A Stern Devil

Chapter 76: My day! Excellent!


Hearing this, I roughly understood the situation, so I couldn't help turning my head to look at Ning Yan: "...is he really your husband?"

"...Yes." Ning Yan's eyes were a little sad: "But we are going through divorce, and he has made many excuses to mess with me..." After finishing speaking, Ning Yan stared at the man: "The surname is Zhu! You just want to blackmail me." Money? I tell you, not a penny! I've had enough! Enough!!"

I sighed, pulled Ning Yan behind me, and stared at the man: "What do you want?"

The man hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said, "You fucking messed with my wife, and you still ask me how I am? If you don't give me an explanation today, I will never end with you! Damn, you dared to hit me just now! No! Wang Fa!"

I was so angry that I smiled instead. There was no anger on my face, and I walked over slowly: "What do you want? Do you want money? How much?"

I pretended to reach into my pocket for something, and the man's eyes lit up immediately, and his face, which was originally quite upright, looked indescribably wretched at the moment: "One... no, one hundred thousand! Damn, you drive a BMW, Rich people are amazing! Rich people can seduce other people’s wives at will! I sue you for adultery and bigamy!"

"Okay, okay, stop fucking wasting your saliva." I twitched my lips and walked over in disdain: "You want money, don't you? Okay... can a check be okay?"

I took out my wallet with one hand and walked over. The man was unprepared, and seemed to be about to nod. Suddenly, I reached out and grabbed his collar, and then with a little force, I lifted him up!

"Money? I'll give you money!" After speaking, I opened my palm and slapped it.

Snapped! Immediately there were five more marks on his face, and half of his face was swollen.

"Do you want more?" I glared and shouted, and slapped my face again with my backhand.

The man was stunned by my two slaps, and he struggled desperately. I carried him, and before he could break free, I had already thrown him far away, and I went up and kicked him. Stop me, I'm afraid this guy is going to the hospital immediately.

"Chen Yang, don't! Don't hit me!" Ning Yan cried. I let go of my hand, took a breath, and looked back at Ning Yan: "This kind of scum deserves a fucking beating!" Then I pointed at the man on the ground: "Listen, I'm just Ning Yan's colleague. The private affairs of the two have nothing to do with me! But I have never seen a man who beat his wife the most in my life! I slapped you twice today, which is considered light! Next time I see you being a bitch, I will squeeze your balls out, believe it or not! "

The man was so frightened by my fierce look, he covered his face and forgot to call out, but just looked at me with wide-eyed eyes filled with panic.

"Damn, I need repairs." I spit, pulled Ning Yan into the car, and drove away from the man. The car drove onto the highway and onto the viaduct, and I took a peek at Ning Yan, who was wiping away tears with a tissue, with tears in her eyes, her shoulders heaving and heaving from time to time.

"Are you okay?" I said.

"Yeah." Ning Yan nodded and didn't say anything.

"Sister Ning, you are a few years older than me. If you have anything to do, don't hide it under your armpits. Just tell me, as long as I can help, you will never frown!" I said very simply.

This is my principle. I have always looked down on those men who beat women, especially their own wives! I always firmly believe that men's toughness is not used to show off in front of their own women. You have the ability to hang out in the society, straighten your back with outsiders and be tough! Don't fucking go home and vent your anger on your wife! This kind of man is simply fucking eggless!

Ning Yan cried for a long time before she choked and said intermittently: "Thank you, thank you, Chen Yang."

I waved my hand and changed a slightly softer tone: "Sister Ning, are you really okay? That guy... Is he blackmailing you? If you have any difficulties, just say it."

Ning Yan was silent for a while, then sighed faintly, the original image of a strong woman was swept away, and her face was full of a sad and weak posture.

"He is indeed my husband." Ning Yan shook her head slowly, with infinite regret in her eyes: "We have been married for almost four years..."

I didn't say a word, waiting for her to continue. Ning Yan took a breath before speaking slowly.

Ning Yan is not a native of Nanjing. She is a girl from the south. She is from Jiangxi. After studying in Nanjing for four years, she did not return to her hometown after graduation, but stayed in Nanjing to work hard. After all, although Nanjing can only be regarded as an upper-middle city in the whole country, compared with Ning Yan's hometown, it is already considered a big city.

Like too many college students from remote areas, the temptation to take root and survive in a big city is undoubtedly very strong!

Ning Yan is a very hardworking and capable person. After working in a supermarket for a year, she walked into the Deep Blue Entertainment run by Fang Nan, and worked her way up from being a clerk step by step until today... the whole history can be called It is a personal struggle history of rural college students working in cities. Up to now, Ning Yan can be regarded as quite successful in her career. A girl from outside has struggled to own a house and a car in this city... Such a situation is very enviable.

Of course, if it wasn't for such a scumbag husband, Ning Yan would be considered happy.

Speaking of Ning Yan's scumbag husband, he can be regarded as the best among scumbags. A rather tall man, he and Ning Yan were college classmates back then, and with his smooth talk, he somehow managed to cheat him into his heart.

It is said that once a person leaves school and enters the society, he will change drastically. really! When that scumbag husband was in school, at most he had some minor problems, just some small bad habits, which can be regarded as a small disadvantage. After entering the society, things got worse.

Now it's hard to find a job. Her husband has been resting at home for more than half a year, but he hasn't found a suitable job... It's too hard and tiring, and he refuses to do it. Those who earn a lot of money easily will be looked down upon by others. It has been abandoned for more than half a year, relying on Ning Yan's income to support two people.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but respect Ning Yan.

I think, if the vast majority of girls in college now have such a boyfriend who doesn't have a job, and they have to earn money to support him for more than half a year... I'm afraid my mother will say goodbye to him a long time ago.

Ning Yan actually gave birth to that little boy for more than half a year! That little boy ate her and drank her, and lived a happy life like a pig, but Ning Yan never changed his infatuation, and didn't even kick him! It's an anecdote!

You know, Ning Yan has a neat appearance, she can be regarded as a second-sighted beauty. At first glance, it's just a little bit pretty, but when you look closely, it's quite tasteful. Nowadays, as soon as girls with better looks leave school and enter the society, there will be a lot of young talents with successful careers waiting for them. With Ning Yan's beauty, after entering the society, there will be many suitors.

She has been guarding that scum for so long!

Could it be that her natural IQ is high, and her EQ is correspondingly low

That man is considered smart. When he was relying on Ning Yan to support him, he knew how to restrain his temperament and true nature a little bit. It is said that he was gentle and kind to Ning Yan, and Ning Yan was so willing to support him. Later, that person finally entrusted a prosperous classmate to find a good job, working in a foreign trade company, with a decent income. But not long after, he got in touch with the crown prince in the company.

Hearing this, I speculated for a while... That guy probably belongs to the type of talent who is good at flattering people. Most of the people like the prince are good at eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. This scumbag is doing well by helping the prince, but he accidentally became addicted to gambling...

After that, Ning Yan's life was difficult. Once the gambling thing sinks into it, it will be a bottomless abyss! That is the hole for sucking money!

Otherwise, how would the casino that Zhou Jing is in charge of now make money? Where did you earn so much money? Isn't it all "donated" by gamblers

A little salary was thrown in, and I didn't even listen to it. At that time, Ning Yan was already married to him, and the combined income of both of them was nearly 10,000 a month, but they were often unable to make ends meet, and Ning Yan was often scolded at home.

The harder Ning Yan works, the more business she is responsible for. There are often times when she is busy with work, such as some business entertainment, and the man is probably out of balance. From the initial suspicion, to the later Make trouble out of no reason. Search Ning Yan's things, try to find any clues, and if he can't find it, he will salivate and say something nice, if he finds something that makes him feel suspicious, he will swear, and sometimes even fight!

I was stunned.

What kind of fucking superb man is this!

But the more "exquisite" is yet to come... Ning Yan's parents have saved up a sum of money to buy a house for their daughter, which is enough to pay the down payment. Logically speaking, the two are husband and wife, and there is no reason for the woman to buy a house alone. But the man's money was almost lost. As a result, I made a few requests that sounded very speechless to me: first, whether the down payment for buying a house can be paid by Ning Yan, and the monthly mortgage is repaid by both of them together. Ning Yan is a stubborn guy, and at the time he hadn't given up on that man, so he hesitated to agree.

The second request came immediately: can the man's name be written on the real estate certificate, because it is said that the man felt that if Ning Yan's name was on the real estate certificate, it would hurt his "masculine self-esteem", and he felt like he was inserting the door backwards. of. Ning Yan gritted her teeth and agreed... To be honest, I was a little speechless to Ning Yan after hearing this... What is this woman thinking

The third request was even more bizarre. After looking at several houses, he took a fancy to one. The man's first reaction was, can he leave one of the large south-facing rooms with a balcony for his parents? …because it is said that his parents are planning to move here…

Frankly speaking, it is right to be filial to one's parents... But with the money given by her father-in-law to buy a house, she only thinks about her own parents... Could it be that Ning Yan's parents are not human? Do you deserve to stay in a small county town for the rest of your life

Damn, I usually hit my wife, scold my wife, live on my wife, and after that, I bought a house with the money from my father-in-law to "honor" my parents... Is this fucking "man"? What the hell are you talking about "man's self-esteem"...

It's not over yet!

The fourth request was even more outlandish... The man had a brother, who was older, and a child of school age, a boy. In the end, the man's fourth request was to take that child over, because Nanjing is a big city with a better educational environment... Of course, when the child comes over, Ning Yan has to help raise it...

What the hell is this

It is right to help your brothers and sisters! But you still can't support yourself... Take your wife's money, honor your parents, ignore the other's parents, and buy a house, and your wife will not only take care of the elderly, but also take care of a child and take care of him. Everything was eaten, drunk and messed up, and the house was still hung under the other party's name after it was over... On weekdays, there were occasional incidents, and there was even a beating and scolding...

Child brides in the old society were not treated so miserable, right

Damn it, I used to think that those friends around me were the best... I just met the real best today!

Such a man, if he still mentions the fucking "man's self-esteem", then all the men in the world will wipe their necks and commit suicide!

"I said Sister Ning... you won't agree to all these requests, will you?" I opened my mouth with difficulty and glanced at Ning Yan.

Ning Yan kept silent, and finally said slowly: "No... My parents stopped doing it after they found out, and they firmly opposed it. In the end, he had a big fight with me, and even shook my hand very hard... After that , I really saw him clearly and resolutely divorced him." She sighed, with a weak look in her eyes: "But he refuses to live and die, and has been dragging me for three years... During the past three years, I have been on and off. , I don’t know how many times I have pestered me, I went to a lawyer to file a lawsuit, but it was useless.”

I couldn't help but sighed: "Damn! Of course he won't want to divorce! You are his personal nanny! It's still a long-term meal ticket! If you leave you, who will support him!" But I couldn't help asking: " But the divorce lawsuit is not so difficult, is it? The statutory branch can issue a divorce within two years."

Ning Yan's face was a little helpless, a little angry, a little sad, a little wronged: "It's not that simple... Chen Yang, you don't understand, the so-called separation requires evidence... But the separation evidence of the husband and wife is difficult to obtain and define... And he often came to pester me, and even went to my house at night to pester me... I started to prepare the separation procedures and evidence more than a year ago according to the lawyer's advice... But now it's almost two years, he recently It made me even more entangled."

I understand... The so-called separated life, in fact, is mainly to define whether the husband and wife still have sex! How to obtain evidence for such an extremely private matter? You say no, but others say yes... After talking about it, I can’t explain it clearly!

I couldn't help but smile bitterly... Ning Yan seemed to be shrewd and capable at work, but she didn't expect her family's private life to be such a mess! Emotionally, his attitude is so soft and easy to bully!

If things like this were changed... well, if it were Miss Qiao, she would have kicked that scum to death long ago, and if she didn't beat him to the point where she couldn't take care of herself, Miss Qiao would be considered merciful!

I sighed: "Sister Ning... you are too easy to bully... I really didn't expect that you would be such a soft-hearted person... Where is your toughness when you sign contracts for the company and run business? Take out One-tenth of it, you won't be bullied like this, right?"

Ning Yan wiped her tears and said in a low voice: "He will come to me to make a fuss almost every few days of the month, and take advantage of the opportunity to play tricks, because he may know that I receive a salary for these few days every month. Find me to blackmail some money and go."

"Okay!" I patted the steering wheel, but unexpectedly honked the horn, and shouted: "Next time this guy comes to you, you tell me! Damn, I just hit him a few times, and I was a little embarrassed at first. Now I really want to go back and beat him up immediately!"

Chatting along the way, Ning Yan wiped her tears, and didn't notice that I drove the car back to the company. When I got to the parking lot, I comforted her and asked her to go back to the company first. Ning Yan's mental state is not too serious now. Okay, originally we had to go to the airport to pick up customers according to the plan, but now she looks unsuitable to meet customers, so I asked her to go upstairs to the company directly.

However, no matter what, I already planned to help Ning Yan.

I am that simple. If people respect me one foot, I will respect others one foot! When I first took office, Ning Yan was very helpful to me. Now that she is in trouble, I will help her no matter what!

Maybe this approach is not suitable for a workplace like a company! But I am not someone else! I'm Little Five! It's the little fifth brother who is willing to shake the bottle with someone for one of his waitresses in the nightclub! Not to mention that Ning Yan helped me with all her heart! Even if she didn't do anything, at least I'm her boss now!

Bully the people under Brother Fifth!

Two words: looking for death!

This matter is temporarily ignored, but there is an episode that I have to mention later.

Aze overheard me talking about Ning Yan's bitter past by accident. When I told him that there was such a woman who bought a house in her own family, paid for her rascal husband, and promised to give half of the house to support her husband. Parents, plus a minor nephew, in the end the house was returned to the other party's property, and it was commonplace to be beaten and scolded every now and then, and as always, no complaints or regrets...

Aze was almost dumbfounded at the time, and his first reaction was: where is this woman? Damn, even if she looks ugly, I still marry her as his wife! Depend on! This is simply the best wife candidate that men dream of! !

As for dealing with that top-quality scumbag man, Miss Qiao Qiao was furious when she heard the case, her almond eyes widened, and she scolded softly: "Damn! Is there such a top-quality man? Damn, beat him up and send him to Thailand to directly castrate him." , and send him to a gay brothel to sell his ass for the rest of his life!"