A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 49: trial


This is a dark palace isolated from the world.

Green sat on a chair in the middle of the hall, like a helpless and pitiful lamb, looking confused and trembling at the unfamiliar things around him. The magic power fluctuations transmitted by the six-star magic ban around Green's chair were enough to make Green tremble and despair. Green was sitting in the center of the six-star magic ban, waiting for the interrogation of the mysterious wizards from above.

The torches replaced the light element magic lamps. A total of twelve wizards sat on the six-directional high platform of the six-star ban at Green's feet, looking down at Green. The swaying shadow under the broad robe reveals a mysterious, cold, inviolable and absolute authority. All wizards cannot see their true appearance and cover up their appearance.

This is a high-end prison that is only used to interrogate formal wizards, but Green, as a wizard apprentice, did not expect to experience it personally in advance.

"Tell me, who is your instructor? Humph, covering up will only make you more severely and cruelly punished!" The person who agreed was a wizard from the Dark Realm Wizarding Academy, and his voice was sinister, cruel, and severe. The first one to open his mouth to interrogate Green.

Green was scolded by a wizard. After his body trembled instinctively, he said, "I don't have a mentor."

"Huh? There is no instructor?" The voice at this time came from the Ivory Castle Wizard Academy. It was a crisp female voice. The question seemed to be asking the Black Sotha Wizard Academy.

"Previous investigation revealed that this wizard apprentice named Green does not have any instructor at Black Sotha Wizard Academy." There was an old voice. Green looked up and was slightly startled. A pair of green eyes on the wizard's shoulders. …

Isn't this the black cat in Varo's teacher's laboratory on the seventh floor of Black Sol Tower

"Hmph! There is no instructor. Is he mocking our wizard's wisdom? Wizard apprentice, please tell me, what's going on with this mask?" This time the violent and roaring male voice was so angry that he almost wanted to eat Green. , the sound kept echoing in the hall, and Green's ears kept ringing.

This wizard is sitting in the direction of the Time Hourglass Wizard Academy, and the mask in his hand is the mask Green purchased on the third floor of Black Tower.

"I bought this mask from a wizard on the third floor of Black Sol Tower." Green replied with fear.


After someone snorted coldly, the six-star barrier around Green flashed, and Green was once again completely imprisoned in a small, dark space. There was no elemental energy, no sound, no smell, and all the items on Green's body were also gone. All were held hostage by a just wizard.

Green was a little scared, and at the same time he had some suspicions in his heart.

These wizards must have misunderstood themselves, thinking that a certain wizard gave them the Pale Mask to survive the trial, and they relied on this magic weapon to seize the reward that belonged to the Son of the Sun of the Time Hourglass Wizard Academy.

In the darkness, on one hand was the anxiety about the late trial, on the other hand was the fear of not being able to control one's own destiny, and on the other hand was the joy of the extra rare rune of the fire element in the soul.

I don’t know how long it took.

With a chirp, and with a wave of magic power, light and sound returned to Green's surroundings again. Green felt uncomfortable blocking the light with his sleeves, and barely looked around. It was still the dark hall before he fell into darkness, except that there were three more figures faintly visible.

"Wizard apprentice, it has been confirmed that your magic weapon: Mask, was indeed purchased from the Xinluwu wizard, and you learned a set of basic alchemy knowledge. It is also confirmed that you have no instructor." The one who spoke was a The wizard of the Bell Tower of Bones, a very calm and rational male voice.

As his eyes gradually adapted to the light of the flickering torches, the three new figures did not obscure their figures like the twelve wizards around them. As for the first one among the three, Green remembered that this man was the wizard who had sold him the Pale Mask and taught him basic alchemy courses.

At this time, the wizard was still the same as before. He was only a little over 1.5 meters tall, very thin and energetic, with a goatee, and he was smiling proudly.

"Haha, little guy, I didn't expect that you are a newcomer who has been in the wizard academy for three years. I thought you were some old guy's precious apprentice. But I have to thank you very much. I didn't expect to sell you a mere wizard apprentice level. Witchcraft, just made this big advertisement for me. Now, in the entire 12th District of the Seven Rings Holy Tower, who doesn’t know my Xinruwu’s alchemy talent? Hahaha... "

The old wizard was so proud that he kept stroking his goatee.

Green's face was ugly and he forced a smile. He didn't know what to say, and looked at the two people behind the old wizard. They turned out to be Yunli and Mina (Children of the Sun).

Yunli said casually: "Although we are both in Black Soda Wizarding Academy, I was the first to report your blatant violation of the rules after I came out. Who knew she was earlier than me, but I was also called directly. ”

The woman Yun Li was talking about was naturally Mina.

It is said that after Mina was kicked out of the trial field, her teacher Immortal Fire Soul was naturally extremely angry and puzzled. After some interrogation, the alien of the Pale Mask naturally appeared in the ears of the great wizard. In this way, it is logical that as soon as Green, who had been in the secret realm for ten days, left the secret realm, he was naturally imprisoned and arrested by six wizards who had calculated the general direction of the transmission, and then entered this "high-end, luxurious" interrogation room dedicated to interrogating official wizards. .

"Humph, is your name Green? Although you have taken away the reward that belongs to me, you and the people behind you will be punished for this far beyond the reward." Mina said bitterly, At this time, in front of all the wizards, she naturally did not show any arrogance.

I have to say, just looking at Mina's figure and appearance, she does have a unique flavor, like a girl with a hot and powerful figure, with a kind of frivolity and arrogance in her character.

However, Green, a dull guy who lacked appreciation, said calmly after a moment of silence: "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"you… "

Mina, who had a hot temper, was about to question something when a wizard who was even more hot-tempered than her interrupted her. This person was the wizard sitting at the Time Hourglass Wizard Academy who had asked the question before and was also Mina's teacher. , an official second-level wizard, known as the Immortal Fire Soul.

"Ho! Arrogant boy, tell me, where did you buy the magic stones for Mask from? All wizards know the rules and will never give an admitted wizard apprentice more than one hundred magic stones. At the same time, The wizard apprentice will not be given any magic weapon worth more than five hundred magic stones!"

Before Green could speak, another female wizard from Mipan Academy also spoke.

With a somewhat melancholy voice, the wizard said warmly: "Green, you have to think clearly and don't cover up the person behind you. Although you broke the rules of the trial, not all of it relied on this masked witchcraft, which can make " The strongest "Son of the Sun" among the "Desperate Ones" left the stage early, which also contained part of your strength, wisdom, and luck. In addition, you have obtained the inheritance of the immortal fire element rune. In this case, we cannot easily sentence you to death. Yes. All you need to do is explain the person behind you."

capital offense

Green was covered in a cold sweat. Entering this interrogation room was indeed no joke. If you're not careful, you may never come out.

This is not death because of trials, rules, tasks, or adventures. This is death by the wizard himself who is absolutely unable to resist and wipes out all traces of it.

With a trembling voice, Green said: "I... I don't have a sponsor behind me."


"Asshole! There is no sponsor! Then where did you get the magic stone to buy the mask?" The immortal fire soul slapped the table, and the surging magic power suddenly dispersed, roaring towards Green like a crazy beast.

At this time, another impatient voice came.

"Green, you have to think clearly before you answer. Do you think that wizards like us who have been here for so many years don't understand the rules for newcomers? Don't you know how many magic stones a newcomer can earn in three years? Humph, if you continue to be stubborn, Black Suo The tower can't protect you. You must know that for the person behind you, we will definitely get to the bottom of it, and we will even use soul search!" The person who spoke this time turned out to be the mysterious wizard from the Black Sotha Wizarding Academy, the person on the shoulder. The mysterious wizard standing with the black cat.

Soul search, a soul search for a wizard apprentice, would definitely kill Green.

However, although the wizard's words were harsh, Green was slightly moved. The Black Sota Wizarding Academy actually came forward to save his life

Green took a deep breath and said loudly: "I earned the magic stone through my wisdom."



This time, it was the Black Sota wizard with the black cat on his shoulder who interrupted the Immortal Fire Soul, and said in a somewhat surprised voice: "Earn it? Rely on your own wisdom? What method?"

Green breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "Venus, the Goddess of Love."

"The perfume?"

"How is it possible? He is a wizard apprentice..."

There was a lot of discussion around, and the first one to speak was the very rational and calm wizard from the Skeleton Bell Tower Wizard Academy. He asked curiously: "Are you the creator of Venus, the God of Love? Well, this perfume is indeed a magical thing. , a very imaginative thing, so...how do you prove that you are his creator?"

"The fat man on the first floor of Black Sol Tower. I signed a seven-ring contract with him. The contract was taken from him." Green said without hesitation.

Following Green's words, the six-star magic restriction under the chair flashed again, and Green fell into darkness again.