A Sudden Cute Baby: My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 133: Resort trip


I met Murong Zheng and made an appointment at a resort that Shen Qingyue mentioned in her diary, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers, has beautiful scenery, and the mountains are full of colorful and beautiful Gesang flowers.

The famous resort in Kyoto that was mentioned in Shen Qingyue's diary more than thirty years ago no longer exists, but Bai Qingqing searched it online for a long time.

I finally found a simple, beautiful and elegant B&B with a similar scenery to that resort. It was built on the edge of the clear Longxi Lake.

During this show, the mountain behind the B&B was also full of beautiful Gesang flowers, and the scenery was pleasant.

After contacting the owner of the resort, he booked an entire B&B for them and brought his own servants along to take care of everyone's food and daily life.

Tiantian also took a few days off. What was particularly rare was that Huo Yunchen also spared three days to accompany everyone.

Bai Qingqing was very happy. After being married for so long, this was the first time that the family went on such a neat trip.

I was in Huo Yunchen's arms all the way, and I was in a very good mood. Although I was a little tired and a little dizzy from the car ride, my heart was full of happiness.

Huo Yunchen raised his hand and gently pressed her temples to relieve the pain of her dizziness.

Seeing her closing her eyes and concentrating, still frowning and suppressing her physical discomfort, he felt heartbroken.

He lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, and whispered in her ear: "Honey, thank you for your hard work."

Hearing this, Bai gently raised his lips and smiled lightly.

"It's okay, it's not hard at all. I want to give you everything you didn't get when you were a child, and I want to pass on our future happiness to our children."

She opened her eyes and looked at him seriously, her eyes as clear as water seemed to be able to wash away all dust-stained souls.

"I know that I must have cultivated blessings several times in my previous life before I could meet you in this life."

Huo Yunchen's smile is always so shallow, but always so charming.

Even though she saw him every day, she was still fascinated by him without realizing it.

He raised his hand to his forehead, with a hint of cunning flashing in his eyes, and pursed his lips and said, "Husband, can you promise me something?"

"Huh? One piece is not enough, ten, a hundred, or a thousand are fine."

Huo Yunchen grabbed her hand and said jokingly, the doting in his eyes was enough to drown all women.

"You said, let me say one thing first, and I will think about the rest slowly."

"Okay, tell me what you want?"

"It's very simple. You are only allowed to smile at me. You are not allowed to smile at other women, because the way you smile will charm people to death. If you charm others to death, their families will have to ask me to pay for it with their lives." , I can’t bear that responsibility.”

Bai Qingqing said naughtily, but Liu Runan, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, choked and coughed a few times due to her words.

The voice was not loud, which made Bai Qingqing feel very shy.

"Liu Runan, why are you eavesdropping on me?"

"Hey, Mrs. Huo, you've been keeping your ears open here, so you didn't know you were eavesdropping. You were obviously listening openly, okay?"

Liu Runan said jokingly, not forgetting to turn around and glare at Bai Qingqing.

Bai Qingqing also rolled his eyes at her, and said disdainfully: "Liu Kai, please take care of your girlfriend."

Liu Kai blushed instantly, and so did Liu Runan, who quickly denied, "Who is his girlfriend? Bai Qingqing, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will get off."

Liu Runan made a gesture to open the car door, and Liu Kai reflexively reached out to pull her.

The car made a sharp turn and Bai Qingqing was almost thrown out, but fortunately Huo Yunchen held her tightly.

"Specializing in driving, is the life of the person in the car more important or the girlfriend?"

Huo Yunchen shouted sharply, Liu Kai did not dare to answer, and Liu Runan also became quiet.

Bai Qingqing rolled his eyes at Huo Yunchen. He always had this magical ability to make the atmosphere awkward.

It was Liu Runan's job to ease the atmosphere in the past, but now it was her turn.

"Husband, haven't you agreed to what I just said?"

"Well, there are two people who must be excluded."

"Which two?"

Bai puffed his cheeks slightly and asked with an unhappy look on his face.

Huo Yunchen pointed at her belly lightly and said with a smile: "The little Tianxin in your belly, and my mother who gave birth to me, I can only laugh at you three women from now on, I promise. But if If you want to give me more daughters, I don’t mind smiling with a few more women.”

"No, Huo Yunchen, do you think I'm a pig?"

Bai gently raised his hand and pinched Huo Yunchen's ears, twisting them in punishment.

Liu Kai and Liu Runan could both see clearly in the rearview mirror. Liu Runan had a smile on his lips and was filled with relief.

Her best friend finally found a man who truly loves her, but what about herself

Liu Runan glanced at Liu Kai subconsciously, and Liu Kai also turned to look at her.

Their eyes met, Liu Runan rolled his eyes disdainfully.

This man is so stupid. She has already done it so obviously, but he still hasn't confessed. Does it mean that she, a woman, needs to be confessed

Although her personality is more like that of a man, she is still a woman after all. She needs to have self-respect, okay

"Honey, save some face, let's guard the room, and then you can punish me at will, okay?"

"Okay, punish as you wish."

"Well, keep your word."

As we talked all the way, I suddenly felt that I didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

After an hour's drive, they successfully arrived at the resort.

When I got off the bus, I saw the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. The crisp autumn air and pleasant climate gave people a refreshing feeling.

Bai stretched his waist slightly, moved his legs that were numb from sitting for too long, and took a deep breath.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here. Qingqing, how did you find this place?" Liu Runan asked in amazement.

"Looking for it carefully." Bai raised his eyebrows slightly proudly.

They stood at the parking place and waited for a while. Liu Yun's car also arrived, followed by the bodyguard and servant's car.

Tiantian, Grandma, and Aunt Rong were sitting in a car together. Tiantian was the first to get out of the car after Lingzi stopped, and then he helped Grandma out of the car very considerately.

I took my grandma to the huge Longxi Lake, pointed at the water and said to her: "Grandma, look at how big this lake is and how clear the water is. Do you think there will be any water monsters in it?"

Shen Qingyue looked at the lake, with a happy smile on her face, and nodded thoughtfully.

"I guess so. Tiantian, have you asked Yunshan to come with you? Let's fight the water monster together."

Bai Qingqing heard Shen Qingyue calling him, so he walked up and held Shen Qingyue in one hand and Tiantian in the other.

"There are no monsters in this lake, only fish. We can go fishing to eat."


Tiantian looked at Bai Qingqing with interest, and then at Huo Yunchen who was standing next to him.

"Daddy, can you really fish by yourself?"

"Of course, as long as you like."

"I love it so much."

Cheering and jumping every day, running wildly along the road by the lake, like a wild horse running wild.

(End of chapter)