A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 75: The evil eye is full of evil


readx(); On the high platform of the square, there were more than 300 official wizards standing solemnly, and there were nearly 10,000 wizard apprentices gathered below the stage.

"Today, I officially announce that in the face of the rude provocations from the nine wizarding colleges in District 19, the six wizarding colleges in District 12 have jointly decided to respond to each other's declaration of war. The six wizarding colleges in District 12 have officially launched a war. ! If you want to fight, then fight, and let those useless wizard apprentices in District 19 know how powerful we are in District 12!" A wizard with a loud voice roared viciously and excitedly.

At this time, the wizard apprentice is no longer as passionate, stupid, and ignorant as the new student. Although I don’t know the specific reason, I am sure that this war is not as simple as it seems. The other party provokes invasion and declares war...

Of course, no stupid wizard apprentice would dare to question anything.

After seven or eight official wizards spoke passionately, the three principals of Black Sota Wizard Academy stood up one by one.

The legendary academy dean who appeared first, his body completely covered by a cloak of shadows, carried a huge cross bluestone sword on his back, simple and solid, as if he was carrying a huge cross. Green knew that this wizard was the powerful wizard who lived above the tutor in Peranos.

"During the war, the rule I gave you is that out of the two hundred resource points, Black Sol Tower must occupy more than 30 of them. Otherwise... Black Sol Tower Wizard Academy will give up this opportunity to study in the Holy Tower!" A low voice spoke every time. echoed in the ears of a wizard apprentice.


All the veteran wizard apprentices took a breath and gave up the opportunity to further their studies in the Holy Tower? So why have I been waiting for these decades

In an instant, all the powerful wizard apprentices went crazy. Even Green couldn't help but his face changed, and then there was madness deep in his eyes.

Afterwards, Mentor Peranos stood up, and the face that looked like a stitched monster appeared in everyone's sight. These wizard apprentices who had never seen Peranos couldn't help but take a breath and felt a chill all over their bodies.

"You all know the rules of the Guardian, right? During the war, I will be responsible for the three scheduling rights of the Guardian. I will try my best to offset the scheduling opportunities of the opposing Guardian, or kill some annoying guys on the opposite side!" Peranos said in a sinister tone. Smiling evilly, the instructor usually does not have such a character, and it seems that he is just trying to match the atmosphere at this time.

The third college dean stood up.

The wizard's body was surrounded by hazy white mist, making it impossible to see what was going on inside. Occasionally, there was even the sound of water flowing, ticking and tinkling, as if flowing in everyone's ears.

"I will be responsible for monitoring the rules of war. If there are wizard apprentices from the six major colleges who escape from the designated area, I will be responsible for killing them. If District 19 breaks the rules of war and dispatches official wizards or extra guardians, the war will be fully escalated. !" The voice was that of a woman. Although it was gentle, it was firm.

After the three deans finished speaking, they left one after another, leaving only a few hundred wizards who began to make arrangements for the war.

It seems that this war is not only a matter between wizard apprentices. These wizards also have certain interests. This can explain their usual enthusiastic recruitment of apprentices and their enthusiastic arrangements for war planning at this time. From this, Green couldn't help but wonder, if wizard apprentices like himself win places in the Holy Tower, the mentors behind them will also benefit greatly

Otherwise, it would not have been worth the effort to dispatch a second-level wizard to hijack the ship of Lilith Cottage Wizard Academy a few years ago just for the sake of two wizard apprentices with their talents revealed (Yunli and Bibiliona).

After a while.

Lafite held the map and frowned: "Our team was assigned to this frontline resource point, which is a Chiwu mineral vein collection point."

Green, Bin Johnson, Robin, York Chris, and York Liana all looked at the map in Lafite's hand.

"Frontline? Wizards really think highly of us. Except for the fifteen mineral points in the center of the map, these thirty-five frontline mineral veins are the most dangerous!" Bin Johnson complained.

Yorkis laughed loudly: "I've heard from others that the wizard apprentices in District 19 are all weak and stupid. It's just a good time to compare our achievements in the past few years with them, and the other side actually dares to declare war? Hahaha... "

Yorkris had no idea about the unspoken rules among regional colleges.

"Sister Lafite, I have put the large quantities of magic forbidden materials you asked me to buy in the hut. They were all bought at the internal price of the Blood Sail Alliance." Yokliana still wore half of the mask and said timidly, but her eyes were He kept secretly looking at Lafite's "disfigured" half of his face. Seeing that Lafite didn't care about the impact of his appearance, Yoklianna admired Lafite, but at the same time she was extremely angry with Bibilona.

"Oh, I see."

After Rafi flipped up his long brown and black hair, he suddenly frowned and said, "In a moment, each of us will be responsible for bringing some materials to the resource point. By the way, Green, do you like my short hair?"

"Eh? I don't care." Green replied in surprise, not knowing why Lafite suddenly asked this question.

Lafite said: "Oh, that's good. The long hair is a bit in the way, although it looks good. Normally it's not a big deal, but now it's a bit uncomfortable. I'll cut it a little shorter later."

The people present were all very close people. Bin Johnson interrupted and said: "Honey, actually I also want to ask you a question... Do you like me growing a beard? In fact, I think I would be more manly if I had a beard. , what do you think?"

"If you grow a beard, we will live apart!" Robin said fiercely, and then sighed: "I hope some colleges will allocate more resources to us and have more good teammates, or less idiots."

… …

Green and his group of six people, each carrying a large bag of materials for placing large-scale magic restrictions, were walking in the thorn forest.

To get to the resource points of the war, you need to first traverse half of the vast thorn forest for a month (the whole thorn forest is irregular in shape) to reach the boundary of the Ivory Castle Wizard Academy. Then they climbed over a mountain range called Osaki and came to a vast basin called the Fall of the Holy Miracle.

The more than a thousand resource points in this large basin are rich in resources jointly exploited by the Wizarding College of District 12 and the Wizarding College of District 19. Of course, this time the two regional wizard academies are fighting for only two hundred resource points.


Lafite suddenly stopped, thought for a moment and then said decisively: "Let's take a detour. There is a pool of Shitula giant crocodile ahead, which is a very dangerous place."

Green was stunned for a moment.

Green had never heard of this creature at all. This was all because Green had not been short of magic stones for a long time and was not wandering in the Thorny Forest.

"Sister Lafite, look!" Yokolianna pointed at a green dragonfly the size of an arm not far in front of her and shouted in surprise.

Bin Johnson shouted: "Green Flying Dragon!"

The general appearance of the green bucket fly is similar to that of ordinary dragonflies. Except that it is much larger, it has a funnel-like head, which is used to absorb the sap essence of certain special trees in the forest. It is a rare biological species. Of course, this is also the real role of this green dragonfly for the wizard apprentices. There will be a trace of water of life in its body, which greatly improves the meditation efficiency of the wizard apprentices.

"Don't panic! Chris, you and I take action together, don't let this green dragon fly escape." Lafite arranged in an orderly manner, slowly opened the long bow, and with the surge of life energy in his hand, formed a Elemental Arrow.

"Haha, I understand."

After Yorkris burst out laughing, his body hair grew and his face stood out, looking like he was stimulating bloodline witchcraft. Then he kicked off his feet and disappeared on the spot with a whoosh.

After a while, Yorkis came back with the green dragonfly that was shot to death by an arrow. Lafite threw the green dragonfly directly to Green and said calmly: "You are the one who has the deepest research on pharmacy here. You prepared six bottles of meditation gel." Listen to the potion, and the extra materials will be yours."

Green, who had been keeping a low profile behind Lafite, took the Green Douling and said in a deep voice, "No problem."

After thinking about it, Green took out a small bottle of potion and handed it to York Chris: "You have a very strong smell. It is probably one of the side effects of blood witchcraft. It is very attractive to those blood-sucking bugs. Give this bottle a try." Configured potions.”

Yorkis looked at Green in surprise and said excitedly: "Are you going to be a pharmacist in the future? Haha, I have accumulated a lot of pharmaceutical materials in the laboratory and I am worried about whether to sell them at a low price. Now it's better. I’ll give it all to you when I get back.”

After Robin learned the identity of Green's pharmacist, he was also surprised and said: "Green, what kind of potion can be prepared with this material?"

After Green took the materials handed over by Robin, his palms couldn't help but tremble!

This is a bright red flower, only the size of a baby's palm, but there is an eyeball in the center of the bud that is rotating, as if observing the surrounding world. The eyeballs are also surrounded by tentacles, blood vessels and the like. Something was slowly squirming.

Green was surprised: "Evil Eye Miluo!"

"Evil-eye Miluo? What is it?" Lafite, Yorkris, Yokeriana, Bin Johnson, and Robin all asked involuntarily. Although this bud belonged to Robin, it was discovered by several people during the previous expedition.

Green took a breath of cold air and said in surprise: "Evil Eye Miluo is the core material for preparing a high-level lethal poison. It is an extremely precious plant. It has only been recorded in books. It is almost extinct in the wizarding world now." Rare species.”

"Poison?" Robin looked disappointed. She had no need for poison.

However, Green's eyes were burning!

Four years of body refining with mixed poisons have made Green quite resistant to ordinary non-lethal poisons. Based on Green's knowledge of voodoo, Green would have to start studying the dosage of poison suitable for his own constitution in at most one year. By then, it would be good to be able to refine his body once a year.

However, if there is this evil-eyed Miluo, if Green successfully prepares the recorded poison, Green will no longer have to worry about the poison for at least five years. Five years from now, it is conservatively estimated that Green's physique will be over 100! (Green's physique is becoming more and more resistant to poison, and the frequency of body refining begins to gradually decrease.) If he were in the underground world, Green could even use the flying dragon and some physique witchcraft bonuses to become a first-level body refining wizard!

Of course, such rapid speed is also due to the "double internal and external cultivation and dual evolution" of Green cells.

This is not just about twice the speed of cultivation, but also the key to saving Green a lot of time in researching new voodoo.

Because with the same voodoo resistance, Green's body is more adaptable to the same voodoo, has higher evolutionary efficiency, and has a wider range of choices. However, ordinary mixed poison body refining wizards need to calculate the efficacy of voodoo for a long time before they dare to refine it. body.

This time is often calculated on a monthly basis and a yearly basis...

Calculated in this way, Green saved, saved, and shortened at least ten times the time in the early stage of mixed poison body refining! It belongs to the fastest cultivation configuration in the concept of mixed poison body refining. (That is: the cells weaken rapidly due to poisoning, and then strengthen after adapting to immunity. After a short period of recovery, they can immediately start the next practice. During this period, there is no need for a lot of configuration, measurement, and preparation time of voodoo knowledge.)

Thinking of this, Green took out the small round bead that he had just acquired, which was the meeting gift given by Senior Sister Youquan, and threw it towards Robin: "Evil-eyed Miluo happens to be of some use to me. This bead contains something sealed inside. An evil spirit, let’s exchange it with you.”

"Evil spirit!" Robin exclaimed in surprise, looking in disbelief and full of excitement.

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