A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 93: Under the secret realm of Black Tower


readx(); Holding the Hydra sword, Green shouted and slashed hard at the decayed crystal and metal mixture.


The buzzing sound of the Hydra sword echoed in Green's ears, but the protruding crystal and metal mixture showed no trace of damage after being attacked. God knows what kind of material technology and alchemy process this was, and it actually decayed like this. Finally, he completely ignored Green's attack.

However, Green felt happy when he heard the faint echo.

The bottom is indeed empty, and there is a lot of space!

After Green fumbled around the huge protruding crystal and metal mixture, a tear mark in a blind corner caught Green's attention. Magic power surged, and after Green's water ball witchcraft cleansing, a narrow hole appeared in front of Green's eyes. It seemed to be a scar torn on this metal and crystal mixture after long years of geological changes.

Didn't rush in.

First, with his nose hunting sense of smell, Green smelled a mixture of corrosive smell and pungent dust smell, which was the smell of history and time in a closed space. Then came the Pale Mask ultrasonic detection, and a huge black and white intersection appeared in Green's eyes. There were all kinds of human magic chandelier designs and decorations inside, as well as large objects of unknown purpose. Then... a breath far exceeding the density of external elements rushed towards him from the space.


What else could this be if it wasn't a relic? This is the ruins! Could it be a hidden ruin that even the Master of Black Tower has not discovered

Thinking like this, Green looked at the narrow hole with great excitement and murmured: "It seems that I need to make myself slimmer first." Then, under the influence of the alienation technique, Green's body began to It gradually became distorted and seemed to become much thinner, and then it dived into the hole.


The light of the eternal flame ignited, and Green floated in the air and slowly fell to the "ground" under the action of the two forces of repulsion and attraction.

There was a metallic echo from the soles of the feet, reverberating in the huge space. Large amounts of dust were scattered on the ground, and there was a feeling that the veil of mysterious historical years had been lifted.

Green activated the Pale Mask defensive shield, isolating the dust, and used the light of the eternal flame to examine the strange and strange huge space around him.

This is an extremely huge space, with countless luxurious magic crystal chandeliers hanging overhead, but now they have completely lost their effect and have become dispensable decorations in the space. Their role is not even as good as the one above the head. The gap and the fireball in Green's hand.

Because the space was so empty and huge, Green couldn't even see the edges of the space. He could only see huge transparent crystal "vessels" everywhere where the firelight shined in this huge space. These crystal hanging cylindrical vessels are closed with metal lids at the upper and lower ends. The metal tubes lead to unknown depths in the darkness. They seem to be devices used by wizards in ancient times to cultivate some advanced biological experimental materials.

The smallest of these "vessels" is more than ten meters high, and the largest one as far as the eye can see is fifty meters high. The top is directly on the top of this space, with countless metals at the upper and lower ends. The tubes were densely connected, and the crystal vessels were imprinted with vague rune marks, which seemed to be some kind of energy balancing sealing technique.

"This is… "

Green strode towards the largest cylindrical "crystal vessel" in sight. The metal boots of the Sanrun Armor and the metal floor under his feet made a crisp sound of "dang, dang, dang" echoing in the space, and large amounts of dust flew up. But Green rushed towards the "vessel" regardless.


Under a water ball technique, Green quickly wiped the huge crystal vessel. After a thick layer of dust was wiped away, the crystal vessel became transparent and clear. By the light of the fire, a huge biological skeleton appeared in front of Green!

This is a huge, slender skeleton with no regular shape at all. It looks like a giant gibbon with hooves but with an octopus head with bones. There are also many strange skeletal branches on the body. I don’t know what kind of body it is. Organ structure. All the bones are crystal translucent in color, and are squeezed and floating in some small vessels. It seems that this skeleton has no weight at all, and is not as hard as ordinary humans imagine, but is full of flexibility and toughness.

A string of red ancient wizard hieroglyphs were vaguely printed on the bottom of the vessel.

Green whispered word by word: "Alien, juvenile body, Experimental Subject No. 0004. Danger level: highest."

Green's pupils shrank, and he said in disbelief: "This is indeed the laboratory of an ancient wizard! Juvenile Experimental Subject No. 0004? This creature that can barely fit into a fifty-meter-high vessel is just a juvenile specimen? What on earth is this? What kind of creature is this in the world that the ancient wizard has listed its juvenile form as the highest danger level..."

Green was just halfway through his words when a small puddle of gray-white liquid in the corner of the vessel instantly attracted Green's full attention. At this moment, Green felt as if his soul was being pulled in by this pool of gray-white flesh.

"This feeling of infinite malleability and inclusiveness... this! This is! Alien marrow!?" Green even doubted his own eyes.

In alchemy, there is a legendary material that has long since disappeared, called heterogeneous marrow. It is said that this is a wonderful alchemical material discovered by ancient wizards. It is listed as one of the top alchemical materials in the pyramid of alchemy due to its unique infinite ductility and inclusiveness. It is the perfect alchemical material for the highest level armor and defense made by ancient wizards.

However, the alien marrow in this stall is barely enough for a shoulder pad.

As a wizard apprentice, Green's eyes almost popped out when he saw this legendary alchemy material. His first reaction was to desperately find the entrance to this test vessel, desperately trying to get this small pool of the best alien marrow. Obtained alchemical materials.

As long as he gets this thing, even if Green has no alchemy talent, the magic weapon he makes will definitely be the same, because this is determined by the infinite malleability and inclusiveness of the alien marrow.

Moreover, Green's future long-term plan happens to lack his own alchemy skills, but with this alien marrow...

"do not care!"

Green said this while standing on the metal buckle cover at the top of the vessel, and continued to release the basic elemental magic of water and fire.

Green releases the fire element witchcraft at one moment and the water element witchcraft at another, accelerating the damage process of this corroded-looking cover, like a crazy octopus desperate to eat the little fish in the bottle.

Alternate hot and cold.

The continuous thermal expansion and contraction of an object will cause some of its internal structures to continue to loosen and disintegrate, returning to the original state of the smallest particles. Of course, this is just a theory, and it depends on the properties of the object itself and the degree of temperature difference between hot and cold.

But, for these metals that have been abandoned for who knows how many years...

With a "bang" sound, Green got into the experimental vessel, carefully collected the small pool of gray-white liquid with excitement on his face, and put it into a disposable space bag. Just as he was about to leave, after thinking about it, Green turned his attention to the flexible, transparent bones in the test vessel.

The Hydra sword passed by, and Green's pupils shrank...

So tough

I actually kept cutting even the thinnest bones. In this case, I couldn't fit such a large thing into the space pocket. After all, this was not a real space storage magic device, and I didn't know the sealing technique.

At this moment, there was a strange movement in the small gap outside the "ruin entrance" above his head, and Green smelled the unique and familiar smell of the Night Owl under his nose.

"No, the guardian of the academy is here!" Green was startled and quickly left the inside of the cage-like crystal test vessel, running towards the dark and unknown direction. At this time, it would be good to spend even a little more time in the secret realm. Maybe you will get many otherworldly gains that are difficult to get in the wizarding world.

Huge transparent test vessels passed by both sides of Green. Without exception, the dust-covered vessels contained the skeletons of huge creatures that the ancient wizards called aliens. They were curled up and floating quietly in the vessels. .

Green flew flexibly with a small ball of immortal flame.

Suddenly, a metal wall that was completely twisted by a powerful attack appeared in front of Green. In the middle of the wall was the clearly visible huge claw and hoof mark of a huge creature. The hoof mark was more than ten meters in diameter. The originally smooth and thick metal The wall protruded seven or eight meters due to the hoofprint attack, and the heavy metal around it seemed to have turned into wrinkled paper, distorted.


Green's expression changed. Just now, Green slashed the thin corroded metal and crystal shell with all his strength with his sword outside. There was not even a mark, but this terrifying creature from ancient times actually...

With the corner of his eye twitching, Green glanced at the completely distorted "gate" under the hoof prints, then changed direction and continued flying.

Gu Gu Gu Gu…

The cry of the night owl echoed in the huge space, followed by several hoarse neighing sounds from an unknown creature, which felt like a snake.

Green's face tightened, he extinguished the flame, and carefully controlled his body to fly quietly.

However, these soul slaves of the Black Solon Tower Master seemed to have their own unique way of observing the world. After flying in place for a while, they all locked onto Green in the darkness in the distance, and then rushed away quickly. past.

"Oops, it's over now." Green looked ugly.

Knowing that there was no hope at all, Green fell to the ground. A metal ball under his feet made Green startled. Where had he seen this ball before? By the way, when the second secret realm of the Newcomer Trial opens to fight for the Flame Fusion Bead, isn't it the metal ball that the Heart of Machinery has been studying...

Although Green didn't understand mechanics, maybe it could be used as a price or something in the future. Thinking like this, Green threw the mechanical ball into the space pocket.

Then, Green looked around casually at the last moment.


Green suddenly discovered that the wall next to him was actually a huge piece of crystal glass instead of the usual metal wall. Of course, even crystal glass with this kind of quality is no different from a metal wall to Green. There is no way he can break through it and continue to escape.

Feeling the guardians flying closer and closer, Green had already given up on escaping in this enclosed space. After thinking about it, curiosity drove him to wipe the dust on the crystal glass next to him with his hands.

Mu Ran, Green's body was completely frozen, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of needlepoints, and he even stopped breathing!

This is…

This is an extremely vast and empty relic space. In comparison, the laboratory Green is in can only be regarded as a side hall or even a darkroom.

In this huge ruins space whose purpose is unknown, a huge alien-like creature skeleton of more than 300 meters is floating quietly in the air, emitting light green fluorescence, and it looks so dreamy and wonderful. , seems to be a beautiful dream in childhood, making people immersed in the magic of it.


With the help of these light green fluorescence, Green took a closer look. A little further away, thousands of smaller translucent alien skeletons appeared one after another, floating around the huge alien skeleton in the middle, as if countless Ant colonies guard their queen as they do. Suddenly, the original beauty was cast into a layer of horror, ominousness, and weirdness.


As his gaze deepened again, when Green vaguely saw countless human skeletons and mechanical remains on the ground forming a dense "carpet", all that was left of Green was the horror and fear from his heart. It was as if you could vaguely hear the roars and roars of countless ancient wizards fighting bloody battles echoing in your ears.

this! This... what is going on, what kind of relic is this, who can tell...

"caught you!"

A night owl lands on the shoulder of "dumb" Green.

Suddenly, Green felt an irresistible repulsive force coming from the space around him. He had no time to make any resistance, and the feeling of his body being stretched into a noodle appeared again.