A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 86: Devouring abomination


"Who are you?" A female wizard apprentice looked at Green coldly, and there were more than twenty wizard apprentices surrounding Green, completely surrounding him.

Green was a little helpless. He really didn't know where his identity was exposed.

It stands to reason that I speak so few words, and at the same time, I have rehearsed carefully beforehand. In addition, although the people here know Rosen, they don't seem to be too familiar with it. Therefore, if I let myself into this resource point, there should be no place for exposure. Only identity will. But for some reason, when the green-eyed witch apprentice appeared in front of Green, Green was about to lower his head and leave, but was stopped by the other party, and then directly announced that this "Rosen" was not the real Rosen.

If there are more than twenty wizard apprentices, and they are still in the opponent's resource points, it is a bit dangerous...

Thinking like this, Green braced himself and said in a low voice: "I don't know what you are talking about, I am Rosen."

After Green's words, the eyes of the doubtful people who looked at Green suddenly changed. They were horrified and filled with hatred. One of the wizard apprentices even roared: "Asshole! What did you do to Rosen?"

"Humph, I don't even know you. You are indeed a fake! However, you are able to hide it from my eyes. This disguise is quite interesting. It is not comparable to that guy some time ago." The green-eyed female wizard apprentice mocked road.

Green was startled, knowing the reason why he was exposed.

It was obvious that the green-eyed female wizard apprentice in front of him must be a great role among the wizard apprentices in the 19th District, almost to the point where everyone knew it, and the way he completely ignored the other party's identity naturally aroused suspicion.

I sighed in my heart. After all, the disguise of the alienation technique was just a superficial phenomenon.

Thinking like this, Green knew that a battle was inevitable for a while. After thoughts passed through his mind, he finally sneered and said with an extremely "bloody, cruel, evil," deep smile: "Jie Jie, I will kill Rosen." What's wrong? I just stripped off his favorite female wizard apprentice in front of him, let him look at that wonderful vagina, and then..." (It's too evil, I won't describe it, I will omit two hundred words here, I Brainstorming.)

Green sneered in his heart: Hate me, hate me...

In fact, Green had no idea whether Rosen had any female wizard apprentices that he liked, but Green described the story vividly and vividly through his words, and the detailed plot was as if he had experienced it himself, coupled with the perverted intoxication at the end. The sight made all the wizard apprentices present turn red in the eyes almost instantly.

Many people's forehead veins were almost exposed, and the nails on their fists had even penetrated into their flesh.

Especially the green-eyed female wizard apprentice. Green's words made her feel as if she had personally experienced the despair and pain of the female wizard apprentice in Green's mouth.

Feeling the hatred and hatred of everyone, Green's expression became even more evil and intoxicated. He matched the atmosphere and shouted evilly: "Jie Jie, in fact, you, a green-eyed wizard apprentice, are also good-looking. After a while, I took care of these idiots." Finally, I will let you experience the taste of the female wizard apprentice before, tsk tsk... "

Green's expression was spot on.

He stuck his tongue out and smiled evilly, and still used Rosen's righteous and awe-inspiring appearance to say such despicable words. The huge contrast between this made everyone's hatred reach the limit!

Finally, a wizard apprentice broke out.

"You evil dark wizard, I want you to die!" A male wizard apprentice roared, and large pieces of bone armor appeared on his body. At the same time, the power of the earth element gathered crazily on his body, and followed the ground. After a small crater cracked out with a bang, the wizard apprentice's body disappeared with a whoosh. The next moment, a giant hammer appeared above Green's head and fell hard.

This wizard apprentice seemed to want to completely smash Green into a mixture of flesh and blood to satisfy the hatred in his heart.

Green stopped acting with that ugly face, his expression calmed down, and he said softly in a low voice: "This feeling of hatred... should be enough."

Glancing at the wizard apprentice who was hitting him with a giant hammer, Green took a deep breath and punched out hard. A terrifying force of repulsion rushed towards the wizard apprentice crazily.


A silent ripple in the air spread to all directions, and time and space seemed to have paused at this moment.

The wizard apprentice holding a giant hammer froze in the sky for a moment, his eyes and pupils suddenly shrank, and his body flew out faster than before with a whoosh, hitting a house with a bang, and the earth element A big hole was instantly smashed into the house solidified by the magic circle. The bone armor and earth elemental shield of the wizard apprentice's body were shattered, and blood spurted out with a loud "wow" sound. He struggled to stand up again but couldn't do it.

This scene immediately made all the more than 20 elite wizard apprentices of Defender Green shrink their pupils and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They couldn't help but look at "Green" with a hint of incredible horror. (In their eyes, Rosen and Green are used to attract hatred.)

Green retracted his numb wrist, put the pale mask on his face, and gave a low sneer. With the movement of magic power in the body and the inaudible mysterious spell, suddenly a black flame appeared in front of Green and turned into a huge thing in the blink of an eye. With a roar, he stood next to Green and looked down at the wizard apprentices surrounding Green.


The flame-greeding giant roared violently, and the "armor skin" of water and thunder elements was pulsating irregularly in large areas due to the blazing black flames in its body.

At the same time, a huge wailing mouth behind the Flame Greedy Giant suddenly let out a deafening scream, seemingly extremely excited. Then, under an indescribable energy fluctuation, the flame-greedy giant, which was more than three meters tall, began to slowly grow in size. After a moment, it turned into a five-meter-huge behemoth, with a pair of snail-like eyes that were fierce. The light and black flames became even more brutal, and the sudden increase in violent elemental power even caused the air around the flame-grey giant to become slightly distorted.

Green felt the powerful energy fluctuations in the Flame Greedy Giant's body and said excitedly: "It has grown so much? In this case, these twenty or so wizard apprentices should not be a problem..."

Yes, Green already knows the effectiveness of the Flame Giant's ability to devour souls and devour abominations.

By constantly devouring souls, the Flame Greedy Giant can continuously grow and evolve itself from the essence of life, just like a passive evolution, making its body more and more powerful.

Of course, this kind of evolution is limited in frequency and time, and it is impossible to grow without an upper limit.

As for Devouring Hatred, this is an ability to temporarily enhance the Flame-Greeting Giant. This ability will receive a certain temporary energy bonus based on the degree of hatred Green receives and the strength of the Flame-Greeting Giant's body.

The sudden burst of power from the violent flame-greedy giant had completely shocked these wizard apprentices. After another wave of magic power from Green, a three-meter-long blue water elemental sword appeared in the hands of the five-meter-tall flame-greedy giant. The sword and the power of thunder are floating around.


The flame-greeding giant roared wildly, and there were faint signs that the water, thunder and skin on his body could not contain the violent black flames erupting in his body.

Green looked at the extremely powerful and violent posture of the Greedy Flame Giant, and felt heroic in his heart. The flame-greedy giants in this state are the college guards. Green is quite confident that the flame-greedy giants can fight against them, and even... completely suppress them!

"you… "

After the green-eyed female wizard apprentice was shocked for a moment, she gritted her teeth and recited a spell silently. Her eyes whirlpooled and two green "elves" (similar creatures) were born from scratch. They quickly flapped their wings and landed here. On the shoulders of the wizard apprentice, light flowed from the garland above her head, and large petals flew slowly around her.

The other wizard apprentices also made their strongest fighting stances. Faced with Green, now a terrifying flame-greeding giant, everyone here felt indescribable pressure, as if a shadow was coming under the threat of death.

Wave after wave of magic power is mixed with the pressure before the witchcraft breaks out. The entire resource point is like a flame barrel that will completely detonate. The next moment will be an earth-shattering explosion!

Green held the magic wand (the simplified version of Green Fire Elemental **Wand 1.0), took a step forward and walked to the flame-grey giant, and said quietly: "Since there is no way to outwit, we can only attack by force. One, two, three, four... Twenty-six, well, plus the previous badges, the number is enough, there are still a few left."

Saying this, after taking out a high-level magic stone in one hand, three fire bats slowly appeared on the top of Green's magic wand, flapping their wings and hovering, the fire shield...

boom! boom! boom! boom…

… …

After half an hourglass time.

Green gasped with a pale face. A wound on his back was separated into many small tentacles connected to each other under the alienation technique. They were healing rapidly. A huge broken mark on the pale mask almost completely cut it in half. At the same time, after Green looked at the magic wand in his hand that was completely disconnected and still dripping with blood, he spat out the blood in his mouth and put it aside.


The Flame Greedy Giant ran back from a distance.

The body of the Flame Greedy Giant has shrunk a lot, and its shape has begun to become irregular. Large areas of water and thunder element armor skin appear broken, and traces of black flames continue to dissipate in the air.

Through mental perception, Green sighed: "Should we let those guys run away... Sure enough, it is still a bit reluctant to deal with so many elite wizard apprentices at the same time, especially those two damn elves, who have such wonderful abilities. With the help of two elves, the strength of the green-eyed wizard apprentice has barely reached the level of the top four wizard apprentices in Black Sol Tower. Even if it is worse, it is still at the level of Alstar, the Sword of Light."

Saying this, Green counted his badges and sighed again: "Are there two more badges left... Forget it, let's spend some magic stones in the future. Since his information has been exposed, it is better to return to the Holy Relic Valley immediately. , it would be dangerous if we were surrounded here."

With this in mind, Green's body transformed and returned to its original appearance. At the same time, he dispersed the Flame Greedy Giant and left the resource point, which was full of pits and cracks.

At this resource point, there are bloody traces and huge explosion craters everywhere. The occasional traces of frost, thunder and large-scale earth witchcraft are still clearly visible, and traces of eternal flames are still burning tenaciously, as if it is extremely difficult to extinguish. .

In this way, it was as if a battle of hundreds of wizard apprentices had just occurred here.

"In the following time, except for things that must be squeezed out of the schedule, there is no delay at all. We must seize everything to complete the Explosive Flame Witchcraft. As long as this witchcraft is completed..." Through the advanced magic stone, Green's body magic power quickly recovered. , and the next moment, with the force of both repulsors and yin, they lifted off the ground with a "whoosh" and flew towards the Holy Miracle Valley at an extremely fast speed.