A Sword of Frost

Chapter 16: Do you want to cooperate?


And in Cold Mist City, Wu Suosi was holding his hands in his hands, chatting with the waiter in the inn without saying a word. He pretended to be a fur merchant, and this time he was going to sell a batch of goods to the Baicha Kingdom, but he heard that there was a banditry in Sanchunguan, and it was not peaceful, so he wanted to find an escort to escort him along the way.

"Escort Bureau?" Xiaoer shook his head as soon as he heard it, "It's really unfortunate that there used to be an Escort Bureau in this city, the Yue Family Escort Bureau, and its business is big and grand, but a notice was posted a few days ago, saying that something happened at home. , not doing business for the time being."

Wu Suosi asked, "What happened?"

"Who knows." Xiao Er lowered his voice, "Those Jianghu sects shouted and killed every now and then, perhaps to avoid their enemies."

Wu Suosi came to a sudden: "So that's how it is."

Wu Suosi was grateful again and said: "It's fortunate that my little brother is well informed, otherwise if I ran to the bodyguard of Yue's family in a daze, and just happened to catch up with my opponent to seek revenge, wouldn't it be a disaster." He took out a small ingot of broken silver and forced it into the opponent's hand. Xiao Er also followed suit, laughing, Yuejia Escort Bureau has not accepted business recently, this is something that the whole city knows, it is really not "well-informed", and the money is also lenient. In order to make up for this guilty conscience, he rummaged and talked for a long time, stuttering and revealing all the news about Yue Mingwei in the streets and alleys, and then went downstairs to greet the guests. Wu Suosi sat back at the table and said to Lin Ying: "Have you heard it? What do you think? The prince is trapped in the snow mountain, but there is no movement in this city, and the followers and disciples of the Fengyumen who he brought are also detained in the Where, the people still say that the scenery on the mountain is magnificent, and the rich people are happy to miss Sichuan."

Lin Ying broke open a steamed stuffed bun: "My lord has ordered us to wait in the city with peace of mind, and we don't need to help."

"I don't know how long I'll have to wait." Wu Suosi was bored, and said again, "By the way, you will come with me to Yuelao Temple later."

Lin Ying didn't change his face, and refused straight away: "Two big men go to Yuelao Temple together. The rumors are so ugly, and it will damage my reputation. Don't go."

Wu Suosi consoled her earnestly: "Bathing in the desert with bare buttocks every day, your boudoir reputation has long been gone, it is better to break the jar. It is said that the Yuelao Temple here is very effective. Marriage."

Lin Ying said solemnly: "For something like a red thread, a couple of lovers go to ask for it together. How can there be any reason for others to do it for you? Yuelao is also getting old at that time. Tell me, who do you ask to judge this?"

Wu Suosi fell silent when he heard the words, and felt that there seemed to be some truth.

Lin Ying took advantage of the victory to pursue him, and made him a plate of steamed buns and a bowl of porridge, just asking for a moment of silence in his ears.

At this time, another Taoist came up from the stairs, with two goatee beards, and the banner of "magic tricks" on his shoulders. Although it was winter, he was still wearing a gray thin shirt, and he was indeed somewhat fairy-like. Stance.

Xiao Er knew him very well, and greeted him with a smile when they met, and quickly prepared good wine and food. Wu Suosi was bored at idle, saw that the old Taoist priest was good-looking, so he took the time to call Xiaoer over and asked, "Is that Taoist priest on the table in the corner a fortune-teller?"

Lin Ying: "..."

"Spirit, why doesn't it work." Xiao Er continued, "Daoist Qiu is a Taoist immortal, he is very effective in fortune-telling, Anjia Town House is also a good hand, rich families in the Northeast are waiting in line to invite them."

"Really?" Wu Suosi became interested, and took out a birthday card from his bosom with a "crash", "Then I'll do the math too."

Lin Ying was dumbfounded, how could you still carry this thing with you

"Don't worry." Wu Suosi whispered in his ear, "It's not the prince's, it's Yun Yifeng's."

Lin Ying became more and more dazed when she heard it, and wondered if it was because the old lady was too ruthless and drove old Wu crazy, even not letting go of the birth date of the master of the Fengyumen, she almost shed tears.

"Mr. Lin." The subordinate next to him explained in a low voice, "Mr. Wu wanted to test the luck for the lord, but can the horoscope of the lord's birthday be given out casually? So I can only use someone else to replace it." Yun Yifeng went together, to a large extent, Yun Yifeng's luck was also Ji Yanran's luck.

Lin Ying: "..."


Daoist Qiu never had the air of an expert when it comes to collecting money and doing things. He took the silver ingot from Wu Suosi, looked at the date of birth for a long time with a smile on his face, then shook his head and said, "I can't tell."

Wu Suosi was dissatisfied: "Why?"

Qiu Daozhang said: "The fate of the Tian family can't be said, but this person's fate is tightly intertwined with the fate of the Tian family, almost integrated. It can't be solved, and it can't be seen clearly."

Wu Suosi was startled when he heard that, this...is he really a half-immortal

He hurriedly asked again: "Which way of detour?"

Daoist Qiu and him stared wide-eyed, unable to understand what kind of detour.

Wu Suosi had no choice but to describe in detail: "Is it an auspicious winding, or a dangerous winding?"

Qiu Daochang stroked his beard: "I met a spark in the cold wind and snow, and I met a gleam of light in the long dark night."

Wu Suosi's eyes were intense: "What do you mean?"

Daoist Qiu looked at the uneducated man sympathetically, fluttered his long sleeves, and left lightly.


Good luck.

The peaks and turns turn, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

On the top of Misty Peak, black clouds were as dark as darkness, and dull thunder came faintly from the horizon.

The ground centipede scrambled to the edge of the cliff, looked at the broken vines, and said in amazement: "Well, it was fine last night, why did it happen overnight... who, who did it!"

The rest of the people stood behind him, all silent, only Aunt Yu leaned closer to Liu Xianxian, and said tremblingly, "Did someone cut it off?"

"What do you mean?" Jin Huan asked anxiously after hearing this.

Yun Yifeng explained: "The vines that can go down the mountain have all been cut off."

Jin Huan's knees softened, relying on Ji Yanran to not fall to the ground: "Who did it? Are there any footprints?"

There are no footprints, and there will be no footprints. The storm at dawn is enough to cover all traces. Yun Yifeng glanced at the crowd and said: "It's going to snow soon, let's reward the Snow Pavilion first."

If it was said that the centipede had been fooling around before and didn't take everything seriously, then when he saw those broken vines, he really felt the fear—the fear of death. He followed everyone back to the front hall and sat around the brazier. Although the room was warm, he still couldn't stop his trembling hands.

Yun Yifeng used the tea bowl lid to skim off the froth in the cup, but did not speak. But Liu Xianxian couldn't hold back, and said first: "I was with my aunt last night and never left the Meteor Pavilion."

"Yeah." Aunt Yu also said, "We slept soundly last night, and it was dawn in one go."

Jin Huan held Ji Yanran with one hand, and looked for Mu Chengxue in the hall with his loose eyes: "You did it, didn't you!"

The ground centipede was stared at innocently, and complained: "I really didn't do anything, I was locked in the side hall of Xinuan Pavilion last night, and I was almost frozen to death."

When he said this, Mu Chengxue's suspicion was added two more points. This time, even Liu Xianxian asked, "Hey, what did you do last night?"

Mu Chengxue said: "Sleep."

Liu Xianxian asked again: "Is there any evidence?"

Mu Chengxue said: "No."

His tone was cold, and he had a reputation for murder. Naturally, Liu Xianxian didn't dare to be too presumptuous, so she just muttered something in a low voice. There was no evidence that she was full of doubts, but she was very confident.

Yun Yifeng rounded the field: "The murderer may not be in this hall. Since the ground centipede can break in, it is unknown that other people can find other ways. Besides, there is Yue Zhihua who is missing. Since everyone is together A ship can't just kill each other in a daze."

"That's right." Liu Xianxian was depressed, "But what's going on now, even if it's haunted, you have to find out the ghost first! Or is it that Yue Zhihua is hiding in a secret passage somewhere, Looking at us coldly?"

The ground centipede shook his head: "In the Snow Appreciation Pavilion, there is no secret passage leading to the outside."

Ji Yanran asked: "Why?"

The centipede replied honestly: "Because I touched it carefully the last time I came to steal it."

There were so many good things on the mountain, and there was almost no defense. The peerless thief was like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl. He lived happily for nearly half a month, until he knocked every inch of the floor to make sure that there was no more oil to fish. , Just now I was satisfied and went down the mountain.

In fact, at the beginning of being trapped in the snow mountain, everyone had seriously considered the matter of the secret passage. When Yue Zhihua disappeared, they even checked the Shangxue Pavilion carefully. , I still feel a little depressed.

Liu Xianxian asked again: "What should we do next?"

The ground centipede was heartbroken, and he slapped the table and said, "Why don't we just kill it like this! It's impossible for the Thunderbolt to bury the whole mountain, so we can always find a clean path. Is it possible that we are waiting to die here in vain?"

Yun Yifeng nodded: "Good way, please first."

Earth Centipede: "..."

The ground centipede drooped his face, and sat back obediently.

The room became silent again. After a long time, Jin Huan suddenly said: "Ji Shaoxia, Master Yunmen, where were you last night?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to the two.

Ji Yanran remained calm: "Brother Jin, what is the meaning of this?"

"After I passed out last night, I didn't know what happened outside." Jin Huan's voice was a little weak, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "It must have been a long time, right? Since everyone has suspicions, naturally everyone has to say Please don't blame me for what I did once."

Yun Yifeng said: "Last night I stayed in the front hall of Guanyue Pavilion and slept on my stomach for a while on the way."

Jin Huan asked again: "What about Ji Shaoxia?"

"We have been together." Ji Yanran replied, "We haven't been separated for a moment."

Liu Xianxian interjected: "But Master Yun just said that he fell asleep for a while, and when he fell asleep, who can testify for you?"

Yun Yifeng said: "I can."

Everyone was puzzled.

Yun Yifeng cleared his throat, and explained patiently: "I slept with my pillow on brother Ji's arm, so it can be proved that he did sit motionless for more than an hour."

Liu Xianxian: "..."


Although a big man needs to sleep on the arm of another big man, no matter how it sounds, it is a bit inexplicable, but at least it can be confirmed by each other. Jin Huan heaved a sigh of relief, bowed his head and said, "I was suspicious."

"At such a juncture, we should be more vigilant." Yun Yifeng said, "Brother Jin saw his eyes red and swollen. He should rest more after being poisoned. Let's go back and rest first."

Jin Huan fumbled to stand up, and said anxiously: "Then my father..."

"It will be placed under the corridor of Guanyue Pavilion first." Yun Yifeng said, "It will not be too late to prepare for the funeral after Brother Jin's eyesight recovers."

Jin Huan agreed. In the afternoon, everyone built a simple wooden bed in the corridor and put Jin Manlin's body on it. Liu Xianxian looked at the dangling head, and said with a pale face, "It's so tragic that even the head was cut off."

"Don't talk about it in the future." Yun Yifeng reminded, "Don't make brother Jin feel sad."

"Well, I understand." Seeing that there was no one else around, Liu Xianxian whispered again, "I didn't mean to add insult to injury, but I just wanted to remind you that the Jin family and his sons often plotted secretly, and they didn't know what they were talking about when they got together. I just said this, Master Yunmen still remember?"

Yun Yifeng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Huh?"

"Anyway, I've told you everything I know, and I believe you." Liu Xianxian crushed the pebbles with the sole of her shoe, and said angrily, "Although you gave me poison!"

Yun Yifeng smiled and said: "Miss, just protect Aunt Yu well, and don't worry about the rest."

Liu Xianxian continued to ask, "Then what are your plans for the future?"

"Let's talk to Mu Chengxue first." Yun Yifeng said, "At least find out why he went up the mountain."

In the Xinuang Pavilion, Mu Chengxue was sitting alone in the courtyard, looking at the white snow ball on his lap expressionlessly. This brother Diao didn't know if he was out of his mind, first he swaggered in the living room and ate snacks for a long time, then he jumped on the legs of the number one killer in the Jianghu, and began to sleep soundly on his back, heartless to the extreme.

Ji Yanran pushed the door open and entered the courtyard.

Mu Chengxue's hand that was about to touch it froze in the air, and raised her eyes coldly, what's wrong with you

Ji Yanran didn't make a detour, and straight to the point said: "Why did you come to Misty Peak?"

Mu Chengxue put the mink on the stone table: "Because Yue Mingwei paid to hire me."

Ji Yanran asked again: "Kill who?"

Mu Chengxue replied, "I don't know."

Ji Yanran frowned slightly.

Mu Chengxue looked at him, "Do you want to cooperate?"

As the evening approached, Ji Yanran just returned to Guanyue Pavilion.

Yun Yifeng was drinking tea with Jin Huan in the front hall, and after seeing him, he said: "We were just talking about it, it's almost dark today."

"Talked with Mu Chengxue for a few more words." Ji Yanran asked, "How is brother Jin's eyes?"

"I still can't see clearly, but it's much better than at noon." Jin Huan tentatively probed, "Have we talked for so long, but did we get a result?"

Ji Yanran said: "Mu Chengxue said that the reason why he went up the mountain was that he was deceived by Yue Mingwei, and he didn't even know who to kill."

Jin Huan was taken aback when he heard that: "So confused? That's the number one killer."

"I also find it unbelievable." Ji Yanran said, "But the other party is very forthright, and even said that he will cooperate with us, and no one can kill anyone before going down the mountain."

"Then how?" Jin Huan became excited. "When my father was alive, he said that the only people who can kill people on this mountain for no reason are killers. Now if we believe in him, we will be hacked by him and continue to raise ghosts. Isn't it... isn't it..." He said excitedly, his chest heaved violently, and he didn't say "Isn't it" for a long time, but he made his eyes redder and more terrifying.

Yun Yifeng hurriedly coaxed him: "Brother Jin, don't be annoyed, your eyes are important."

Jin Huan was so anxious that his face was cramping, and he seemed to have decided that Mu Chengxue was the murderer behind the scenes, but although his heart was full of hatred, he couldn't ignore his eyes and rushed out to take revenge. In the end, he just drank half a pot of ice-cold tea like a cow, It was just a little calmer.

Ji Yanran carried him to stand up: "Brother Jin, let's go back to the inner room and rest."

Jin Huan hugged the door frame: "I'm not sleepy yet."

Ji Yanran said bluntly: "But I have something private to say to Master Yunmen, it is inconvenient for others to hear it."

Jin Huan felt goosebumps when he heard that, what did you say

Ji Yanran threw him back into the bedroom, turned around and returned to Yun Yifeng, and said mysteriously: "Come, come, let me show you the good things in my cloak."

Jin Huan finally reached the door and eavesdropped: "..."