A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 96: Face of Truth Project


The 79th floor of Black Sol Tower, Peranos Laboratory.

There was a foam frog specimen and a phosphorus snake specimen on the test table in front of Green. They seemed to be high-end specimens carefully collected by Peranos. They were kept in a low-temperature barrier with high-grade magic stones, and a large amount of frost mist filled the air.

Next to the specimen is a huge scroll.

In the center of the scroll is a pair of huge human eyes, marked with dense nerve circuits and life characteristics reaction structures. There are also structures that divide element storage reactions, nerve electrolysis, lens, vagina, retina, pupil refraction...

On both sides of the structural diagram of this pair of human eyes are the structural diagrams of a pair of foam frog eyes and a pair of phosphorus snake eyes.

The pupils of the foam frog's eyes show a horizontal black line. The neurons are much more complex than human eyes, but the element storage response tends to be simple, with only thunder and light being the main ones. Such element storage can only be described as the foam frog. He is born with color blindness and has a very single visual sense of the world.

The Phosphorus Snake's pupils are just opposite to those of the Foam Frog, showing a vertical line. There is a cold feeling deep in the pupils, just like its cold blood. The neuroelectrolytic structure of the Phosphorus Snake is very primitive, and its nerve circuitry is much worse than that of humans, but its lens and retina are very special. The entire lens shows a reserve of ice-based elements, but the retina is a dense layer of fire-element reserves. , seems to have some special secret.

Peranos pointed at the foam frog and phosphorus snake, and said mysteriously: "The secret of the Endless Eye lies in them."


Green wondered: "The biggest difference between the way they observe the world and humans is probably the color difference, right? Both creatures are color blind in human eyes."

Green knows that different creatures perceive the outside world in different ways. Although some creatures have eyes, even if they all see things differently with their eyes.

For example, the Yin butterflies that Green caught in the secret realm of Black Sol Tower, in their senses, the world is probably composed of all kinds of stinks; another example is the three-headed dogs, maybe their noses have evolved to an extent that is unimaginable to humans. To the extent that even some so-called odorless things will have "shaped smells" under their noses; and Green's Pale Mask actually uses ultrasound to observe the material world...

There is also the shadow life in Brother Varo's laboratory. God knows what the world will look like in their senses.

As for the eyes, Robin's green-eyed macaque is definitely different from the world that ordinary creatures see; there is also Lafite's eagle eye, which can see things very far away; the one Green once deceived calls itself Darkness The otherworldly creature of the Flame God, through Green's understanding of the flame-greeding giant, what the other party saw should be the soul world; and in the regional war, when Green sneaked into the back of District 19, the green-eyed female wizard apprentice...

That's why Green would ask such a question.

Peranos smiled and had no intention of giving Green an answer, as if this kind of question was boring.

Peranos pointed to the eyes of the foam frog on the test platform and said: "Its eyes are very special. It was a secret discovered by my mentor and he successfully modified it on himself. Later, my mentor used his modified eyes to The eye is named the Unbounded Eye.”

Green asked in confusion: "What secret?"

"Dynamic vision!" Peranos looked solemn.

Pointing to the complex neuron and element reserve distribution map around the foam frog's eyes, Peranos said seriously: "The so-called dynamic vision means that the foam frog's vision slows down and becomes subtle at the moment when its tongue ejects to capture prey. In other words, for fast-moving objects, the Unbounded Eye, which imitates the eyes of a foam frog, has the ability to capture ultra-miniature details and is the nemesis of some speed-type sneak attack creatures. It is a very precious and rare visual ability."

Green's mouth opened wide, looking surprised.

Does the foam frog have such a secret

This natural world is so weak that it is at the bottom of the food chain. I have personally dissected countless small creatures, but it actually has such magical eyes

Moreover, Green quickly thought of another thing. If he used this dynamic vision to observe the two broken branch thunder patterns several times a day, he would surely be able to see results in a short time, right

Green smiled in his heart. Although the idea was good, there was probably no chance. Because according to Green's estimation, the Thunder Mark matter should be clarified before the Holy Tower Qualification War.

Seeing Green being so surprised, Peranos couldn't help but show a hint of pride on his sewn face: "Hmph, my mentor is indeed an amazing wizard, but your mentor is by no means inferior to him, because I discovered Learn the secret of the phosphorus snake’s eyes!”

Green looked at Peranos's proud look, and although he wanted to laugh in his heart, his face immediately put on an expression of admiration, surprise, and admiration, and he quickly cooperated and asked: "What's the secret of the phosphorus snake's eyes? "

Peranos raised his head proudly, and all the comfort in his heart was reflected on the stitched face, and he proudly said loudly: "Temperature difference radiation vision! By studying this mystery, I transformed myself into another person. This eye is named the Eye of Netherworld, so when combined with my mentor’s Unbounded Eye, it is now the Endless Eye’s transformation witchcraft!”

Green opened his mouth and said in astonishment: "It turns out that this is how the Infinite Eye is named."

With a proud look on his face, Pera, a Shaolin abbot born in the 1980s, has these special electrolytic structural reactions. Through these complex and ingenious life structures that can be called art, the world seen by the eyes of the phosphorus snake is a warm and cold picture composed of different cold and warm objects emitting different degrees of heat to the surroundings. Any creature with body temperature will have no escape from the eyes of the dead. shape! "

After observing for a while that the eyes of foam frogs and phosphorus snakes have different structures from the human body, Green suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Teacher, after practicing the endless eye witchcraft, what body structures must the wizard change?"

Black Cat once said that the repulsion dual power witchcraft and the endless eye transformation would affect the wizard's appearance and body structure, Green always remembered it.

Peranos smiled: "Don't worry this time, I have modified the wizard's body to perfection by the Endless Eye. Except for the pupil difference, that's it."

Green looked at Peranos' tongue that was forked like a snake, and was slightly startled: "Tongue?"

"Yes, it's the tongue. Because of some neuron and electrolytic structure reaction problems, as well as element storage and distribution problems, my mentor and I studied for a long time and finally decided to use the tongue as the carrier of the Endless Eye." As he spoke, Peranos suddenly flashed his tongue. The tongue that usually looked like a snake rolled up a small red fruit in the distance like a frog's tongue. He chewed it in his mouth and could even hear the juice from the fruit. The sound of stirring.

After the demonstration, Peranos chewed the fruit and said: "This tongue can sometimes play unexpected uses. Many wizards like this kind of transformation, but they never thought of the endless eyes in my tongue. secret."

Green's face turned cold.

The way Teacher Peranos eats reminds Green of the scene in Bissel City, when the red-eyed frog of Wizard Arrowots ate the hateful old butler of the Viscount Mansion.

After swallowing the fruit, Peranos said proudly: "Green, although you have extraordinary talents in some aspects, the human body only has one pair of eyes, so my mentor and I agreed that the Endless Eye is my modification of the human eye. The limit, so this witchcraft is the perfect masterpiece of your great mentor Peranos. Even if you become a stigma wizard or even a true spirit wizard in the future, it will be difficult to surpass your mentor in this aspect. Of course, I still hope that you This disciple can surpass your mentor, so I will give you an idea. You can try to practice some bloodline witchcraft to increase the number of eyes and then modify your eyes to surpass your mentor. Hehehe... "

Peranos was extremely proud. Apart from his mentor, he could finally show off his achievements in front of a second person. How could this not excite him

As for the ideas provided to Green later, judging from his confident expression, this road is definitely not that easy, and it will probably take a wizard a lifetime to complete it.


After hesitating for a while, Green showed a hint of embarrassment and said: "Um... Instructor, in fact, after the last practice of reprimanding dual powers, I was already prepared for the shortcomings of the endless eye that may transform the body, and I thought of it. A perfect solution.”

After speaking, Green placed the Pale Mask on the table.

After being stunned for a moment, Peranos said in amazement: "You mean to transform the Endless Eye into a magic weapon? This... I'm afraid this is a little impossible, right?"

After pondering carefully for a while, Green shook his head and said resolutely: "Since this Pale Mask can refine ultrasonic detection witchcraft, there is no reason that your Infinite Eye witchcraft cannot be refined into it. If you can't make it, it only means that the wizard's alchemy skills are not enough or he doesn't know enough about the mystery of the Endless Eye."

Speaking of this, Green said confidently: "And because of the alien marrow I obtained before, I plan to start all my future alchemical research around an epic mask witchcraft that is exclusive to me, and use all the detection witches I can discover All the techniques are refined into it!"

Listening to Green's arrogant words, even Peranos, a third-level wizard, couldn't help but be stunned!

Condensing all the scrying magic discovered into one mask? Epic

If this is the case, as long as there are more than five detection witchcrafts in it, it is not an exaggeration to call this mask an epic mask, and it is enough to surpass the potential of its endless eye transformation.


Peranos thinks Green is a little too arrogant!

At this moment, Peranos was dissatisfied with his disciple's arrogance. This was a low-level evaluation of the arrogance of a low-level wizard by a high-level wizard. On the other hand, Peranos feels that Green's forward-looking wisdom is far beyond that of ordinary humans. The average wizard apprentice is probably still practicing popular witchcraft step by step according to magic books. .

After all, Peranos did not make any comment on this, but asked calmly: "So, this... um, this epic detection mask, what are you going to name it?"

Green's mood also calmed down with Peranos's words. Looking at Peranos' dissatisfied but expectant eyes, he said firmly: "Just call it, the face of truth."