A Stern Devil

Chapter 72: Little five and little four


It seems that this image design salon is still very powerful, at least it makes me feel worthy of the money I paid, no wonder Qiao Qiao almost regards this as his own home.

When the hair stylist pulled out Ni Duoduo, who was newly dressed, I was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette to kill boredom, but I just glanced at it, but couldn't help standing up.

The dazzling afro is gone. Although the hair is not straightened, it is still slightly curly, but it is scattered like thin waves. There is a bit of girlish playfulness in the purity, and the heavy makeup on the face It's gone, I just carefully patched up a little eyebrow line, and there is a little blush on the cheeks, but that is the girl's natural blush, not artificially made. Looking at this girl in front of me really reminds me of the girl in the photo.

She even put on the girlish casual outfit I bought for her in the afternoon. The sweater with a small lapel suits her skin tone very well, and the jeans fully show off the girl's slender legs full of youthfulness.

"Very good." I nodded to the hair stylist very satisfied, and then took out my credit card to him. Ni Duoduo's face was a bit weird, she walked up to me and said angrily: "I'm so stupid..."

"Earth?" I smiled and said, "This is what looks like a human being. Do you think it looks good when you looked like that before?"

"Cut, that's personality!" The little girl seemed unable to change for a while.

"Personality?" I shook my head: "That kind of explosive head is not suitable for your age, your face shape and skin color. Listen to me, the people here are the most professional."

Ni Duoduo was a little unhappy at first, but after going out, Xiao Nizi also found something different... Walking outside, her rate of turning heads has improved a lot... Of course, although her afro He won a lot of heads, but now, in the eyes shot from around, there are more men's admiration and women's envy.

Isn't that great? Girls should act like girls.

Then I took her to eat dessert, and Ni Duoduo was sitting opposite me, holding a spoon, and stuffing tiramisu into her mouth, her attitude towards me was getting closer Now, he no longer speaks stabbingly frequently, and even his eyes are much more kind.

Finally, she seemed to hesitate for a long time: "Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you a local? Seeing that you are not very old, how do you know him?"

"Who?" I smiled: "Your father?"

"It's that guy." The girl still had a bit of disgust between her brows.

I said seriously: "Ni Duoduo, do you hate your father?"

She sneered: "Should I still thank him?"

I was a little embarrassed, but said slowly: "Actually, your father is very concerned about you."

"Hmph." The haze appeared on her face again: "He? He left me and my mother alone, and then ignored me for so many years... Thank you for his concern!"

"At least he gave you money for your education and for your life."

"Chen Yang." Ni Duoduo stared into my eyes, her face was like an angry leopard: "I just had a crush on you, don't make me hate you anymore!"

I sighed and could only let go of what was in my heart. I don't know much about Brother Huan's actions about Ni Duoduo, so I can't say anything. As for Brother Huan leaving their mother and daughter, I don't know anything.

"It's still the same question, how did you know him?" The little girl stared at me.

"I work for him, he is my boss." I thought for a while and replied.

"What do you do?" Ni Duoduo's eyes showed a trace of curiosity: "Today you beat them all by yourself, you seem to be very good at beating... You are not a gangster, are you? "When the three words "underworld" were mentioned, the little girl's face was not only not afraid, but excited and expectant.

I can only smile wryly.

There is a five-year age gap between her and me, but we are all the generation who grew up watching "Young and Dangerous". When children talk about the underworld, they will have the same sense of curiosity and excitement-this is purely from those Hong Kong and Taiwan movies side effects.

"No." My answer dispelled her curiosity: "I'm kind of an assistant to your father... Well, I'm in charge of some of his business."

"Does he have business in China? In Nanjing?" Ni Duoduo asked.

"Well... sort of."

"Is he rich?" Ni Duoduo seemed to be very curious: "I see that you drive a BMW. If you work for him, you drive this kind of car. His business must be very big."

I smiled: "That car is not mine, it is from the friend who went to find you with me today, as for your father's business... at present, um... the situation is more complicated. I have my own work here, And your father just entrusted me to do some things."

"Oh." Ni Duoduo didn't care at all, but continued to ask me: "Then what are you doing here?"

I suddenly understood that this girl was not interested in her father, but in me. Although I really want to talk to her about Brother Huan, but considering her current aversion to Brother Huan, it seems that it is not the right time. It is easy to have a topic to talk to her, and I am also happy to further repair the relationship with her .

"I work for an entertainment company, and I'm mainly responsible for the planning and organization of some commercial activities." I smiled: "For example, some singer's concerts, or some commercial performances, etc."

"Then why are you so good at hitting?" Ni Duoduo had already put down his spoon, and simply looked at me with his hands on his chin.

"I have practiced martial arts for several years."

"Martial arts?" She laughed: "Then how many can you do by yourself?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Where did you practice martial arts?"

"Are you really not a gangster?"

"Have you ever hurt anyone?"

For these similar questions, I try my best to satisfy the little girl's curiosity. Finally, she asked another question: "How many can you really hit?"

"That's not what I said." I smiled wryly: "People who have practiced kung fu, that is, they are more agile than ordinary people, or know some fierce methods of hurting people. I was beaten to escape. Most of the practice of martial arts is to strengthen my body. Generally speaking, I don’t have a big problem with three or five people. If the other party is holding a guy, then I will definitely be injured. Today’s situation is not counted. ... The opponents are just some low-level gangsters. I just knocked down two quickly, and the rest of them will be scared. If they are the kind of hard-headed people who have been on the road for a long time, they are bold and ruthless and dare to let go The one who is desperate for me, I must not be so relaxed, I am afraid that after cleaning them up, I will die myself."

I immediately dispelled the unrealistic illusion in this girl's eyes... I already had a faint smell of something bad... She doesn't want me to be her thug.

Ni Duoduo pursed her lips, probably a little bored, but then a mobile phone rang in her pocket, she picked it up and looked at the number, with a look of disgust on her face, after answering, she said loudly: "Hello? Didn't I tell you not to call me?"

I smiled, probably some kind of little boy played by her.

But then Ni Duoduo said a few words on the phone, and his complexion improved a little: "Tonight? Is it the same place? OK, I will definitely come tonight!"

After hanging up the phone, she looked at me expectantly: "Can you accompany me somewhere?"

I frowned: "Where are you going tonight?"

"Let's play!" Ni Duoduo said with joy on his face, "I'll take you to a fun place!"

"A fun place?" I curled my lips: "It's Laidi? Marceau?..." I reported a few famous discos in Nanjing in one breath. Are you familiar with these places? Next time I will go to play with you." Seeing that my expression was not good, she quickly changed her tone: "It's nothing, it's not a disco, it's another place."

Looking at her face, I couldn't help asking: "What trick do you want to play?"

"Cut! You are such a big man, how can you be a mother-in-law!" Ni Duoduo said in a disdainful tone, "I will sell you?"

I sighed, and thought about it, no matter what, I'll just follow her. With me by her side, am I afraid that something will happen to her? Blocking is worse than sparse, blindly coercive means, I am afraid it will cause her rebellious psychology, children of this age are very rebellious.

Of course, I also made up my mind, if she acts out of line, I will immediately take her home by force!

Seeing me nodding, Ni Duoduo cheered, jumped up from her seat, hurriedly dragged me to pay, and ran out all the way, urging me to drive her home.

Arrived downstairs where Ni Duoduo lived, but she didn't go upstairs: "You wait, I'll take my car!"

"Get the car?" I didn't understand: "Didn't I drive?"

"Cut!" She gave me a very unrefined middle finger, with a look of disdain: "Please! How can you meet people with this car! Drive your car, and I won't be laughed to death!"

I am at a loss.

BMW yay! This car can't see people yet? What does she want to drive

"Uncle! Your car is driven by an old man!" After she finished speaking, she bounced to the row of iron house doors below the building, took out the key and opened one of the doors.

Under the buildings built in the 1990s, there will be a row of iron houses, one for each family, for bicycles or small warehouses.

I only heard the tinkling of the iron door, and Ni Duoduo actually pushed out a Honda DAX hound dog motorcycle from inside!

To be honest, I froze for a moment!

The shape of this "hunting dog" is very peculiar, especially this one, which is rare in Nanjing! Pushing the red hound motorcycle out, Ni Duoduo looked excited.

I sighed and walked over to take a look.

Honda 100 international engine, this car has four gears, professional disc brakes, stainless steel return pipe exhaust, stainless steel enlarged throat accumulator, of course, the coolest shape is the split racing handlebar...

I couldn't help but sigh: "This car is very rare in the market, I don't seem to have seen a few in Nanjing." I glanced at Ni Duoduo again: "How do you have this kind of car? It's thousands of dollars?"

"Know the goods." Ni Duoduo glanced at me proudly: "Our baby is cute, isn't it? I bought it for more than three thousand! It runs very fast!"

I nod. This motorcycle is indeed very suitable for MM, and its performance is also very good, but... I glanced at Ni Duoduo: "Do you have a photo?"

But then I realized that I was asking too much, because the car even had a foreign license plate... Obviously, it was a fake plate.

The big brands of motorcycles in Nanjing are very expensive. Most motorcycle owners use foreign licenses, whether real or fake. Anyway, generally speaking, as long as you don’t encounter major inspections, you should be careful when you are on the road, such as waiting for a red light. Don't be in the front row when you pass by the traffic police, don't be too arrogant when passing the traffic police, generally speaking, it's fine.

In Nanjing, even if it is conservatively estimated, half of the motorcycles in the world do not have a full set of legal procedures, and many of them are "black cars".

"Come on, get in the car, uncle, I'll take you to see it!" Ni Duoduo said proudly, and stepped on it.

The seat of this hound motorcycle is very narrow, I hesitated, and then I stepped up and sat behind her: "You don't wear a helmet?"

"Helmet?" Ni Duoduo beamed, "I'll be laughed to death wearing a helmet! Are you afraid of death?"

After finishing speaking, she had already kicked the frame of the car, and then started it violently...

It was obvious that Ni Duoduo was very skilled in riding a motorcycle, at least all the way, she rode over several corners at a very fast speed, and the body tilted very badly! And when passing street lights, she often shifted speed to grab the lane, and made a lot of detours, choosing areas without traffic police patrols...very sophisticated!

These circumstances, let me quickly understand a little bit of the situation!

Sure enough, the motorcycle traveled all the way from the city center to the southeast area of the city, and turned onto the avenue under Zijin Mountain. The road in this area is very wide, with few street lights, and relatively less traffic.

Ni Duoduo seemed very excited, increased the horsepower, drove several times back and forth from the Baima Park road under Zijin Mountain, and finally went up the mountain road and drove towards Zixia Lake.

Sure enough... here it is!

I was sitting in the back of the car, holding Ni Duoduo's waist with both hands, but I began to smile wryly in my heart.

If I didn't guess wrong... this little girl, besides being a little sister, is actually a little Biaoche clan!

In fact, the phenomenon of racing cars has already emerged in many big cities in China. It is only fair to say that due to the limitations of the domestic economy and social environment, the racing climate is still in its infancy. For example, Nanjing, the so-called Biaoche tribe, if compared with foreign countries, it is simply a child's play. Most of the Biaoche tribe are young people in their twenties. Their equipment is far from being as cool as those in the racing movies... Generally speaking, some assembled cars from Hong Kong and Taiwan are popular here, and some are obsolete cars from Japan. And there are some even more outrageous ones, and there are those who are riding a "Lin Hai" moped...

This probably has something to do with the economy. Domestic people’s economic income is not high, and a good racing car is far from what these young people in their twenties can afford. Most people spend ten thousand dollars. If you buy a second-hand road race car for a thousand dollars, you can buy a car worth tens of thousands of yuan, which is considered top-grade here!

Basically, the Zixia Lake on Zijin Mountain is the gathering place for many racers, because the roads in this area are more suitable for racing at night, the road conditions are good, and there are few street lights. When Ni Duoduo and I arrived, dozens of people had already gathered here. Dozens of road race cars of various colors were lined up in a row. Dozens of men and women gathered together. Most of them were young ladies and punks. Some of them are dressed up in the same way, and some are a little bit awesome. They bought a few second-hand parallel imported racing cars, and they looked arrogant.

Several electric stoves have been set up by the lake, and a fire is set here. Most people turn on the stereo in the car. The loud music is mixed with the howls of men and the shrill voices of women.

Others were dangling wine bottles.

When Ni Duoduo and I got out of the car, she was full of excitement, and I sighed, followed behind her, carefully lowered my head, and looked at the people around me from the corner of my eye.

I even turned up the collar of my clothes to cover half of my face...

"Fuck!" A half-sized man with hair standing up like a super Saiyan rushed to us and stared at Ni Duoduo for a long time: "Why did you make such a bird? Pretending to be a fucking virgin ?”

Ni Duoduo rolled her eyelids: "Whether I'm a virgin or not is none of your business!" After finishing speaking, he snatched a cigarette from the boy, and was about to light it, but was shocked by my cold eyes. Subconsciously, he obediently handed the cigarette to me.

"Yi? Who is this? It won't be your new 'Pandong', right?" The half-sized man stared at me sideways, his face full of displeasure. (Pandong, Nanjing dialect, probably means boyfriend, husband)

I ignored him, lit the cigarette myself and took a puff, frowning, it's Marlboro... To be honest, I don't like foreign cigarettes very much, because I only smoke flue-cured cigarettes, and foreign tobaccos are basically mixed types.

Seeing that I was ignoring him, the middle-aged man felt a little embarrassed, so he came up and gave me a slight push: "My friend, where are you from? You're so stupid! Duo Duo depends on your face when he smokes?"

I glanced at him: "Go away."

Then he dragged Ni Duoduo forward, but Ni Duoduo didn't care about my arrogance at all, instead she turned her head and gave the middle finger to the middle-aged man.

"Your friend?" I frowned.

"A little kid." Ni Duoduo curled her lips: "I'm always pestering me. I'm an idiot. My car skills are super bad. If my family has money, I can buy a good car."

Afterwards, a few punk-like people came up to greet Ni Duoduo. This girl looked domineering, squinting at people, and her attitude was very arrogant. I followed her without saying a word, but I was thinking about how to find a chance to drag her away.

Surprisingly, I actually saw Ni Duoduo's other two female classmates who were in the karaoke room during the day here! It's that monster girl with piercings all over her face!

When the two girls saw Ni Duoduo, they screamed and ran over, but when they saw me following behind, they shrank back in fright, as if they saw a ghost.

I know, probably later, those gangsters and the male classmate who originally wanted to harm Ni Duoduo told them about me.

"Why did he come with you?" the ring-piercing monster pulled Ni Duoduo and whispered, but I heard it clearly.

"I brought him here." Ni Duoduo looked indifferent.

"Now you are so majestic..." The female monster who pierced the ring whispered: "This guy seems to be an old man (Nanjing dialect, old bird on the road)! I heard them say that in the karaoke room this morning, Little Cotton and the others Seeing him, I dare not even fart! I heard that he is called Xiao Wu in Taoism! He is very strict (hard positive, Nanjing dialect, the pronunciation is probably: ENZENG, similar to the pronunciation of 'Enzeng')!"

As soon as Ni Duoduo heard it, she immediately turned her head to look at me, her eyes lit up! And I quickly turned my face away... because I suddenly felt as if a bunch of familiar eyes were shooting at me!

Even though I turned my face away and lowered my head, there was still a voice from my left that seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "Yo! Isn't this Xiao Wu? I haven't seen you for so many years! Why did you come here today? Come to see the old man." Are friends coming?"

A tall, thin man came over, about twenty-seven or eight years old, with a shiny bald head, wearing an old racing suit, with a dark smile on his face, and leather boots on his feet, but he was a little limping when he walked look.

Standing next to him is a tall girl in a miniskirt. In such a cold weather, this girl is actually a cute girl with a miniskirt, her belly button and thighs exposed, and she is not afraid of arthritis... oh...

The bald man looked at me, eyes full of resentment. And behind him, there are still a few guys who look like punks, and there are three or five young ladies hanging at the end.

I sighed in my heart, looked up at him with a cold expression on my face: "Xiaosi, it's you."

This bald man named Xiao Si came over and patted me on the shoulder: "Is it looking for someone today? Or is it for business? Do you want to play around?"

Ni Duoduo stood behind me, a little stunned, and then said: "Chen Yang, do you know fourth brother?"

The bald man glanced at Ni Duoduo: "Little girl, you are Xiaowu's Panxi, right? Not bad, you have eyes! Watch him closely! You have a future with Xiaowu!"

After finishing speaking, he patted me: "Why, play twice?" I looked at his hand on my shoulder coldly, and didn't speak. The bald man was stared at me, and he took his hand back. I just said lightly: "I haven't played this game for a long time, the technology is useless. I came to see it with my friends today, and I'll leave in a while."

The bald man snorted, squinted his eyes and stared at me for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Why is Xiao Wu afraid of death now..." Then he turned around and shouted: "Did you see, this is Brother Wu! Call someone! What's wrong? So uneducated!"

The little gangsters behind were stunned for a moment, and then they called out "Little Fifth Brother" in a random manner, and the little girls behind laughed together.

The bald man glanced at me, then sneered and walked away.

When they walked away, Ni Duoduo grabbed my arm and said excitedly, "How do you know Si Ge? The bald Si is the boss here!! Do you have a good relationship with him? Can't tell You can hold it pretty well!"

Seeing that I didn't speak, the little girl was even more excited: "Are you good friends with him? How did you know each other?"

I shook my head. After all, it was a little girl's film. Could it be that she couldn't see the look in the eyes that people stared at me, as if she wanted to eat me

I looked at Ni Duoduo and sneered in a low voice: "He's not my friend... Did you see his leg? I broke it."

After hearing what I said, Ni Duoduo's mouth turned into an O shape, and the way she looked at me changed from shock to admiration...