A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 64: Wandering Knight


"ah… "

Harry Reid's painful wails in the flames were like the cries of the Devil's Cave of the Abyss. No matter how much he cried out, he could not stop the spread of the eternal flames of Grimm. In the blink of an eye, Harry Reid became a man on fire, rolling on the ground instinctively. The image Ugly as a toad wallowing in a mud puddle.

"The Ivory Hunting Group will not let you go! Captain Gad of the Thunder Tomahawk will avenge me!" Harry Reid's painful and hateful eyes stared at Green in the flames.

Under the pale mask, Green remained unmoved and said calmly: "That's wordy." He raised his hand and another fireball flew over.


After the violent explosion, the world became quiet. Harry Reid was completely engulfed by the raging waves of fire, and was burned to ashes in a moment. Green sneered, glanced at the sun in the sky and barely discerned the general direction, then strode away.

Seven days later.

A total of more than ten days of hiking in the Thorny Forest benefited Green a lot. Especially from the continuous pursuit of Harry Reid in the past few days, Green felt as if he had a body with unlimited potential. With progress, every cell in the body is cheering for joy, and there seems to be endless energy.

Green couldn't help but sigh, the body-refining wizard really needs to travel frequently.

That day, when Green saw a piece of farmland, he finally confirmed that he had indeed left the direct command of the Black Sota Wizarding Academy in the Blackthorn Forest and officially entered a human settlement. In this case, the specific training journey that follows needs to be carefully planned.

While thinking, Green walked towards the farmer closest to him.

This farmer was simply a replica of Old Ham. When he saw Green, the "Master Wizard" asking him for directions, he looked flattered. Not only did he point for a long time, but he also expressed his willingness to personally lead Green, but Green refused. .

Walking alone on the dirt path, Green kept thinking about the key points of this mission.

According to Instructor Peranos, Green mainly focuses on experience. After all, there are so many strong people around, and there is no need for Green to come forward. Everything is aimed at the Demon Hunter Qualification Competition fifteen years later. However, since it is a mission, if you want to come to Green, you must at least go and have a general investigation. You can't not even do some investigation, right? This is really unreasonable.

Thinking like this, Green began to think about his plan.

For a black wizard, there are three behaviors that can be considered as black wizard behavior. The first is to massacre ordinary humans in the wizarding world for some evil experimental research purposes; the second is to forcibly recruit wizard apprentices as their soul slaves (this is more difficult, and ordinary dark wizards cannot do this); the third is to forcibly recruit wizard apprentices as their soul slaves (this is more difficult, ordinary dark wizards cannot do this); , contrary to the basic interests of the wizarding world, there have been several such wizards in history. (In layman's terms, they are anti-human beings. If they don't have the strength above level four, they won't have the chance to betray them.)

Contacting and detecting dark wizards is a very dangerous thing in itself, let alone hunting them.

Although Master Peranos determined based on a large amount of information that the dark wizard over there was just a newly fallen wizard apprentice, who could be sure? If he were an official wizard, he would just rush to kill him and die.

So, the best way is to pretend...

As a former grassroots civilian (a beggar when he was a child), Green was very familiar with certain rules in the city, so after getting familiar with driving, Green put on a suit of knight armor, with a coccyx dagger on his waist, and put away his mask and earrings. , necklaces and other magical witchcraft tools. As if he felt that he was not fierce enough, after the Green Transformation Technique was activated, a huge scar on the left side of his face penetrated from his eye to his forehead, looking quite ferocious and terrifying.

After this, Green came to the blacksmith shop that sold weapons.

"Bring me a big sword, the biggest one. It should be heavy and strong." Green thought, since he wanted to tap into his body's 36 points of physical potential as soon as possible, it was very important to choose a big sword that was heavy enough. Fighting is secondary. The main thing is that if you bear weight for a long time, you can better exercise strength, improve physical strength and activity.

The blacksmith had a sour smell of sweat, and the air was filled with a pungent smell. The stubble on his cheeks was a little brown, dripping with sweat. The blacksmith glanced at Green, who seemed to have a somewhat silent personality. He took off his dirty, greasy blue apron, revealing his broad shoulders and thick, thick arm muscles. After a moment, he pulled out a long, long arm from the back hall. The 1.5-meter wide-handled sword creaked and slid on the ground, leaving a trace.

After Green took the big sword, he slashed twice in the air at will. He felt that the size and weight were almost right. In addition, Green didn't have any martial arts skills and didn't have any high aspirations, so he said with satisfaction: "Okay, that's it. How much is it?" ?”

The blacksmith couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw Green waving the sword in his hand casually, and his dull face could not hide the shock in his heart. This knight is very powerful, much stronger than those bastards in the tavern. He will definitely be able to work well under those noble lords, and he is very likely to be promoted to a legendary knight in the future.

The blacksmith gave Green this evaluation.

… …

Generally, regional cities are divided into two parts, the aristocratic part and the commercial part.

The aristocracy pays attention to luxury, pomp, sophistication, and class, so that they can spend the money they collect from their servants, servants, and common people, show their status as superior to others, and satisfy their ever-expanding luxury* *need.

The business part is full of interests, chaos, filth, violence and some cheap pornography.


Green walked into a tavern where a group of howling wandering knights gathered. The tavern was full of spitballs mixed with cheap ale. The pleasant laughter from the beautiful girls who kept walking around, and the drunken guys bragging loudly about their adventures became the unique melody in the tavern.

Green pushed open the door arrogantly, which immediately attracted the side glances of the wandering knights who were working hard with their heads hanging on their belts. However, seeing that Green was obviously not easy to mess with, all but a few guys who were teasing the liquor girl to their heart's content snorted. Most of them are doing whatever they should be doing.

After Green found an empty table and sat down at random, a moment later, a girl wearing revealing clothes with high breasts and pert butt walked over. Although she was a bit old and her face and skin were no longer beautiful, her figure was extremely hot. It is also the favorite of these wandering knights who have endless energy. The girl bent over and placed the cheap ale in her hand in front of Green's table. Then she lay on the table and looked at Green with lustful eyes. Her turbulent breasts were squeezed out of shape on the table and appeared in Green's field of vision. .

Green smiled. As a beggar who had been around Bissel City for many years, he certainly knew the rules.

Calmly, he took out a silver coin and stuffed it into the gap between the girl's breasts. Under the girl's surprised gaze, Green grabbed a handful like other knights, and then said calmly: "If you have a mission near Pamir Town, call me. ." Green pointed out the approximate location of Pamir Town on the map.


The girl took out the silver coin from her chest in surprise, and looked at Green's eyes with excitement.

It’s been more than half a year since the tavern saw a guy like Green who only had one silver coin in his hand. In fact, the girl couldn't help but think that this guy looks "okay" (the more ferocious and fierce the wandering knight is, the more masculine he is, which is completely different from the aristocratic aesthetic. As for wizards, many have completely lost their aesthetic sense.) If there is no suitable mission at night. If so, just call him to your room, and it might be another huge income.

However, the girl's idea was quickly dashed.

An hour later, a short fat man wearing leather rubber shoes pushed open the door of the tavern, took a look at the noisy and dirty tavern, smiled, revealed a few inlaid gold teeth in his mouth, and said loudly: "Bann." The goods from Gar City require five people who can fight, and a gold coin commission!"

Generally speaking, it takes about twenty days to travel from this city to Banjar City. The commission for a stingy businessman is only about thirty or forty silver coins. This businessman is obviously a wealthy man.

"Ho! Hire me! With me, if you meet those rat-like thieves on the road, I can kick all their eggs to pieces!" A wandering knight who was teasing the girl next to him suddenly stood up and roared, his voice Not ordinary, and at the same time, shirtless, he showed his body like a giant bear.

"Haha, who do you think you are? Fatty, don't listen to his bragging. One time this guy ran away when he met a gang of robbers. No one has hired him in the tavern for several months. He is a weakling but a strong one!" Another knight slandered The man from before also kept showing off his strong physique in front of the fat man.

On the other side, Green here.

The girl walked over again and told Greenpangar City that it was more than ten miles east of Pamir Town and was the closest city to Pamir Town.

"Ho, you're looking for death..."

There was chaos in the tavern. Every time they encountered such a mission with high commissions, these jealous mercenaries would have a fierce fight, and then the buyer would hire the last few people standing in the tavern. This is also the case in the industry. rules.

Likewise, this time is no exception.

The girl who was talking to Green exclaimed in surprise. Because next to him, a big man was knocked over by another wandering knight, and his body involuntarily turned over towards the Green table.

Since Green planned to accept this task, of course he had to show off his skills. After seeing the opportunity, Green grabbed the unlucky big guy who bumped into him with one arm. In the opponent's unbelievable fear, Green raised him above his head. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Green's steel-like hand. Then Green drank, and after a parabola in the air, the unlucky big man was thrown out of the tavern.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of all the wandering knights who were still fighting. These wandering knights immediately realized that Green was not easy to mess with, and deliberately avoided the vicinity of Green's table and continued fighting.

The girl next to Green's eyes gleamed, and she couldn't help but move closer to Green.

Ten minutes later, Green stood with four big knights with bruises and bruises on their faces. The short fat man at the door of the tavern chuckled and said, "Okay, it's up to you. Let's go now. The lady can't wait any longer."


Green was stunned. It seemed that the so-called goods were this young lady.

Later, Green's few wandering knights, led by Shorty Dumpty, arrived at the city gate. There were four carriages parked at the city gate, three of which were loaded with a cart full of mugwort (a specialty). Only one carriage was not a truck, and it looked quite luxurious.

"Marrington, are you okay?" A girl with an impatient face poked out of the car window. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old. However, Green and the other wandering knights were all stunned.

This robe... wizard

Only Green was not surprised because the girl was wearing a wizard's robe. Seeing a wizard apprentice in the Wizarding Continent was a normal thing. What surprised Green was that the wizard hired a knight to protect him? Even if you are just a wizard apprentice, the degree of attack energy you can inspire is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary knights...

But soon, Green's expression changed, because he did not sense any magic fluctuations from this girl. Green would not think that a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old girl's mental power was so strong that she could even hide it from herself. If you don't put on a wizard's robe without magic power, unless you are a wizard apprentice appointed by the academy, you will be investigated by the law enforcement team of the wizard academy within your jurisdiction.

And it is a type with more serious consequences.

In one sentence, the dignity of wizards cannot be violated by civilians!