was unknown how many years these giant trees had lived. . Amidst the rustling of the branches and leaves, the atmosphere was a bit eerie.

Suddenly, the bald wizard apprentice stood respectfully in front of a giant tree: "Please open the passage."

Under the horrified gazes of many wizard apprentices, the trunk of this giant tree slowly began to change, revealing a lifelike human face with facial features. After its eyes slowly scanned everyone in front, the human face and facial features disappeared again. Become bark this week.


A huge boulder on the mountain peak was slowly lifted up by a black iron chain, revealing a hidden passage.

After walking through this tunnel at the bottom of the mountain for more than ten minutes, suddenly everyone's eyes lit up, and countless brightly lit buildings appeared. The most eye-catching one was a huge tower in the distance that was hundreds of meters high. Standing tall!

"This is... Black Tower?"

While everyone was attracted by the black tower in the distance that was hundreds of kilometers high, Green looked at a gray and unremarkable looking stone next to the tunnel. The stone itself was nothing special and had already been weathered a lot. sign. However, the handwriting on the boulder has reached the point where it can be embedded into the stone, silently washed with the passage of time, and will remain unchanged forever.

Green silently read the words carved on the stone.

"Give me endless knowledge, and I will use myself as the fulcrum to move the endless world."