A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 46: Red flame


Green looked at the red fireball in the sky like a second sun in horror, wondering, is this really the energy possessed by the new wizard apprentice? This is... Son of the Sun

I'm afraid her mental power has reached 30!


Green only felt a flash of red light, and he was surrounded by endless flames. Everything in sight was filled with rolling waves of fire. Although the protective shield maintained by the mask was still stable, the magic power in Green's body was moving at an alarming rate. The speed is consumed. In such a short time, Green had already consumed a fifth of his magic power!

"Run away." Green couldn't care about anything else anymore. Since there were red flames all around him, Green didn't know which direction he was going and started running in any direction.

However, what makes Green despair is that he seems to have entered a world of endless flames with no end in sight.

In the sky, the Son of the Sun's naked skin was steaming with heat waves, causing the surrounding air to become a little distorted. On his cold, cruel and beautiful face, a pair of beautiful eyes ignited with blazing flames, staring at the attempt on the ground. Green relies on constant movement to escape his "Fire World".

The Son of the Sun had an indifferent chuckle on his lips, his fiery red hair stood upright in the air without wind, and a pillar of flame light between his hands was inserted into the ground like a giant sword holding up the sky. Wherever the flame beam swept through, all the trees and vegetation were burned, and even some rocks gradually softened and turned into lava-like bodies.

The Son of the Sun slowly changed direction with his hands, and the flame beam of the giant sword slowly changed direction with his hands. As a result, Green on the ground would naturally be unable to escape the flames.

At the top of a giant tree in the far distance, the ghost thief was leaning against the trunk of the tree, holding an unknown red fruit in his hand and chewing it, looking at the majestic and domineering way of the Son of the Sun "holding" a flaming giant sword across the ground in the distance. Hengsheng, Green on the ground was like an ant facing the end, struggling with all his strength.

The ghost thief showed an intoxicated expression: "What a beautiful picture this is... Even if I see the Son of the Sun displaying her power for the third time, I am still amazed by her terrifying talent. This is simply the art of fire."

After a moment, the flame beam dissipated, and the ground seemed to have been slashed by a huge flaming sword, leaving a black groove of tens of meters. The flames continued to spread and burn around, creating a doomsday-like scene.

However, the face of the Son of the Sun in the sky changed!

"Damn! He's not dead yet?"

Unable to maintain the huge amount of magic power consumed by the blazing flame world, the Son of the Sun blinked his tired eyes, and the Son of the Sun showed a little surprise.

Suddenly, the Son of the Sun faintly felt some energy fluctuations in the space behind him. She knew who this familiar fluctuation was even without looking. The beautiful eyes burning with red flames flashed fiercely, and the Son of the Sun took out a fist-sized light bead without hesitation and projected it directly towards Green.

On the ground, Green was so weak that he could hardly stand. His mask covered his pale, almost bloodless face, and he stared at the majestic, majestic, domineering and inviolable figure in the sky with despair.

Is the gap between wizard apprentices really that big because of their so-called talents? This gap has even reached the point of absolute crushing. The energy fluctuations emitted by the Son of the Sun in the sky should never be possessed by a wizard apprentice who has only practiced for three years!

At this moment, Green even had some suspicion that God was unfair.

"Damn it, Green! Get out of the way!" A loud roar made Green wake up completely. He looked at the flame fusion beads flying towards him in the sky and made some instinctive reactions.

The giant magic worm flashed its wings and blocked Green in an instant.

A dazzling light occupied everything in Green's field of vision, and the world seemed to become quiet for an instant, as quiet as death.


Mu Ran, the deafening explosion turned into a substantial sound wave, sweeping hundreds of meters. With an overwhelming wave of fire, everything within twenty meters of the core of the explosion was instantly submerged, and the diffuse flames spread forty to fifty meters. outside.

The giant magical larvae in front of Green and countless little magical larvae that were only a few minutes old let out desperate neighs before dying, and then turned into ashes with a pop. Dazzling rays of light passed through the body of the giant magic worm that was up to three meters long. Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of small magic worms, including the insect mother, were all wiped out under the destructive fire wave and heat, leaving no trace. .

Green, who had almost exhausted his magic power, took out the leaf of life tree given by Lafite and held it in his mouth in desperation. At the same time, the last trace of magic power stored in the ring on his left hand poured into his body, trying his best to maintain the protective shield.

His body was burned and blisters formed. Green knew that he had truly reached his limit this time. This was the moment of life and death!

Suddenly, there was a familiar force of distorted space, and Green felt relieved. He was out of the explosion range of the flame fusion bead core, and the life energy of the life blades began to repair the large burns and blisters on Green's body.

"Huh, you're finally here. Although you were beaten by this crazy woman, but luckily, I saved you." Yunli said to Green calmly, with the little white mouse still lying on his shoulder looking around fearlessly. With.

"Ah... twisted!" The Son of the Sky Sun roared angrily, his eyes burning with blazing flames wanting to burn him and Green to ashes.

Yunli's skinny and pale face did not change. He just curled his lips and said: "Crazy woman is going crazy. I will send you to a safe place to recover your magic power first. You may be needed later." After saying that, the space distorted again, The two figures disappeared on the spot. A hundred meters away, the two men appeared again. Green took out an intermediate magic stone and tried his best to restore his magic power.

When Yunli saw Green actually taking out an intermediate magic stone to restore his magic power, his eyes almost popped out, including the eyes of the little white mouse on his shoulder!

Isn't this guy's teacher treating him too favorably? Not only did he give the wizard apprentice the top-level mask and witchcraft, but he also gave him the intermediate magic stone

Not to mention Yunli's thoughts, on the other side of the sky, when Liona and the Son of the Sun met, it was like a pair of eternal enemies meeting each other, and their eyes turned red. There were almost no unnecessary words. Under the pressure of a violent magic power, Bibi Leona's long golden hair instantly stood up and fluttered. Slowly, a golden pupil opened on her forehead, staring at the Son of the Sun in the distance.

After the Son of the Sun let out a shrill scream, the blazing flames in the sky covered his figure. He laughed loudly and said, "A mere talent with a rare water elemental rune is trying to taint my body bathed in fire. Hahaha..." Yes. It can be seen that although the Son of the Sun laughs arrogantly, the actual situation is by no means as easy and simple as she said.

Bibi Liona sneered: "Humph, keep laughing. With your magic power, let's see how long you can laugh."

"Mina, we meet again."

A pair of black wings like giant crow's wings spread out from Solam's back, and traces of strange black smoke emerged from all over his body, but they did not dissipate and surrounded his body. Solam's figure was blurred, and his eyes were blazing with light blue light like ice, exuding bursts of mysterious and strange aura that attracted the soul.

An unknown and depressing aura permeated the air, just like when Wuxiang Mask appeared on the ocean liner.

This should be the blood witchcraft transformation of some strange creature from another world.

"Sorum! Huh, I already have some idea of your immortality. If I guess correctly, you are just a poor guy living with some kind of monster. Once you encounter some advanced sealing witchcraft, you Not even as good as an ordinary wizard apprentice!" The Son of the Sun yelled loudly, a kind of arrogance that was dominated by me was fully displayed in this beautiful woman.

This self-centered and solitary temperament is much crazier than Lafite's, and has even reached a certain deformity and morbidity, a kind of arrogance and arrogance.

Solam was unmoved, and the traces of black aura that filled his body began to turn into sharp black arrows. As Solam shot towards the scorching sun in the sky, waves of fire and black aura suddenly rolled in and out. , the astonishing aura that erupted has completely covered up the fighting situation of the two people in the center.

While maintaining her golden pupils, Biliona suddenly spat out into the air. The azure water column flashed away, and was accompanied by an angry and sharp scream in the fire wave. The sound was so full of hatred for Biliona that she felt deep in her bones. .

After the battle in the sky lasted for a while, Green finally recovered a little of his magic power and gained some ability to protect himself. Yunli looked eagerly at the battle situation in the sky and couldn't help but sigh slightly: "This crazy woman, like Solam, is already a It’s a monster, it’s not authentic human witchcraft at all.”


The white mouse on Yunli seemed to agree.

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