A Stern Devil

Chapter 52: Sex is like fire


I know that I am in a mess now. I am handcuffed to the radiator, and I can't stand up straight or squat down. My legs were bent, and I couldn't stand the numbness. Seeing the two policemen coming in, my heart was full of anger, and I couldn't help shouting: "You guys have been handcuffing me here for a long time! What are you thinking!"

The policeman holding the notebook looked a little younger, probably a novice. Hearing this, he immediately changed his face and shouted: "Be honest! Don't even look at this place!"

"Where? The place of the people's police!" I tapped on the radiator with the handcuffs on my wrists.

The young policeman got angry, put down his notebook, and rushed towards me with a fierce look on his face.

I snorted, raised my neck, and shouted, "What, you want to hit me? Come on! Come on!"

"Xiao Wang, forget it." The other policeman suddenly said, he looked very sophisticated, about forty years old, squinting his eyes, staring at me: "Let's make the record first."

He had a bar and a star on his shoulder. Hearing this, the young policeman pressed me down, untied me from the radiator, moved a bench and pushed me to sit down. Still staring at me fiercely.

I pursed my lips, not at all afraid in my heart.

This is not the first time I have entered the game, nor is it the first time I have encountered such an occasion.

In fact, this is the case when they come in, and the police will put on a fierce look, so as to be a deterrent to the suspect. This is an intimidation effect. Some little ruffians who came in for the first time softened immediately when they saw this kind of occasion. But for some veterans, it doesn't work.

The next step is to take notes, mostly by the young policeman who asks questions, but the old policeman next to me doesn't say much, just looks at me coldly, with a half-smile expression on his face.


"Chen Yang, Erdong Chen, Sunshine Yang! Twenty-three years old, home address: XXXXXXX, ID number: XXXXXX..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" The young policeman got angry, slapped the pen in his hand on the table, and shouted, "Answer whatever I ask you!"

I smiled: "I have to ask anyway, so I'll just say it first."

The young policeman was about to get angry again, but the old policeman next to him made a fool of him, so he suppressed the anger, quickly wrote and scratched in the notebook, and then shouted: "I know why I brought you back!"

"I know." I yawned: "Fight. A few bastards molested my friend, and I beat them up. It's legitimate self-defense!"

"Hey! Just self-defense!" The young policeman sneered: "Just in self-defense, you are not injured at all? The fractures of those people were broken, and they were in a coma! Let me tell you! There are still two people who haven't woken up yet!!"

I sneered: "That's their own fault."

The old policeman waved his hand and stopped the young policeman from speaking, he coughed and said in a slow tone: "You don't need to talk so much, just tell me what happened tonight, just tell me honestly. "

"I told you, my friend and I were eating there, and those guys came to tease my friend, and I beat them!"

"Hmph! You're pretty good at beating!" The old policeman said with a sullen face.

"They're so stupid." I curled my lips: "I said you're handcuffing me now? Is it an arrest or something? There must be an explanation, right?"

"I will give you legal procedures!" The old policeman said lightly, "Where is your work unit?"

I thought about it, I didn't seem to have a workplace, I was Fang Nan's private employee, so I replied, "I don't have a job."

"No job?! Hmph!" The old policeman stared at my clothes: "Your clothes cost at least a few thousand? No job?"

"No, no." I snorted.

"Boy, you'd better be honest." The old policeman said in a deep voice, "The people you injured are still in the hospital! The injuries are not serious! From your appearance, it seems that this is not the first time you have entered this place Right? What is the nature of this, don’t you know in your heart?”

I didn't speak, just sneered.

The old policeman changed into a slightly more friendly tone, and said lightly: "We are taking notes for you now! You'd better explain it yourself! Take the initiative! If you don't say anything, we can find out! Then you will Passive, do you know?"


I secretly laughed.

That's what the police usually say when interrogating. Generally, people who enter this kind of place for the first time have a little poor psychological quality, so I will confess now.

As for me, I still said calmly: "They are the ones who provoked me, whatever you want to check, it's the same sentence."

The old policeman took his time and looked at me twice: "Do you know one of the people you beat up?"

My heart moved, and I said lightly, "I know you."

"Have you had festivals before?"

"No!" I denied it.

This is the key. If I said there was a festival...then they would probably characterize me as seeking revenge or something.

I won't be able to tell by then.

As for my festivities with Ruanfan Wang... well, who can tell? They have no proof of the experience of punishing Ruanfanwang in the nightclub!

"Boss, this kid is dishonest, why don't you give him some tricks?" The young policeman stared at me, gnashing his teeth.

The old policeman didn't respond, just looked at me, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, listen carefully. First, you know those people! Now I suspect that you are seeking revenge and intentionally hurting others! Second, You said you were self-defense, and now four of them are in the hospital, and one is in a mild coma! Can you beat someone like this in self-defense? Third, don’t think that we won’t be able to find out if you don’t say anything! Are you called Chen Yang, right? Humph, your foundation, when you came, we had already called out from the computer! You kid is fine! Twenty-three years old, have you been in the detention center three or four times? Let me tell you! I have seen a lot of little ruffians like you!"

I stared into his eyes, did not give in at all, and said with a sneer, "Let me tell you a few points, first, I am not seeking revenge to intentionally hurt someone! Have you ever seen someone take a woman to seek revenge? Besides, if I were seeking revenge, I would go there alone and hit five? Cut! Second, I have paid the price for everything I did before. As for my criminal record, of course you can find out. But The past was the past, and the present is the present! You are a policeman, so I don’t need to explain the truth, do you?”

The old policeman stood up, walked slowly to my side, stood in front of me, stared at me for a few seconds, nodded, with a sneer on his face: "Okay, you have a hard mouth, and you cry when."

After speaking, he walked to the table, whispered something to the young policeman, and the two walked out of the room one after another.

I sat alone on the stool, handcuffed on the stool, behind my back.

After another ten minutes, the door opened, and three policemen walked in this time. In addition to the two just now, there was also a middle-aged man with a big nose and wearing a uniform. Judging from the epaulettes, he should have the highest police rank. As soon as he came in, he glanced at me, frowned and said, "Don't tell me? Xiao Wang, give him some tricks."

I took a deep breath: "What? Hit me? Let me tell you..."

"Hey, boy, don't worry, I won't hit you." Big Nose closed the door first, then walked over and stared at me: "You are so cruel, you broke Luo Si's cheekbones! The bridge of his nose was smashed!" Sexual fractures, sixteen muscle injuries on the body, two fractures... You are so brave at such a young age!"

I met his eyes and said with a sneer: "I said, if it were you, some trash would come to you and ask your wife if she sold it, how much is it for a shot, how much is it for a night? You..."


Before I finished speaking, I had already received a slap in the face. This guy was full of rage, and this slap made me stagger, and I almost fell off the chair. Four fingerprints were left on half of his face, and his cheeks were also swollen.

"Ha! You still hit me!" My face was already numb, and I stared at him intently.

Big Nose stared at me condescendingly. He was panting with too much force just now, and said with a sneer, "Who said I hit you? The wound on your face is from the fight with those people at night!"

Depend on!

I swallowed and spit, gritted my teeth and said, "Okay! Come on! Go ahead! You hurt me, and there is no way to explain it! I was not hurt when I got into the car! My friends and everyone around me saw it! I want to go out from you, and I am injured, and you can't explain it! If I was injured in a fight, according to the rules, you should send me to the hospital first!"

"Boy, you're still stubborn!" Big Nose was about to raise his hand, but after thinking about it, he lowered his hand: "Xiao Wang, give him something powerful!"

The young policeman untied an electric roller from behind his buttocks, held it and walked in front of me. On one end of the electric baton, electric sparks crackled and flickered: "Don't worry, I won't shock you directly."

The old policeman at the back took a basin with water in it from the corner, then turned around behind me and pressed my hands into the water.

My hands were behind me, and I couldn't use any strength in my body, nor could I break free.

The young policeman turned on the electric baton and plunged into the water...

I felt as if I had been hit hard by a heavy fist, my internal organs were trembling, my body jumped violently, and I couldn't help but scream out in pain.

People who have never been electrocuted do not understand this feeling. And this kind of people who call people through water will not leave any scars on their bodies!

"How do you feel?" Big Nose stared at me, "Didn't you have a good time beating Luo Si?"

Luo Si... Hmph, he must be the guy whose nose was crushed by my knee in the end.

I was struggling to catch my breath when the young policeman behind me unscrewed the electric baton again...

"Fuck!!" I yelled, the muscles on my face trembling in pain. His body was struggling like a fish out of water.

I stared at that big nose, gritted my teeth and said, "That Luo Si, does he have something to do with you?"

Big Nose didn't answer, but winked behind me again...

In the next 20 minutes, I was shocked three times, and my body was numb. Even if they stopped shocking me, I felt my palms trembling, and I coughed with a big nose. The two policemen behind me let me go, and the three Returning to the front of the table: "Okay, are you willing to confess now?"

Big Nose sat in the middle, tapped the table lightly, and said with a sneer, "Boy, let me tell you, the injury report from the hospital has been sent back, it doesn't matter if you confess or not. It's a fact that someone was seriously injured! According to the rules, I can send you to the detention center tonight! However, I can keep you here for forty-eight hours! Do you want to stay here and suffer more crimes, or confess it honestly, you are seeking revenge Hurt someone?"

Seeing that I was silent, he said calmly to the two policemen, "Go ahead, I'm going out first."

After speaking, he stared at me and smiled, turned and went out.

The old policeman got up and closed the door, walked to me, looked down at me, suddenly took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, took out one, put it in my mouth, and lit it for me: "Boy, just be honest. Say it. Take less guilt."

Hmph, after singing the red face, sing the white face? Can this trick fool me

I took a puff of cigarette and looked at him: "I'm not looking for revenge and hurting others, you know that in your heart!"

"Are you looking for revenge? You are settled for hurting people."

I thought for a while: "At most, it's an over-defense. If you want to accuse me of seeking revenge and hurting others, I'm guilty! I'm not that stupid!"

"Not so stupid?" The old policeman smiled: "Not so stupid, you beat Luo Si like that? You are not from this area, are you? Don't know Luo Si? How dare you touch him? I really admire you .”

I shook my head: "I don't care who he is. Could it be that someone is looking for me to provoke me, and I have to investigate the other party's details before fighting back?" Taking a breath of cigarettes, I said slowly: "You can leave me here for a day and a night at most. Just now That big nose is a relative of Luo Si's family? Damn! It's ruthless!"

I cursed with a smile on my face, but the old policeman's face was calm, he sighed suddenly, reached out and patted my face lightly, then took the cigarette from my mouth, turned back to the table, and looked at the Young policeman: "Xiao Wang, come here."

The young policeman stood up and began to untie his belt...

I sneered on my face and took a deep breath.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, and the old policeman frowned: "I'm interrogating! Wait a minute!"

A voice from outside: "It's urgent!"

The old policeman went to open the door and went out for a minute. When he came back, he looked at me with complicated eyes: "Boy, you are not simple!"

After speaking, I talked to the young policeman, and the two of them went out, leaving me alone.

After sitting for five minutes, the door of the room opened, and two policemen came in, but I didn't recognize them, followed by a middle-aged man in a suit, not tall, thin, and somewhat shrewd.

What happened next was just like in the movie. This person claimed to be a lawyer and had already gone through some formalities for me. Then the police came and uncuffed me directly and led me out.

In the hall, I saw Fang Nan sitting there, her face was full of anxiety, one of the shoes on her foot was missing, and the wound had not been treated. When she saw me coming out, she immediately jumped up, and ran towards me with a strange limp. , as if wanting to throw herself into my arms.

I quickly reached out to catch her arm, not letting her fall into my arms.

Fang Nan's face flushed red, and there were tears in his eyes: "Okay, the lawyer has completed the formalities for you...you...are you okay?"

I sighed and shook my head helplessly: "It's okay. I just shut it down for a while."

I didn't talk about what I suffered... because it's useless to talk about it.

Fang Nan is such a smart woman, when she saw the finger prints on my face, she suddenly changed color: "Someone hit you!"

She was furious, and said to the two policemen behind me: "How dare you beat someone! How dare you beat him! Okay!" After speaking, she shouted at the lawyer: "Lawyer Song! They beat my friend, this what to do?"

That Lawyer Song was probably used to the scene, without any fluctuation on his face, he said calmly: "Miss Fang, let's go back and talk."

This needs to be changed in a foreign country, maybe the lawyer will say something, complain, report, etc...

But here... Lawyers understand some unspoken rules in this case.

Fang Nan obviously didn't understand this, but nodded blankly, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Let's go back first... Hmph, wait for my lawyer's letter!!"

When we were walking out, two policemen followed behind us, but I saw two guys approaching. I recognized them. They were my companions who were beaten by me at night. These two people were probably the least injured. They were in the hospital. After simple processing, they were also sent here for transcripts.

I stopped immediately, and stared at them fiercely. These two guys also had vicious expressions on their faces, but it could be seen that they were stern.

Fang Nan became angry and shouted: "Why haven't they been arrested! Why do you only arrest Chen Yang and not them!!"

The two policemen behind were stunned for a moment, and were about to speak...

Suddenly, I heard a bang!

The front door was knocked open, and a strong man about thirty years old rushed in like a fire!

This man had a square face, sharp features, murderous look on his face, a straight army officer uniform, and a sturdy figure. He rushed in front of Fang Nan and shouted loudly: "Little girl, who the hell messed with you?" Suddenly saw Fang Nan Nan's unshoeed foot stared at the wound: "Are you injured? Which bastard did it!"

When Fang Nan saw him, his face darkened, and he said angrily, "It's these two!"

The man's face was full of anger, without saying a word, he rushed in front of those two guys, and kicked one of them in the stomach! That person didn't even have time to call, and flew two or three meters away!

I couldn't help frowning! Depend on! What a powerful roundhouse kick!

Then he had grabbed the other one and smashed an elbow in his face.

boom! Nosebleed splash!

All this happened so quickly that the two policemen suddenly came to their senses and rushed forward. The man stood up straight, with his head held high, taking a step back carefully, not to fight the police, raised his eyebrows and shouted: "What are you doing! I'm an officer! You dare to move my finger!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed away a policeman who rushed in front of him with an arrogant look on his face.

The policeman staggered from being pushed by him, and was about to rush forward in a rage, but was stopped by his companion, who said in a low voice, "Forget it. Only the pickets can control this kind of bastard, we can't."