A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 94: Amyloid parasites


Green's vision went dark, and the next moment, he came to a strange place.

Surrounded by bright and gentle magic lights, there is a gentle and orderly flow of elements in the air. Underfoot is a neat and clean stone slab. Countless runes are densely packed around the stone slab, forming the foundation of a large circle with six stars. Magic circle pattern, Green is standing in the center of the magic circle.

This is…

"I've persisted for more than two hourglasses, isn't it good? What's the gain in it?" A familiar voice came from behind. Green turned around and found that the magic circle under his feet was a huge high platform with a diameter of more than thirty meters, and the high platform The person speaking to him below was none other than Instructor Peranos.

Green quickly saluted and said, "Teacher, where is this?"

"The ninety-ninth floor of the Black Tower." Peranos answered Green and said with a smile: "The secret realm of the Black Tower is different from the Wizarding World, isn't it? I've been there several times, and I always find something. Interesting stuff."

The ninety-ninth floor of Black Sol Tower, that’s it.

Green breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Well, it is indeed very different from the wizarding world, especially the natural rules and world melody inside. Obviously because it is just a fragment of the incomplete world, there is no such thing as the rules and rules of the world itself. The melody, the silence, but at the same time it seems to be a little influenced by the rules of the wizarding world."

With that said, Green fell next to Peranos and began to talk about his gains in the secret realm.

After a moment, Peranos muttered: "Mutated creatures are a normal thing. After all, the rules of the world are different. You can ask your second senior brother for advice on this. He is very interested in this aspect. The words of the Bald Jilong Stone are very important to you." The secret wizard is of no use, but you should have a chance to use it when you go to the Holy Tower and become a demon-hunting wizard in the future. And the golden fruit you mentioned should be the very precious golden ginseng in the secret realm of Black Sol Tower, which is specially made by the tower owner. I once got one of the good things cultivated, and it nourishes the body very obviously, and it is a very precious good thing."

Instructor Peranos said that it is a very precious thing and something that is very nourishing to the body. It goes without saying that this golden ginseng is also a good thing.

Green was delighted, but he immediately began to look forward to his mentor's evaluation of the "relic" with even greater anticipation.

Peranos shook his head and said: "Although I haven't seen it... but it shouldn't be the ruins you are talking about, and I don't have much research on alchemy. The Lord of the Tower has been ruling the secret realm for so many years, and any ancient ruins would have been visited long ago. After searching all over, the so-called ruins laboratory you found should be a temporary laboratory of some ancient wizard. There are many creatures known for their huge size, and a few hundred meters is nothing."

Green opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, and a trace of disappointment flowed through.

How could such a huge laboratory, so many huge vessels, such wonderful biological skeletons, and the legendary alchemy material Alien Marrow be a temporary laboratory of an ancient wizard? Even ancient wizards wouldn't be so extravagant to build such a temporary laboratory, right

Moreover, it is very likely that I have only discovered a small part of the ruins!

Thinking like this, Green suddenly remembered the shocking scene he last saw through the crystal glass window. He was about to refute, but saw Peranos's face darken. (It seems that Green couldn't see Peranos's face darken because he had a sewn face and no expression.)

"Idiot, why are you so stupid? If you really discover the ruins, it will be your private wealth. You will still have the opportunity to explore in the future. Do you have to have me, the mentor, to explain it so clearly?" Perano Si looked at the unsatisfied Green and educated him fiercely.

Green was stunned. He was so defenseless against his mentor. This really did not comply with certain rules among wizards.


Green had unknowingly regarded Master Peranos as someone like Old Ham. A wizard's feelings from the bottom of his heart can indeed melt the defenses of others. Maybe it was that experience...

At this moment, the magic array on the high platform suddenly flickered and buzzed, and then under the pressure of an indescribable powerful magic power, the space was distorted, and a figure appeared in the center of the magic array on the high platform.

Green narrowed his eyes, Aldas, the Sword of Light

Peranos also glanced at this man and said calmly: "Okay, you are the last wizard apprentice to come back, and this trip to the secret realm of Black Sol Tower ends here."

Aldas saw the legendary Dean of Black Soft Academy and hurriedly saluted. However, when he saw Green wearing a pale mask standing next to the academy master and looking very "intimate", he couldn't help but be startled. . Thinking of their performance together on the Chiwu Mine Lode mission, Aldas had countless amazing thoughts flowing through his heart instantly, but he did not dare to say anything. After giving Green a solemn look, he nodded slightly as a greeting. Step left the room.

Once again, only Peranos and Green were left on the ninety-ninth floor of Black Sol Tower.

Peranos turned around and took Green out of the room. As he walked, he said, "How was it? Did you feel the energy of this wizard tower just now?"

Green nodded and said in awe: "The majesty is unimaginable. It was as if I had just stood in front of an ocean composed entirely of magic power. At that moment, even the surrounding natural rules began to change because of these majestic magic powers. Feel."

With a smile, Peranos said: "These energies are the increases obtained by level 4 or above Stigmata Wizards through the Wizard Tower. This is also the insurmountable gap between level 3 great wizards and level 4 Stigmata wizards."

… …

Three days later, Varro's private laboratory.

This was Green's first time in the second senior brother's room, and he couldn't help but look curiously at the strange plants, fossils, skeletons, strange decorations, weird little creatures, and some gadgets with no apparent purpose. These things all have one thing in common, that is, they are all labeled as different worlds.

On the other side, Senior Brother Varro was studying several biological specimens from other worlds brought by Green with excitement. He even occasionally flipped through some ancient books and some notebooks and kept mumbling excitedly to himself, looking as if he was intoxicated. Spontaneous madness.

Green did not disturb Senior Brother Varro.

With this senior who specializes in studying creatures from other worlds, Green saves a lot of time to divide and summarize what he has gained this time. After all, Green will have to accept several knowledges taught by Peranos and race against time to study the explosive flames. witchcraft.

Time is really a bit too tight.

There will even be a compulsory mission for the academy a year later. Instructor Peranos will not care about Green's witchcraft research, because Instructor Peranos has no idea about Green's secret preparations, so there must be another It is a quite distant task.

Of course, Green will definitely not practice as slowly as he did last time during this mission.

With nothing to do, Green visited Brother Varro's collection one after another. Finally, Green focused on an isolated "shadow" in a crystal vessel, showing a surprised look. This shadow is like a pool of black liquid, constantly flowing around the vessel, as if it is never tired, swimming around in circles.

Green felt the weak life fluctuations emitted by this shadow, and after confirming that this "thing" was indeed a life, he couldn't help but feel that the endless world is so wonderful. No wonder those high-level wizards are constantly fighting to gain more knowledge...

Bang, bang.

Varro strode up to Green and saw Green staring at the shadow in the vessel, and explained: "This is a low-level life called the Ping Xian Moon Shadow World. You can understand it as an elemental life. This life is very strange. It can only move forward against one surface of an object. In their minds, the world is probably a piece of wrinkled paper, and their food is actually light. For humans in the wizarding world, this is a strange thing. A wonderful life."

Green smiled. With his little knowledge of other worlds, he didn't dare to say anything in front of Senior Brother Varo, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing. This is what it means to specialize in the arts.


Senior Brother Varro is the type of arcane wizard that Mentor Peranos calls unsuitable to become a demon hunter.

As for the power of the arcane wizard, perhaps with a sudden change in whim and accumulation of knowledge, he may achieve amazing achievements in a certain field in the future. After all, to put it simply, the so-called demon hunting wizards are just a group of wizards who use their knowledge of witchcraft to desperately develop the field of combat.

"Green, these two biological specimens from other worlds you brought. I have never seen similar biological records of these two little things, but I have observed their life characteristics and mechanical characteristics, and I have not found anything special for the time being. The only The research value should be their evolutionary comparison with similar creatures in the wizarding world."

After Varro labeled the small biological specimens collected in Green's small bottle one by one, he also classified some materials that Green occasionally collected on the road that were not found in the wizarding world, except for a soft and unknown jelly-like thing that was determined to be made of Except for a rare material that is a precious adhesive, everything else is classified as worthless waste.

Finally, Varro pointed to the extremely long iron worm on the test bench and said: "This amidoparasite has grown so long. This has never been found in records. It is probably a kind of evolution. After all, according to The ancient scroll I saw records that since the extinction of a life form called the alienated myeloid in ancient times, this parasite has been unable to find a suitable parasite and has begun to become an independent life in nature. Well, I just read it, There is basically no change in the body functions of this Ameroparasite, and the most important thing for wizards is the thread of doom."

Amyroparasite? Alienated marrow-like life form

Green opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: "Isn't this called an iron worm? Why is it called an amylo parasite again? What is that alienated myeloid life form?"

Varro scratched his head and said: "Uh... Ironworm is the name given to this creature by modern wizards, and ancient wizards all called it Amiru parasite. The scroll I once saw recorded that there were many in ancient times. The wizard even cultivated this parasite as a companion parasite. As for what the alienated marrow-like life form is, I don’t know. The scroll only records that this life form will produce a top-quality alchemical material called alien marrow, and the life form It’s very huge, and the level of life after adulthood is very high.”

Green's pupils shrank and he said in shock: "Is it the alien experimental subject?"

It would make sense to say that such a "huge" iron worm was a parasite of an alien experimental body in ancient times. But if the ancient wizard cultivated such a "huge" companion worm in his body, Green did not dare to agree. Could it be that the ancient wizard cultivated a special variety

Moreover, why did the ancient wizard cultivate this companion insect in his body

What is the connection between these fragmented clues and information

Knowing that he could not get any more information from Brother Varro, Green shook his head and decided to put this matter aside for the time being. At this time, everything must focus on the qualification battle for the Holy Tower. In the future, if you become stronger and have enough time, you must explore the "relics" you discovered in the secret realm of Black Sol Tower.

With this in mind, Green thanked him, paid Brother Varro the corresponding reward for the appraisal, and left with the biological specimens.

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