A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 89: District 28


After nearly half a year of pursuit, traces of fighting can be found everywhere in the Great Basin of the Fall of the Saint. The wizard apprentices in the 19th District were carefully "screened" by the wizard apprentices in the 12th District.

Half a year later, as many deans of wizard colleges responsible for supervision appeared, it was announced that the war ended with the victory of District 12 Wizard College. All wizard apprentices in the Great Basin of the Fall of the Holy Relic will return to their colleges to prepare for the Holy Tower in three years. Trial, and the wizards of all the colleges in District 12 will receive many shares of the resources mined in the Great Basin of the Fall of the Holy Relics in the next hundred years.

Team Lafite's heart was very heavy, all because the position vacated by Yokris made Yoklianna look so alone, but it couldn't change anything.

The journey back home for wizard apprentices from various colleges was not peaceful. Many wizard apprentices got into fights because of their greed for badges and some personal grudges they had formed during the war. Many wizard apprentices died. However, fortunately, the Black Sota Wizard Academy Blood Sail Alliance was with the Alliance when they returned, so Lafite and others were less troubled.

… …

The thorny forest.

Yokeliana looked at the wizard apprentices fighting a large group of giant apes. At this time, she had no auxiliary witchcraft but nowhere to use it. She stood stupidly like an outsider. Yokeliana felt lonely again, lost Yokeris, and found that she was so out of tune with reality.

Maybe, without Chris, Yokeriana would have been eliminated on the ship...

… …

Black Sotha Wizard Academy.

Everyone in the Blood Sail Alliance was one of the first batch of wizard apprentices to return to the academy. At this time, everyone looked at the new faces in the academy that were peeping at them like little wolves, with a strong sense of vigilance in their darkness and viciousness. It is obvious that the college life of these newcomers has not been easy in the past few years, and some of them are even more cruel than the previous ones.

Bin Johnson whispered: "Seeing these little guys reminds me of us in the past, but I don't know whether I should say they are lucky or bad."

The so-called good luck naturally means that these newcomers have avoided the regional academy war that occurs once in a century. The so-called bad luck means that they also cannot catch up with this Holy Tower Qualification Competition.

Robin shook his head and said: "It should be considered lucky. At least they will be the original seniors in the next Holy Tower Qualification Competition, so they have a greater advantage. At least if I had to choose, I hope I can be late. If I come to the academy in the first year, I might also have a chance in the Holy Tower qualification competition a hundred years from now."

Lafite suddenly said: "I don't know what happened to those three people. The Maskless Wizard spent a lot of effort to snatch us away from Lilith's Cabin Wizarding Academy. Wasn't it because those three people had a chance to compete for the Holy Tower qualifications? It is said that as long as a wizard cultivates a wizard apprentice with the qualifications of a demon hunting wizard, he will receive a special reward from the Holy Tower."

The three people Lafite was talking about were naturally Solam, Yunli, and Bibiliona.

Bin Johnson said disdainfully: "Sister Lafite, it's not like you don't know about Liona's strength. She has absolutely no chance. As for Yunli and Solam, these two should be much stronger than that woman. But if you want to compete for the qualification of a demon hunter, you also have to rely on luck."

Lafite sighed.

Although Bin Johnson told the truth, since he said that Bibi Liona had no chance, didn't he also prove that he had no chance


I have worked very hard.

Suddenly, Lafite turned around and looked at Green, his eyes uncertain. Green once again resumed his low-key look, following him in deep thought all day long. He seemed to be mentally calculating certain witchcraft reaction formulas every day, except for saying a few words before going to bed at night. Yes, Tiandu is like a robot, and many people have completely ignored his existence.

However, as Green's lover, Lafite, who had some vague feelings about Green's strength, couldn't help but think: There should be a lot of opportunities for him...

Lafite is also not sure about Green's specific strength, because in this war, apart from showing off a lot of badges, Green has no record at all. Whether it is the list of the top ten masters of Black Sol Tower or the list of potential substitutes, There is no information about Greene.

It was as if Green was really just an ordinary wizard apprentice.

However, if Green was really an ordinary wizard apprentice, would he grab a lot of badges representing the lives of the wizard apprentices in District 19

Green didn't speak. In addition to calculating the explosive flame witchcraft reaction formula in his mind, he was also thinking about one thing, which was about cultivating demon-hunting wizards. What rewards would the Holy Tower give to the academy instructors who had made the second-level wizards unable to do so many years ago? Phase Mask crossed the ocean and hijacked the ship.

On the other side, Yokeliana also said nothing. She touched the many badges in the bag, and her eyes couldn't help but get wet. But after more than half a year, you have been able to control your emotions very well. You looked at Green silently and gratefully, then lowered your head and followed the crowd again.

This once shy little girl has begun to mature.

… …

Two days later, the seventy-ninth floor of Black Sol Tower.

"Hey, Green, you've been away for more than ten years. This college war has made you look a lot more mature." Gahei was lying on the sofa. He didn't show any surprise when he saw Green entering the room. He licked his paws and said calmly. After saying this, the old man stepped forward as if he was alive.

Green is only in his early thirties now, and he has certainly grown a lot in more than ten years.

A bag of nailfish was placed in front of the black cat. Green's tense mental energy relaxed slightly and he said with a smile: "Mr. Gahei, the master is not here?"

The black cat Di picked up the nailfish, jumped onto the huge fish tank, glanced at Green with a bored look, and warned: "Don't bother the old man now, he hasn't seen the old woman in more than ten years, of course he needs to have a good intimacy with her. Unlike me, a lonely cat, I have become accustomed to loneliness. Alas... Only these plane fish can understand my heart best."

Green felt a chill. They don't understand your heart, but they understand your stomach.

One day later.

Varro and Green sat together. Peranos looked at the many badges placed in front of Green and said refreshedly: "Well, the secret realm of Black Tower will be opened in a month, and these badges of yours will be It can be used. When the time comes, you should take a good stroll in the secret realm of our academy tower master, and don't get thrown out as soon as you enter. Okay, now you two talk about your feelings over the years."

Varro and Green looked at each other, what do they feel

Varro scratched his head: "Well... I don't feel much, because I was stationed at the rear of the resource point when I first came up. I didn't see the wizard apprentices in District 19 until the end of the war. I was bored every day. Oh, by the way, I I made a few good friends, but fell in love once and then fell out of love again. Is this considered a feeling?"

Peranos's face darkened, and after the room was quiet for a while, Peranos said coldly: "Get out!"

Varro seemed to have known this outcome for a long time. He had become accustomed to his mentor's temper over the years, so he stuck out his tongue and left in a hurry.

Green: "Uh... Feelings, about the bursting flame witchcraft... Oh, no! I understand, tutor, are you asking about the comparison between light wizards and dark wizards?"

Peranos nodded: "Hmph, you are a hundred times stronger than that guy."

Green also imitated Varo and stuck out his tongue playfully. In front of this mentor, even though Green was already in his thirties, he could only act like a child. After thinking about it, he said solemnly: "The advantages and disadvantages of the light wizard and the dark wizard are obvious. The Seven-ring Saint It makes sense for the tower to divide the wizards into two camps: light and dark. At least the dark wizards are unlikely to shake the status of the bright wizards in group battles, unless their strength reaches some qualitative changes. In this war , if the scale of the war were larger, it would be impossible for the dark wizard to win, and it is very likely that the dark wizard from District 12 would be the last to be chased and run away."

Peranos smiled with satisfaction and looked at Green with satisfaction.

"Actually, this is not only true for the Seven Rings Holy Tower, but also for all holy towers on the mainland. In the future, when you become a demon hunting wizard, you will know how powerful Ming wizards are. Generally speaking, they are the main wizards in the wizarding world, even if Our Seven-ring Holy Tower leans towards the dark wizard camp, and we have to cultivate light wizards from ten regions as a new force for external battles." Peranos gave Green some pointers.

Green thought for a moment.

Regarding the Holy Tower ruling body in the Wizarding World, Green only knew that there were seven Holy Towers in the Wizarding Continent, named from the First Ring Holy Tower to the Seventh Ring Holy Tower. There seem to be several holy towers in the underground world, and there are several "big islands" overseas with a sky holy tower and a black domain holy tower. As for other holy tower institutions, Green does not know. (For wizards, the continent is an island, and for local humans, it is a continent.)

But even if there are holy towers in the wizarding world, there are only one or two at most.

After all, each holy tower represents a true spirit wizard of level seven or above. Even if there is a powerful wizarding world, there will never be too many such great beings.

Even if there are "only" so many great beings, it is enough to ensure the wizarding world's strong dominance over the surrounding world and form a wizarding civilization. (The top level strength is not involved for the time being, so it is difficult to describe it with quantifiers from Green's perspective.)

It is not Green's turn to care about the top forces among the Holy Towers. Only the Holy Tower Qualification Battle that is about to take place in the Seven Rings Holy Tower is Green's most concerned. Therefore, Green can't help but ask Mentor Peranos. stand up.

"Are you qualified to compete in the Holy Tower..."

Peranos pondered for a moment and said: "As for the Seven-ring Holy Tower, there are a total of twenty-eight ruling areas, of which there are a total of 226 wizard colleges. The Seven-ring Holy Tower divides the twenty-eight areas into There are five camps from which to select elite wizard apprentices worthy of training. Areas 1 to 5 and 11 to 15 are the dark wizard camp, areas 6 to 10 and 16 to 20 are the bright wizard camp, and areas 21 to 21 are the dark wizard camp. The twenty-eighth district is a chaotic camp, and the qualification competition for the holy tower is to select two hundred wizard apprentices from each camp as preliminary demon hunting wizards."

Green's pupils shrank: "Eight areas of the Chaos camp!" (The so-called Chaos camp refers to the four famous wizard camps and the four dark wizard camps that have been at war with each other for a long time and are counted as one camp. The system inside is different from the simple bright and dark wizards. More cruel and more adapted to the needs of war.)

Nodding, Peranos said calmly: "The demon hunting wizards from that camp are generally the best, representing the highest combat power of the Seven-ring Holy Tower. Generally speaking, the average strength is enough to suppress the demon hunting preparations of the same level in other areas. Wizard. But it doesn’t matter. There are five peak wizard apprentices in the Seven Rings Holy Tower who are eligible for the highest reward. If you think you can fight for it, you don’t have to fight against the scary guys from the chaotic camp, just like the bright wizards don’t have to fight us dark wizards. It’s the same as fighting.”

Green possesses the Key of Friendship in Black Sotha and has three summoning opportunities.

In the view of Peranos, with such innate conditions, Green already has a slight possibility of competing for the top qualifications. Of course, because Peranos didn't know Green's specific strength, he just thought it was possible, just like the wizard apprentice in District 19 might win the "decisive battle" in the final period.

Green didn't speak, and he had a preliminary understanding of the specific situation of the Holy Tower Qualification Competition.

In this case, in this holy tower qualification competition, does he have to stand out from the wizard apprentices in the five regional colleges and become one of the top two hundred people? If you want to get that top position...

"Oh, by the way, the qualification competition for the Holy Tower is not a cruel selection. After all, not all wizards in the wizarding world aim at hunting wizards. Mysterious wizards are also a path to becoming strong. You will understand in the future. Therefore, Holy Tower In the qualification competition, there are options to save one's life or give up, don't worry about that." After adding this, Peranos sighed again, as if he had thought of something, and there was actually a trace of sadness in the air.

"Why… "

Peranos said in despair: "You first prepare for the secret realm of Black Sotha, and try to gain something from it. After you come out, I will transform the endless eye into witchcraft and advance to the official wizard. , the trump cards prepared for you in the qualification battle will be taught to you respectively." (Sadness and loss are related to being recalled as a senior sister. There was a similar description before, and it will be mentioned in the next chapter. It is a trap for the time being.)

Green nodded and suddenly said: "Mentors, wizards from the academy and wizards traveling on the mainland are called arcane wizards. So what rewards will the arcane wizards get from the Holy Tower when they train demon-hunting wizard disciples?"


Peranos smiled: "Have you noticed this problem? Haha, but don't worry, a college dean like me doesn't have much need for witch spirits. Training you is purely out of temporary interest."

Witch spirit

Green remembered this word. Maybe it was a rare currency used by arcane wizards in the wizarding world to exchange for some exclusive resources of the Holy Tower.

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