A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 71: The dual forces of repulsion and attraction


Sunlight shines on the experimental bench through the window, and the air is filled with a fragrant smell called Kuding Liquor, which is mellow and slightly bitter, giving it an aftertaste.

"In this dual-power witchcraft of repulsion and attraction, as a wizard apprentice, you do not have the ability to guide the power of nature, so you can only repel and attract with yourself as the origin to form an effective attack and defense. But if you become A formal wizard can use this core stone together with the earth's veins to perform the witchcraft of repulsion and gravity at will."

Peranos seemed to have a dry mouth, so he took a sip of Kuding, then smashed it, savoring the bitterness in it.

After taking notes, Green's expression became confused: "After transplanting this core stone, will the skin really break down and cause irreparable permanent damage?"

Green asked the same question for the third time.

The so-called permanent damage caused by skin breakdown is like that on Peranos' body. After the skin falls off all over the body, it is sewn back together again, making it look like an ugly sandbag or a broken rubber ball.

"Hmph! If you want something, how can you not give up? The appearance is just a skin for others to see." Peranos snorted dissatisfiedly, seeming a little angry.

"Look! Look!"

At this time, Gahei (black cat) jumped over, licked his paws, and said with a smile: "Old man, look, look, without the baptism of time, young wizards pay great attention to appearance. I will Let me tell you, let’s start with the Endless Eye transformation first, at least the appearance will change less.”

Peranos snorted again, threw the core stone to Green, and said unhappily: "You can decide for yourself."

After that, he left the laboratory.

"Hey, the old man is angry, Green, be careful." The black cat raised its tail, stretched its butt, and jumped away again.

Green held a black stone covered with spikes and pulled his hair with an ugly expression on his face, feeling extremely embarrassed. As for Green himself, although he also dislikes an ugly appearance, he might do it in order to gain greater knowledge and power.

However, Green not only has to consider himself, but also considers Lafite's feelings.

If you think about it differently, if Lafite turned into an ugly person, he would feel very uncomfortable.

"What should we do? Earth core stone, repulsion and dual power witchcraft, hey..." Green was a little worried. Since the old man, as a third-level wizard, was talking about permanent damage, it must be real permanent damage. Well, my alienation technique can only temporarily cover the surface.

"Forget it, let's put this matter aside for now. Let yourself learn more about this witchcraft. Maybe you can try some other knowledge to solve this problem. Besides, the cross-calculation formulas of the dual-power witchcraft are enough to keep you busy. For half a year, this witchcraft has been a laborious task." Thinking like this, Green simply put this annoying thing aside and continued to study "Fire Element Intensive Fire Shield Witchcraft", and then the witchcraft The study of poison, alchemy, and pharmacy, and then the passive evolution of ten magic wands...

From the initial practice of mixing poisons once a month to now once every one and a half to two months, Green's body's physical fitness and resistance to toxicity are increasing rapidly, and Green has to inject himself with more powerful poisons. It worked.

half year later.

Green was sitting in the Peranos Library, flipping through books, when he suddenly had an idea!

The book Green was holding at this time was called "Classification Discussion of Mechanical Blood". It was a creative book on the basics of mechanics. Because it was a bit new, it was collected by Peranos.

In itself, Greene really has no interest in mechanics. It's not that the witchcraft of this subject is not powerful enough, but that Greene is naturally insensitive to gear machinery and energy conversion, so he has never cared about this type of books. However, as time has passed recently, Green has been constantly tortured by Peranos' words, and he has begun to hesitate whether he still wants this appearance.

However, just today, this "Classification Discussion of Mechanical Blood" gave Green a new idea of inspiration.

The biggest difference between wizards who learn mechanical witchcraft and ordinary wizards, apart from their mechanical bodies, is the purification of their artificial mechanical blood. In short, the general meaning is to replace one's own blood with an artificial blood suitable for mechanical power transmission, and then generate mechanical kinetic energy.

The reason why the Earth Core Stone must be implanted into the human body is precisely because it needs to be at a position called the origin in the center of the human body in order to achieve a certain balance of gravity and repulsion, and then be at the center in a series of calculation formulas of witchcraft. Fix the coordinates and activate the dual power witchcraft of repulsion and attraction.

In the past six months, Green discovered that the biggest reason why the core stone causes human skin to crack is the uneven force on the human body itself.

To put it simply, it is because the human body is not a sphere and does not have a center. This will cause the skin to break under the constant cross-action of gravity and repulsion. If you still want the skin, you have to re-sew it with some extremely elastic threads. superior! Then he became like Peranos.

However, Green now has a solution.

If you grind the core stone into powder, and then mix it into your own blood and distribute it evenly throughout your body, wouldn't this also change the coordinates of your own origin? In this case, the skin will be evenly stressed and there will naturally be no side effects after practice.

In excitement, Green ran all the way to the laboratory where Peranos was.

"Uh... This idea does have some feasibility, but if artificial blood is mixed with core stones... Forget it, I don't know enough about mechanics and biology to make this thing. I'll ask another old friend to take a look. Let’s see if we can create a neutralizing drug.” After saying that, Peranos left the laboratory.

Two months later, Green got the neutralizing drug as he wished, looking excited.

Peranos sighed: "When I was young, if I had used my brain as much as you did, I wouldn't have been like this for more than a thousand years."

"You can also put this kind of blood in your blood. Without the power of repulsion and attraction, you can definitely restore a normal human face with advanced repair techniques." Green said with some confusion.

Peranos shook his head: "Forget it, after more than a thousand years, this is my real appearance."

The excited Green was startled.

… …

As time passed, Green was immersed in endless knowledge exploration every day. The more knowledge he knew, the smaller he felt and the more thirsty he became for knowledge.

A year later, Green finally completed the Fire Shield Witchcraft. As Green continued testing, he gained a certain understanding of the witchcraft he had learned.

First of all, this fire shield witchcraft is very defensive against energy types.

Due to the characteristics of the body bathed in fire and the immortal flame, this witchcraft can completely defend against most elemental attacks below 100 degrees. It also has a very good weakening effect above 100 degrees. The upper limit Green has not been tested, but coupled with the pale fake In terms of defensiveness, Green has achieved perfect defense at this stage.

However, Fire Shield Witchcraft seems to be slightly less defensive against wind and earth elements, only 70 to 80 degrees, while it seems to be extremely defensive against vitality and water elements, reaching over 150 degrees! Of course, if the water element exceeds the endurance range of the Green Fire Shield, it will be more lethal to Green than other elements.

Second is physical defense.

The fire shield's physical defense is only about 30 degrees, but because this witchcraft is created using the principle of intensive fire elements in a short period of time, it greatly compresses energy, and its instantaneous flame counterattack degree is definitely higher than Green's normal fire element attack power is more than 30% higher, and there is also an eternal flame burning afterwards.

Finally, there is Green's unique characteristic of eternal flame.

Because the fire shield is a witchcraft that instantly squeezes the fire element, for a normal wizard, the fire element will dissipate due to too strong pressure after a while. But Green is different. Green's flame has the characteristic of immortality, and maintaining the flame consumes very low magic power. This also means that Green can continuously maintain the fire shield witchcraft.

With these advantages, from now on, the Fire Shield Wizardry will become a stepped, stronger defensive wizardry behind the Grimm Mask's defensive cover.

With joy in his heart, Green can have more energy to study the explosive flame witchcraft.

In this case, basic learning about water elements and thunder elements should also be put on the agenda.

"Well, I will start studying this knowledge after this mandatory mission (experience) is over." Green made this arrangement for himself.


On this day, a burst of soul information came from Green's crystal ball.

"Bin Johnson, what's wrong? You don't want to chat with me in a crystal ball, haha." Green, who was studying alchemy, put down the semi-finished product in his hand and joked to Bin Johnson with a smile.

It can be seen that Green is in a good mood during this time, because the dual-power witchcraft of repulsion and attraction has made preliminary progress and can be simplified and applied. Other experiments and research are also proceeding steadily, especially when he has gained some understanding of alchemy. Small progress.

Soon, Green realized something was wrong, because Bin Johnson looked a little ugly and had no intention of joking at all.

"What's wrong, don't be so hesitant." Green said angrily, feeling a little uncomfortable with the other party's suppression.

Bin Johnson gritted his teeth and said, "Sister Lafite just came back from the deserted courtyard and was injured..."

Green's expression changed. Injury was just a trivial matter to a wizard apprentice, but since Bin Johnson's face was so ugly, he must have been seriously injured, and there should be considerable consequences and remaining problems.

"Who is it?" Green's voice was a little cold. This news wiped out Green's long-term joy.

Bin Johnson said slowly: "Bibi Liona!"