A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 53: On the ruined tower


The next day, Green bought a large number of magic wands from Fatty. He even went to the wizard Xinruwu's cabin on the third floor of Black Sol Tower and bought a few magic wands with other elemental attributes that Fatty didn't have.

Back in the laboratory, Green placed in front of him ten magic wands with the most common elemental attributes of wizard apprentices: fire, water, ice, wood, wind, thunder, earth, light, darkness, and life. Moreover, the common feature of these magic wands is the seal. The magic energy levels are between 20 and 30.

In this case, except that the Phaseless Mask is immune to energy attacks below 20 degrees, Green does not transfer any magic power to the Mask, so all the excess energy attacks from the magic wand will be borne by Green.

However, even an attack below ten degrees can still easily kill Green, who has a constitution of only four. Therefore, Green must hold life leaves in his mouth as repair energy to ensure Green's life safety.

If the energy attack is below ten degrees, the Life Leaf can even be reused multiple times.

What Green needs to do today is to test what food his body most wants to supplement after the snail has passively evolved its resistance to various elements. Don't ignore this. If Green just eats something at will to replenish his hunger, it will greatly slow down the body's passive evolutionary growth. Therefore, this experiment is very necessary. It is also before Green learns from Peranos for a long time. The last experiment.

After Green's body was attacked again and again by different elements of witchcraft, it was repaired by the energy of the life leaves. At the same time, the snail secreted a unique substance in the body, which promoted Green's body's resistance to this element. Gradually, Green made a list of the food needs that naturally reflected in the body.

These food lists are all "consciously" selected by the body "autonomously" from the countless ingredients Green has eaten, and are told to Green through certain strong body demand signals.

Just like a person suddenly wants to eat certain fruits or vegetables, after Green's experiments again and again, his body will suddenly reflect a strong desire for certain ingredients.

Chewing a piece of spare jerky casually in his mouth to satisfy his hunger, Green frowned as he looked at the ingredient list he listed. The other ingredients are okay. After all, Green was just a civilian before and had never eaten any weird and good things. There are only a few things that his body can reflect his needs. However, when testing the fire element resistance, Green listed The ingredients gave him a hard time.

Because the ingredient Green wrote about turned out to be belle clams!

This kind of ingredient, which is called a peerless delicacy by the Lord of Bissel and the wizard Arrowworth, is definitely not a very common commodity. At least with the ability of Green, a wizard apprentice, it will never be easily obtained in a short time. After thinking about it, Green listed the delicacies that his body needed secondly after enhancing its resistance to the fire element. On the other hand, he took out the black crystal ball that had been replaced.

A mark in the connected crystal ball fluctuated, and soon the other party responded.

"Hey, Green, it's you who took the initiative to contact me today. Humph, did you miss me?" The voice was soft and sweet, and Lafite was talking about the love between the two of them in the crystal ball. If Lafite's state at this time was to be seen by others, his eyes would fall out. Is this still the terrible poisonous queen

Green smiled. In his hut, Green had no need to wear a mask, so Lafite could see Green's expression: "Stop making trouble, I am doing an experiment now, and I will follow Pell in two days." Wizard Arnos has been studying for a long time."

Lafite showed a disappointed expression. He gently lifted his short, smooth brown-black hair on the right side to reveal his shiny crescent-shaped earrings. He put down the book in his hand and said calmly, "What do you want from me?"

"I want to know where your father got the Beauty Shell? The experiments I'm doing now require a lot of this material." Green asked as he rubbed the dark circles under his eyes.

"That thing? I would never ask about this kind of thing, but if you really want a large amount, you'd better go to the mission hall and put up a bounty mission. With your magic stone, it shouldn't be a problem." Lafite stretched out the crystal ball. She is lazy, and it can be seen that she has been studying the magic book in her hand for a long time, and she looks very tired.

"That's okay, too." Green was about to disconnect the crystal ball when he accidentally saw Lafite's sultry posture stretching his waist, and his amazingly full breasts seemed to be in front of his eyes. He couldn't help but swallowed and changed his words: "Lafite."

"Huh?" Lafite answered unconsciously.

"Uh... I'll go to the mission hall to finish the mission in a while. I'll go to your place to see you." Ge dared to say the code word between the two of them. Lafite was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, and said while laughing: "It's true, every time you make it seem like I want to molest you, it's rare for you to take the initiative. Come on, I'll wait for you." After that, Lafite broke the crystal ball connection between the two.

A little embarrassed, Green was still a little uncomfortable with Lafite's bold flirting.

At night, lights were brightly everywhere in BlackSoft Wizarding Academy. Green walked hurriedly with a pale mask. His body under the wide robe had no sound or smell, just like a lone ghost, full of mystery.

"ah… "

A scream came from the yard next to Green. It was a female voice, as if she had seen something terrifying. Not far in front of Green, there were two wizard apprentices walking silently. After being stunned for a moment, the two people stopped paying attention and continued to move forward.

Huchi, wheeze...

A pale-faced witch apprentice ran out of the yard, panting heavily and looking back with lingering fear. The sorcerer apprentice looked at Green again, forced an ugly smile, then turned and left.

At this moment, Green remembered something and looked at the dilapidated and desolate water tower in the courtyard.

I remember that when he first arrived at BlackSofta Wizarding Academy, Bin Johnson said that there were two places for newcomers at Blacksotta Wizarding Academy. One is the deserted courtyard known as the arena for wizard apprentices, and the other is the dilapidated water tower in front of them that is rumored to be magical. According to Bin Johnson and many wizard apprentices, this dilapidated water tower is "haunted". Of course, the word haunted, which represents ignorance, ignorance, and backwardness, would never be uttered by a wizard apprentice, so at most it means that there will be some strange things happening here that even the wizard cannot explain.

With some curiosity in his heart, Green couldn't help but stop. After a moment's hesitation, he walked towards the "famous" dilapidated water tower known to almost all wizard apprentices in the courtyard.

The smell of rotten grass was everywhere, and grass as tall as a person grew all over the courtyard. The strange thing is that the light from the bright lights in the distance cannot shine into the courtyard. It seems to be blocked by some hidden barrier, but no energy fluctuations can be felt. At the same time, the surrounding sounds were too quiet. Not only could the sounds outside the yard not come in, but there was also no sound inside the yard. The legendary insects were almost all muted. It was like a world away from the world. Isolated and sealed world!


From the corner of his eye, Green felt that there seemed to be a pair of green eyes staring at him from behind the withered grass that was as tall as a man. It felt like he was being peeped by a cheetah in the dark, but Green turned his head to look. But nothing can be seen.

Not only was it invisible, even the smell in the hunting nose and the ultrasonic sorcery of Pale Mask did not detect the presence of abnormal life forms there.

You haven't even entered the water tower yet, are you so evil

The surprise and fear in his heart were mixed. Faced with the unknown knowledge and fear of advanced witchcraft, Green stopped his unreasonable associations and gradually opened the weeds and dead branches blocking the road. The sound of footsteps and the sound of removing the weeds was heard. It became the only melody in the courtyard, and even created a feeling of "echo" in this terrifyingly silent courtyard.

Once again, from the corner of his eye, Green could faintly feel a pair of green eyes behind the weeds nearby. Green knew that even if he turned around, he would not be able to see anything, so he simply ignored them and walked directly to the dilapidated water tower in the center of the courtyard.

The water tower seemed to have been there for many years. Excessive weathering made the water tower look dilapidated. The cracks looked like the claw marks of monsters, ugly and ferocious. Standing under the water tower, Green looked up and saw that the dark sky was centered on the dilapidated water tower, blurring into a whirlpool. He didn't know what strange force caused this phenomenon. And in the center of this fuzzy vortex, a narrow eye that barely opened a crack seemed to be staring at him from the sky, and the air was full of depression and fear.

"Hallucination? But the companion insect is not abnormal..."

Green stood there for half an hour, looking up at the huge eye in the sky. Similarly, the huge eyes in the sky were staring at Green, as if an exaggeratedly huge creature was looking at the bugs in the bottle through the mouth of the bottle.

"No, it shouldn't be real. If such a powerful creature really came to the wizarding world, those eternal old wizards would have appeared long ago. After all, the wizarding world is not a weak world, it is a slave. A super powerful civilization in many surrounding worlds.”

With this thought in mind, Green took a deep breath, pushed open the dilapidated wooden door of the water tower with a creak, and walked in.

The darkness in the water tower completely submerged Green's figure, and Green seemed to have walked into the mouth of a monster.

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