A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 54: Under the ruined tower


With a "squeak" sound, the wooden door closed automatically.

Green felt a sudden chill on his back and turned around, but he didn't see anyone. The wooden door was still so decayed and dilapidated, as if it would be completely destroyed the next time he exerted force on it.

Green looked a little nervous, but he kept telling himself in his heart: "None of this is true, none of this is true..."

After a while, Green's breathing finally became much calmer.

"Huh? Can't use witchcraft?"

Green was surprised to find that he wanted to use the fire element for lighting, but he couldn't activate it no matter what.

Preventing the wizard apprentice from releasing witchcraft is an absolute control of natural energy. Green is sure that even a third-level wizard, although he can suppress the lever power of his magic circle to the limit, cannot prevent himself from releasing witchcraft. .


"Since there is no way to release witchcraft, then let's not use witchcraft. Although this ruined water tower is very famous, there has never been a human life reported."

Thinking like this, Green looked up at the environment inside the water tower in the darkness.

There are dry grass blades everywhere on the ground, and there are many faint footprints. It seems that people often come here. The entire cylindrical water tower is surrounded by a wooden ladder that keeps going up. The water tower is about fifty meters high, but only the bottom can be seen. The wooden ladder of more than 20 meters was dark and blurry, making it difficult to see clearly.

Go to the top of the Black Tower and take a look

Maybe get a closer look at that giant eye.

Filled with the futility of a wizard exploring the unknown and pursuing new knowledge, Green's eyes were firm and he slowly walked towards the wooden ladder. He held the withered handle with his left hand and stepped on the wooden ladder with his right foot, making a creaking sound.


Faintly, it seemed as if a gust of cold wind was blowing by. Green remained unmoved and climbed up step by step. The wooden ladder creaked and creaked, making constant twisting sounds. However, after walking for more than ten steps, Green noticed something was wrong. .

"No! Why are there the sounds of two wooden ladders? Is there someone behind?"

Green turned around sharply, but in a daze, he found that he was just standing on the first level of the wooden ladder, maintaining the first step he wanted to take.

Green was stunned.

"Didn't you leave just now? No, the memory is obviously so clear. Is it an illusion? It can't be an illusion. The companion insect didn't react at all. Is it because he turned back and was brought back here by some kind of space folding force? Or maybe , back in time? Well, both are unlikely."

Guessing, Green once again walked up with firm eyes.

This time Green vowed in his heart that no matter what happened, he must reach the top of the water tower!

Thinking like this, Green walked up. This time he only took six or seven steps. Because of his concentration, Green once again faintly heard the sound of someone stepping on the wooden ladder behind him.


Almost at the same time as Green, the two footsteps stopped instantly.

After Green took a deep breath, he carefully distinguished the smell in the air, and sensed behind him through the ultrasonic sorcery of the Pale Mask, but all his senses told Trin that there was indeed no one behind him.


Zhelin forgot how many times this was the first time he took a deep breath, and then walked up with firm eyes again.

At the same time, the sound of stepping on the wooden ladder behind Green also began to sound, and seemed to gradually follow him, getting closer and closer to Green.

At this time, Green was about ten meters up the water tower. Hearing the creaking sound of the wooden ladder behind him, which was at most two or three steps away from him, Green suddenly stopped again.

Crunch! Creak!

Mu Ran, Green's hair stood on end, and his body shook instinctively!

You heard it right, it must not be an hallucination. Just now, the footsteps behind him actually took an extra step, so two sounds were made!

He was shivering. Although Green was wearing a pale mask and a large robe, no one could see Green's trembling and panic, but Green couldn't deceive himself.

At this moment, something called fear was indeed spreading in Green's heart. Green really wanted to look back and see what was behind him.


Green acted like a madman for a moment, or he drove himself completely crazy. He walked forward again, with veins on his forehead exposed and his eyes red, but extremely determined!

Gradually, the footsteps stopped about half a meter behind Green, and he climbed up the wooden ladder at the same speed as Green. Two "crunching" and "crunching" sounds were heard in the water tower, as if being caught by someone. It is magnified countless times and can be heard clearly.


Mu Ran, Green felt someone breathing gently at him on the neck behind him. Not only could Green feel the sound of the breath, the flow of air, and the heat, he could even feel the breath hitting his neck and condensing into water droplets.

Under the pale mask, a drop of cold sweat slowly left his forehead, slid across his cheeks, and then flowed into his neck.

Green swallowed hard, gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from making "crack", "crack" teeth chattering sounds, lifted his weak legs, and walked forward tremblingly step by step.

Green seemed to have made up his mind. Even if something really killed him on the wooden ladder today, he would never look back.

After climbing up for another twenty meters, Green even developed some immunity to the thing that kept "sloshing" behind him. Until now, the thing had completely disappeared.

Green exhaled.

For a moment, Green only felt his body light up, and at the same time he was full of excitement. He felt as if he had overcome all difficulties and broken through himself. A kind of confidence filled his heart.

"Hmph, a ruined water tower, that's all!"

Thinking like this, Green continued to walk a few more steps, and suddenly he was stunned. Something didn't seem right in front of him!

Complete darkness, complete silence, as if another space had cut the water tower space into two parts. On one side was the relatively normal world of the dilapidated water tower, and on the other side was the unknown world that swallowed up all light and sound.

"Forcing me to look back?"

Because he had just overcome his fear, Green's confidence exploded. He stepped into this unknown world without light and sound without even thinking, seemingly fearless.

… …

There was no light, no sound, not even a smell.

Mask's ultrasonic witchcraft can only feel nothingness, and even the wooden ladder under his feet is a black mist in the ultrasonic witchcraft, but Green can feel the wooden ladder under his feet and the handle he is holding on to, and he walks forward step by step. With.

"How long have you been in this space? Three days, four days, five days? How many floors have you walked on this wooden ladder? Thirty thousand, thirty-five thousand, forty thousand?"

However, the water tower is only about fifty meters high, so why did he walk for so long without reaching the end

"It's time to report to Teacher Peranos. Lafite can't contact him, so he must have been furious, right? Go back... No! Can't look back! I don't believe that we can't reach the end! Besides, I'm not hungry or thirsty. , everything I have experienced must be an illusion! It must be like this!"

Green is simply a guy who is driving himself crazy and continues to walk step by step.

At this moment, suddenly, Green felt as if there were some changes in himself, as if he had just passed through a membrane, and his eyes suddenly became brighter.

"Huh? There is light and I can see things. I succeeded?"

Green, who was excited, looked around and suddenly said: "No, why are you still on the first floor of the wooden ladder?"

"Hey, you've been there ten minutes since I came in, okay?"

There was a sudden impatient voice from behind. Green's legs almost gave out and he sat down on the ground instinctively. He let out a timid scream and desperately crawled back two steps. When he saw the blurry figure clearly, he gasped violently. , asked tremblingly: "You... are you a human?"

This is a female wizard apprentice who is so fat that she almost becomes a ball. There are two balls on her chest. Even the wizard's loose robe can barely cover her body. It even makes people wonder if this wizard apprentice does this. If he makes any violent movements, this robe will probably be ruined in the next moment.

This guy is even more shocking than the fat man on the first floor of Black Sol Tower.

Preliminary estimate: more than 400 kilograms!

"Nonsense, I'm not a human or anything. Look at you, you're scared. Did you hear footsteps behind you? You're a coward."

With that said, the hugging woman no longer cared about Green's temper and shouted: "Hurry up and leave. There is nothing weird about this water tower when two people are present."

Green didn't want to care too much about this woman. The dark life he had just experienced for several days made Green remember it unforgettable.

Likewise, his unwavering determination to brave everything.

I quickly left the courtyard of the dilapidated water tower. It was still late at night. From outside the courtyard, I saw that everything was normal in the dilapidated water tower. There were no abnormalities. It just seemed like a normal ruin.

Green suddenly thought of something and took out the crystal ball.

After a moment, Green opened his eyes and said in disbelief: "No way, how is this possible? 29 points of mental power, an increase of five points of mental power! This... this ruined water tower is simply a miracle, oh no, No, it’s a miracle.”

Green planned to study this matter carefully, and even listed it before the research on the restricted area of the life code.

Maybe... you can ask the great wizard Peranos for advice.

As a third-level grand wizard and one of the three principals of Black Sotha Wizarding Academy, Peranos must know the higher-level secrets about this ruined water tower.

With this in mind, Green came to the mission hall and put on the mission to find one hundred beauty shells.

If it is a small number of beauty shell tasks, the magic stones required for each beauty shell will naturally be high, but if it is a large-scale task like this, it will be relatively cheaper. Green gave a commission of 4,000 magic stones.

Before leaving, Green asked the service staff in the mission hall about the time. After confirming that he had really only been in the dilapidated water tower for less than an hour, Green was shocked for a long time.

After doing all this, Green did not go back, but went directly to Lafite's cabin, where they made love all night long.