A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 73: Declaration of war


In the laboratory of Mentor Peranos on the seventy-ninth floor of Black Sol Tower, Green ran back in a hurry.

In the room, Green looked at his master's wife Alice, Varro, Gahei and a strange woman wrapped in white stripes. After taking a breath, he quietly saluted his master's wife.

Mistress Alice is a gourmet. Except for the extra mouth on her palm, she can't be seen to be any different from ordinary female humans. Although Green has not spoken to this mistress several times, every time she She has a very kind look, which makes people feel her kindness.

This is a gentle and amiable woman.

The master's wife said gently: "Green, your master is out. This is your senior sister..."

"You can just call me Youquan. I listened to what Master said about your ingenious solution to destroying the body with the power of repulsion and attraction. It's very smart and creative." The senior sister's voice was cold, sinister, and sharp at the same time. The white bandage The pair of eyes below were a little gray and indifferent.

Green opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the strange woman he noticed as soon as he entered the door.

Is this woman the legendary senior sister? If it hadn't been for the introduction just now by his master's wife, Green would have almost forgotten that he had a senior sister.

After confirming that the mostly weird woman in front of him was his senior sister, Green couldn't help but look at the senior sister with twitching eyes.

In fact, there is nothing to look at. This senior sister's whole body is tightly wrapped with a layer of white cloth, only a pair of sharp eyes are exposed, which highlights the somewhat thin and muscular female body, as if she will move once she moves. It will create a terrifying momentum that will destroy the world. A slender sword blade on the back emits a strange black aura, and the whole person exudes a powerful power that makes people's hearts tremble.

"Senior Sister." Green saluted respectfully, instinctively aware that this Senior Sister's life level was very high.

Varro chuckled and said: "Green, you don't know, right? The senior sister is a flying dragon body-refining wizard equivalent to a third-level wizard. I can give you some greeting gifts, and I'm sure you will benefit a lot."

Level 3 wizard!

Green looked at this senior sister in surprise, somewhat unbelievable. This weirdly dressed senior sister has actually caught up with the mentor

"Hmph, you guy, you have been researching those useless craps for decades. I think Green will be promoted to an official wizard in just a few decades. The inheritance of the mentor still depends on the third junior brother." The senior sister snorted coldly. Finally, he casually took out a fingernail-sized ball from the "bandage" on his body and flicked it towards Green.

Green quickly caught it with quick eyes and hands, looking at the crystal clear bead in surprise.

Senior Sister Youquan said calmly: "A gadget I harvested from another world contains an unconscious evil spirit sealed inside. It is completely immune to physical attacks and negative energy attacks. You can try to control it after being promoted to an official wizard. For wizard apprentices It’s a little difficult.”

Evil spirit

Green suddenly remembered Robin's green-eyed macaque. That creature was specially designed to restrain such evil spirits.

However, Green is still very happy, because this evil spirit has many strange properties and can play wonderful roles at certain times.

Green said excitedly: "Thank you, senior sister."

At this time, Gahei jumped on Senior Sister Youquan's shoulder, stood on the shoulder covered with white bandages, licked his paws, and said boredly: "Green, you still don't know why the academy is gathering this time, right? "

Greene was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Oh... Because the qualification competition for the Holy Tower is about to begin, the wizard colleges in District 19 want to use our colleges in District 12 to lay off the bloated team of wizard apprentices there. So... we declare war. "Gahei continued disdainfully: "Of course, there are a few excuses. There has been a lot of friction between the two wizarding schools over the past century. Among them, seven years ago, the Black Sota Wizarding Academy robbed a ship from the Lilith Cabin Wizarding Academy."

The black cat gave Green a meaningful look.


While Green was shocked, he felt a sense of loss on his face when he heard Black Cat talking about the incident where the Maskless Wizard robbed the sea ship before his death.

If I had gone to the Lilith Cabin Wizarding Academy in the 19th District of the Seven Rings Holy Tower, I think it would have been a different experience.

Master Alice said softly: "The philosophy of training wizard apprentices in District 19 is different from that in District 12. The wizard academy in District 12 has a training philosophy for wizard apprentices: competition and elimination as they grow. It is usually more cruel. Internally, Select elite personnel who are useful to the wizarding world. District 19 focuses on the peaceful study of wizarding knowledge during normal times, and finally conducts an extremely cruel selection and elimination externally. Therefore, basically the top ten in each holy tower qualification competition There will be a regional academy war between the two sides in a few years."

Regional Academy War!

This cruel elimination and screening method made Green take a breath.

Senior Sister Youquan snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Don't worry, most of the wizard apprentices in the 19th District over there are pitifully weak. Their average combat ability is far less powerful than our 12th District, and their IQs seem to be due to long-term There are also some problems with not leaving the laboratory. Many of them are simply arrogant, stupid and imbecile people. As for how stupid they are, refer to the situation in the first three years when freshmen enter the Wizarding Academy. In the Academy War of my year, the wizards from the nine major colleges on the opposite side were defeated. We robbed all the resources of the academy and then hunted them down for nearly half a year, but we did a good job of screening the wizard academy across the street."

Resource points? I guess this is an introduction arranged by the two colleges for the warring wizard apprentices.

Green was stunned and asked: "Could it be that this so-called war is just a war for wizard apprentices to fight?" This time, Green had some experience of the intelligence resources obtained by the desperate during the newcomer trial.

At this time, Green finally had some idea of the purpose of this war.

After all, this is a wizard's world. Whether it is the tower owner's need to increase the wizard tower's ability, or the wizard world's need to invade other worlds, the lowest level is also that of an official wizard. If there is a lack of cannon fodder, any Stigmata wizard of level 4 or above can easily transfer a large number of otherworldly creatures from the small worlds he conquered, and there will be no need for wizard apprentices to appear.

The ultimate goal of Districts 12 and 19 is to select the elite among wizard apprentices and try to save more resources to cultivate official wizards.


The nurturing method in the twelfth district is a cruel nurturing method, while the nurturing method in the 19th district is a soothing and warm nurturing method, and the final selection is a journey to hell.

Unfortunately, these qualified elite wizard apprentices in District 12 have become the screeners of District 19. They are responsible for cleaning up the "garbage" on the opposite side and making the bloated team of wizard apprentices there more "refined".

Calculated in this way, it is usually peacefully used for knowledge research, and the welfare benefits are also good. However, due to the huge team of wizard apprentices, it is impossible for newcomers to exchange their marks for a large amount of magic stones after the trial. opportunity, and the opportunity for a small number of elite wizard apprentices to take a further step was lost.

Half the pros and cons.

Green remembered that when Hailun was still under the jurisdiction of Lilith's Cabin Wizarding Academy, Wizard Dilla personally ordered that wizard apprentices were not allowed to fight each other. And after the Maskless Wizard robbed Helen, a nightmare screening immediately came.

Of course, this kind of screening is very effective, and the existence of the Blood Sail Alliance is the product of this screening.

After thinking about it for a moment, Green breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about it, the number of wizard apprentices from the nine colleges over there is just huge. In terms of individual actual combat effectiveness, it is estimated that they are far inferior to the six colleges here. Of course, there are also some elites in the opponent's team who need special attention.

"Hey... Green, senior brother, I'm not good at killing, so I won't argue. I focus on guarding resource points. Remember, the wizard apprentices in District 19 all have a badge. That one is very important. Collect more of them." Luo said with a sigh.

"Badge?" Green immediately thought of the mark from the newcomer's trial and asked in surprise: "What's the use?"

Varro looked at Senior Sister Youquan and said, "Ask Senior Sister, I just heard that every time this badge ends up being sold at a sky-high price, anyway, by then, you won't be able to buy one without a thousand magic stones."

Youquan said calmly: "Collect one hundred badges and you will have a chance to go to the secret realm of Black Sol Tower once, until the tower master's soul slave throws you out."

Green somewhat understood. He thought that this was a little sweetness given by the master of Black Sol Tower, just to play a small game with elite wizard apprentices like himself.

"What are the benefits of being in the secret realm?" Green asked.

After Youquan thought for a while, he shook his head: "At first, I only stayed in the secret realm for an hourglass time before being thrown out. I didn't find out much. However, it is said that the secret realm of Black Sol Tower is a small broken world next to the wizarding world in ancient times. The small fragment of the world at the end contains many strange creatures that are not found in the wizarding world, as well as some ancient ruins and so on. It is worth digging, exploring and studying. Of course, there is nothing in the ruins that the tower owner can like, and there are generally Guarded by the tower master’s soul servants.”

Broken little world

Could it be that in ancient times, the small world was shattered after the first war between the wizarding world and the civilization of another world

Two hourglasses later, Instructor Peranos returned to the room and said with a gloomy expression: "There have been changes in this Academy War. New rules have been issued. Each regional wizard academy on both sides can have three opportunities for the guardian of the academy to appear. !”

Guardian, Owl of Black Tower

That is a creature equivalent to the official wizard level, and it is also one of the tower master's elite soul slave troops. The average wizard apprentice is targeted by a creature of this level and may not even have a chance to escape.

Varro and Green were stunned by this change. Green said with an ugly face: "Then what should we do?"

After pondering for a moment, Peranos squinted his eyes and said: "Although I don't know the meaning of the arrangement above, the only solution I can think of is to keep a low profile and not let the wizard academy opposite notice my prominence. Or simply concentrate a large number of wizard apprentices to kill the guardians on the opposite side. A guardian of the wizarding academy only has three opportunities to appear, and the nine academies on the opposite side only have twenty-seven times, and we have eighteen opportunities to offset it, that is You can only take nine shots. If you take nine shots, it probably won't be your turn."

Shouldn't it be a turn

Green didn't dare to waste an opportunity to obtain the Key of Friendship in Black Sol Tower by placing all his hopes on illusory luck.

Green also frowned. The person Peranos called "the one above" was naturally the tower owner. He didn't know what the specific significance of the tower owner's arrangement of such a change was.

Could it be that he is reminding all the wizard apprentices to keep a certain low profile and not be individualistic until they have absolute strength? Or something like unity? Or is it to try to maintain a certain balance between the wizard apprentice teams on both sides

"The war resource points will be arranged within a month. You two go and get ready." Peranos seemed to be in a bad mood. Something must have happened in the wizarding world, but he didn't say much to the two of them. They just let Green and Varro leave, but left Senior Sister Youquan behind.

"By the way, don't use that key unless absolutely necessary, remember." Peranos added to Green.

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