A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 37: Being despised


After Green replenished his body's magic power again, he simply ignored those secret realms and walked in a random direction, keeping in touch with the crystal ball at all times, hoping to sense information from other members of the team.

Although he had restrained the fluctuations of his body mark, even though the strength of the ten-point mark value he emitted still made Green like a torch in the dark night, other wizard apprentices who were noticed stayed away from him.

Half a day later.


After the fire wave passed, Green's mark fluctuations could no longer be hidden, and raging fire exploded in all directions. The black-spotted leopard that sneaked up on Green seemed to realize that Green was not easy to deal with. After dodging the flames with its strong body, it fled in panic.

However, Green suddenly sneered at an open space in the distance and sat cross-legged on the spot to replenish his magic power.

Through Nosehunting Green, he could clearly feel that at that location, a wizard apprentice who used similar invisibility witchcraft had been hanging behind him for a full hourglass time. However, this wizard apprentice was also very cautious and never came close to the fifty-meter range, so Green could not determine his position through the mask's ultrasonic waves, and could only feel the general direction.

Green's sneer obviously had an effect. Under Green's sensitive nose-hunting sense of smell, the guy's scent disappeared.

"Another strong man came to test me. I don't know which college he is from."

Without paying much attention, Green concentrated on absorbing the intermediate magic stone in his hand. This magic stone has been absorbed by Green many times, and its luster has become much duller.

An hourglass time later, Green was looking for his teammates in a forest. The crystal ball suddenly sensed some information. Overjoyed, Green couldn't help but speed up and walked towards the place where the information was sensed.

Vaguely, Green was sure that it should be Yoklianna over there.

A mushroom field, which is a normal terrain in the thorn forest. However, the moment Green stepped into the mushroom field, the mushroom under his feet exploded with a "pop", spewing out pollen all over the sky. At the same time, Green felt dizzy, and the images around him began to distort, shake, and become unreal.

"Is this a scent-induced illusion attack? Oh no, this type of illusion can not only avoid the illusion resistance of the eternal earrings, but by hunting the nose, this illusion will be amplified several times and applied to himself!" In an instant, Green He knew in his heart that he had once again entered the natural trap of the thorn forest.

It has to be said that although in the third year of his rookie period, Green relied on a large number of magic stones to purchase many precious items and improve his strength, but because he had never ventured to the Thorny Forest like other wizard apprentices, this kind of adventure was full of dangers. The environment hinders Green far more than other wizard apprentices.

Green's magic power continued to stimulate the companion worms in his body. Many snails seemed to be buzzing in Green's body. However, the scream that was originally inaudible was like a violent explosion in Green's ears, and Green suddenly woke up. .

"Huh... so dangerous."

Although the dizziness only lasted for a moment, about half a second, it left Green with almost no defense at that time, and he couldn't even activate the mask. Fortunately, the moment Green activated his magic power, a powerful wave erupted from the mark, which could effectively deter possible sneak attackers.

Green quickly stepped back and carefully walked out of the mushroom field.

At the same time, Green felt that just when these snails were activated by Green, in addition to the inherent illusion resistance of the accompanying insects, some individual effects seemed to have occurred. Although he didn't know what the specific function was, Green instinctively felt that it was something beneficial to the body, and it was accompanied by waves of hunger.

"Could it be that the subtle change just now is the special ability of the snail?"

Green was delighted. He took out two pieces of reserved meat jerky from his pocket and chewed them in his mouth. Then he carefully collected a few intact explosive mushrooms and kept them. If the true special ability of the snail can be discovered, perhaps there will be a major breakthrough in the study of the restricted area of the life code!

Just as Green happily put away the explosive mushrooms, his expression suddenly changed and he slowly turned his head to look deep into the forest behind him.

A wave of mark fluctuations that was no less powerful than Green's was emitting vigorously, echoing with Green's mark fluctuations, forming a strange fluctuating space.

"Are you a strong man from other colleges? You are the first person I have seen in the trial field whose mark fluctuates over thirty." Slowly, a lonely figure walked out of the depths of the forest, his face frighteningly pale. Although this man was talking to Green, his eyes only glanced at him and he stopped paying attention. Instead, he started playing with the white mouse on his shoulder.

Seeing the white rat on this man's shoulder, Green's pupils shrank under the mask and he asked tentatively: "Yunli?"

Sure enough, Green's tentative questions had an effect. The man raised his head and frowned: "From Black Sota Wizard Academy? But... In the past three years, apart from the teacher, Bibi Liona, Solam and a few senior brothers, Apart from Senior Sister, I have never seen anyone else, who are you?"

Green was wearing a mask, which covered the mark on his forehead. Naturally, Yunli could not tell which wizard academy Green was in.

Green was about to say something, but Yunli interrupted Green's words and said: "Forget it, don't say it! The teacher told me not to kill the wizard apprentices in my own academy. If you are from Black Sota Wizard Academy, That wouldn't be fun. With such a huge imprint like yours, you won't die just because you want it, right? It's good to wear a mask now, let's have some fun... "

In such a short time, Yunli said more than Green heard in a month on the ocean liner. When Green heard the other person talking about having fun, Muran's pupils shrank!


Suddenly, the defensive shield in front of Green twisted, as if it had been drilled hard by an invisible awl, deforming in a spiral shape.


It went as quickly as it came. After Green's magic power was lost, the defensive shield returned to its eggshell shape again, but Green broke out in a cold sweat and said in disbelief: "Such a sudden attack, there are 80~90 Degree of energy intensity!”

This kind of attack strength far exceeds Green's highest attack strength.

"Eh... the defensive shield of this witchcraft is pretty strong. How about trying this form to see if it can hold up the defense?" Yunli seemed to be interested. After silently reciting a few spells, he pointed at Green again.

Green had no time to react. He didn't even notice any movement. He only felt as if the defensive shield had been hit by a rhinoceros with strange power. As a large amount of Green's magic power passed away, his body was suddenly knocked away by the impact. He took seven or eight steps back before he could barely hold on, and his internal organs felt extremely uncomfortable.

"This... actually exceeded the 100-degree energy attack!" Green looked at Yunli in disbelief, his face extremely pale.

As long as there are two more attacks like this, even with the support of the magic ring he obtained before, Green will only run out of magic and die.

At the same time, Yun Li also looked at Green with some disbelief: "Such a powerful witchcraft should be the top witchcraft for wizard apprentices. It's really a turtle shell."

Green gritted his teeth, and a fireball burned on his fingertips. With Green's finger, the fireball turned into a firebird, spread its wings and flew towards Yunli. Yunli didn't care and pointed at the firebird. After a distortion in the space, the firebird disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, an explosion occurred a hundred meters away from the two of them.

Green thought of Yun Li's strange way of killing those sea monsters on the ship, and suddenly had a guess, and his expression changed again.

"No wonder he is called the once-in-a-hundred-year genius in the wizarding world. It is because his innate talent for appearing is the power to distort space. For a wizard apprentice, this kind of power is simply unparalleled!"

On the other side, Yun Li whispered: "My two most powerful witchcrafts can't break the defensive shield. It seems that the mask is really an amazing witchcraft weapon. But, doesn't his teacher know that giving him such a Does a powerful magic weapon violate the regulations of the Seven-ring Holy Tower?"

Yunli took it for granted that Green's mask and magic weapon were given to Green by the teacher behind him.

"Try physical attacks again. If it still doesn't work, forget it. This kind of newcomer test is still too reluctant to face the top wizard apprentice-level witchcraft."

Saying this, Yun Li actually took out an ordinary metal dagger from behind. Under a burst of space distortion, his body appeared directly in front of Green and stabbed him hard with the dagger.


There was a soft sound, and the defensive cover firmly resisted the dagger. At the same time, Yunli's body flashed again and disappeared, causing Green's vine technique to miss.

Thirty meters away, Yun Li slowly put away the dagger, shook his head and said boringly: "It seems that your power is all based on that magic weapon. Without that magic weapon, your level is just average, and it doesn't deserve any attention." ." After a pause, Yunli said again: "In addition, I will tell my teacher about this situation. Your teacher actually gave you such a powerful magic weapon. This has violated the rules of the trial, so prepare to accept punishment."

Ignoring Green at all, Yunli said as he walked: "Witch weapons are just auxiliary levers for wizards. The most important thing is their own strength. How can you rely on the strength of this magic weapon to fight for the Holy Spirit seventeen years later? I’m afraid I don’t even have enough qualifications for the advanced training places in the tower, and the teacher behind you is really stupid.”

There was a burst of space distortion, and Yunli's mark fluctuations disappeared out of thin air, seemingly using the power of space to teleport to a place a hundred meters away.

Green didn't care about the other party's contempt, but just noticed the information the other party said: "The quota for further study in the Holy Tower after seventeen years."