A Stern Devil

Chapter 7: novel theory


Seeing my speechless expression, the tall and thin man showed a somewhat smug smile, and said quickly: "Many people believe that there is such a thing as 'luck' in the world. For example, a gambler, when When he is lucky, he may win and kill all directions in the first half of the night. If his luck is bad, he may also lose and go bankrupt for underwear. And it is luck that causes this situation!"

I still can't fully understand it, but I feel faintly in my heart that what this guy seems to say, as if, as if, maybe, probably, there is some truth to it...

But I immediately reminded myself that this guy in front of me is a liar!

When encountering a liar, my first reaction is: cover your wallet tightly!

The thin and tall man continued to talk about his theory with a smile: "So, what is luck? It can't be seen or touched, and what is it made of?"

"Actually, the so-called luck is just a strange electric wave that exists in this world. It belongs to the kind of brain wave that humans can receive. It exists in the air and in this world, but it is very rare... How should I put it. If I make a comparison, you may be able to easily understand... "

He walked around the table and walked to me, put one hand on my shoulder, pointed to my gauze-wrapped head with the other, and coughed: "Well, let's make an analogy, this is a radio. The so-called luck is A kind of 'frequency modulation signal' hidden in the air. However, everyone's brain development is not exactly the same. I put it simply, maybe you will understand... When some people have more brain development, then this A person's brain can receive more "luck" than others, and this person will be more lucky. And some people's brain development is relatively small, so this person will naturally receive less luck... At the same time, he is also more Unlucky."

This theory is somewhat new!

But I immediately asked: "You mean brain development? But shouldn't people with a lot of brain development be very smart? Being smart and being lucky are two completely different things! There are also people who have low IQ but are lucky. Exist."

"Cut..." The thin tall man rolled his eyes at me: "Brain development is equal to IQ? Have you read too many online fantasy novels? If you compare the human brain to a wireless radio, those with more brain development are equivalent to IQ." Because the power of this radio is greater than others! It’s not just about IQ!”

"Okay." I finally got a little interested, changed my posture, took out a pack of cigarettes from my arms, took out one to light myself, and handed another to the thin and tall man: "So, according to what you said, luck What kind of substance is it?"

The tall and thin man took the cigarette, said thank you quickly, and then took out a delicate lighter with a loud sound. He didn't answer my question directly, but after lighting the cigarette, he took a puff beautifully, and his eyes revealed a pleasant look. Then he sighed: "I don't know."

Now it's my turn to jump: "You don't know?"

The thin and tall man looked at me with pity: "Brother, please... I am just a salesperson, not a research and development personnel of the company's products. For a salesperson, I only need to know some basic Theory is fine. Just like if you ask a salesperson in a pharmacy, she can tell you what the drug does, but if you ask her how the pills are produced, the drug's chemical combination and development process, she will definitely say no Come out! For a salesperson like me, I just need to memorize the instruction manual. Things that are too advanced, such as the research and development process, are commercial secrets, how could I know?!"

I'm a little bit annoyed because this guy is looking at me with an "Your question is an idiot" look.

He took another breath of the cigarette, cleared his throat, and showed a kind smile on his face again: "Okay, now let me introduce our company's products." Then, he took out the shiny little thing.

It's a ring, but it looks cheap...

Why do you say that

First of all, the workmanship is very rough, but the texture... Although this tall and thin man told me that it is pure silver, but I think it looks like a plated iron ring...

"Please note that this is the latest product of our company. It has the characteristics of environmental protection, safety, and no radiation. Its main function is to enhance the receiving power of brain waves worn by the wearer! As long as you wear this ring, then It can greatly enhance your ability to accept luck! Just imagine, from now on, you will become a lucky person, and good luck will accompany you every day, making your life full of joy and happiness from now on!" His tone was full of joy and happiness. Inciting motivation, the mouth kept spitting stars: "Imagine, as long as you buy one of these products, it can immediately improve your life! Do you want to make a fortune? Do you have the opposite sex who you love but dare not confess to?" Are you interested? Are you eager to get promoted? Then don’t hesitate, please buy our products, and all your dreams will come true!”

Then, he stared at me with piercing eyes, his face full of excitement and anticipation.

I watched his performance with great ease... Then when this guy's emotions reached the peak, I took a breath of cigarette coolly, and then quickly asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, do you have a business license?"

"… No."

"So do you have a license to operate?"

"… No… "

"Do you have a product quality inspection certificate?"

"...No..." The tall and thin man was already sweating profusely.

"Very good." I smiled, very slyly: "So it's 'three-no products'."

"This... Regarding this product, from a technological point of view, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to be recognized by any scientific institution in the world in a short period of time..." The expression on the thin and tall man's face was as if he was suddenly squeezed by a door, with great difficulty Said.

"Oh..." I smiled: "Then you mean, your product is still in the experimental state? It has no official permission to put it on the market?"

The tall and thin man sighed and motioned for me, and I handed him another cigarette. After lighting it, he sighed: "Brother, to tell you the truth, I am also depressed! You know, our The product, in theory, is indeed shocking... Do you think I don't want to open the company in the office building below? Actually, when I first came here a few days ago, I accidentally promoted our product to someone, and the bastard thought I'm a liar, and the police came to arrest me! I've been hiding, and now I can only..." At this point, he shouted with displeasure on his face, "Why! Why are people so stubborn! They don't want to accept more than they think they are? What is beyond knowledge!!!”

His tone was full of dissatisfaction, anger, grievance, and cynicism, and that kind of emotion actually sounded quite sincere!

"To tell you the truth, our product is really effective, but no one believes it! There is no way, this kind of thing is beyond human cognition, and few people are willing to believe it." It seems to be confiding grievances to me: "But, a few hundred years ago, did anyone believe that humans could fly into the sky? Did some people believe that humans could fly into space? Did anyone believe that humans could invent things like telephones and televisions? Shit!! "

I:"… "

I'm getting more and more interested in this guy...

Of course, I still won't believe his words, I just think such a liar is so creative!