A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 24: choice


For two consecutive days and nights, he was in a state of concentration to prepare the perfume. During this period, he did not forget to clean the library. Two days later, Green, who was in an abnormally excited state and had dark circles under his eyes, came to Black Sol Tower with thirty bottles of perfume. Trading Plaza on the first floor.

"Please help me consign these thirty bottles of perfume at the price of one magic stone per bottle." Green said to a wizard apprentice who was studying a magic book.

This wizard apprentice was a fat man. Although he was wearing a large robe, he could not hide his fat body. His eyes were almost squeezed into slits by the flesh on his face. The fat man looked up at Green and said in surprise: "Fragrance? What is it?"

"Uh... It's a potion that can change body odor. It has a certain subconscious attraction to the opposite sex. It's a gadget I invented." Green explained briefly.

"Oh? To attract the opposite sex?" The fat man seemed to be interested and wanted to open a bottle of perfume to experience it. Green quickly stopped him and said: "There are two types of perfume, one is suitable for men and the other is suitable for women. , if used indiscriminately, it may have the opposite effect.”

Under Green's guidance, the fat man closed his eyes, gently opened a bottle and smelled it. After being quiet for a while, the fat man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Green with surprise: "What's the name of this perfume? Okay. This wonderful potion made me feel a surge of agitation during adolescence, which seemed to be the inexplicable heartbeat feeling of someone who has a crush on a girl for the first time! What a wonderful experience!"

"Uh... name? Let's call it Venus, the Goddess of Love." Seeing how the fat man said it so evilly, Green felt that it was a bit exaggerated. I had smelled it myself, and although the fragrance was very attractive to me, it was far from as exaggerated as the fat man said.

Is it because I'm not really in love? Green used the wizard's thinking to guess.

"Venus, the God of Love? Haha, a good name, a good name! However, I have a suggestion. How about selling this Venus, the God of Love, for two magic stones a bottle?" Of course the fat man is willing to sell this rare potion. A good price, which means he can get more compensation.

"Two magic stones for one bottle? Isn't it too expensive?" Green looked at the fat man with some suspicion. Spending two magic stones just for this bottle of fragrance that will not improve any combat effectiveness is too wasteful in Green's opinion. .

The fat man said disapprovingly: "Anyone who can buy this kind of fragrance will never miss out on the magic stone. Do you think this academy is full of newcomers who are still struggling for the magic stone? Besides, who said I want to buy it?" Was this fragrance sold to those wizard apprentices?"

"You mean... sell it to those great wizards!" Green's mouth opened wide.

When the fat man saw Green's startled look, he couldn't help but sigh, how could such a guy who had never seen the world invent such a wonderful potion? What's wrong with wizards? Wizards are human beings too, and only wizards with long lifespans will pay more attention to such wonderful "luxury goods".

He even thought of using scent to attract the opposite sex. I have to say that this guy is a talent. The fat man looked at Green with some appreciation.

Later, Green dragged his exhausted body back to the room, laid his head on his chest and slowly fell asleep.

After sleeping for a full day, Green finally woke up.

After casually eating some spare dry food, Green thought for a while. It seemed that there was a very important lesson for him today. A wizard with a good reputation told about the simple use of soul witchcraft. This is to cultivate companion insects and soul slaves for the wizard in the future. Basic course.

Green had put off almost everything because he was too focused on studying "Nose Hunting Transformation and Scent Map", but now as the trial exam is approaching, Green must seize the time to prepare.

However, attending lectures requires magic stones as a fee, and the one and a half magic stones I had before were used to buy all the raw materials for making perfume. After pulling his hair worriedly, Green walked towards Black Soda, intending to see how many bottles of perfume the fat man had sold. He was in urgent need of magic stones.

"Oh... my dear great inventor of Venus, the God of Love, you are finally here!" The fat man greeted Green with a gust of wind. This behavior made Green stunned, and he hurriedly said: "What's wrong? Is this fragrance selling well? ?”

"More than good? I only recommended Venus, the God of Love, to a wizard today. After a little experience, the wizard was surprised and bought all thirty bottles!" The fat man laughed excitedly. : “He didn’t even ask me the price!”

Green was stunned. Damn, is it necessary to be so exaggerated? This is just a fragrance that I accidentally invented.

"Hehe, I raised the price a little more and said it was three magic stones per bottle. But the wizard didn't pay attention at all and just threw me an intermediate magic stone without even giving me change!" The fat man said proudly. Smiling, he asked Green eagerly: "How are you doing? Are there any fragrances left? I'll make sure your sales are smooth! You can sell as much as you want!"

He took the ninety magic stones handed over by the fat man and took ten of them as a reward for the consignment. While Green was excited, he hesitated: "I can prepare the fragrance at any time, but it will cost me a lot of time and energy. Moreover, because the trial exam is approaching, and since I don't lack magic stones now, I plan to seize the time to improve it." In terms of strength, I can only equip you with some magic stones when you are short of them in the future."

The fat man was a little regretful, but he also knew the cruelty of the trial test, so he didn't have much to say. He nodded and said: "That's it... Well, leave your crystal ball information to me, and we will contact you more in the future! My name is Deegan, just call me Fatty."


Later, Green left Black Sotha in a low-key manner.

As a guy with a huge fortune of ninety magic stones, Green felt a little worried, fearing that the wizard apprentices would curse him to death out of jealousy. In the past, Green was poor and had no money, so he was not afraid of people who would miss him, but it is different now...

"The matter of companion worms must be put on the agenda! Fortunately, I made some preparations before and found a few pretty good samples." Green jogged and came to the teaching hall. After paying the fee for the magic stone, he entered the classroom as he wished.

This was a wizard who spoke with a mechanical tone. His eyes under his long robe were in the state of two black mists, floating, strange and mysterious, and even made it difficult for others to tell whether the wizard was male or female.

This wizard seems to be quite crazy about soul magic.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, soul witchcraft is the most noble and elegant art of wizards, and it is the most essential core part of life. Do you know what some creatures from other worlds call us wizards? Yes, they call us world slavers , which shows their fear of us controlling soul slaves. This is the art of our great wizard soul... "

A class lasted for two hourglass hours. In half of the class, this wizard who was somewhat neurotic about soul witchcraft was praising the greatness of soul witchcraft and its development history in the long river of wizard time. Only in the second half of the class did he really start to talk about soul witchcraft. application of techniques.

However, it has to be said that this wizard does have quite unique and sophisticated insights into soul witchcraft. In many places, he put forward unique theories that made Green feel enlightened and enlightened. This shows that this wizard does have real talent and knowledge.

After the lecture, Green came to Black Sol Tower again, but this time he went straight to the seventh floor and came to the wizard apprentice named Varro. Varro's job can be said to be quite easy, and there are usually not many people coming in a day, so he still remembered Green and said with a smile, "Hey, have you collected enough magic stones?"

"Yeah." Green didn't say much, and directly handed the twenty magic stones to Varo. After Varo accepted the magic stones unceremoniously, he smiled and said, "Okay, leave your crystal ball imprint to me. My teacher is here these days, and I will call you when he goes out. Don’t worry, I won’t lie to you for a mere twenty magic stones.”

After hesitating for a moment, Green felt that since this person could find such an easy job as a clerk on the seventh floor of Black Sol Tower, he should have considerable power, and he would not lie to himself like this for twenty magic stones.

After exchanging the crystal ball marks, Green returned to the cabin, sat in front of the test bench, and looked at the bugs he had collected in front of him.

Green is making a decision about the companion worm.

Theoretically speaking, basically any bug can be used as a wizard's companion bug, because the unique characteristics of the bug's soul will passively increase the wizard's resistance to curses and illusions, but for the wizard's closest "partner" in his life, all wizards I still hope that my companion insects can have some unique characteristics.

Of the seven types of bugs Green collected, three could be eliminated directly. Green had been hesitant and undecided about the remaining four bugs.

The first type of bug is called the corpse-eating bug. These bugs were collected by Green from a wizard apprentice who was cursed to death. After the wizard apprentice was cursed, his body was eaten up by these horrible bugs in a matter of seconds. It can be said that corpse-eating bugs are cruel in nature. pole. Therefore, Green paid attention and carefully collected some.

The second type of bug is called the snail, which is a parasite. In the spring, this bug is eaten by some small coprophagous creatures from the droppings of some wild cranes, and then becomes parasitic on these small creatures. However, the terrifying thing about this parasite is that it causes the small parasitized creatures to mutate. To put it simply, they have multiple legs, multiple arms, etc. Then, these mutated little creatures are easily eaten by wild cranes because of their inconvenience in movement. In this way, the parasites have completed a perfect "reincarnation".

Few people paid attention to this kind of bug. Green only noticed it by chance when he was studying bloodline witchcraft, so he paid attention and caught some.

The third type of insect is called borer. This is a companion insect that is most loved by wizard apprentices in the Wizarding Continent. This companion insect is not very aggressive. It has only one effect after being used as a companion insect by wizards, which is to greatly increase the life span of wizard apprentices, directly from two hundred years old. To be three hundred years old!

The fourth kind of bug, Green didn't even know its name. It was accidentally discovered in a test tube when Green was throwing away the garbage, and there was no record of this mud-like amoeba in the library. Green speculated that perhaps this bug was the product of a wizard's apprentice or a wizard's failed experiment.

This weird bug Green has only discovered one function so far, which is that it has a strong vitality, similar to the vitality of an earthworm. Even if it is broken into two parts, it can still live, and the two parts will grow into two living entities. .

Four bugs in test tubes were placed in front of Green. Green's eyes flashed with thought. Which one should he choose

After hesitating, Green took away bugs No. 1 and No. 4.

Although man-eating bugs are extremely aggressive, they should only be used as a last resort. Unless they are wizards who specialize in cultivating companion bugs, ordinary wizards will not use companion bugs to attack enemies of the same class. Therefore, the aggressiveness of man-eating bugs is in Green It seems to be a useless ability.

As for the fourth kind of bug, since Green guessed it was a failed product of a certain wizard or wizard's apprentice, this proves that there is a successful product. In a general sense, the abilities of successful products and failed products are very different.

Moreover, the fourth insect has a very unstable factor, that is, its ability to reproduce. It seems that it has lost its ability to reproduce as a failure. Could it be that it has been artificially cut in half to reproduce

Sighing, Green looked at Borer.

Sure enough, the companion insect loved by many wizard apprentices definitely has a reason for its existence.

However, Green did not abandon the snail rashly, because an interesting phenomenon Green discovered was that the snail promotes biological variation. This is a force that promotes the "evolution" of organisms! Well... Although this "evolution" is a failed evolution. However, since it is evolution, blood witchcraft is not used, which makes Green can't help but have some associations...

Maybe there is some special connection between this and the witchcraft of "Nose Hunting Transformation"

Finally, Green decided to cultivate the snail on a living frog for a period of time. Then he would be able to see the experimental results after he obtained the right to use an advanced microscope.

With this in mind, Green left the house for a moment and came back with a frog in his hand. He gently cut off one of the frog's hind legs as a normal biological specimen. After stopping the bleeding, Green began to cultivate a horsefly inside the poor frog. screw…

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