A Sword of Frost

Chapter 112: Where is Ganoderma lucidum


The person who came was none other than the well-known Uncle Jiang in Jianghu, the hero of Jiangnan Zhen.

Since he is well-known, he is used to flattery and flattery in his daily life. This kind of embarrassing experience of "condescension and voluntary pursuit, but being rejected by the other party in public" has never happened before. Not to mention that Yun Yifeng can only be regarded as the younger generation among the younger generation to him—even more embarrassing.

"Yun'er is used to messing around with me, and he doesn't hide his words. Fifth Master Jiang, don't take offense." Ji Yanran smoothed things over, "Why, this happened to pass by Green City?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "I came here specially to find the prince and the master of Yunmen."

That's right, this verdant city is just a simple and simple town, not a major traffic hub, and there is no well-known Jianghu sect. A busy person like Jiang Nanzhen really shouldn't "just pass by" when he has nothing to do.

But making a special trip to find it is even more troublesome.

Yun Yifeng sighed and thought, how can I put it, there is really no peace and happiness in this life.

A group of uninvited guests sat opposite, no matter how lively the white shrimp was, and how delicious and mellow the water shield and ham soup, the meal would be no fun.

While eating shrimp, Yun Yifeng said slowly: "My lord and I went south this time, just to travel around the mountains and rivers, and didn't want to disturb others too much, so we avoided even official posthouses along the way, especially from Danfeng City to This section of the road in Green City is even more silent, how could Fifth Master Jiang know that we are here?"

His words were originally intended to lead the opponent into an army, but he never thought about it, but in exchange for an upright sentence: "It was Ling Xu who sent someone to send a message, saying that the prince and the master of Yunmen are living in Green Green City."

Yun Yifeng choked. Jiang Lingxu and Jiang Nanzhen in front of him should be fighting to the death for the position of head, so why did they exchange news. But after thinking about it, I realized that I went to someone else's house to turn the piano in the middle of the night, guessing that Jiang Lingxu was restless at this time, and because of Ji Yanran's identity, he couldn't send someone to investigate secretly, so he simply took this hot hand The potato was thrown to Jiangnan Zhen—as for Jiang Wuye, who has always been cunning and cunning, why he cooperated with the search this time, I am afraid that he has encountered some thorny troubles.

Ji Yanran asked: "Jiang Wuye, why did you find us?"

"For my fourth nephew, Ling Si." Jiang Nanzhen sighed deeply, "Family ugliness shouldn't be publicized, but... alas."

According to what he said, in this fight for the head of the Jiang family, the one who is most likely to be in the top position is not himself, not Jiang Lingxu, and even less Jiang Lingfei, but Jiang Lingsi, who keeps silent and always maintains a respectful and gentle attitude.

This corresponds to the news that "the Jiang family's fourth young master Jiang Lingsi and the martial arts leader Li Qinghai have a private friendship" heard by Feng Yumen a few years ago. Yun Yifeng remained calm and asked, "Why did Jiang Wuye say that?"

Jiangnan Doudao: "Ling Si has a very close relationship with the leader of the martial arts, and the two have been in secret contact for many years. This time, the elder brother was seriously injured and comatose, and the selection of a new head is imminent. Li Qinghai secretly united with dozens of sects, intending to put pressure on the Jiang family. , Fuling Temple is superior, but this matter must not be done!"

Ji Yanran said: "Although this king doesn't know much about the Central Plains martial arts, he also knows the position of the master. He has always been able to occupy it. Fourth Young Master Jiang has the ability to win over the leader and persuade the other sects to speak for him. If you are capable, why is it 'absolutely impossible'?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "If Lingsi's conduct is upright and can make the Jiang family flourish, then it's all right to hand over the century-old foundation passed down from the ancestors to him. But his virtue is flawed, and he will do anything to gain power. It was just found out that the eldest brother unexpectedly lost in the battle for the leader was also because Ling Si helped Li Qinghai and secretly tampered with food."

Things got a little serious when it came to this. The position of the leader of the martial arts alliance is so important. Over the years, the ranks have been ranked first for character, then for seniority, and second for martial arts. Winning or losing must be decided frankly and under the witness of the whole world. If Li Qinghai really obtained this position by using drugs and tricks, then the consequences may not be as simple as everyone screaming and beating - the dark prison under Xuanwu Lake, which never sees the sun, is specially designed for this kind of scum prepare.

Ji Yanran said: "Even so, what does that have to do with this king? Even if Jiang Wuye needs help to expose this major conspiracy with you, he should go to Young Master Jiang, or Ling Fei, or other highly respected people in the world." Those who are not worthy should not seek help from the imperial court under any circumstances."

"It's not just a matter of Jiang Hu." Jiang Jiang Zhen said, "If the report is correct, then on the third day of June, all sects will jointly submit a letter to the Wulin League, proposing Ling Si to take over as the head."

Ji Yanran really didn't understand this time, the nomination belongs to the nomination, but who to choose as the next head is the Jiang family's private matter. It's unlikely that a group of outsiders will recommend it, and this matter will really happen, which is too hasty.

Yun Yifeng said from the side: "My lord has never seen many martial arts disputes, so it is inevitable to think things too simply. Of course, it is not enough to just recommend. I am afraid that there will be not only nominations, but also some other means." .”

For example, Jiang Nanzhen and Jiang Lingxu have often been out and about in recent years. Whether it is to win connections or strengthen their power, in the world of adults, who has not done a few bad things to achieve their goals? If you want to find the stains on your personality, you can always find some. Usually it doesn't matter, but if you are exaggerated by someone with a heart, and the heads of all the sects put on a dignified and upright face, then I guess the whole world will be destroyed. It should all be condemned.

The reputation has been ruined, so what is the fight for the head. At that time, Jiang's family would be in chaos, and Jiang Lingsi's advantages would become very obvious - although he was usually inconspicuous, he was modest and polite, he would not offend anyone, and he was very popular. Literary talent and martial arts are not bad, and the grandfather's family is powerful and powerful, and has the support of many sects, so it is easy to rise to the top.

Of course, all of this is without Jiang Lingfei.

Ji Yanran is still very at ease with her cronies, and doesn't intend to interfere in the Jiang family's affairs. Just as she was about to find an excuse to send this person away, Jiang Nanzhen said: "To tell the truth, I want the prince to help me win the Jiang family's palm." The seat of the door."

Yun Yifeng put down his wine glass and coughed for a long time due to choking.

Why? !

Ji Yanran caressed his back with her palm, and was quite displeased with Jiang Nanzhen's rudeness.

"Why does this king want to help Jiang Wuye?"

Jiang Nanzhen replied: "I know where the blood ganoderma my lord and Master Yunmen are looking for."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

The last person who said that was already dead—even if he didn’t die, his fate would not be much better than being locked in a water prison under Xuanwu Lake, otherwise you should think about it again.

Jiang Nanzhen continued: "I want to be the leader so that I can sit down for a long time, and I dare not lie to the prince. The so-called 'mountain of corpses and sea of blood' rumors are not false at all, and I am indeed in the same place. In the eerie hell on earth, I saw a large piece of blood ganoderma."

According to what he said, it was many years ago. At that time, he didn't know what it was. He only felt that the glowing red stretched out in the gap between the white bones, covered with wet moon dew, and the tentacles were cold and numb, which was creepy. And this time, in order to verify, he went to the old place quietly again, and found that the bright red Ganoderma lucidum grew stronger and more vigorously, standing straight out of the eye sockets and ribs of the corpse like crazy.

Jiang Nanzhen raised his hand: "I would swear to God, if there is a false statement, I would be willing to die by a thousand swords."

Naturally, Ji Yanran would not believe it just because of a single oath. With Yerten's lessons learned, the Jiangnan Zhen who came out this time was exactly the same as the former in terms of methods and words, and it seemed to be directly used.

But thinking of Mei Zhusong's "more than a month" and Yun Yifeng's pale face, even if it's a false hope... at least it's hope.

"Hand over the blood ganoderma first." Ji Yanran said, "I promise you that after Yun'er recovers, I will let you be the head of the Jiang family."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "My lord is really a cheerful person. This is not a place to talk, so please come to the room to have a talk."

Yun Yifeng frowned slightly, he knew how old and cunning Jiang Nanzhen was. Empty talk about the blood ganoderma lucidum that has seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, it is not as good as Nayerteng last time, the latter sent Li Jun to bring a rare red mushroom that was rotten and moldy. No one has seen it. He naturally didn't want to die, but he didn't want Ji Yanran to become Jiangnan Zhen's tool to seize power because of the blood ganoderma. What if the other party lacked support and had greater ambitions? What if... what if it's fake again.

Thinking of this, his mind became more and more chaotic, he almost wanted to give up voluntarily, and even felt a little inexplicable, and he didn't know where it came from.

Ji Yanran held his hand and comforted him softly: "It's okay, even for Ling Fei, let's listen to his plan first."

Jiang Nanzhen packed up the entire inn, it was very quiet.

The old fox who has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time knows how to speak. Even if he was holding Yun Yifeng's fate to talk about the conditions, his posture was extremely low, and he said it conveniently as soon as he came up. In fact, this matter is also related to the court. Solving the hidden danger as soon as possible is also sharing the emperor's worries.

Ji Yanran repeated again: "Hand over the blood ganoderma first, and I will do what I promised you, otherwise nothing will be discussed."

Jiang Nanzhen nodded: "I don't want Master Yunmen to suffer, so the prince can see if this is okay?" He ordered his confidant to fetch a bundle, and after opening it, there were more than a dozen thick account books with yellowed and curled edges. With the year.

Yun Yifeng turned two pages, slightly surprised: "Jinfeng City, Dingjiang Water Transport...the account of salt smuggling? The amount is quite a lot."

"It's not just a lot, it's really daring, at least it's been seven or eight years." Jiang Nan Zhen said, "The local official of Jinfeng City is named Xu Yu, and the prince can't ignore this kind of moth who eats the king's salary but fills his own pocket. "

He spoke with righteous indignation, with his beard up and down, like an imperial envoy pleading for the people.

But what does this have to do with the head of the Jiang family

Even Yun Yifeng, who has insight into the affairs of the Jianghu, is a little confused at this moment.