A Sword of Frost

Chapter 116: Ganoderma lucidum everywhere


On weekdays, only experienced hunters and herbalists would have the courage to enter this ranger mountain together. The mountains are densely forested, and the path is steep and rugged. When encountering the most dangerous places, only withered vines and single trees can barely pass. The python wrapped itself around the branch calmly, staring at the group of intruders who did not want to die.

The army leading the way raised the knife and cut the black snake spitting out the letter to the side. Blue blood gushed out. Under the shroud of star dew, it looked like some kind of weird witchcraft. Mei Zhusong reminded: "Be careful to avoid it, it is poisonous!"

Everyone agreed, and more torches were lit in the team, illuminating the surroundings brighter and brighter like day. Yun Yifeng was also awakened by the bright light. He opened his eyes tiredly, and couldn't tell where he was for a while, but he could vaguely see a... skeleton among the dancing flames. ? He was standing among the trees, staring straight at himself.

He was taken aback.

"My lord!" The army in front also noticed the abnormality, and circled the torches in the woodland, only to see bones everywhere, scattered under the trees and in the grass, there were hundreds of people at least. The flesh and blood had already been gnawed by wild beasts, and the wet and greasy weather made the skeleton slippery. Some kind of mucus was dripping. The gloomy scene was not much better than that of Shura's Underworld.

Mei Zhusong asked in surprise, "Has there ever been a massacre here?"

"It's not like." Someone checked roughly, "Although the bones are scattered, there are no traces of swords and swords, only the tooth marks left by wild animals, more like lost and trapped." After digging out a few swords and washing away the stains with stream water, the exposed inscription was actually the mark of Daliang.

The troops that Ji Yanran brought with him on this trip were all young people in their twenties and thirties. No one had ever seen such a style of swords and guns, so they all speculated that they should be weapons used by the older generation. He casually asked Jiang Nanzhen, who was the oldest in the team, "Do you know Fifth Master?"

Jiang Nan shook his head, but Ji Yanran saw that the rusty wolf-head totem was the mark of Lu Guangyuan's army. After contacting the military books he had read in the early years and the bones in the old Hibiscus Town, he vaguely guessed something, but he had no time. Going deeper, I only ordered everyone to speed up, and strive to pass through Youxia Mountain at dusk tomorrow.

The dew in the moonlight is as cold as snow. Even though Yun Yifeng was wrapped in a thick cloak, he was still chilling to the bone. He lay on Ji Yanran's back, thinking in a daze, it's over, I must be dead. That's why he's so stiff. It seems that the older generation can't speak correctly. After death, they can't lose all their illnesses and feel relaxed. The pain is still unbearable. After thinking about it carefully, before I died, I didn't have time to say goodbye to my sweetheart, so I was even more wronged. Tears fell down line by line, soaking into Ji Yanran's collar, scalding his heart.

Listening to the occasional choked sobs, the rest of the people panicked in their hearts, wondering why the master of Yunmen was almost out of breath, his voice was like a sickly young animal, without a trace of vitality, as if it might happen at any time... Not daring to look at the prince's expression, all the generals stepped faster one after another, wielding long knives in their hands to cut off thorny branches, cutting a path for the two of them in this deep and dense forest.

After the stars faded, a line of pale white was vaguely revealed in the east, and the birds were singing melodiously, echoing melodiously in the mountains.

Ji Yanran fed Yun Yifeng some water, and stroked his back to avoid choking. The Jiangmen disciples who went to explore the way came back and reported: "Turn another bend, and you can go out of the mountain!" Half a day after leaving the mountain, you will find the old Mujin Town. Everyone was relieved that it was so dangerous.

Mei Zhusong fed Yun Yifeng a piece of ginseng antler, and was about to help him back to Ji Yanran's back, but a drop of rain fell on his palm.

But the morning sun was shining brightly through the leaves, and was busy sprinkling golden fragments on the ground. Where did the rain come from

"Be careful!" Jiang Nanzhen saw clearly from the opposite side, and his expression changed suddenly. At the same time, Ji Yanran had drawn his sword out of its sheath, and swung it upward with great force.

As if swept by a hurricane, the lush canopy violently swayed from side to side, thousands of leaves fell, and a huge red shadow fell from a height, hitting the ground with a "boom", and raised its head angrily. .

It was a giant blue and red snake with disgusting markings, as if suffering from an ugly skin disease, and the smelly sharp fangs and bright red forked snake letter in its mouth were even more disgusting. .

Mei Zhusong said: "It's a corpse-spotted python!"

The most ominous beast in the legend will attract this filth only when a person is about to die.

Ji Yanran originally planned to leave, but when he heard this unlucky name, his heart suddenly became angry. He swiped his sword with his backhand, and nine golden dragons roared out from the sword, instantly twisting the ferocious corpse-spotted python into a pile of rotten meat piece.

Long Yin came out of the sheath, even Jiang Nanzhen, who was as experienced as Jiang Nanzhen, couldn't help but be surprised.

Why did the Sword of the Son of Heaven, which was passed down from ancient times, fall into the hands of King Xiao

Ji Yanran had put her sword back into its sheath, picked up Yun Yifeng and continued walking forward. The person in his arms was so soft that he didn't even want to open his eyes anymore, and he didn't respond to his screams. His arms were hanging limply by his side, and only a little white fingertips were exposed on the cuffs, which swayed back and forth with his movements.

A group of people and horses drove out of the mountain first, and prepared horses for everyone in the nearby market. Ji Yanran gently carried Yun Yifeng onto the horse's back, not daring to look at that pale face, shook the reins with one hand, and headed towards Mujin Town gallop away.

He has completely panicked.

In this battle, there were no thousands of troops, no raging fire, and even no shadow of the opponent. The only thing there was the thin body in his arms, and the weaker and weaker breathing. It's like hugging a handful of fragile snow in winter, so frightened that you don't know what to do, afraid of being crushed, afraid of melting, afraid that if you don't pay attention, the other party will really be blown away in the howling wind. His heart felt like being cut by a sharp blade, and even breathing was painful. He held him tightly, his arms were stiff and he didn't dare to let go. Everything in the world seemed to have disappeared. He only had him, and there seemed to be nothing in front of him. There is a dead end.

After an unknown amount of time, a hibiscus floated gently under the horse's hoof.

Two, three.

Hundreds and thousands.

Purple clouds spread all over the foot of the mountain, piled up into a beautiful painting in the golden red sunset.

Hibiscus Town, Hibiscus Town.

Ji Yanran got off the horse, stumbled and walked forward with Yun Yifeng in her arms.

"Stop!" The soldiers patrolling the government are all locals, and they have never seen His Highness Xiao Wang, so they stepped forward to stop him, "This is the government—"

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped flying three feet away with a palm. After struggling to get up, he ran back to the county in a panic to report the letter.

Ji Yanran grabbed the vine with one hand and jumped into the deep canyon.

He stomped on the weather-beaten white bones and cracked them, and the bright red Ganoderma lucidum between the bones, which was carefree and growing well, was also squashed with one foot, dripping dripping water. The juice is coming.

There was a faint fragrance in the air, and Yun Yifeng's eyelashes trembled slightly.

The last touch of the setting sun gently caressed the bones all over the ground, and "Gulu" disappeared on the other side of the mountain.

Silently, the dew condensed on those red umbrella covers, like clear pearls one after another, trembling with the wind.

Born among the bones of the dead, watered by blood and resentment, all over the mountains and plains, the moon dew and the stars shine.

When Yun Yifeng woke up, she was lying on a bed, an uncomfortable bed.

It was very quiet all around, not even a chicken crowing or a dog barking.

He stared at the top of the bed for a long time, using it to judge whether he was dead or alive. Logically speaking, the skeleton frame was standing in front of him, and it seemed that there was no reason to continue living, but this place was so real. It's not like the underworld, but like a farm.

Mei Zhusong pushed the door in and said with a smile, "Master Yunmen, are you awake?"

Yun Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was not dead.

My own life is quite long.

"Come on, take the medicine first." Mei Zhusong helped him to sit up, handed over a bowl of bright red... syrup, and said, "While it's hot."

Yun Yifeng just sniffed it, and wrinkled his nose and eyebrows, wishing he could fly to the sky. What right does this disgusting thing have to drink while it's hot

Mei Zhusong laughed even more happily, and stared at him fiercely, as if possessed by an evil spirit.

Yun Yifeng's back felt numb, she moved into the bed, and said vigilantly: "Senior, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, and you're fine." Mei Zhusong was still holding the bowl, overjoyed, "Do you know what this is?"

Yun Yifeng replied: "Dog's blood." It is reasonable for him to wake up from a serious illness and be unresponsive.

Mei Zhusong laughed loudly and said, "It's blood ganoderma!"

There was a "bang" in Yun Yifeng's mind, and he stared blankly at him, unable to react for a long time.

Mei Zhusong said again: "Just look out of the window, there are mountains and plains, everywhere."

Because the blood ganoderma would rot within half an hour after picking it off, so everyone simply built several huts in the canyon, intending to wait for Yun Yifeng to fully recover before leaving.

While the other party was still in a daze, Mei Zhusong forced him down the bowl of Ganoderma lucidum paste.

The medicine that I have been thinking about can be said to be as unpalatable as it is, and when I think about it growing from a skeleton, the taste is even more difficult to describe. In addition, the grassland doctor's rough feeding method with local characteristics, Yun Yifeng Lie on the side of the bed coughing dryly for a long time, choking so that the eye sockets are light red, and tears are about to fall.

Ji Yanran supported him in time: "Yun'er?"

Mei Zhusong put away the empty bowl, and happily closed the door for the two of them.

"What's wrong?" Ji Yanran wiped away his tears with her thumb, and asked worriedly, "You still don't feel well?"

Yun Yifeng looked at him for a while, calmly said: "Yes."

Then he said, "Kiss me once, and I'll feel comfortable after kissing."

Three or five soldiers passed by the window and just heard such a sentence, so they speeded up their pace at the same time.

I couldn't help thinking, why does it sound like the prince is the one being molested

Master Yunmen can really do it.

The author has something to say:

Three or five soldiers: I think we have reversed CP.JPG