A Stern Devil

Chapter 42: the only user


There are three contact methods under the email: an email address, an MSN account, and a phone number. I looked it up, and this phone number is weird, because the international area code starts with it, and I can't find which country it represents in the phone yellow pages!

Is it an encrypted number

Obviously, the email connection was too slow, and the long-distance international calls were too troublesome, because my home phone did not have international long-distance subscriptions, so I immediately logged into MSN and contacted the MSN account on the email.

The contact this time was actually very smooth, without any waiting, the other party responded immediately!

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang, I am the customer service staff of our company. Since you are a user from China, the company entrusts me to serve you. You can choose to communicate with me in English or Chinese."

The other party sent this sentence twice, once in Chinese and once in English.

"Chinese." My choice is undoubtedly clear.

"OK! Any questions you have, I'm happy to answer."

I thought about it and asked my first question: "This ring, will it work for me when I'm not wearing it?"

Immediately, I listed some of my recent encounters and briefly talked about them.

Then, I almost waited patiently for a full five minutes before I got a reply from the other party—I suddenly regretted that the phone at home had not activated the international calling function.

"Please forgive me, my Chinese input is a bit slow... The company's answer is as follows: In theory, when you don't wear the ring, the ring will not bring you good luck. That is to say, when you take off the ring After the ring, you will not be able to get the luck boosting function of the ring. However, since you are using the trial product of the company, it may cause side effects of the ring without the cooperation of the measuring device, that is, if you use the ring to boost Luck that does not conform to the law, affects your luck balance, and will bring some... other inconveniences. We call it 'side effects'. And in this case, it is not within the controllable range of the ring, so, even if You have removed the ring, but because of the wrong use, you will also suffer some bad results."

I sighed helplessly, and wrote: "I have experienced all of what you said... especially the side effects, which have left a deep enough impression on me!"

"I'm sorry to have caused you some trouble." The other party replied: "You can remove the ring so that the ring will no longer affect your life."


It's easy to say...

I sneered in my heart!

When one really experiences the magic of this ring... who can resist the temptation

Think of all the good luck the ring has brought me! Those amazing experiences!

I think, no one will be willing to give up, right? Anyone who has been through what I have... Well, as long as this person is not crazy, his only thought now is: How can he figure out a way to use this ring "correctly" without causing side effects!

If this effect can be achieved...

God, how wonderful would life be then? !

I feel more and more that this ring is like a drug! Once you are attracted to it, it is really hard to give up!

"I'm not giving away your product, I just want to find a way to use it properly!" I sent.

There is still a word in my heart: Unfortunately, your cheapest official products cost several million! (And it's not RMB)! Even if I sell my internal organs, I can't afford your products!

"Then, you can only choose to buy the company's official products." His return was exactly as I expected.

I thought about it, and tentatively said: "I would like to ask, does your company provide replacement of some easily consumable parts? I just give an example: For example, I bought a computer, but after using it for a while, the keyboard does not work. Broken, I need a new keyboard...the computer company can't ask me to pay for a new computer, can it?"

The other party's reaction was quick: "You mean... to buy a measuring device separately?"

I sat in front of the computer and laughed silently, typing on the keyboard: "Is it okay?"

"Sorry, but I have to say: no."

Depend on…

I was silent for a while, sitting in front of the computer in a daze.

Do I really have to find a way to buy an official product? Millions of dollars!

how do i get it To rob a bank? To sell drugs? To smuggle?

Suddenly, I thought of a very interesting idea.

If, under normal circumstances, a person can have millions of dollars, is he already a very rich person? If it is a very rich person, then this person should already be famous and have everything he needs... Well, under normal circumstances, he doesn't need such a luck-changing ring at all.

What can this ring bring to a person

Isn't it money, power, beauty...

A person who can spend several million to buy a ring is already a famous person, so he must already have such things as money, power and beautiful women...

I don't know what kind of mentality I have, but I sent this idea of mine over by a strange coincidence!

Now, it's the other party's turn to fall silent!

For five full minutes, the other party did not send another word.

Just when I almost thought he had abandoned me and left me offline, the other party suddenly sent a message.

"Thank you for your advice."

The written evidence is very ordinary, but I don't know why, but I seem to feel that the other party's mood is very low.

After another minute, a new message was sent: "Mr. Chen Yang, I don't know if it is right now, can I call you? Is your phone number: 86 25 XXXXX" (Oh, 86 is the area code of China, 25 It is the area code of the city where the dance is located, the following number is hidden.)

To be honest, I was a little flattered, and hurriedly typed: "YES" in the past.

A minute later my phone rang, I picked it up, and locked the door.


"HELLO, Mr. Chen Yang." The voice on the phone is very clear, and the Chinese pronunciation is also very standard, but the tone is a bit blunt: "I am Raymond. We chatted on the Internet just now."

I didn't say anything, just said "hmm".

The other party suddenly lowered his voice, as if sighing: "I was deeply touched by what you said just now... I think this is probably one of the biggest reasons for the failure of this project."

I still said "um" and didn't say anything else.

"Mr. Chen Yang, in fact, I am not the company's customer service personnel, I am one of the team members involved in the research and development of this product..."

"Oh?" I was really surprised: "You mean, you participated in the research and development of this ring?"

"Yes." The tone was calm.

I said sincerely: "I must say, I admire your invention very much! It's amazing!"

"Oh!" Raymond's tone suddenly became more lively, and his speech speed also accelerated a lot: "Oh, in fact, we have also encountered many difficulties... Generally speaking, the reason why the ring itself can change the luck of the human body is because It is because we accidentally discovered an unknown metal substance, which is very rare on the earth, and we only found a small part in one place. We even suspect that this substance is not produced by the earth, but from outside. A meteorite in space or something else... In short, after our research, we found that this metal substance can produce an effect similar to radiation, thereby affecting the brain waves of the human body... Finally, we finally solved the problem of luck step by step. The true nature of a substance…”

This guy talks about R&D, but unfortunately I'm not that interested, so I interrupted him: "Oh, that's really amazing... and I'm also surprised that a full-fledged R&D member would personally Contact me."

"Because I'm curious." Raymond's voice was very sincere on the phone: "Maybe you may not believe what I said... But in fact, you are the first user to contact the company since the official launch of our project! You were the first one, and so far the only one. So... I was very curious because you were the only user who contacted us, so I reached out to you personally to hear you talk about our product.”

To be honest, I understand his approach very well. It seems that after many Internet authors finish writing a novel, they immediately want to get readers' comments, whether it is good or bad.

"But I'm very strange." I asked, "Why am I the only user who contacted you? What about the other users? None of you follow up with customers for investigation?"

Raymond on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then his voice became deeper, a little hoarse, and he seemed a little hard to say: "This... Actually, I shouldn't have said it, but... It doesn't matter now... To be honest, at present So far, in this world, including yourself, there are only two people who use our products. That is to say, we have only sold two rings." When he said this, he seemed a little depressed: "It took a lot of money. Hundreds of millions of dollars, but only two people use our results... This is our greatest shame!"

"Two... two?" I was stunned.

"Yes, there are only two! And you are only using a trial product, and the other user, although using a high-end official product, does not seem to believe that the ring works at all, just... said I am a little ashamed. When our salesman came to see him, this generous and rich gentleman actually did not believe in our research and development results, but he is a generous gentleman who is enthusiastic about sponsoring various scientific researches, so he He invested in the purchase of one of our most high-end products, but in fact, he just sponsored us with pure money. As for the ring he bought back, it seems that he has never used it. I guess it is probably in his permanent collection. It's in a jewel box."

"So..." I smiled wryly.

Before I could say it, Raymond had already said it himself: "So, in fact, you are the only customer who 'used' our product." He began to smile wryly: "Fortunately, just now your In a word, I suddenly woke up, and I finally understood why our products could not be sold... because our products are priced too high, but people who can afford this product don't need it at all... "

To be honest, I kind of want to laugh.

This Raymond is probably the kind of guy who is a research nerd.

I admit, the possibility I guessed, maybe... there is a certain possibility...

But I dare to bet my head that most, no, most people reject this product, and the reason can only be: they don't believe it at all!

This is obvious!

If it was you, suddenly someone came to the door one day, knocked on the door and said to you, they have a magical ring for sale to you, as long as you wear this ring, you will be lucky and blessed...

Do you believe it or not

Letter to hell! Most people will probably call the police!

"So... what about my request? Can you think about it..." I cautiously brought up this topic again.

"Oh..." Raymond's voice on the other end of the phone was a bit awkward, and he carefully worded: "I think I have to explain further... In fact, I contacted you today mainly to satisfy my curiosity. As for your request... Let's be honest, don't say you just need to buy a measuring device... Even if you really have enough money to ask for a full set of official products... I'm afraid I can only say 'no' to you!"

"Why!" Seeing that my hope was about to be shattered, I immediately panicked!

"No reason." Raymond smiled bitterly: "You should have heard what I said just now... I said it doesn't matter now. In fact, what I mean is that our project has been completely suspended. We have consumed too much money, but We didn’t get any benefits, so the research institute stopped our project, and we have decided to put energy and financial resources into new invention research projects! Because the project stopped, we didn’t continue to produce this product. That is to say, now There are only two products in the world, one is in your hands, and the other is in the collection of that rich man's home."

"… "I am speechless.

"I'm sorry to bring you such bad news." Raymond's voice was very guilty: "But in order to thank you for satisfying my curiosity, I can give you a kind suggestion, which may be helpful to you help."


"Well! It's like this... the rich man who has another ring, he is a very generous gentleman, and he is also a collector of art, and he is also willing to exchange collections with art lovers all over the world. You The only hope is to find a way to get that ring from him... or, the measuring device!"

"Is there no other way?"

"No." Raymond sighed.

I thought about it: "Then... his ring is much more advanced than my trial product, right? What about the effect? Is it more powerful?"

"Of course!" Raymond's voice was very solemn: "The trial product you are wearing is only mixed with a very, very small amount of that special metal, but the most expensive high-end products are mixed with this metal. There are much more substances! At the same time, it will also promote the human brain to absorb more luck elements!"

"What will the effect be?" I was a little curious.

"Effect..." Raymond cleared his throat, and quickly said: "You have read the descriptions in many novels that are currently popular in the East: the aura of the king, the domineering eyes, and other people rushing to the ground, bowing down, and beauties swarming Into the arms, and then the wheels of history rolled forward ... basically like this."

Wow, this Raymond is definitely a China hand! Even the routines of YY novels that are popular on the Internet are so familiar!

"Okay, Mr. Chen Yang... the generous and rich man who owns the other ring, his name is Mr. Herod, a famous ship king in Europe, I think you must know this name."

Honestly, I've been completely disappointed. It seems that the measuring device is no longer available, but I asked purely subconsciously: "Mr. Raymond, I am very curious about a scientific research team like you who are miraculously creating miracles... What project will you develop next?" What is it? I'm curious, I don't know what kind of miracle you will create, just like this ring... "

"Oh! This is a newly discovered substance that can slow down the aging of the human body. We speculate that if it goes well, it can extend the lifespan of human beings by three times!"

"Oh!" I was surprised! What a group of powerful scientific madmen!

But then Raymond's voice was a little frustrated: "But we are currently facing a difficulty... This substance actually slows down the growth rate of the human body by three times, that is to say, the human body needs to take three times longer to develop and grow than before. For example, under normal circumstances, a man is basically physiologically mature at the age of fifteen and can reproduce... But after using this drug, his life expectancy has tripled, but he has to wait until he is forty-five to mature …”

Damn... what a bunch of... scientific lunatics!

Triple lifespan, triple development time...

Uh, think about it, a woman whose mental age is already thirty years old... but looks like a little Lolita who is only ten years old... I feel very evil when I think about it...

When I hung up the phone, turned off the computer, and ate dinner, I was still depressed.

Two beauties at home asked me why, I sighed and replied: "I guard a huge safe, but I don't have a key..."

When I went to the company the next day, my desk had already been set up, and it was placed outside Fang Nan's office, not far from Qian Pan's desk, but there was a partition in the middle.

I have a full set of office supplies on my desk, computers, folders, phones, etc...

To be honest, I actually feel quite fresh and novel.

Because I've never worked in a company! Never worked in an office building before! I started serving plates in nightclubs at the age of 18, and worked there for five years from waiter to supervisor! That's the only job I've had so far.

Now, looking at my own desk, my own computer, phone, and folders in front of me, I feel faintly excited.

My only regret is that I feel a little unemployed.

I am Fang Nan's personal assistant, and I am not even an employee of the company. I am in charge of Fang Nan alone and do not interfere with the company's work.

I sat at my desk all morning looking at my computer, and after the initial novelty wears off, I just watch the news online to pass the time...

At noon, Fang Nan finally found me. She called me into the office on the phone pager.

Today Fang Nan wore a turtleneck sweater that looked much more lively, and a brown pleated skirt underneath. She didn't even wear makeup. To be honest, this outfit looked like an elegant girl in her twenties. It added three points of youthful vitality to her charm.

Even though I knew that this woman was at least thirty years old, seeing her in this outfit with a faint smile on her face, my heart still beat violently for a long time!

Fang Nan seems to have forgotten the unhappiness of my trouble yesterday.

"Accompany me to a place. I'm going to participate in a charity auction. There will be a party after the auction. I need a male companion. You should be able to dance, right?"

Obviously, Fang Nan had more than one car. In the parking lot downstairs, I took her key and started a champagne-colored Audi A8, and then drove to the downstairs of the building to wait for Fang Nan to go downstairs.

I waited for more than ten minutes, and when I was bored, I picked up an extremely beautifully printed booklet that was placed on the passenger seat next to me.

"Charity auction items list?" I muttered, and then flipped through the list.

Obviously, this charity auction is a gathering of rich people. The auction items are all rare antiques, or antique porcelain and famous paintings donated by some celebrities. The cheapest auction has an estimated starting price of at least six figures. !

I flipped through it casually, and suddenly my eyes were attracted by something...

After watching carefully for two seconds, my breathing became short of breath, and my eyes became hot!

On the exquisite album, there is a picture of a ring printed. The shape of the ring is very unique and exquisite. It is inlaid with a circle of thin broken diamonds. The ring is designed in two layers. The inner and outer rings can be rotated. On a mezzanine, there is a large diamond inlaid, which is several carats!

The following introductory text is written as follows: XXXX, the most famous jewelry master in Europe, personally designed the style... Thanks to the famous European ship tycoon, respected Lord Ship King, Mr. Herold's generous donation...

Ring, Herod the Ship King... Ring...

ring! ! This is an "official product"! !