A Stern Devil

Chapter 71: girl heart


Originally, I really wanted to talk to this girl. But she was very resistant, and her face was full of tugging. Although I put away her cigarettes, I took out a piece of chewing gum from my pocket and chewed for an hour.

For an entire hour, she sat on the couch, chewing gum, and if I said anything to her, she rolled her eyes, didn't listen, didn't even say a word.

I smiled and stopped talking at all. I turned on the TV in the living room and sat beside her. The girl immediately moved aside, as if I had a virus on my body. I ignored her, and watched TV with my legs up on the coffee table with the remote control. After turning a dozen channels, I stopped at a recording of a European football match.

I've seen this game before, but now I'm pretending to be enjoying it.

Sure enough, a child is a child after all, and her patience cannot be compared with that of an adult. She pretended to be cool for an hour, and finally couldn't help it. First, she kept moving around on the sofa, as if there were bugs on her body. The same, and then kept chewing gum and blowing bubbles, blowing more than a dozen, but I didn't even look at her, my eyes just stared at the TV.

"Hey!" Ni Duoduo suddenly shouted: "Uncle! What do you want? You regard this as your own home? If you want to kill or cut, tell me!"

I smiled: "What? Ken spoke?"

Ni Duoduo still rolled her eyes at me: "Are you sick? You come here to take care of my affairs for no reason, and I don't even know you!"

I shrugged my shoulders: "I don't know you either... If it wasn't for your father, a little girl like you, I wouldn't bother to talk to you."

Ni Duoduo rolled her eyes again: "You know that king..." Seeing me stare at this point, she quickly swallowed the three words "bastard", and continued: "You know him, what does it matter to me? I don’t want you to care! Please, I’m an adult! I have an ID card! You’re violating my human rights, do you know that? I can call the police!”

I am not angry: "Whatever you want."

Ni Duoduo jumped up: "What exactly do you want?" Her cheeks puffed up angrily, almost pointing at my nose.

Then I raised my eyes and looked at her: "First, I ask you to change your hair. This hairstyle is very bad. It's ugly."

"It's up to you! Even if I shave my head, it's none of your business."

I ignored her clamor at all: "Second, I need to have a good talk with you, if you have such an attitude, we can't communicate."

"Okay... let's talk!" Sitting on the coffee table, Ni Duoduo took out a cigarette from my cigarette box skillfully, but she stared at me, then quickly put it down again, dissatisfied: "You can't even smoke?"

I sighed and took out the photo: "It's you, isn't it?" I looked her in the eyes and tried to sound sincere: "You took this photo a few years ago Isn't it? How nice it looks, isn't it a lovely little girl?"

Ni Duoduo did not speak.

I continued: "When your father entrusted me to take care of you, I saw this photo and thought you should be a cute little girl, but after meeting, I felt quite disappointed."

Ni Duoduo raised her eyebrows: "That's my business! Don't pretend to be fucking pure in front of me! I don't think you are a good person! Today in the karaoke room, how did you beat those people up? ? Are you a good person?"

I snorted and stared into her eyes: "If I didn't beat those guys to the ground today, I'm afraid you will be finished today!" I sighed, thought about it, and took out a cigarette and handed it to her. her.

Ni Duoduo was stunned for a moment, took it and took a sip.

I shook my head and told myself, don't rush, take it step by step.

"Do you know what your male classmate did today?"

"I don't know." Ni Duoduo didn't look me in the eyes.

I sneered: "When you went to the bathroom, they were discussing how to drug you in the private room! When I entered, there was a packet of ecstasy on the table. Do you know what will happen after you eat it?"

"Cut! How do I know!" Ni Duoduo said loudly, "I've never eaten it."

I feel a little more at ease. Fortunately, she hasn't touched that kind of thing yet. LSD and ecstasy belong to the category of drugs. Ni Duoduo hasn't touched that kind of thing, which means she hasn't been that bad yet. This is the luck of misfortune.

"That thing, if you eat it, you will lose your mind... well, it's like being drunk, and then you will lose your sense of judgment, and you will do what others tell you to do... and... you will... "I thought about it, but I still didn't say the words "sexy". He just concealed: "I was taken advantage of by others, and I didn't even know it."

Ni Duoduo thought for a while, but said nothing.

"It's the first time you've seen those guys, right? These little bastards are not considered high-end. They will only drug you, and at most rape you. If the people you meet are more ruthless, maybe First find a few people to round you up, and then take photos or VCRs, and they will blackmail you endlessly! Some people will even inject you with drugs and make you addicted to drugs! You will become a drug addict in the future, When you become a drug addict, they will show up in front of you and sell you drugs! Your life will be ruined, you know?"

Ni Duoduo quietly listened to me, and to my surprise, she didn't interrupt me this time, nor did she refute me, but after I finished listening, there was a bit of indifference in her eyes, hum He said: "If it is ruined, it will be ruined. Anyway, my life has been ruined long ago. What are you afraid of..."

Although this is a stubborn tone like a child's, but there is a bit of desolation in the words... This taste makes my heart tremble...

Looking at this girl with heavy make-up, sitting in front of me, smoking sullenly, with an indifferent look on her face, I feel a little helpless in my heart...

"Ni Duoduo... why are you doing this?" I said.


I looked into her eyes and didn't let her gaze escape: "I'm asking... why did you become like this? That photo can prove that, at least in the past few years, you shouldn't be like this now, right?"

I stood up and looked around the living room.

This house is obviously a family apartment built in the early 1990s. It has two bedrooms and one living room. The area is not large, but it is enough for a small family to live in.

There are two existing rooms, one of which I entered just now is Ni Duoduo's room, while the door of the other one is tightly closed, I walked over and opened it to take a look.

This is a slightly smaller room. Judging from the style of the furniture inside, it should have been lived by older people... because that set of furniture is obviously handmade and painted in the 1960s and 1970s. The color is dark, and the bed is a trampoline, which is almost extinct now. The entire room was clean, the bedsheets looked conservative... and there was a lacquered wooden box in the corner.

It can be seen from all this that the person who lived here should be an old man.

"I heard that you lived with your grandmother a few years ago?" I turned to look at Ni Duoduo. The muscles on Ni Duoduo's face visibly trembled, but then she said coldly: "Is this none of your business?"

I shook my head: "I'm just asking."

Then I approached her: "When did she... die?"

"Two years ago." Ni Duoduo said quickly, and then took a deep breath on the cigarette.

I nodded, and then changed the topic: "It should be noon now... Are you hungry?"

Ni Duoduo looked at me sideways: "If you are hungry, please leave quickly! You are not welcome in my family!"

I ignored her and went to the kitchen to look through it myself, but the refrigerator was empty, and there was nothing to eat in the kitchen cabinets, not even a grain of rice!

"Come on, I'll take you out for dinner." I sighed.

"Don't go! Don't eat!" Ni Duoduo sat up and refused to get up.

I smiled: "I invite you to eat, I'll leave after dinner, okay?"

"Really?" Her eyes lit up.


Ni Duoduo just stood up, ran to the door, and shouted: "Open the door! Go out to eat!"

As I opened the door, I said, "What do you want to eat?"

"Korean food, I want to eat barbecue and hot tofu." When Ni Duoduo mentioned eating, his face became a little better: "You said you were a treat! I planted it, so don't be hurt!"

I patted my pocket: "Did you forget that I have a card here? This is all your money, and how much you eat will be deducted from the card!"

Ni Duoduo wilted immediately, losing her air: "Then go down and eat noodles!"

At first I thought she was just talking casually, but when I went downstairs and was about to drive, she actually took me to a small noodle shop at the intersection.

This is a very ordinary noodle shop, the shop is very small, only three or four tables can be accommodated, the tables are greasy and dirty, newspapers are pasted on the walls, the roof of the house is made of simple plastic materials, and the four corners of the tables Covered with stainless steel.

Ni Duoduo skillfully found a table in the corner and sat down, and then loudly ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

"What are you looking at!" Seeing that I was looking at her strangely, Ni Duoduo glared at me angrily and said.

"You actually eat noodles here?" I was a little amused.

The noodles came up quickly, two bowls of hot beef noodles, the portion was very large, the soup was covered with fragrant chopped green onion, and the noodles were covered with a few pieces of braised beef, Ni Duoduo picked up the chopsticks to compare, and forked a few noodles Xi slipped it into his mouth, and then chewed the beef.

Seeing her eating so deliciously, I was a little surprised: "The food here is delicious?"

"Well, I've been eating it for several years." Ni Duoduo didn't bother to talk to me, and said vaguely: "When my grandma was hospitalized, I didn't know how to cook, so I ate here."

I put down my chopsticks and looked at her quietly.

The girl sitting in front of her had an afro, an arrogant expression, and heavy makeup on her face. But for some reason, such a picture appeared in my mind: a pretty little girl with long hair, wearing a school uniform, carrying a schoolbag, sitting in a small noodle shop eating noodles, like this in the morning, like this at noon, like this at night .

How did she get here on such a day

Looking at the noodle bowl in front of me, looking at the steaming heat on it... But I seemed to think of the pork rib soup that Master made for us when we lived at Master's house in the evening when we were practicing.

"At that time, you ate here for three meals a day?" I asked in a low voice.

"Nonsense!" Ni Duoduo pursed her lips, picked up the noodles and blew: "Don't eat here, you support me!"

I quietly took a bite of the noodles... To be honest, the taste is good, the noodles are also very chewy, and the soup is very fragrant, but I don't have much appetite, so I put down my chopsticks, took out a cigarette and lit it.

The girl doesn't eat much, so after she ate a few mouthfuls of noodles, she concentrated on eating beef. Most girls don't like to eat meat, but Ni Duoduo seems to be different. She eats beef very sweet, but how much beef is there in a bowl of beef noodles? Soon she was finished.

I put down the cigarette, picked up the chopsticks and picked out the beef in my bowl one by one and put it in her bowl: "You eat it, it's clean, I haven't touched it."

The expression on Ni Duoduo's face was very stiff for a while, then she suddenly raised her head and took a deep look at me, then she lowered her head and ate the noodles without saying a word.

She moved a lot, and even made a very unrefined sound of purring... But within a minute, I discovered her secret...

She made these noises on purpose! Just to cover up!

Ni Duoduo's head was lowered, but I found that she was crying!

Sensing that I was looking at her, Ni Duoduo suddenly threw the chopsticks away, pushed the bowl away, lay down on the table, buried her head deeply in her arms, and began to sob.

She started crying in a low voice, but gradually it became louder, and finally her body was shaking non-stop. I sat on the side, and seemed to reach out to pat her shoulder, but I stretched halfway, but I didn't know whether I should drop it or not.

At this time, Ni Duoduo had already raised her head, she quickly wiped away the tears and snot from her face, and still gave me a cold look: "What do you think I'm doing! I've never seen a woman cry!"

She glanced at the noodle bowl in front of her, but pushed the bowl vigorously, slapped the table, and said loudly, "Don't eat it! The beef you've eaten is so dirty!"

After speaking, he stood up and walked outside. I took out my wallet, took out the banknotes, put them on the table, and followed.

Ni Duoduo walked very fast, but she was heading home. I didn't follow immediately, but walked about two steps behind her.

Walking downstairs to her house so silently, Ni Duoduo suddenly stopped, turned her head, and looked at me with a vicious voice: "Hey! I've had dinner with you! You should keep your word! Let's go, don't follow Me!"

I smiled: "Okay, I won't follow you anymore, you go home."

"Hmph!" Ni Duoduo immediately turned and walked into the cave.

I walked to the front of the car and sat in the car, randomly dug out a CD and put it away, lit another cigarette, listened to music, opened the car window and smoked silently.

About five minutes later, as soon as I finished smoking a cigarette, I saw Ni Duoduo rushing out of the building angrily, ran to my car, and knocked hard on the car door.

I smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"You don't mean anything!" Ni Duoduo said angrily: "You said you left after eating! Why are you still here!"

"I only said to leave after dinner...meaning I came out of your house. I didn't say that I can't stay downstairs in your house, did I?" I smiled, and then asked back, "How do you know I haven't left here?"

"I watched you in the corridor!" After saying this, Ni Duoduo regretted it, her face flushed red.

I pushed the door and got out of the car, stood in front of Ni Duoduo, examined her for a long time, she was a little uncomfortable when I looked at her, staring and about to curse, but suddenly I stretched out my hand in front of her and said in a low voice: "Don't move!" !"

Then I quickly flicked a piece of veal slag at the corner of her mouth, took out a paper towel and wiped the oil on her mouth, and sighed: "Don't you even wipe your mouth when you eat? Where are your hands? Give me Look at your hands!"

Ni Duoduo was stunned, and mechanically raised her hand like a piece of wood. I grabbed her hand and wiped the beef soup stained on her palm vigorously: "Remember to wipe your mouth and wash your hands after eating!"

Ni Duoduo seemed to be stupid for a moment, opened her mouth for a long time, but finally didn't swear a word, raised her eyes and looked at me carefully for a long time, her eyes were a little loose, but finally she put on an angry look again, and shouted loudly : "What are you doing! Who do you think you are! Who do you think you are me? Don't care about my affairs!! Don't care!!"

After finishing speaking, she opened my hand forcefully, threw the tissue on the ground, stomped on it twice, turned around and rushed into the corridor.

I smiled still, just shook my head.

After all, he is still a young man... He only uses anger to cover up the shock in his heart.

I sat in the front of the car and waited quietly for a while... In fact, I already noticed that Ni Duoduo didn't go upstairs, she was in the corridor on the second floor, hiding behind the wall and peeping at me.

I didn't expose her, but took a sip of mineral water from the trunk of the car and stretched leisurely.

Ten minutes later, Ni Duoduo finally came out again.

But this time, she didn't rush out like a storm, but walked out of the corridor slowly and walked in front of me, seeming a little helpless: "Uncle, what do you want? Either you Go, or you go up, what are you staring at me downstairs in my house?"

I chuckled. This little girl is still a little girl after all. A young child, no matter how he tried to hide it, still couldn't hide his inner emotions as well as an adult.

I know that Ni Duoduo has softened. My seemingly small actions just now have successfully opened a little gap in this girl's heart... a small, very small amount, but it is enough.

To put it bluntly, she is actually very contradictory, and maybe she doesn't want me to go a little bit out of her heart.

It may be difficult to explain this feeling... But what I remember clearly is: after I was taken away by Master from the gate of the detention center, for a long time, I felt attached to Master like a baby bird, and I was even afraid of Master Get out of my sight!

When a helpless person suddenly has a real, sincere person who treats you well, even if it is just a little bit of warmth... then she will instinctively feel nostalgia and reluctance!

Because people living in a cold world are actually obsessed with warmth!

It's like why I liked to hang out in that kind of noisy and chaotic place... In fact, the big reason is that I was afraid of feeling cold when I was alone at home, but in the disco, countless people shouted, screamed and carnivaled crazily. Gives me a hilarious feeling... that's what I'm obsessed with!

I didn't answer her words, but smiled gently: "I'm hungry, I didn't eat that bowl of noodles just now. Let's go out and find a place to eat. Although the noodles are good, I don't like them very much. pasta."

Then I got into the car by myself and pushed open the door of the passenger seat: "Come on."

Ni Duoduo stood in front of the car, stared at me for a while, then looked down at her own toes for a while, finally came over and got into the car, then slammed the car door as if venting, and said in a vicious voice: "Where are you going! Let's go!"

Many years later, I once asked Ni Duoduo why she hid in the corridor to watch me that afternoon, and why she got into my car again.

Her answer was: Except for her mother who passed away, no one has ever wiped the meat residue on her mouth and the oil on her hands with a tissue like I did that day, and then used that seemingly nagging woman's tone Count her down.

That kind of feeling is actually quite "family".

The relationship between me and Ni Duoduo has finally improved a little bit.

I took her to a restaurant I liked very much and had a meal of fish with pickled cabbage. I drank a bottle of beer. Under her protest, I allowed her to drink half a glass. But never let her smoke again.

At her home in the morning, I allowed her to smoke, because I needed to use an action to ease the atmosphere a little, but now I firmly don't allow her to touch the cigarette.

Girl, it's better to be more delicate. Smoking is really not a good thing.

But our agreement is gradually changing.

"I'll go after dinner, okay?"

After eating, I took her to eat ice cream: "I'll leave after I finish the ice cream, okay?"

Then I took her to buy clothes: "After shopping for clothes, I'll leave, okay?"

Although we had a little argument when shopping for clothes because she picked out the standard Taimei outfit, she likes things with metal chains and full of pockets and holes and of course I wouldn't let her Buy. I picked out clothes that looked more "normal" though not too lively.

In the end, I bought her a set of ONLY sweater with a small lapel collar and a pair of green jeans. At her insistence, I also bought her a set of "Taimei" dress that she insisted on buying.

But I noticed that when she was trying on clothes, she tried on the ONLY girly outfit I chose for her. When she looked in the mirror, there was a momentary smile on her face.

And when she came out of the dressing room wearing girly clothes, at that moment, I almost thought it was Ni Duoduo in the photo who came out!

Of course, that explosive head is still very dazzling.

After shopping for clothes, Ni Duoduo took the soda I bought for her and bit the straw. Although her attitude towards me is still bad, the clever thing is that... she has stopped talking about letting me go.

"Okay, now... let's go get your haircut." I looked at her and said with a smile: "After the haircut, I'll leave and leave you alone, okay? I promise I won't lie to you this time... After the haircut , I’m really leaving! I promise this time I’ll keep my word!”

Ni Duoduo had an aggrieved expression on her face, she looked at her toes, and waited for half a minute, then she raised her head, her tone was soft: "I... can I not have a haircut?"

I laughed, walked over and whispered, "Ni Duoduo, don't you want a haircut? Or don't you want me to go?"

Ni Duoduo raised her head, blushed, and said loudly, "Bah! I wish you could disappear from my sight right now!"

I didn't get angry at all, because I felt that I had already grasped the girl's character: "Okay then, let's get a haircut. After the haircut, I'll leave, okay?"

"Ignore it! If I say ignore it, I just ignore it!"

"Then what do you want to do?" I said pleasantly.

"I..." Ni Duoduo lowered her head, not daring to look at me: "...I want... want... want to eat ice cream."

I smiled, a little smug in my heart, my face remained calm, and I deliberately wrote lightly: "Then eat after the haircut."

"Well, okay." Ni Duoduo replied quickly... I noticed that the little girl's eyes seemed to be relieved.

Actually, I understand that what she wants is not to eat ice cream, but to find something to do after the haircut... That way, I won't leave immediately...

In fact, no one is born depraved, is he

I looked at the little girl in front of me and thought she was actually quite cute.

I drove to find an image design salon. This store has some reputation in Nanjing. Qiao Qiao often does her hair here to do image design for herself. Several masters here are also make-up artists in TV stations.

Of course, the fees here are also quite high. A simple haircut will cost three to five hundred!

When I brought Ni Duoduo in, I found a hairstylist and pointed at Ni Duoduo: "Please help her with her hair."

The hair stylist gave Ni Duoduo a weird look, probably because he was amused by the afro. After all, the skin and face shape of the yellow race is really not suitable for this kind of hairstyle with an explosive head.

The hair stylist walked around Ni Duoduo, took a look at me, and then called an assistant to take Ni Duoduo to wash her hair first.

I pulled the hair stylist aside, he looked at me, and said with a wry smile: "Where did this lady get her hair done? It doesn't match her temperament and face shape at all! What do you want me to do for her? Or do it?" Does it look like this personality?"

"Of course not!" I shook my head: "Think of a way to make it a little more girly and normal! It's good-looking, cute, that's all." After thinking about it, I took out a bill from my wallet and handed it to him: "Also There is one thing... you can do it for me... that is the makeup on her face... You try to make a little accident, it is best to let her 'accidentally' wash off the powder on her face when washing her hair! Then trouble You remake her up... at least make it look like a human, not a ghost, okay?"

"OK." The hair stylist accepted my tip calmly.

Alas... I suddenly feel a little tired... It's really difficult to take care of children nowadays! I suddenly admired those parents... It's not easy being a parent!