A Stern Devil

Chapter 31: Human feelings are warm and cold


I lost my job!

I am unemployed? !

Although Ah Kan's arrogance was irritating, but I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

There is only one reason: these were arranged by Brother Huan.

I thought, do these arrangements of Brother Huan want me to stay away from this circle

As for the arrogant attitude of this guy, Ah Kan, I don't bother to pay attention to it at all. I have already understood the truth that people take tea to cool down.

When I walked out of Ah Kan's office, there were several waiters in the corridor watching from a distance, and Ah Wei stood in front of the corridor with two security guards.

I walked over and said with a faint smile: "Why, you are worried that I will become angry and attack Ah Wang?"

A Wei's face immediately turned purple, he quickly shook his head and said, "Fifth brother, how can I be that kind of person... I'm just worried..."

"Needless to say." My face was very calm: "Don't worry, I'll leave after I finish taking things."

There was some faint disdain in my heart.

This Ah Wei, on weekdays, I really treat him very well. I thought he was a rough and straightforward guy, but now it seems... Hey!

Probably because my eyes were a bit sharp, this guy didn't dare to look at me, so he just said in a low voice: "Fifth brother...we are also sorry for you, but the boss arranged this...now the venue is up to A to see the boss..."

I patted him on the shoulder, took a deep look at him at last, and said sternly, "Go easy. Although I'm no longer here, the company's rules are still there. You are a member of the company. As long as you follow the rules and do things, the company will definitely protect you." you."

After finishing speaking, I stopped talking to him and walked to my lounge.

When I took the key to open the door, Mary came out from the next room. She stared at me and sighed faintly: "Fifth brother."

I turned around and smiled: "Sister Mary, Xiao Wu is gone! Take care of yourself from now on."

Mary's eyes were a little red, she turned around and looked behind her, and the waiters who were watching here in the corridor quickly turned their heads away.

"Fifth brother, go into the room, I have something to tell you."

Into the room, she stood behind me, watching me open the cabinet to pack my things, but said nothing.

I don't have many things. In fact, I didn't have anything to pack up. It's just that ring, but I must take it away. By the way, I took a few sundries and put them in a small box.

"Fifth brother, I feel worthless for you!" Mary sighed, with a helpless expression on her face: "Everyone can see how you behave in daily life. You take care of your subordinates, and you also treat us young ladies. Not bad... Brother Huan, why..."

I shook my head: "There is no need to talk about these things."

Mary glanced at me: "Xiao Wu... where are you going? Are you planning to do it in other places?" She suddenly smiled: "As long as your fifth brother says something, I, Mary, will bring my younger sister with you tomorrow." Walk!"

I smiled, looked at Mary up and down, and said in a sincere tone: "Sister Mary, thank you!"

To be honest, a mother can be more loyal than many men... No matter what she said is true or not, at least it is rare.

"I'm not going to do this anymore." I smiled.

There was a somewhat disappointed expression on Mary's face, and I could see that this expression was not fake, and then I heard her say: "Fifth Brother, I, Mary, also got mixed up in the romantic scene, who is a human and who is a ghost, I Mary doesn’t rub the sand in her eyes! You, Xiao Wu, are good at dealing with people on the road! I, Mary, have been in the industry for so many years, and I have never met any other supervisor who can handle people like you! Brother Wu, I just now That's not a good thing to say out of thin air! I can see it through, with a supervisor like you, you can do things happily, at least you can be less bullied!"

I waved my hand and said sternly, "Sister Mary, what I just said was the truth, I really don't plan to do this anymore."

"Actually... With your qualifications in this industry, it's easy to find another place outside of here." Mary seemed to want to persuade me.

"I'm tired." I shook my head: "I've seen a lot of shitty things these past few years, and I'm upset!" Glancing at Mary, I smiled and said, "Sister Mary, to put it bluntly, you are not too old. Younger, no more than those eighteen or nineteen-year-old girls. Over the years, you have earned the money you should have earned, so find yourself a home."

After speaking, I patted her on the shoulder, and then I hugged my things and prepared to go out.

"Wait." Mary's eyes were touched, she quickly caught up with me, stopped in front of the door, then took out a small envelope from her handbag, smiled reluctantly: "Fifth brother, I know you are leaving, I I and my younger sister want to see you off, but you know, in our line of work, we have to go to work at night, so we can’t leave. The sisters gathered some money, so let’s treat Fifth Brother to drink! Thank you too Take care of it for years!"

Now I'm really surprised.

To be honest, in my heart, I have always looked down on these women who came out to be young ladies. It's just that I have my own principles: I have always believed that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life and their own path. As long as he (she) does not affect others, then others have no right to interfere. Even if it is depraved and lowly, it is their own business and their own freedom.

In my opinion, being a lady is at least better than those who are thieves and robbers. At least they don't steal or grab, but sell themselves in exchange for rewards. Although I am not ashamed of this practice, I never put on a face of a social moralist and make irresponsible remarks.

And who came out to prostitute himself as a lady, who wasn't for money

The envelope in Mary's hand is not big, only a few thousand yuan at most. But I know that these thousands of dollars are exchanged by these ladies drinking with the guests at night, letting the guests touch, hug and play with them!

Everyone said that a bitch is ruthless, but today this matter is something I can't understand.

"Fifth Brother." Mary said grimly, "Do you think the money is dirty?" After a pause, she gritted her teeth and said, "If someone else leaves, I, Mary, will spit on his back at most! Now it's your fifth brother who is leaving. I, Mary, feel bad from the bottom of my heart! To tell you the truth, it’s not that I’m hypocritical, but I’m also worried about the future of my little girls! I’ve seen too many men! Look, she looks serious on weekdays, but she just took office that day. In the evening, I want one of my younger sisters to accompany him! Hmph, what! And last night, a new younger sister under my command made the guests unhappy, and the guests complained. Ah, look, this bastard is acting in the private room. Slap that girl in my face until her face is swollen!"

I'm deadpan.

Mary continued: "I won't talk about anything else! Brother Wu! Do you still remember the last time, my younger sister offended a guest, and you and I couldn't afford to offend that guest? At that time, you went into the private room and went to bed with the guest in one go It took two bottles of XO to calm down the guests, and then they couldn't get out of bed all day! I, Mary, will keep this in mind!"

Then she handed the money to me, gritted her teeth and raised her eyebrows and said, "If you think the money is dirty, pat your ass and leave! I, Mary, will burn it right away without saying a word!" He took out the lighter, and at the same time stared at me with piercing eyes!

I am speechless.

To be honest, although I don't bully my subordinates and take good care of them, I am simply influenced by Brother Huan's habit.

I think whether it is a waiter, a private room princess or a lady. Since she is working in the company and making money for the company, then I will definitely cover her!

But I didn't expect to let these ladies leave such a big favor!

I sighed, took the envelope, glanced at Mary, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Mary, my phone number will not change... I won't say anything else. Let me know if you encounter any difficulties in the future."

When I left, Mary sent me all the way to the door. All the waiters seemed to be a little evasive when they saw me. No one came up to say a word, as if I was the plague.

I sneered in my heart. It's not the first time I've seen the coldness and warmth of human relationships, but I just find it a little ridiculous.

I usually treat my subordinates very well. When I didn't know Yan Di, I was willing to help her as a little waiter when she was bullied. This is enough to see how I treat people in my daily life!

Awei stood at the door, saw me coming out, his face was a bit ugly, Mary glared at him, snorted intentionally, and then sent me to the door, Awei suddenly came up two steps from behind, and then hesitated for a long time, finally Finally squeezed out a few words: "Fifth Brother... Thank you! You go!"

I deliberately laughed, then kicked him, and laughed and cursed: "What to do! It's the same as a fucking funeral! It's unlucky!"

Then he waved to them and strode away.

Ah Mei was standing in the lobby of the hotel waiting anxiously for a long time. Seeing me coming out, she immediately jumped up and greeted me. Just as she was about to say something, she noticed that my complexion was a little bad. She quickly shut her mouth and followed me cautiously. Then he whispered: "Chen Yang... you... what's wrong with you?"

I shook my hand to signal her to stop talking, then walked out of the hotel, walked a hundred steps on the road, and then stood in front of the first beggar I met, took the envelope Mary gave me from my pocket, and threw it in his pocket. in front of you, then turn around and leave.

I heard the beggar behind me open the envelope and glance at it, then shouted, "My mother!"

After walking another street, I began to think about my current situation: I have no job now, and I don’t even have a place to live... Where should I go next

Then I looked at Amei who was beside me, this well-behaved girl saw that I was in a bad mood, she didn't say a word from just now until now, she just accompanied me cautiously.