A Stern Devil

Chapter 64: Are you still friends?


Yang Wei didn't answer me directly, but walked past me lightly, went to the kitchen door, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of beer, and glanced at me: "Drink?"

This posture is called a calm and unhurried attitude! It seems that I am the foreign guest in her own home.

I took the beer without words, and Yang Wei smiled and said, "Why do you look like you saw a ghost when you saw me... Am I that scary?"

I smiled wryly: "Shouldn't I be surprised that you appeared in my house out of thin air?" I pondered for a moment, looked at the clock again, and suddenly changed my expression: "Where are my two friends at home? Could it be that you..."

"Hey!" Yang smiled: "Don't think about it... I'm not a kidnapper!"

Then she walked slowly to my side, pulled me and sat down on the sofa together, took a sip of the beer bottle in my hand, and sighed: "Actually, I just came to see you, just to talk to you ,it's nothing."

"What you call 'nothing'... just sneaked into my house?" I couldn't help but mock her.

Yang Wei's expression didn't change at all: "Yes, I just came in to have a drink and rest. Anyway, there is no one in your house, do you want me to stand downstairs and wait?"

"Oh my God." I smiled wryly and rubbed my nose: "If I hadn't known you, I would almost have thought you were a bunch of bastards from some island country who called aggression as entry..."

After confirming that Yang Wei did not have any malicious intentions, I softened my tone a little and looked at this woman: "I remember when we met last time, you said that we might not meet again, did you?"

Yang Wei was silent for a while, there was a little melancholy in her eyes, she picked up the beer and took a big sip, and then she let out a long breath: "The world is impermanent... the situation will always change." She smiled , then shook his head and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about something relaxed... I came to China this time to do some things... Now that the things are almost done, I suddenly feel a little... well, a little unhappy, I really want to find a friend to drink Have a drink and talk."

Then she stared at me with her bewitching eyes and parted her lips: "We are friends... right?"

I don't know why, being stared at by her eyes, I suddenly feel a little dry... I can't help but think back to that night, at the bottom of the hill, the two of us hugged each other, she hugged my head, and the two of us hugged each other. The scene of people looking at the cold stars all over the sky together... But at this moment, Yang Wei's eyes are brighter than the cold stars that night!

Subconsciously picked up the beer bottle on the table, took a big gulp, drank it before realizing that this beer bottle was drunk by Yang Wei... I couldn't help being a little embarrassed, looking at Yang Wei again, her delicate cheeks were stained with a little blush , looking at me with a strange look.

"Well, we're friends." I sighed. Then I said cautiously: "But next time you come to me, don't use this method to enter my house. There is a thing in the world called a mobile phone! There is another thing called a doorbell! OK?"

Yang Wei pursed her lips and smiled, then suddenly sighed again.

I whispered: "Why are you unhappy?"

"Well, things in the country are not going well this time." Yang Wei said lightly, but she didn't seem to want to talk about it, and then smiled: "It's you, I didn't expect your life to look good. ... Are the two girls in your family your girlfriends?"

"Of course not..." I pondered for a while, but I still answered honestly: "One of them is my girlfriend, and the other... is a friend who lives here."

I noticed that when I said the word "girlfriend", there was a strange look in Yang Wei's eyes, but then she concealed it very well.

"Actually, I saw you a few days ago." I said cautiously.

"Well, it was at the charity auction, right?" Yang Wei giggled, "I saw you too."


"Hmm." Yang smiled strangely: "I guarantee that when I saw you, you didn't even know... when you walked into the women's restroom with the beautiful female executive of the casino, I was already there. Watching you secretly."

I immediately blushed, but Yang Wei took a sip of beer and said with a faint smile: "You guys stayed in the bathroom for more than half an hour... Then a man and a woman went in..." Her eyes glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally , laughed and said: "I really don't know, when did you like this kind of tune? Or is the country already open to this point?"

I was at a loss for words and was about to explain, but Yang Wei waved his hand: "Okay, I don't want to interfere with your private affairs... Hehe, I just find it very interesting, because you don't look like the kind of person who likes to do things in the women's bathroom..."

I coughed hard and said seriously: "Of course I am not! The situation that day was... just a coincidence, an accident."

Yang Wei didn't seem to have any intention of entangled in this topic, so she immediately changed the subject, this time her tone was not so teasing: "By the way, I didn't expect... you left Ye Huan, and finally entered this circle .”


"I mean that Miss Fang Nan." Yang Wei said with some deep meaning in her tone: "Chen Yang, you may not know the background behind Fang Nan...but it may not be a good thing for you if you get too close to her ...I'm serious. This circle is too complicated and the water is too deep, so I'm afraid it's not suitable for you." She shrugged: "Of course, this is just a well-meaning suggestion from a friend, and you don't have to pay attention to it."

"Yang Wei..." I sighed: "Actually, I have something I really want to ask you... But I feel that if I say that, I don't respect you very much..."

"You want to ask me about Ye Huan?" She smiled.

"Yes!" I sat up straight and looked into her eyes: "I was attacked that night, and then Brother Huan's business plan was canceled, and Brother Huan was in a very difficult situation... these things... you..."

She immediately interrupted me, and said directly: "You want to ask me, is this a conspiracy that I created?" The smile on her face was a little mocking, a little sad.

I don't know why, instinctively, seeing the expression on her face, I immediately regretted it, and even felt a little ashamed because I doubted her!

"Chen Yang..." Yang Wei hesitated for a moment: "What I want to tell you is... in this world, many things are very complicated... it's not that simple! Maybe in your life circle, things are simple, It's either black or white, right or wrong... But the world I live in is completely different!"

"But I need an explanation." I stared at her without giving in: "I don't want to let myself doubt you... because if I doubt you, I can't keep you as a friend!"

In Yang Wei's eyes, at that moment, there was a flash of excitement, but she hid it well again—this woman's ability to control and conceal her emotions is simply superb!

"Well..." She thought about it seriously, and then said in a slow but very sincere tone: "Well, I can tell you a little... but just from the standpoint of a 'friend'!"

Then she stood up slowly, walked to the window, turned her back to me, as if looking at the lights outside the window: "The business between Ye Huan and our family was far more complicated than you imagined, a lot...you You know, the organization behind Ye Huan is huge. Ye Huan himself is just an agent on the stage, and Ye Huan is not the only agent in his organization. Internally, it is said that their organization does not Unity. Although our family has always operated casinos in the United States, we don't care about the cooperation of some background forces... But considering that the organization behind Ye Huan is currently very unstable, I firmly oppose that business cooperation. In my opinion, money It needs to be earned, but I don't want to involve my family in the organizational struggle behind Ye Huan. We don't need to be involved in this kind of thing. So I firmly opposed it, but unfortunately, in our family, my There are not too many supporters, and most of them are attracted by the huge benefits that may be obtained. As for the risks... not many people can face up to it. And they have always hoped to catch the line of China, which is very important for our expansion in East Asia The business is an opportunity."

Then her tone became a little lighter: "I can admit to you that during my stay in China, the opposition forces behind Ye Huan's organization had contact with me... the person who contacted me, you already know... is Zhou Thorn!"

I stood up at once, staring at Yang Wei!

Yang Wei looked back at me, her eyes were a little helpless and pleading, she said softly: "Don't worry, just listen to me, okay?"

Sighing, she continued: "Zhou Jing said that he hopes to cooperate with me. I can't tell you the specific cooperation details... This is a family business secret, and I have no right to tell you... But what I can tell you is that, I rejected him!" She stared into my eyes and said sternly: "Frankly speaking, I am not such a noble person. I am in our circle and pay attention to intrigue. The reason I rejected him was not because I wanted to Cooperate with Ye Huan... but I see that he just wants to use us as a means to attack Ye Huan, and as me, even if I want to destroy the business with Ye Huan, I want to find a way through other channels... I To put it simply..." She said seriously: "From my heart, I don't want to cooperate with this organization, and I don't want to have any contact with this organization... Whether it's Ye Huan's side or Zhou Jing's side...they Both sides, I don't want to cooperate with them!"

I just calmed down a little.

Then Yang Wei said slowly: "Chen Yang, I consider you my friend now... I don't have many friends, very few, and you are one of them. So I don't want to lie to you... Before that night, I actually noticed it a long time ago , someone wants to do something to me!"

"Oh?" My eyes changed slightly, and I stared at Yang Wei.

"Don't stare at me like that." Yang Wei's tone was a bit unhappy: "I did notice that someone wanted to do something to me... But Zhou Jing and the others underestimated me too much! Who am I, Yang Wei? Hmph... Our family is in Las Vegas. A place like Vegas can stand upright, I will pay attention to such a small scene? That night..." She sighed: "Actually, before that night, I noticed that someone was spying on me in China Those people are not Ye Huan's subordinates, because Ye Huan will not do this kind of surveillance on me, so I am sure that someone wants to do something to me... That night in the casino, I deliberately left aside my bodyguards, a People drive out, just want to give them a chance to do it!"

I didn't speak, just looked at Yang Wei expressionlessly.

Yang smiled, her smile was a little helpless and complicated, she turned and looked into my eyes: "However, I didn't expect you to be downstairs... As for me letting you get in the car, it was actually a complete accident. It’s just a small accident. I don’t deny it, I planned to use you a little bit at first. At least you are Ye Huan’s subordinate, so I can make Ye Huan believe that I was attacked by someone else.”

"Continue talking." I said lightly.

"You know what happened later." Yang smiled and said, "However, I didn't intend to harm you... Do you know? That night, I was always surrounded by three subordinates who were secretly following me. A top player, I'm not afraid of being attacked at all. The only thing I didn't expect was...you would save me so desperately at that time. And you were seriously injured."

I suddenly sneered and said angrily: "Ha! Haha!! So I'm a fool!! Actually, even if I didn't drag you down the hill that day, you would have nothing to do, right? There won't be any danger, right?! It was me who foolishly dragged you down the hill, thinking I was saving you!"

Yang Wei looked apologetic, and said softly: "I really didn't mean to mock you, but in my heart, I'm still very grateful to you."

"Grateful..." I said "hey" and shook my head.

Yang Wei gritted his teeth and said, "Whether you believe it or not...that's how things are... As for Ye Huan's loss of power in his organization, these consequences were not what I expected...and..."

Her tone suddenly changed, and a trace of indifference flashed in her eyes: "Besides, even if I knew in advance that this would happen, I would still do it! I must consider the interests of my family! I have nothing to do with Ye Huan , I don't need to make any sacrifices for him!"

I'm speechless…

I feel like I have nothing to say.

Even, I don't think I have any reason to accuse Yang Wei!

Is she wrong


From her standpoint, everything she does is for the benefit of her own family. There is no despicable or shameless statement about her methods. At most, it can only be regarded as a plan. As for whether Brother Huan will suffer any loss because of this... To be honest, from Yang Wei's standpoint, she doesn't have to think about these things at all.

I didn't speak, but Yang Wei continued: "After the incident, my family reacted immediately... As the representative of my family, I was attacked in China, and I have long been aware that someone is spying on me. I was ready, they wanted to bully me, hmph, wouldn't I not bully them? I prepared some things early on, and I got some evidence. The evidence convinced the family that it was the opposition from the organization behind Ye Huan. The forces attacked me...Under such circumstances, the family is finally willing to seriously consider whether this business cooperation is safe. In the end, they made a decision to make fun of the business cooperation!"

She sighed: "As for Ye Huan... I didn't intend to harm him. I didn't cooperate with Zhou Jing... If I cooperated with Zhou Jing, then let me tell you, Ye Huan's end will definitely be ten times worse than now. hundred times!"

I was silent for a long time, then sighed, expressionless: "Well, I admit that what you said is the truth, it makes sense... You didn't target Brother Huan, and you didn't intend to harm him... But the fact is, Brother Huan has lost power now, but it is because of you! Am I right?"

Yang Wei sneered, and her tone was a little angry: "Chen Yang! Can you stop being so naive? In our circle, it's either you die or I live! We can only try to keep our own interests! As for others... who will go Concern? In this incident, Ye Huan's loss of power is not to be blamed on others. I said, I have nothing to do with him, no friendship! I don't need to think about his interests! There is no need to sacrifice my own family for his interests Benefits!" Then her tone became a little colder: "Don't say I didn't hurt him on purpose... That's because the situation doesn't require me to do it! If it's necessary, I must kill Ye Huan... For my sake Family, I will do the same without hesitation!"

I am speechless again.

Intellectually, I know what Yang Wei said is right! That's right! !

But emotionally, Brother Huan is my elder brother, my eldest brother, my boss, even like my father!

Could I be indifferent?

After thinking for a while, I said with difficulty: "But... At that time, you could have avoided being attacked, but you deliberately let it happen!"

"I'm for the family." Yang Wei was very calm, and then she whispered: "Chen Yang... That night, the night we were at the bottom of the hill, the other things I said were not false! I Now I really treat you as my friend! Otherwise, I don't need to talk to you today. "

"Okay." I sighed and looked at Yang Wei: "You used me, I'm not angry. Really... I don't have to worry about these things with you... But, Yang Wei, you should know that Brother Huan is here Where is my heart!"

"I know." Yang Wei sighed.

I struggled in my heart, but still gritted my teeth and said with difficulty: "Then, I don't know if I can continue to treat you as a friend now."

Yang Wei's eyes suddenly darkened, I looked at her, and slowly shook my head: "You know? Actually, I suspected you in the hospital later... It all happened by coincidence! Although I don't understand too much conspiracy , but I understand a truth... Whoever is the ultimate beneficiary is the most suspect!" I looked into her eyes: "But, I don't want to doubt you... Even every time I think of these things, I will force you Keep thinking on your own! I don't want to doubt you, Yang Wei!"

"Like I said, I didn't mean to target Ye Huan." Yang Wei sighed.

"I understand." I nodded: "From your standpoint, you did the right thing."

We stared at each other in silence for a while, the atmosphere was a bit dignified, neither of them spoke.

Yang Wei walked over, picked up the beer on the table, raised her neck, and drank all the wine in the bottle in one breath. She drank too fast, so that she choked a little, took a few breaths, and her face There were some faint red tides, and then he seemed to smile.

"Chen Yang, are we still friends now?" Her eyes are bright, and I dare not look closely at her...

Afterwards, she put down the bottle, but she didn't intend to listen to my answer at all, and strode towards the door. Before going out, she suddenly turned her head, as if smiling: "By the way, your girlfriend and that other girl are both outside now." Going shopping, my subordinates followed them, and they will come back in about twenty minutes. I dared to come up to you only after I made sure they were not at home."

I opened my lips, as if I wanted to say something, but unfortunately I didn't speak.

Yang Wei noticed my expression, and she sighed: "Chen Yang, take care of yourself... You are a strange person, you are very passionate, impulsive, and loyal... Even a little naive, these are things that I am very fond of. I envy your place, because in my position, I can never be like you."

Her eyes were full of bitterness: "... maybe... when I'm free, I'll come to you for a drink and talk." She looked into my eyes: "I don't have many friends, and you will always be one of them! As for you What do you think of me... I, Yang Wei, don't care!"

After speaking, she went out without looking back.

I looked at the empty doorway, but there was always something in my heart that was entangled back and forth...

There seemed to be something blocked in my heart, a knot that I couldn't untie was tormenting me.

I sat down slowly, looking at the empty beer bottle on the table, a little dazed.

Yang Wei came suddenly, then left suddenly, she was like a mysterious phantom, going back and forth, but only left an empty beer bottle...

On the wine bottle, there seemed to be a faint trace of her lip gloss left. I stared at it in a daze, but I kept thinking about her words...

Are we... still... friends