A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 28: Pale Mask


After drinking the delicious red-eared mushroom soup, Green felt refreshed, as if a pair of girl's hands were tickling him. He picked up the crystal ball and recited the spell silently. After a moment, Green said in surprise: "The mental power is 23, which actually increased the mental power by 3 points!"

That's right, after wearing the Fountain of Joy necklace, Green's mental power had already reached 20 points. However, after taking down the precious red-eared mushrooms he got from the fat man, and after a burst of mental stimulation, Green's mental power actually increased to 20 points. 23 o'clock.

"But..." Green smiled bitterly: "Although his mental power has increased, his magic power is only 144~148. There is no way to exert such strong mental power. It seems that daily meditation is indispensable during this period."

After a moment of silence, Green made up his mind.

Green avoided almost all interactions. Whether it was meetings from the Bloodsail Alliance or a few other half-baked friends, Green ignored it. He just meditated wholeheartedly every day, then "purified" the snails, and finally dived in all the time. The elemental magic circle in the depths of the soul has been improved.

As for the job of cleaning the library, Green quietly quit.

Days passed day by day, and two months later, all of Green's companion insects were cultivated...

Three months later, Green's elemental magic array was transformed...

Four months later, on this day, Green finally raised his magic power to 224~230, which basically matched the corresponding mental power level.

On this day, Green was in a good mood. Thinking of the progress made in the restricted area of the life code a few days ago, he couldn't help but feel a little itchy. He was almost waiting for Varro's call from the seventh floor of the Black Sol Tower at any time. Moreover, it’s time to collect the magic stone from the fat man this month.

Speaking of which, the Philosopher's Stone that Green obtained from Fatty was simply an exaggeration, or it was a bit of an exaggeration for a wizard apprentice.

In the first month, Green received four hundred magic stones. At that time, Green was a little surprised and laughed at the fat man. But when he got a thousand magic stones from Fatty in the second month, Green was simply shocked! When Green got thirty intermediate-level magic stones from Fatty in the third month, Green was grinning from ear to ear.

As for this month... Green felt that he was almost numb, because Green found that he had no use for these magic stones.

Green feels that if this continues, even some wizards may not be able to match his worth in a dozen years.

The only thing that makes Green feel more at ease is that almost everyone in Black Sota Wizarding Academy knows that Fatty, the magic apprentice, has huge assets, but he is still doing well until now. It seems that Fatty does have a very powerful background behind him. At least there's a wizard in charge.

He was thinking about the Sorcerer's Stone, but Green did not go to Black Soft Tower immediately. Before that, Green had another thing to do, which was to prove that he had officially entered the ranks of wizard apprentices from a newcomer and received a wizard apprentice certificate. .

Half an hour later, Green finally arrived at the remote tower of the Wizarding Academy. There is a wizard stationed in the tower all year round, who specializes in testing whether newcomers have successfully practiced three or more witchcrafts. Although this tower is very famous and almost everyone knows it, almost everyone rarely visits it a second time in their lives, so it is not considered a gathering place for wizard apprentices.

After a moment, Green smelled the smell emanating from the wizard in front of him, and almost had the urge to laugh, because all the smell of this wizard was the scent of Venus, the God of Love, prepared by Green. And it is a fragrance suitable for women, so Green guessed that the tightly covered wizard was actually a woman.

After getting the wizard apprentice certificate, Green came to the fat man on the first floor of Black Sol Tower.

"Hey, I used to deliver magic stones to your place. Why did you come out by yourself today? Has there been any progress in witchcraft research?" Fatty joked with Green.

However, the fat man understands that the trial examination known as the Bloody Millstone of Black Soft Tower Wizard Academy is not easy to pass. If you are not careful, you will die. Therefore, no matter how much strength the people who participate in the trial can increase, it will not be too much.

"There is no progress. Even if there is some progress, it can only ensure a greater chance of surviving the trial." Green shook his head.

"Forget it, you have your own plans after all. After all, you are now a wealthy man, haha. Here, this is your share for this month." After saying that, the fat man handed Green a small bag.

Green took a look and saw that all the intermediate magic stones cost about forty or fifty yuan.

Green was numb to these stone-like things, and just wanted to convert these magic stones into combat power as soon as possible. After thinking about it, Green proposed to Fatty that he could buy an advanced microscope from the mysterious Seven Rings Holy Tower through connections. Require.

"Seven Rings Holy Tower? This kind of place is not something anyone can go to if they want to! Of course, if you are an official wizard, no one will stop you anywhere." After the fat man glanced at Green, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I Let’s see if any wizards in the family are going there. I’ll ask when I have time, but don’t hold out too much hope in the near future. We’ll have to wait until your trial is over at the earliest to get any news.”

Green also knew the situation and did not make excessive demands. He nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Green came to the third floor of Black Sol Tower. He looked at the rooms with signs on them. After thinking for a moment, he directly entered a room with a sign on Alchemy.

The knowledge that Green most urgently wants to learn now is alchemical witchcraft and potion witchcraft. Secondly, he also wants to have a little contact with occult and mechanical witchcraft. But it is blood witchcraft. Although Green wants to study it, he has no intention of practicing it.

Sitting in the room was a short wizard with his legs crossed. He was thin but energetic, with a white goatee on his chin. He was humming a tune while reading the magic book in his hand. As Green entered the room, the old wizard raised his head and glanced at Green, then said indifferently: "Are you refining magic weapons or learning alchemy?"

After Green performed the wizard's ceremony, he said calmly: "I want to ask you to refine the magic weapon, but I also want to learn alchemy."

"Put aside the matter of refining magic weapons for now. Knowledge is priceless, but in order to cultivate future generations, the academy still sets the price. Hmm... If you want to ask some alchemy questions, ten magic stones per question, if you want Let me teach you the basic process of alchemy knowledge alone. Two hundred magic stones a day will ensure that you learn all the basic theoretical knowledge of alchemy in ten days." The wizard chuckled: "Of course, the understanding and practical operation may only take you a few days. It will take ten or hundreds of years of hard work to truly create your own magic weapon, which one do you choose?"

Green did not hesitate and said: "I choose the second one, which is the magic stone."

The wizard took the bag handed over by Lin, looked at it and said in surprise: "Order the full course directly, the little guy is worth a lot, haha, I like it. Okay, I will start teaching the course tomorrow. Come over on time. Now You can tell me what level and type of witchcraft you want to customize."

"Well, I want to customize a top-level magic weapon for wizard apprentices. It is mainly used to defend against external magic attacks. It is best to use a breastplate or a breastplate. In addition, I also want a magic wand that can enhance the magic power. ,Not sure if this is possible… "

"A magic wand that increases magic power? Generally speaking, this thing is only cost-effective for wizards with powerful magic power. If you are just a wizard apprentice, it is most cost-effective to use a magic wand that seals witchcraft. It is recommended that you wait until you are promoted to a wizard before customizing it. Well. As for the witchcraft to defend against attacks, I actually have one right here." As he said that, the old wizard got up, and after rummaging around in the back room for a while, he threw an object to Green.

"Mask?" Green was a little surprised. It was a white mask covered with purple spiral patterns. It had a sharp corner on the top of its head and only two eyes and nose holes were exposed. It looked a bit mysterious.

"Hmph, I was reluctant to show you this magic weapon because you have some magic stones. This mask magic weapon is an imitation of a famous magic weapon. It was also the strongest weapon I had when I was a wizard apprentice. Witchcraft, one price, minimum two thousand magic stones." The old wizard said without blinking.

"So expensive!" Green was shocked. You must know that the eternal earrings, which are also the top witchcraft weapons of the wizard apprentices, only cost 600 magic stones.

"Of course good products are expensive, otherwise you think I am reluctant to sell them after all these years?" The old wizard curled his lips: "This mask has two functions. The first one is to activate the magic defense shield. Attacks below 20 degrees are basically It is considered immune. You only need one-tenth of the magic power of the attack magic power to defend against an attack above 20 degrees. For an attack above 60 degrees, you need to spend about one-third of the opponent's magic power. For an attack above 100 degrees, Although the defensive shield can block it, the magic power consumed by you and the opponent is one to one. As for attacks above 150 degrees, don't count on this mask."

Green did a rough calculation in his mind. With his maximum magic power of 230, he could probably activate a maximum of 55 magic powers instantly, and the improved Firebird elemental magic array amplification of 55 magic powers could produce an attack of about 45 to 55 degrees. It can be regarded as his strongest attack.

And after being defended by this mask, his strongest attack can be defended with only one-tenth of the magic power!

Green took a breath, such a powerful witchcraft

The old wizard saw Green's stunned look, but then he sneered: "This is only its first function, is it its second function? Did you see the horn on its head? It has a fusion of There is a witchcraft called ultrasonic positioning, you will understand it when you put it on."

After Green put on the mask, he felt as if he had an extra sense similar to ears. Under the mask, Green can "see" a world with no color, no smell, and only matter from the perspective of sound. It is indeed a magical ability. However, as far as Green is concerned, because there is already a nose-hunting witchcraft with similar functions, the second function of this mask is not as important as the defensive shield function.

Taking a deep breath, Green asked, "What's the name of this mask?"


"Mask!" Green was startled and almost instantly thought of the formless masked wizard on the ocean liner who summoned countless crows. Could it be that this mask has anything to do with the great wizard

Green thought for a moment and made up his mind that he must take down this masked witchcraft. Such a top-quality witchcraft, even if he becomes a peak wizard apprentice with 39 spiritual power, it can still play a very powerful role! However, Green asked again: "The magic wand?"

After pondering for a while, the old wizard said: "Magic staff, if it is of the level of Mask, I don't have it here. Even if you want to refine it, I am not sure whether it can be refined in a short time. After all, this top wizard apprentice The magic weapon is very close to the real magic weapon, but the price is much lower, and there is also the cost issue to consider. But... "

Green was used to the old wizard's lies, so he responded eagerly: "But what?"

"Hey, look at this treasure of mine. I accidentally acquired it more than ten years ago. It's a very creative magic wand called Blood Bat's Kiss." As he said, a black magic wand Throwing it to Green: "Six hundred magic stones."

Green took the magic wand and felt it for a while. As the magic power was activated, a huge bat composed of pure wind elements suddenly appeared in the room. The bat's wings were about three meters long, and it looked like it could just hold a baby on its back. The appearance of a person flying.

"this… "

I don't know if it was Green's unique thinking illusion. When Green saw this bat made entirely of wind elements, the first thing he thought of was not its flying function, but the further improvement of the elemental magic array.