A Stern Devil

Chapter 27: is her? Not her?


I have lost count of how many jokes I told. I was not a master at telling jokes, not to mention that because I was born in a nightclub, most of the jokes I heard on weekdays had something to do with "sex". Some are taboo, others are vulgar.

I said it out one by one, Yang Wei just listened quietly, occasionally smiling. It's just that the smile was not strong, as if she had listened to every joke I made and was amused by me, but she had such a calm look... How should I put it, she was very restrained and rational.

After talking for a while, I was a little tired, and I didn't sleep all night under the serious injury, so I couldn't help but feel a little mentally weak. The two of us got closer, Yang Wei suddenly sighed, and said in a low voice: "Thank you, I haven't laughed so easily for a long time."

"Huh?" I didn't understand what she meant.

Yang Wei smiled lightly: "You don't understand. No one has ever told me these jokes around me to make me happy."

"Why?" I don't understand. For a girl as beautiful as her, there should be many men vying to pursue her, curry favor with her, and make her happy, right

Yang Wei shook her head: "You don't understand, when the people around me talk to me, they are very... afraid of me, and never dare to say these things." She suddenly smiled: "As for these pornographic jokes, I I have seen it, but no one has ever dared to say it vividly and perform it in front of me.”

Afraid of her

My heart was shocked, and I suddenly woke up to a fact!

Yang Wei's identity! She is from a family in Las Vegas, the American gambling city... A family that runs a gambling business must be inextricably linked to the underworld! Judging by her appearance, she should be an indifferent, serious and proud woman on weekdays. I am afraid that no one has ever dared to be so "presumptuous" in front of her.

Thinking of this, I realized that Yang Wei's eyes on me had softened a lot, she suddenly smiled, and said in a low voice: "Chen Yang, you are a very cute guy... Also, the jokes you said are really true. very funny."

After a pause, there was some hesitation in her eyes, but then she seemed to make up her mind and said to me: "Chen Yang, you..."

"Me what?"

"You should stop doing things with Ye Huan." Yang Wei sighed, "You don't fit in our circle."

My face changed slightly, and my tone became cold: "I belong to Brother Huan, and I will do whatever he asks me to do!"

Yang Wei's eyes stayed on my face for a while, then something complicated seemed to be in his eyes, he turned his head and said in a low voice: "You are a smart person, I can see that. Ye Huan should also think highly of you, right?" But... I can see that you are a person who is not cruel enough, and there is something kind in your eyes... You don't understand many things now. In our circle, either people eat you, or you eat people... Although you are smart, with a person like you, sooner or later you will suffer."

"You say I'm a soft-hearted person?" I couldn't help but sneer twice.

Yang smiled and didn't argue with me, but the way she looked at me made me feel a little uncomfortable, as if it had a weird taste.

Finally, my spirit gradually became exhausted. At the beginning, my eyelids were fighting, but I could barely support them. Later, I only felt that my eyelids weighed as much as a thousand, and they closed slowly. After a while, I fell into a deep sleep...

I felt like I had a dream... In the dream, Yang Wei and I leaned together, both of them were shivering from the cold, suddenly I felt the world spinning, and Yang Wei beside me had disappeared, I wanted to shout but couldn't I made a sound, and the person in front of me became the guy who attacked us on the hillside at night. I broke an arm and was no match for him. Finally, I watched him point a gun at my temple and grin... the laughter started to be harsh , and then it suddenly turned into Yang Wei's voice, that laughter seemed to be the same as when I told her a joke at night...

Finally, I woke up.

Open your eyes, the first feeling is dizziness. The head was as heavy as if it had been filled with lead, as if everything under the skull had solidified into a ball, and my eyes hurt a little, and I couldn't open them because of the light. I finally realized that someone was holding a medical device after I finally adjusted to the light. The flashlight shines on my eyeballs.

There is another picture in front of me that is very close to me. This picture has a mask on its face, which seems to be dressed as a doctor.

Faintly, I seem to hear a voice shouting loudly: "He's awake! Okay, okay, if the eyeballs can still move, it means he's awake."

Immediately, the flashlight was moved away, and the hand that opened my eyelids was retracted. I let out a groan: "Um..."

My mind is still not clear, as if I saw another person standing in front of me, who looked a bit like Brother Huan, but I couldn't see clearly.

"Xiao Wu, how are you? Can you talk?"

I tried my best to open my lips and spit out two words: "I... thirsty..."

Then, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep again.

When I woke up again, my head was not hurting so much, at least my sanity and sensory abilities were basically back under my control.

I was lying on a bed, which looked like a ward. My head was still a little dizzy, but it was much better. I tried to twist my neck slightly. Fortunately, there was nothing serious, but I felt a little stuffy in my chest. The movement is a little bigger, and there is a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

I raised my hand a little. My left arm was covered with a thick plaster cast, which was very heavy. On the back of my right hand, a drip was inserted.

I feel relieved, this situation can at least be sure, we are rescued!

After swallowing the spit, I felt that my throat was dry and uncomfortable, as if there was a fire in my throat, and my lips were also a little dry, so I couldn't help but let out a low moan.

The sound I made immediately alarmed the people next to me.

"Are you awake?" A woman's voice was soft and sweet. I turned my eyes and looked towards the right side of the bed. I saw a slender woman sitting on my bed, watching me wake up, her face full of joy. She was dressed in the attire of a professional nurse, a bit like a nurse, but the clothes were not white, but blue.

I opened my lips, and she immediately leaned over and approached me: "What did you say? How do you feel?"

"I'm thirsty." I took a breath and forced a smile on my face: "I want to drink water."

The woman immediately turned around and brought a bottle of water, but she didn't give me a drink. She just picked up a cotton swab, dipped it in the water carefully, and applied it evenly on my lips. At the same time, she said in a soft and pleasant voice: " You can't drink water right now, you'd better take a rest first."

I felt a moist taste on my lips, and immediately sucked it hard. Unfortunately, this little bit of moistness was not enough to quench my thirst. The more I sucked my lips, the thirstier I became, and I couldn't help whispering: "I want to Drink water."

"No." The female nurse replied gently but firmly: "I'll call the doctor."

Not long after, the female nurse came in with a doctor, and Jin He came in together.

The doctor picked up the flashlight and walked to me, opened my eyelids with his hands, took a look at my eyeballs, and asked me carefully if I felt anything. I told him I was thirsty and wanted a drink, and I was dizzy and nauseous.

"It's all right." The doctor nodded and looked back at Jin He: "He's fine. He's dizzy, nausea, and vomiting. It's all caused by a slight concussion after the brain was hit. Just take a rest. As for him The injury on the body is nothing serious, let's cultivate for a while."

I struggled a bit and demanded hoarsely, "I want to drink water."

The doctor glanced at me and said to the nurse: "You can drink a little glucose water, but don't drink too much." Then he walked out of the ward.

The nurse went out to help me prepare glucose, Jin He and I were left in the room, he finally came to my side, sat down, and said seriously: "Xiao Wu, how do you feel?"

"It's okay." I forced a smile: "I'm fine."

"En!" Jin He nodded, his face was calm: "It was my people and Yang Wei's people who found you together. Now you tell me what happened, be careful, and don't miss anything."

I sighed, and told Jin He the matter slowly, remembering while talking, Jin He didn't interrupt, and listened to me quietly, his face gradually became gloomy. I couldn't help but add in a low voice: "Jin He, I think this thing is a bit weird."

"Well..." He nodded: "How do you feel?"

"I don't know, I can't think clearly now. I have a terrible headache." I smiled bitterly: "However, the other party obviously followed us there and then attacked. Moreover, one of the guys is good at skills, not much worse than me. I It doesn’t feel like these people are from the United States…” Then I carefully described the appearance and attire of those who attacked us as much as possible. Speaking of the guy who fought me for several rounds, I specifically explained that that guy Seems to be good at grappling.

A gleam flashed in Jin He's eyes, and then he glanced at me: "Xiao Wu, you... you can rest at ease, brother Huan let me tell you, he will take care of this matter."

He had already stood up and was about to leave, when he suddenly turned around, looked at me, and said in a strange tone: "Brother Huan is very strange, why are you with this woman Yang Wei at night?"

"I met her by chance." I whispered, "I ran into her when I went out for a walk at night."

Jin He looked at me and said in a deep voice: "Okay, no matter what, fortunately, you saved her life... I will investigate this matter. You can rest at ease first, and tell the nurse if you need anything." , I hired you at a high price, and she will take good care of you."

After finishing speaking, Jin He seemed to be about to leave, I couldn't help but stop him: "Jin He..."


"I..." I thought for a while, and said cautiously: "I heard from Yang Wei that she suspected someone from within us... She said that in the organization behind Brother Huan, there seemed to be someone who opposed the deal, that's why..."

"You don't need to think about it." Jin He stopped me from continuing: "These are not issues you should consider now."

Leaving a sentence of "have a good rest" Jin He seemed to have a bad face and left in a hurry.

In fact, there is a question in my heart that I really want to ask him, I want to ask how Yang Wei is doing, whether she is seriously injured or not, but unfortunately I don't ask.

Not long after, I heard the door of the ward, and a woman pushed the door and walked in. I thought it was the nurse, but when I looked carefully, I couldn't help being startled, it was Yang Wei!

With tape on her face and a long windbreaker, she looked quite energetic.

"Jin He is gone?" Yang Wei walked into the room, looked at me and smiled, "I came up after watching his car leave."

I have some doubts.

"Chen Yang, I'm here to say goodbye to you." Yang Wei looked at me with a faint smile on his face: "I'm going back to America tomorrow."

I frowned: "You... why do you want to avoid Jin He? Besides, are you leaving tomorrow?"

Yang Wei seemed to be smiling, and her tone was calm and indifferent: "The matter is over! Our business has also been temporarily stopped by the people in the family. When they learned that I was almost assassinated, the family was very angry. Ye Huan exerted a lot of pressure. Considering the internal instability of the organization behind Ye Huan, the family decided to temporarily freeze our cooperation plan... Otherwise, the internal instability of your organization will even send someone to assassinate me... Under such circumstances, the family suspects that in our cooperation, it is difficult to guarantee the interests of the family."

Yang Wei seemed to finish speaking in a cold tone, and then looked at me with those bright eyes, with a bit of a smile in them.

Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable. Looking at Yang Wei who was smiling in front of me, my heart moved, almost a thought flashed through my mouth, and I blurted out: "Isn't this just what you want?!"

Yang Wei didn't speak, she stared into my eyes for a while, then walked slowly to my side, said with a smile: "You are tired. These are not things you should worry about... Chen Yang, you shouldn't be in this circle People, remember what I said... You are actually very kind, but in this circle, your soft heart will become your fatal wound at any time."

Then, she suddenly showed a gentle smile: "I'm leaving, I think, I'm afraid we won't meet again."

After finishing speaking, before I could react, Yang Wei suddenly bent down, kissed me lightly on the cheek, and then left lightly.

I was completely stunned, my mind was at a loss, her lip gloss was still on my cheeks, and that faint fragrance seemed to be still reverberating...

I can only hear my own heartbeat...

Yes, this kiss certainly shocked me, but what shocked me even more was Yang Wei's words!

she left! left! Back to her family!

Business is suspended!

Isn't all this in line with Yang Wei's hope

From the time we were attacked to later, she has been calm and composed, occasionally showing a panic expression on her face, but the gaze in those eyes is faint and cold, always like a cold moon... Is this because of her outstanding courage, or because of her? It's just that Zhizhu is in his hands! Or is it all happening under her control...

This... woman...

When the nurse entered the ward, I suddenly struggled to sit up, gritted my teeth and said, "Call me, hurry up!"

"You can't move around!" The nurse came over and tried to stop me from getting up. I pushed her hand away and said loudly, "I said call me! Quick!!"

The nursing lady was a little helpless and unhappy, but her good professionalism still allowed her to control her emotions. She turned around and took out a mobile phone from her coat, and handed it to me: "This is my phone number, you first Use it... But you can't get up! This is what the doctor told you, your ankle is injured, you can't walk around!"

I nodded and said, "Thank you." But after I dialed a few numbers, my movements stopped suddenly.

Do I really have to call Brother Huan

what did I say? Just say that I suspect that this sneak attack and assassination was deliberately done by Yang Wei in collusion with others! In order to sabotage the business cooperation plan of both parties

Do I have evidence

Involuntarily, I thought of Yang Wei's smiling face, and the soft whispers in my ear, and the sincere and happy smile on his face when I told jokes...

Is it her

Not her

I held the phone and thought about it for a full minute, but I didn't decide whether to call...

At this time, the nurse suddenly handed over a towel, and she wiped my cheeks with a strange tone.

"You have lip marks on your face..."