A Sword of Frost

Chapter 102: May you be safe


That night, neither of them fell asleep. Yun Yifeng leaned in his arms, originally wanted to talk about something else so that the atmosphere would not be so dull, but after thinking for a long time, she couldn't find a suitable topic. In the end, it was Ji Yanran who said first: "As you expected, he really proposed to let Zhou Jiuxiao and Yang Boqing go back."

"The two set up a trap to deceive him, and according to the puppet master's confession, they even wanted to turn him into a puppet step by step." Yun Yifeng said, "They even used an empty shell beauty to lure him into a ecstasy." I'm afraid I haven't calmed down until now. All these things, according to Yerten's personality, if he doesn't kill the other party, he is considered merciful, so how can there be any reason to save someone himself?"

Unless he was entrusted by others and had to be saved.

The snow-clothed "Holy Aunt" in the desert that day, or other masterminds standing behind Zhou Jiuxiao.

From the stolen relics and misty peaks, to the Eighteenth Villa, to the secrets behind the Zichuan secret map, and to the current Yerten, although the person behind the scenes has never shown up, the intentions shown are already naked It was placed on the table—that was a group of people who had a terrible hatred for the former emperor. Some of the past events that were deliberately buried underground by the court may be the most painful scars in their hearts, which is why they are so crazy. He will spare no effort to stir up conflicts between Li Jing and Ji Yanran, to split the country, and to destroy the Li family.

Yun Yifeng said: "Perhaps we can follow Yerten and weed out this group of people."

"I will go to the army tomorrow to discuss with the lieutenants." Ji Yanran patted him on the back, "It's late at night, don't talk about it, sleep well."

Yun Yifeng found a comfortable position, and leaned on his arm: "Why can you discuss with the lieutenant general, but not me?"

"Huh?" Ji Yanran thought for a while and replied, "Because that's what the military regulations say."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

Ji Yanran emphasized: "It's true."

It is indeed true, the important affairs in the military are of great importance, and it often affects the whole body. How can there be any reason to take it home and chat in Madam's ear? There will be this military rule, which is very reasonable and reasonable.

Yun Yifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was a little dizzy. He didn't know whether it was because of this person's anger, or his body was weak, so he simply closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Ji Yanran closed the dark box at the head of the bed, covering ninety percent of the light from the lighting beads, leaving only a faint yellow, enveloping the person next to the pillow, and coaxing him to sleep.

The cold wind blows outside the window, and the night is lonely.

The next day, Ji Yanran went to the military camp before dawn. The only ones who accompanied Yun Yifeng to have breakfast were Li Jun and Ling Xing'er.

"Come on, try this again." Li Jun warmly filled a small bowl of gray bean soup for him, "I specifically told the cook not to make it too sweet."

Yun Yifeng replied sincerely: "I can't bear to walk anymore, you should just speak up."

Li Jun: "..."

Li Jun put down the bowl and confessed honestly: "Before Seventh Brother goes out, let me watch you eat."

Ling Xing'er had already heard about the negotiations in the morning, and was worried in her heart, so she took the opportunity to ask: "Then how does the prince plan to deal with the conditions proposed by Yerten?"

"I don't know." Yun Yifeng rubbed his stomach, "It's the military regulations, so I'm not allowed to ask."

Li Jun was surprised when he heard this: "There are still such military regulations?"

Ling Xing'er was anxious: "Then..."

"Yerteng doesn't want money, horses or food, but ten cities in the northwest." Yun Yifeng handed her a cup of tea, "What do you think the prince can do?"

"Although we can't give it to the ten cities in the northwest, we can't take away the blood ganoderma." Ling Xing'er said, "It took me a long time to find the clue."

"My lord already has enough headaches, you, and you," Yun Yifeng looked at Li Jun, "don't bother him anymore, have you ever remembered?"

"There is no room for further discussion on this matter?" Li Jun asked, "Ten cities in the northwest, which ten cities are they?"

"Tiankuo, Changbi, Zongheng, Yunmang, Ningsha, Gushulian, Yumen, Yexian, Yinshan, and the Yancheng under your feet at this time." Yun Yifeng said, "From Yuanhe River to Beishan ends."

Ling Xing'er was speechless, such a large area

Li Jun also felt that the range was too wide, and Yerten was too greedy. But he said again: "But the other party only gave ten days, and it passed in a blink of an eye. How can there be room for us to discuss countermeasures slowly? In my opinion, it is better to agree to him first."

Yun Yifeng looked at him, as a member of the Daliang royal family, isn't your attitude too straightforward

Li Jun hastily added: "We will regret it immediately when we get the blood ganoderma lucidum!" Let's pretend to sign this covenant with him first, and then find an excuse to tear it up. There are 800,000 garrisons in Daliang in the northwest, and they will definitely beat the crap out of their opponents and flee back to Qingyang Grassland, and never dare to have other thoughts from then on.

Ling Xing'er didn't know much about state affairs, so hearing what he said was impassioned, she also felt that it made sense, so she asked, "Master, is it okay?"

Yun Yifeng shook his head: "No."

The enthusiasm was extinguished, and Li Jun said dejectedly: "Why not? I think this is clearly a clever plan!"

Yun Yifeng replied: "Because Yerten is not a three-year-old child, he is not so easy to deceive."

Even if Daliang is willing to cede it, the other party will certainly not readily reveal the whereabouts of the bloody Ganoderma lucidum just because of the flimsy covenant.

Li Jun asked again: "Then what else is he waiting for?"

"Wait until all the Heijiao battalions are evacuated, and all the garrisons in the ten cities in the northwest are replaced by the cavalry of the Geteng tribe." Yun Yifeng said, "Once this happens, even if the prince wants to tear up the covenant, it will not help. If you want to regain the country, It is bound to face a huge and tragic battle, at that time, the northwest will be ignited with raging fire, and the people will never have a moment of peace."

Li Jun was speechless.

Yun Yifeng said: "Compared to blood ganoderma, I hope that the prince can seize this opportunity and completely eradicate the hidden dangers on the border."

Li Jun and Ling Xing'er looked at each other and stopped talking. The two of them are enjoying themselves, and the other is naive and naive, they can't think of any earth-shattering good ideas, so they can only pin their hopes on Ji Yanran, thinking, such an invincible and majestic general is about to become the leader of Liang. Myths and legends, you can always find a way to protect the life of your loved one, right

However, Yun Yifeng is already planning what will happen after defeating the Ge Teng tribe.

He knew Ji Yanran's temper too well, this time Yerteng reached out to lift Nilin frequently, it was impossible not to push it back. What's more, this person is ambitious and has colluded with the rebel party. To Daliang, it is like a sharp sword hanging over his head. World War I was inevitable.

And he firmly believes that Daliang will win.

Departing from Yancheng in the northwest, heading to Green City in the south of the Yangtze River, you can pass many famous mountains and rivers with beautiful scenery along the way, and you can also go back to Chunlin City by the way. Yun Yifeng spread out a map and looked at it carefully. Li Jun and Ling Xing'er went in without knowing it, thinking that he was thinking about some serious military affairs, so they all left the front hall and sat in the warm corridor to continue chatting.

"King Pingle, tell me, if there is really no other way in the future, will the prince agree to Yerten's request?"

Li Jun sighed: "I'm afraid it won't work, ten cities, this is not a small matter, unless there is a compromise, for example, both sides take a step back."

Ling Xing'er didn't understand, what does it mean for both sides to take a step back, for example, Yerten only needs five cities? Will the prince agree

Li Jun was asked so that she didn't know how to answer, so she said, "If it were me, I would agree, give him five cities, and save people first."

Ling Xing'er: "..."

Li Jun was also quite confused, so she could only comfort her in general: "There must be a way."

"There must be a way."

In the barracks, Lin Ying also said the same. He brought a bowl of beef noodle soup, and said: "I've been busy all morning, my lord, let's have something to eat first."

Ji Yanran pushed the map aside: "How is Yerten's end?"

"After defeating the Night Wolf Witch Clan, the Kedeng tribe's army has been staying in the Baiyang Gobi." Lin Ying said, "And depending on the number of supply vehicles on the other side, they plan to stay there for a long time. In Yerten's tent, they did live There are several people of unknown origin, including a middle-aged woman with a noble temperament, who should be the 'sage in snow clothes'."

Ji Yanran asked: "Aunt Xueyi, is she from Daliang?"

"No." Lin Ying guessed what he meant, "According to the inquiring information, the other party has high cheekbones and deep eyes, and his height does not match Xie Hanyan's back then, he is much shorter."

Ji Yanran breathed a sigh of relief.

"We only have ten days." Lin Ying said again, "May I think about it and delay it for a while?"

"An extra ten or twenty days doesn't mean much to us." Ji Yanran shook her head, "Where are Zhou Jiuxiao and Yang Boqing?"

Lin Ying said: "The two of you have already escorted us over."

"Send a letter to Yerteng." Ji Yanran said, "Just say that the king promised to release him, and ask him, what is the so-called 'good way to get the emperor to agree to cede the ten northwest cities'."

As a lieutenant general, Lin Ying actually has the responsibility to remind the coach that the country is the most important thing at this time. But at the same time, he also felt that the lord is so understanding of righteousness, how can there be any need for others to say such nonsense that only increases irritability? It's better to shut up, so I just bowed my head and accepted the order, and went out to do errands.

It was finally quiet in the tent.

Ji Yanran rubbed her swollen temples, the string in her body that had been tense all day now even pulled out a sharp pain in her brain. The beef noodles in the bowl were no longer warm, and the white oily flakes were coagulated together, making my stomach twitch with pain. He leaned back on the big wolfskin chair, frowned and closed his eyes, and after half a stick of incense, he barely regained his energy and got up to return home.

When the sun was setting, the people in Yancheng also finished their work one after another, talking and laughing and walking home in groups. The tea and rice shops on both sides of the street were booming, and small vendors also took advantage of the crowds to set up various stalls, including those selling porcelain, blankets, and flowers. Naturally, it is still freezing and cold in early spring, and there are not many delicate flowers in the Northwest Plain, so what the stall owner sells are dead branches with dried flower buds, which are very beautiful when held together.

"My lord, this is Yan Yunmei." The other party introduced with a smile, "It's also called longevity flower."

Just because of the name, Ji Yanran bought a bunch, then went to the sugar cake shop, picked out two packs of pastries, and took them home together.

Yun Yifeng was playing with the little dolls in the same mansion, chattering, and seemed to be surrounded by a group of lively little sparrows, when seeing Ji Yanran come back, they all dispersed.

"I don't like to make noise on weekdays, why do I like it now?" Ji Yanran helped him up, "Next time, you are not allowed to sit on the steps."

"It's rare to be warm today, and the floor is covered with fur, so it's more enjoyable outside than in the room." Yun Yifeng looked at the dead branch, "Hey, what is this?"

"Yan Yunmei, there is your word 'cloud', so I bought it." Ji Yanran handed it to him, "Do you like it?"

"I like it." Yun Yifeng found a vase, inserted the bouquet of dried plums into it, and carefully arranged it into a beautiful and vigorous shape.

Ji Yanran hugged him from behind, looked at the flowers, and thought of the meaning of the phrase "longevity", it was as if a sharp knife sprang out of her heart, stabbing the flesh and blood to pieces.

He buried his face in that fair neck and didn't speak for a long time, for fear that if he spoke, he would lose control of his emotions.

"Tired?" Yun Yifeng patted his hands around his waist and chatted leisurely, "In the afternoon, I originally planned to go to the kitchen to have a look, but Aunt Wang was shocked when she saw me They were not allowed to enter, and they sent me away after stuffing a piece of snack.”

Ji Yanran said: "Yes."

"So, Aunt Yu is better, I don't know how she is doing recently." Yun Yifeng sighed, and placed the vase on the window sill, "Stand up, and I'll pour you a cup of hot tea."

"I don't want to drink." Ji Yanran said sullenly, "Let me hug you for a while."

The evening sun sinking in the west spilled into the window lattice and shone on the bunch of Yanyun plums, reflecting a mottled shadow.

The room was very quiet.

Ji Yanran just hugged him like that, and kept hugging him, motionless, as if she wanted to wait until the end of the years, until both of them were whiteheaded.

Yun Yifeng stood by the window, looking at the egg yolk-like sunset in the distance, watching it roll away and disappear into the sky.

The voices of the maids came from outside, it was about lighting the candles at night, Ji Yanran let go of her hand just now, and ordered someone to change a new pot of hot tea. His eyes were already bloodshot, like a ferocious beast trapped in a cage, depressed, embarrassed and manic. He originally wanted to cover up these emotions. In fact, in the barracks, he did cover up very well. Even Lin Ying I didn't even see the clues, I just thought that he was still planning a strategy and had a plan in his chest.

Yun Yifeng wrapped his arms around his waist, coaxing softly: "It's okay."

Ji Yanran tightened her arms, almost crushing her thin body in her arms. The night wind blew across her cheeks, making her face wet and cold.

"I will take good care of myself." Yun Yifeng said, "My lord just needs to do things, don't have to worry about anything."

Ji Yanran closed her eyes, her voice cracked: "What if I really do something wrong someday?"

"If there is such a day," Yun Yifeng leaned against his chest and sighed, "then I will kill myself before the prince does something wrong."

Ji Yanran's body froze suddenly, and his heart was as cold as falling into an ice cave. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "En."