A Stern Devil

Chapter 112: psychological suggestion


To purchase a complete set of products, you need to spend 1,800 yuan. Not everyone can get out of the cheated fat sheep on the spot...but don't be afraid, they can let you take it out slowly.

Don't have it? Simple! Stay here first and melt into this warm family! Then you can send money home!

The wretched man is gone, replaced by two other old liars. In fact, I can see that they were originally good citizens, just assimilated poor people.

Several people looked disheveled, and led us out of this small building... from the back.

This is obviously a civilian area, and the buildings are quite old, a typical southern one-story building, behind which is a piece of illegal buildings, simple sheds built with pieces, the better ones are just adobe houses, piece by piece, like psoriasis.

I saw dozens of pale-faced people going back and forth here in twos and threes, their eyes flickering, with muddy but crazy eyes, like wolves eating people, patrolling our group of newcomers guy.

Brought into a low bungalow, made of adobe, our new batch of fat sheep was deliberately separated and scattered, only Ni Duoduo followed me stubbornly, I had a cold look on my face, someone tried to put me Separated from Ni Duoduo, but I gave her a cold look, and she stepped aside.

"This is our staff dormitory! It's also a big family where brothers and sisters live!" A woman about forty years old came to help me with my luggage enthusiastically. I stopped her and walked in with my bag and Duo Duo. Dodo was obviously a little scared, she leaned against me tightly, and whispered: "Are we going to stay here?"

I shook my head, motioning her to stop talking.

The room is very shabby... or shabby is not enough to describe it...

There are only two houses here, one for men and one for women. There are only hard wooden beds in the room, and there is nothing else.

I saw a coal stove at the door of some houses outside, burning briquettes and billowing thick smoke.

"They are cooking." The middle-aged woman had a "kind" smile on her face: "In our big family, brothers and sisters take care of each other!"

Then I introduced them one by one. It turns out that these people here are managed one by one. There are seven or eight people in a house. There are old liars, medium liars, small liars, and fat sheep. Everyone must listen to the boss's words, and it is absolutely impossible not to listen!

In their words, "This is called tempering! Cultivate your hard-working fighting spirit! The harder you temper, the stronger you will be on the road to success in the future!"

Then this middle-aged woman immediately instilled some theory in me. First of all, she emphasized that everyone is a family, relatives like brothers and sisters, and close comrades-in-arms on the road of struggle. Then it means that the family needs to be managed in a unified way. Now everyone is still in the training stage and needs to be trained by the leader. First of all, I was asked to hand over my ID card and mobile phone.

"For the sake of unified management." The middle-aged woman pushed aside the others and deliberately lowered her voice: "Young man, I am doing it for your own good. You think so many people live in the dormitory, and there are many people with mixed hands. What if you lose your valuables? ? I represent the company, and I will keep it for you!"

I said lightly: "No, I will keep my things myself."

Then no matter what she said, I just looked at her coldly. This liar had no choice but to leave. After a while, two or three liars walked over and surrounded me to brainwash me. They just wanted me to respect the leadership and obey the management first. I must understand that the current tempering is for future success. Do the basics! It was nothing more than doing ideological work. Later, I became impatient and went straight to the corner, picked up a red brick from the ground, threw it in front of me, and said coldly: "I am here to make a fortune! I am not here to be controlled by others." Get angry! Whoever makes noise again! I will be impolite!"

After finishing speaking, I raised my hand and made a fist, and punched it down, and the red brick was broken into four pieces on the spot.

Several little liars fell silent and retreated one after another.

In fact, I understand that they won't use force at first, as for force, they will show their hideous faces after they have emptied your money, and I am not afraid!

Although this place is simple, it is really safe. The entire MLM den is like a big rat's den.

Originally, I was curious about why these people all had disheveled faces, as if they were malnourished, but when I was eating, I finally understood...

What I ate was boiled Chinese cabbage, and the rice was very hard. Duo Duo frowned so much that she couldn't eat after a few bites. The liars next to me ate with relish... and then kept instilling in me the spirit of hard work and hard work, "Eat a little bit of bitterness now, and you will taste ten times sweeter in the future!"

What amazes me is that these liars are so sincere when they say these things, as if they themselves believe in this idea!

This is a real brainwashing!

Next I opened my eyes!

Who said liars have no technical content! I found out that this group of illegal pyramid schemes are all psychologists! !

In the afternoon there was a wonderful meeting in the room, which they euphemistically called a "family meeting". Let every brother and sister feel the warmth of family! Especially newcomers!

More than a dozen people, most of them are liars, and half of them are fat sheep, including me and Ni Duoduo, sat in a circle in the room, and then began to sing, singing some inspirational songs! At the beginning, some newcomers couldn't let go, while the other liars, men and women, all looked very calm and excited, shouted the slogans of success and wealth, and then sang those inspirational songs with high-pitched and passionate voices. song! Then everyone sang together, singing louder and louder, and finally the atmosphere gradually became mobilized. Then I started to do some... These are some very simple games, such as throwing handkerchiefs, holding hands and passing flowers, etc. For a while, there were laughter, and everyone in the house, whether they were fat sheep or liars, laughed together. At this moment, there is no distinction between liars and fat sheep, the atmosphere has been completely relaxed, and even Ni Duoduo, who has been frowning all day, is having a great time.

Next, there are some memories of bitterness and sweetness.

The leader loudly announced the start of the "today's spiritual purification" process, and all the liars were trained to be quiet immediately, and then the lights in the room were turned off, and the middle-aged woman in the lead used a soft tone to induce everyone to relax mentality, close your eyes, and carefully reflect on the pains, setbacks, hardships, tribulations, and sufferings you have experienced. Lah, I lost my job, I lost my relationship, anyway, I just picked those sad past memories... A few minutes later, seeing that everyone's mood was almost the same, the leader called out a few old pyramid schemers here to tell their tragic history, there were young men and women , There are also middle-aged people, anyway, the more they talk, the more miserable they are.

We are all ordinary people, and most of them have similar experiences. Things like lovelorn and unemployment, people have more experience, and the leader has skillfully selected men, women, children, and children to come out one by one, and tell them in turn. Others have a feeling of empathy! The atmosphere was brought to the climax in one go!

Smart! It's really clever!

The person who told the story had a sad expression of being indulging in the past, and the people who listened were aroused with sadness. Several girls even couldn't help crying. In this big family, everyone is a relative! There is no need to continue to suffer alone! Let us support each other! Rely on each other!"

In the end, most of the people present hugged and cried bitterly in twos and threes!

I couldn't help but marvel in my heart, it was so fucking amazing!

Absolute master of psychology!

First use those singing, small games and other processes to weaken the defenses in people's hearts, promote the integration of the atmosphere, let everyone get more familiar with each other, and then use the memory of bitterness and sweetness to arouse the pain and weakness in everyone's hearts, and finally Everyone becomes a family!

Even the little girl Ni Duoduo beside me couldn't help shedding a few tears.

And finally it's the orgasm!

"Everyone says we are suffering!!"


"Then do we want to be prosperous! Do we want to be successful? Do we want to be a master!"


good! Then a few scammers jumped out to explain how they have felt the warmth of the big family since they embarked on the road of MLM. If the business is successful and how many points they earn, they will soon get the membership level and get rewarded Etc., etc…

These speeches immediately moved those fat sheep who were tricked into tears by the previous series of activities!

I know, it's only the first day!

If in the future, this kind of reincarnation happens every day, this process happens once or twice a day, and these activities that seem to be "family meetings" are constantly used... it is actually a kind of "psychological suggestion"! Repeat it day by day!

Then over time, these newcomers will eventually be brainwashed! Those theories of illegal pyramid schemes will be deeply ingrained in their minds! The whole person will become a pyramid scheme lunatic!

This kind of psychological suggestion every day, after a long time, will achieve the effect of brainwashing!

And when the time comes, the fat sheep will become one of the liars, and then use this trick to fool those new fat sheep!